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Hello to those of you who might be able to help me.

I am technologically deficient, so I am afraid technical information needs to be easy to understand.

I live in Chiang Rai and I am very happy where I live but it seems I cannot get effiicent internet or internet television.

When I first came to where I live there were problems with the internet and I paid 4,000BHT up-front to fix these. However, the problem has steadily gotten worse. TOT comes every second week, but nothing is fixed. I have a wireless connection to my Thai host's computer. His computer works fine. I have kept a log, but this does not seem to be of interest to the TOT technicians. I get every few minutes a DSL failure notification. I have tried everything.

I do not want to move out, because I love where I live, but I am going to have to relocate if I cannot get internet.

So, 2 questions.

a. What to do about internet? I am given to understand that if I pay another 1,200BHT a month a better service might be provided.

b. I am told that if I wait another 3 months a better service might be provided. (Some new technology is being introduced.)

Question 2:

If I have to move, is there anywhere I could rent an apartment or cottage with internet near Chiang Rai?

I am at my wit's end.

Your suggestions would be appreciated.

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How many meters from the host computer to yours?

How many meters from host router to yours?

Then, is it feasible to run a hard line to your computer?

If not, then maybe the host needs to install the router much closer to you and run a hard wire to the host computer.

Dunno all of your particulars but if the host computer is working good, yours should be able to work good if set up right. Now, if you are actually using the wireless to connect to the host computer and not a router, then in my understanding, your computer will be very slow as the host computer takes priority.

I am no computer guy. That is the way it has been explained to me.

Can't see the need to spend more money unless it is for a hard line. Shouldn't be a need to move, either, if the host computer has good speed on the Internet. What you need is there, you just don't have good access to it and that can be overcome.

Someone much more knowledgeable than myself in these matters will be along soon enough.

From your explanation, I am guessing that you are actually connecting wirelessly to the host computer, which is not good. Better to connect to the router.


your question just brings lots of questions for me .

Where are you located ? in town or out in the sticks ?

why do you have wireless connection to your Thai Hosts Computer ? Its sort of unusual !? No ?

Do you have a contract with TOT yourself or is the contract with your hosts computer ?

how much are you paying per month at the moment ?


6 Megs from TOT is about 600 or 700 baht per month.

It is more than sufficiant for streaming music, video's and internet TV. It is not perfect all the time, but the best you can hope for. It will occassionally lag or be slow.

Sounds like you need your own direct line internet connection, not wireles from another person's computer or router.


I suspect he is connected to the router rather than the pc, and I suspect that there are obstacles, walls, doors, corners etc between him and the router affecting the signal and connection.

What I would do is take the laptop to the where his Thai host's computer is, and (with permission of course), unplug the network cable connecting the host's computer to the router/modem and plug that cable into the slot on the laptop (first unplugging the wireless card or switching it off if it is inbuilt) so that you are connected to the internet via a wired connection only.

If after some testing you find that this alleviates the problem, then I would measure how long a cable I needed to connect the modem to where I normally would have my pc and then go out and buy one. HOWEVER, before doing so, check that the modem has sufficient slots on the back to plug in more than one ethernet cable. Generally there will be either 1 or 4 slots. If the modem only has one, then this won't work, but there are other solutions ou could try.

Let us know.


Need lots more info as Jubby posted. At the moment we are peeing in the dark trying to guess all the combinations.

Secondly ignore the 6mB figure posted above that is just a package price and is misinformation. Even if you have a direct

ToT connection (not piggybacking wirelessly) you will not get 6mB even if you are close to the nearest PoP (point of presence).

ToT experiences lots of DSL drop outs even on good lines. This will not necessarily effect your phone line

but If your post reads correctly your telephone line is dropping as well? Confirm this please.

Also I will repeat what everybody is asking for:- Give us all the info you can. Even the small stuff.

Including how far away you are from the PoP. If you dont know ToT can tell you.

Is your telephone line noisy?


If you are totally clueless to the questions asked, there are computer techs that will come to your location if in the city, and see what the problem is for a reasonable fee. The HP shop behind Overbrook hospital for one. The trick is having a Thai interpreter and telling him what the problem is in terms he can understand.:jap:


CMjantje, what in the OP indicates to you that he/she is trolling?

Raylo. My normal download speed in Bahn Namlat is well over 5Mbps. only slows down a little when the kids get out of school. Between 3-6 pm say. Our TOT line is an existing dedicated line, not 3BB, that was originally installed on the old 3-4 Mbps tariff. It has steadily been increased as TOT has seen fit to do so,No phone is connected to this line. So decent speeds are available if you are lucky enough to be in the right locations.

Paul888, good advice.



I may be wrong , but TOT only has 5 Megs,and your luckey to get 3.even if the Terminal is next door. 3BB is better i get over 6 sometimes for the same price,around 650 Bht. Compared to Korea, its a farce here.:angry:


He must be off line as he has not answered any questions..very poor post..Help is needed here in more ways than one...

I think it is the perfect post and a great starting point for the person seeking help. If the person was technically proficient and could explain all of it down to the finer points without being prodded and prompted, then the person would be knowledgeable enough to not even be asking for help in the first place.


I may be wrong , but TOT only has 5 Megs,and your luckey to get 3.even if the Terminal is next door. 3BB is better i get over 6 sometimes for the same price,around 650 Bht. Compared to Korea, its a farce here.:angry:

Thanks Wandrin

It doesnt matter what you tell certain people they will always argue something different.

If by some freak of technological nature you are logging on at 5mB or higher as your screenshot shows you are a very lucky man(?)

AS David says the OP has not come back and it was a very poor post. If we get some more info we can comment on it.



He must be off line as he has not answered any questions..very poor post..Help is needed here in more ways than one...

I think it is the perfect post and a great starting point for the person seeking help. If the person was technically proficient and could explain all of it down to the finer points without being prodded and prompted, then the person would be knowledgeable enough to not even be asking for help in the first place.

Kandy you always see the good in people and that is an admirable trait.

What everyone is saying is that there was not enough info posted to understand the issue correctly.

What was given can still mean a lot of things without anyone being able to give valid advice

in lieu of speculation and getting off the post as well which will happen.

I have just spent the last 10 months going through a similar issue with ToT and I definitely do have a telephone line.

We ( I had to help the ToT techs) ended fitting a digital line extender (DLE) down the road. Anyone who knows DLE knows

it is a poor fix but it is the best I can get till they install a new PoP closer to my dwelling.

Yes I am way out in the sticks and yes I do know what and how a DLE works plus physical line characteristics for service delivery.



Who is arguing. I only stated what I see in front of me on my computer. As I stated in my post;"So decent speeds are available if you are lucky enough to be in the right locations", You do not have to tell me I am lucky when I have already told you the same thing.

And it must be a miracle when we are dicussing this very topic that another freak of nature occurs and I am obtaining the speeds that I have stated.

I suspect that the OP has not been back online as he is already receiving criticism rather than help from certain people.

Oh, and by the way, my screen shot was taken wirelessly from my laptop whilst sitting outside in my sala drinking my morning coffee.

C35B :coffee1::wai:



Who is arguing. I only stated what I see in front of me on my computer. As I stated in my post;"So decent speeds are available if you are lucky enough to be in the right locations", You do not have to tell me I am lucky when I have already told you the same thing.

And it must be a miracle when we are dicussing this very topic that another freak of nature occurs and I am obtaining the speeds that I have stated.

I suspect that the OP has not been back online as he is already receiving criticism rather than help from certain people.

Oh, and by the way, my screen shot was taken wirelessly from my laptop whilst sitting outside in my sala drinking my morning coffee.

C35B :coffee1::wai:

Hope you enjoyed your coffee. Wish I had a sala

Still reckon you are lucky. Now on 2 counts of ToT service speed and having a sala

As to the OP: maybe criticism and maybe you might note that quite afew people were trying to assist him as he requested

but asked that he provide more and valid info. We all read that he was not technically savvy.

Out of curiosity: You said you dont have a telephone but does your line still terminate on the standard grey splitter box

inside the house? Not the one outside with the arrestor inside.


The TOT line is for internet only. I do have a TT+T line for phone only.

The TOT line Does terminate outside next to the TT+T line. From there to a conventional rj45 socket indoors.

I installed my own "spring loaded double action HW snapswitch" to increase my "DSL intensity". It seems to be working ok.


C35B. :wai:


Here we go! Lol..I can see most people would like to help this poor chap.I myself would to. In his post he asks if anyone knows somewhere else he could stay with internet so I suspect he is in a guest house or the like.But Kandaha it is a poor post.I could recommend a lot of things and places to stay but maybe not too close to me until I know more about the guy! BTY Kandaha that was a joke. ...


Yes, the information given could mean a lot of things. Apparently, the person giving the info isn't well-versed in the technology.

If the person was well-versed enough to post the exact problem and circumstances, then the post would have been pretty much a concise recipe for the fix instead of a request for help. Now THAT could pretty much be a certified troll post.

I don't get the troll comment. Many people, including the one posting said comment, often pose a query here and then sit back for quite some time before answering the replies or giving more info. I often wonder what makes people think the worst first when there are other sensible options.

I also often wonder why people think that THEIR reality is the ONLY reality. One person's experience isn't always representative of the whole truth. Weird stuff happens. I have seen it too many times in my life to believe otherwise. That makes it pretty easy for me to accept that the other person does indeed have the experience that they claim.

No answer back from the OP but I suspect the OP has a life and will get back to this when there is time and a decent connection, if only for a few minutes.

Some of the critical comments bring to mind a recent event in the US. A woman drove her car, with kids inside, down a road and into floodwaters. She thought the waters were low enough that she could make the crossing without incident. The car stalled and the waters rose quickly and had a lot of force. She dialed 911, which is the emergency number in the US, and explained her situation to the operator and asked for help. The operator proceeded to berate her for her ignorance in driving into floodwaters and continued to question her about why she would do something so stupid. By the time the operator finally directed help to her, the rescuers could only save one child. Anecdotally, the child they went after refused help until his brother had been rescued first. They grabbed his brother and saved him. The waters had risen too fast and become too powerful. Mother and other son perished because of the time wasted in scolding her and questioning why she did what she did.

I think a person should be able to ask for help and get help without criticism, even if that means that the helpers have to ask for more relevant info. Again, if the people asking had all of the answers, they wouldn't be asking. There is nothing to be gained by pointing out that the person asking for help hasn't met the standards of the experts. That person is already aware of their shortcomings in knowledge of the subject. It is just too easy to ask for clarification while keeping the dignity of the person in need intact.

I know a lot of stuff. I am a subject matter expert in a lot of things, although a whole lot of them are useless in the civilian world. At the same time, I am totally ignorant of other subjects and would have a hard time forming a question about some subjects. It would be nice to know that there are experts out there who would be decent enough to ask for the information they need to help me without them pointing out that I am not smart enough about the subject to look smart. But then again, that is MY reality only. You all have your own.


It is quite clear to some that the main contributory factor in the OP not forming his post to the satisfaction of some, is in fact his lack of proficiency in the subject being queried.

I am no angel on TV as some of you already know but jeez, give the guy a break.


Maybe this guy is SF! No as he mentioned cottages so thats a good sign as he is probrly English and very new to the Kingdom.

Maybe SF, I do suspect he's a Hillbilly from out past the windmill on one of those sintanee estates or something :D

But seriously, it was just a post for help that triggered a few questions. Hopefully when the Troll, sorry Op gets back online, he'll answer them. Just Joking folks :lol:

I don't think we need to worry about how fast the line is at the moment. he just wants a stable service at the moment.

In my current metaphysical reality I know where I can get 7 meg. I currently get 256K, slow but very stable ;)

Davidwright .. Did we ever meet!? ..... I'm just wondering :unsure:


Yes, the information given could mean a lot of things. Apparently, the person giving the info isn't well-versed in the technology.

If the person was well-versed enough to post the exact problem and circumstances, then the post would have been pretty much a concise recipe for the fix instead of a request for help. Now THAT could pretty much be a certified troll post.

I don't get the troll comment. Many people, including the one posting said comment, often pose a query here and then sit back for quite some time before answering the replies or giving more info. I often wonder what makes people think the worst first when there are other sensible options.

I also often wonder why people think that THEIR reality is the ONLY reality. One person's experience isn't always representative of the whole truth. Weird stuff happens. I have seen it too many times in my life to believe otherwise. That makes it pretty easy for me to accept that the other person does indeed have the experience that they claim.

No answer back from the OP but I suspect the OP has a life and will get back to this when there is time and a decent connection, if only for a few minutes.

Some of the critical comments bring to mind a recent event in the US. A woman drove her car, with kids inside, down a road and into floodwaters. She thought the waters were low enough that she could make the crossing without incident. The car stalled and the waters rose quickly and had a lot of force. She dialed 911, which is the emergency number in the US, and explained her situation to the operator and asked for help. The operator proceeded to berate her for her ignorance in driving into floodwaters and continued to question her about why she would do something so stupid. By the time the operator finally directed help to her, the rescuers could only save one child. Anecdotally, the child they went after refused help until his brother had been rescued first. They grabbed his brother and saved him. The waters had risen too fast and become too powerful. Mother and other son perished because of the time wasted in scolding her and questioning why she did what she did.

I think a person should be able to ask for help and get help without criticism, even if that means that the helpers have to ask for more relevant info. Again, if the people asking had all of the answers, they wouldn't be asking. There is nothing to be gained by pointing out that the person asking for help hasn't met the standards of the experts. That person is already aware of their shortcomings in knowledge of the subject. It is just too easy to ask for clarification while keeping the dignity of the person in need intact.

I know a lot of stuff. I am a subject matter expert in a lot of things, although a whole lot of them are useless in the civilian world. At the same time, I am totally ignorant of other subjects and would have a hard time forming a question about some subjects. It would be nice to know that there are experts out there who would be decent enough to ask for the information they need to help me without them pointing out that I am not smart enough about the subject to look smart. But then again, that is MY reality only. You all have your own.

Hey Kandy

I am not as sensitive as you and did not see the other posts as an attack on the poster as much as you did.

Would really like the OP to come back to us with some more info as it being a subject I like but retired from

as most of the worlds carriers dont pay for subject matter experts in that area anymore as it is not cost


I must have misread the original "Troll" accusation as I thought it referred to someone else. My mistake.

CB35 Yep we have both been angel less on many occasion and will be again but I still reckon your lucky. BTW what sort of coffee?

Next curiosity question: What URL did you use for the speedtest? have not used it for a while but the results

look totally different to the standard ToT site.

Jubby: we played, argued and complained for 10 months. We now have up to 3mB on occasion with so so stability

after we fitted the DLE.

As you know there are limited places to install them physically and electrically.

I am only saying this as you might be able to get your service improved.

First question: How far away from the PoP are you?


I'm getting my 256kbps for free at the moment so I can live with it.

the speed is actually a blessing in disguise , I feel less inclined to browse pornography or do this as its just too bloody slow :lol:


All your answers are exacttly what I mean.

Asking a question by the OP

Many members giving a possible solution

Even more asking about giving some more info

The possibility to get your machine to the first coffee shop nearby to have access.

Sorry... Maybe I am a little hasty but still I think the same..........proof me wrong and I buy you a cigar


I can only dream about what a buddy of mine gets in the US. Snapshot from last year.


You make me sick. Get back to work!

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