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Problems,With Ear Preasure During Flights,After Indian Ear Candle Treatment!?


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one week ago,i did first time in my life a india earcandle threatment in kuala lumpur

in a chineese massagehouse!

, alot of sekrets in diffrent colors come out,but now my ears are very sensitive when its windy! sudd

3 days ago,on the back flight,from KL To Ppihuket,the air asia pilot go down very quickly,for around 20 Minutes before landing,i gotproblems with very painfull ear preasure,and not hear very good,it feels like a sudden deafness ,now iam not sure is this normal,and i have to consult a doctor?

my sister do the same treatment and got the same problem,in internet i find not much information about this,some source say is good when you do,others not!

so ihope the earpreasure problems during flights disapear soon,any medical advice?

what i should do,when the sensitiivy not disapear?

thank for your help!

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Yes, go see a good physician.

Related to your question is this "Indian Candle Wax treatment." I've never heard of it. Honestly, when it comes to the ears, letting the body - ear - take care of itself if the best way to go, IMO.

This included, avoiding the wax removal, when a barber sticks a long metal rod into your ear to remove wax. The was is in the out ear to protect the ear, and it falls out naturally in minutely small amounts.

"Don't stick anything smaller than you elbow in your ear."

Good luck and keep us posted.

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There may be a substance stuck in the canal that blocks it temporarily. This would account for the earache when descending; air trapped between the eardrum and the wax plug or foreign body plug would have prevented the air from escaping when descending, causing pressure on the drum and pain.

Have the ear examined by an ENT doc.

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