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True Online Wifi+ Edge + Gprs Unlimited

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When my Wifi is "off", my speedtest.net app clocks a consistent speed of about 150 Kbps download and around 40 Kbps

1) Is this normal for GPRS and/or EDGE?

2) How do I know if this speed is for GPRS or EDGE or both "combined" (if there's such a thing).

3) Is my GPRS and/or EDGE automatically connected when I shut off Wfi, or do I have to activate something extra on my phone for these to work?

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1.) yes, for TRUE EDGE (I seem to average ~ 175 Kbps when I do not have 3G)

2.) It is greater than the highest GPRS speed, hence it is EDGE (most phones display a "E" for EDGE and a "G" for GPRS; check your user's guide)

3.) Probably not, but depends on the phone, configuration and any add-ons

There is an app in the Market, Quick Settings, which can be used to toggle all sorts of settings from one UI.

Edited by lomatopo
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That model appears to have a 900/2100 Mhz 3G radio; True operates on 850 Mhz, so no True 3G for you. (Those areas do have True 3G coverage.)

TOT, or one of their resellers, offer 3G on 2100 Mhz, which would work with your phone.

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Yes, your phone supports 3G (HSDPA/WCDMA/UMTS) on the 900 and 2100 Mhz frequencies. TOT and their MVNOs like iKool, iMobile, IEC, 365, Mojo, operate 3G on 2100 Mhz.

True operates on the 850 Mhz 3G frequency, so your phone cannot use True 3G. (Note that GSM/EDGE/GPRS 850/900/1800/1900 is for GSM voice and data {EDGE/GPRS} and not 3G.

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Thanks! Now I understand!

Does anyone here know which providers offer 3G on 900/2100?

I'd hate to lose my phone number though, if I shift providers.

And... will it make a significant difference in download/upload speed?

*I'm now doing consistent 150kbps/40kbps download/upload with Edge/GPRS (not sure which one is activated)



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Oy vey, for a third time...TOT and their MVNOs like iKool, iMobile, IEC, 365, Mojo, operate 3G on 2100 Mhz.

There is MNP here, but not sure if you can port to TOT? Maybe best to try TOT/MVNOs before making a leap?

I get, on average, ~ 2.5 Mbps down, and 1.1.Mbps up using iMobile 3GX (an MVNO of TOT 3G). In-building coverage is much worse with 2100, vs. 850, IME.

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That should remind you that if you want 3G in Thailand, you should take care that your phone supports 850, 900 and 2100 MHz at least.

Most phones, practically all cheaper and midrange Androids, do just support 900/2100. This will cut you off TRUE and DTAC 3G now and in the future!

Yes, TIT again, nothing consistent.

The iPhone and most new upper Nokias support those frequencies.

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Loma's correct that the OP's phone won't support True 3G, by virtue of it not having a 850 Mhz 3G band, which is the one True currently uses for its 3G service....

But as to the broader question, generally, if the OP had a phone that supported that frequency, it would connect to whatever network is available and set as the priority on the phone.

On the WiMo mobile I use with my True SIM, the phone has user settings that allow me variously to 1) operate only on the GSM spectrum for calls only and no data services; 2] GSM spectrum for calls and GPRS/EDGE for data; or 3) UMTS/WCDMA 3G data service, including the options for download only or upload and download with 3G. All set in the user settings of the phone.

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I'd hate to lose my phone number though, if I shift providers.

Thailand now has number portability - cost me 100 baht to move from True to DTAC and worked very efficiently, took 3 working days.

Can you detail how that was done?

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There have been several first-hand reports, and I have a second-hand one, here. Most reported success although some ran into issues involving proving the "old" SIM was really theirs. I think it may have been DTAC --> XYZ, where XYZ could not see ownership in the DTAC (clearinghouse) record, so people had to trek back to DTAC and get exact name, passport/ID details added to their DTAC account record, then wait a few days before re-applying with XYZ.

You lose any balance on the "old" SIM, and pay 99/100 baht fee to get the new SIM. Not every service center can initiate MNP so review your SP's website to determine the closest location.

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3) Is my GPRS and/or EDGE automatically connected when I shut off Wfi, or do I have to activate something extra on my phone for these to work?

On my HTC phone with Android 2.2 it is

Menu > Settings > Wireless and networks > select Mobile network Use phone data when Wi-Fi is unavailable


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