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Advice For Hi Speed Internet In Pattaya


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Depending on where you are you may be able to get ADSL via the phone line, cable internet from your cable supplier, "fibre to the home", or (if you live on/near 2nd Rd) keep your fingers crossed for 100mbit fibre/cable/thingy later this year. They are laying the conduits at the moment and it seems to be going well. Not sure how they will get it from the conduit to the end user though.

It does all vary hugely according to where you are, as mentioned. Some places have a choice of 4 or 5 ways/providers, and others have to wait months for just an ADSL line with no choice. Quite a lot of people dont even know what is possible in their area, so your neighbour may not be the best person to ask. A geek in a local internet shop might know more.

Edited by Darrel
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