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Ah, the old durian chestnut crops up again. :rolleyes:

My favourite old wives tale is that durian will spike your cholesterol. Come heaven and high water the die-hard believers of this will not budge. Fruit and cholesterol?

Durian and alcohol - most Thais eat durian when it is not yet fully ripe - not suk suk nim nim, therefore its effect with alcohol isn't that great, despite the medical description of Eirik. To counter the potential lethal effect of durian it is best NOT TO DRINK SEVEN BOTTLES OF TEQUILA IN ONE GO WHILE HAVING ONE POD OF DURIAN. :whistling:

Drinking water out of the durian shell will negate the 'heatyness' (it's a Chinese thing) of durian, as will eating Mangosteen after you have had your fill of durian. It's the yin-Yang effect.

To the OP's question:

YES! If you eat a lot of durian you will gain weight. Added to which your urine will smell odd and your crap will smell equally as odd.

Oh, take a bus or share any enclosed space wit other people after having eaten durian will make you very unpopular.

Durian, teh only fruit that keeps on giving for hours and hours through burping! Love the thing! :jap: :jap:

I've always found that Thais eat it when it is ripe and soft because if you don't then it doesn;t have a lot of flavour and who wants to eat crunchy durian. That's why you always see poeple banging them with those little sticks to find a ripe one. There's nothing worse than shelling out for what is quite an expensive fruit to find out that it's not ripe. Some sellers are a bit crafty as well in trying to palm off unripe durian.

The ice-cream is okay too.

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Yes you can get fat from eating too much durian a lot of calories. there are facts that durien react adversely with alcohol, people have died of excessive amount of alcohol and durian.

:rolleyes: It must be a fact because so many people believe it's true. :lol:

This I believe is what we call in England "an Old Wives tale" - a story widely circulated and thus attracting credence but with absolutely no real evidence to support it.

In season I eat Durian with - usually - beer, but occasionally with whisky or even wine; I particularly love a Saturday on Bangsaen Beach with the family spending 3 or 4 hours working through kilos of Steamed Crab, Grilled Prawns etc. etc. - followed by several large segments of Durian. (Any Thai will tell you there is absolutely nothing better than eating Durian after a good Seafood meal!).

Been doing that for years and no adverse affects whatsoever ........... and the family has long since given up "advising" me about the potential problems because they now accept it's nonsense.


Iknew 2 people who died because of eating durian whilst drinking. It's not an old wive's tale.

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Doesn't make me fat, because I hate the crap (never eat it), can't even stand to smell it :jap: :blink::bah:

They give you good breath.... Calgate dentists recommended .

stale rotten smell...

one of 'em


Edited by dunkin2012
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Durian can indeed kill you if taken with too much alcohol.

Ethanol in alcoholic drinks is oxidized to acetaldehyde via the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase IB and acetaldehyde is oxidized to acetic acid via the enzyme aldehyde dehydrogenase 2.

Durian's high sulfur content reduces the activity of these two alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes by up to 70%, so breakdown of alcohol in your body nearly stops. Because alcohol is a nervous system depressant, if you keep drinking, the alcohol accumulates in your blood, leading to alcohol poisoning, which can lead to respiratory arrest (death).

A couple of references below.

"When alcohol is consumed, it passes from the stomach and intestines into the blood, a process referred to as absorption. Alcohol is then metabolized by enzymes, which are body chemicals that break down other chemicals. In the liver, an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) mediates the conversion of alcohol to acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is rapidly converted to acetate by other enzymes and is eventually metabolized to carbon dioxide and water. "

"Alcohol is metabolized more slowly than it is absorbed. Since the metabolism of alcohol is slow, consumption needs to be controlled to prevent accumulation in the body and intoxication."


London, Sept 17 (ANI): The age-old Asian folklore that eating durian, known as the 'king of fruits', along with alcohol can kill you, holds some truth, say researchers.

John Maninang and Hiroshi Gemma from the University of Tsukuba, Japan believe that the lethal side effects might be due to stinky fruit's high sulphur content which impairs alcohol breakdown.

The experiments have shown that durian extract turned off the activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase by up to 70 per cent, reports New Scientist.

This enzyme plays a vital role in clearing toxic breakdown products.


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