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Iran hangs two child rapists in public


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Iran hangs two child rapists in public

2011-05-29 18:04:44 GMT+7 (ICT)

KERMANSHAH, IRAN (BNO NEWS) -- Iran on early Sunday morning hung two men who were previously convicted of raping young children, state-run media reported.

The state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported that the men, who were identified only as P. Mohammadi Pashterizeh and A. Namaki, were hanged in the western city of Kermanshah, the capital of Kermanshah province.

The early morning execution, which took place at around 6.30 a.m. local time, was carried out in public and was witnessed by an IRNA reporter. Pashterizeh had reportedly been convicted of sodomizing a young child and filming the crime.

Namaki was previously convicted for raping a 9-year-old child, IRNA reported, without giving more details about the crime. The news agency said people who witnessed the execution shouted "Judiciary, thank you, thank you!"

On Thursday, a convicted serial killer and ten other people were executed in various parts of Iran. The serial killer, 37-year-old Mehdi Faraji, had been convicted of murdering five women between May 2009 and March 2010.

According to Amnesty International, the Iranian government acknowledged that at least 252 people were executed in Iran last year, although their reports indicate the actual figure is more than 550. Among those executed were five women and one adult who committed his crime when he was underage.

The vast majority of those executed in Iran last year was for alleged drug trafficking, a crime authorities claim has killed more than 4,000 police officers in recent years.

According to human rights groups, trials in Iran do often not meet international standards of fairness. Proceedings, particularly those held outside Tehran, are often summary, lasting only a few minutes. Mass trials also take place on some occasions.

In October 2010, Amnesty International reported, Iran's Interior Minister stated that the campaign against drug trafficking was being intensified, and the Prosecutor General stated in the same month that new measures had been taken to speed up the judicial processing of drug-trafficking cases, including by referring all such cases to his office, thereby denying them a right to appeal to a higher tribunal, as is required under international law.

Two months later, the amended Anti-Narcotics Law came into force, apparently making it easier to sentence to death those convicted of drug trafficking, according to Amnesty International. The law extended the scope of the death penalty to include additional categories of illegal drugs such as crystal meth, possession of which became punishable by death. Under the Anti-Narcotics Law, some defendants are not granted a right to appeal, as their convictions and sentences are confirmed by the state Prosecutor-General.

Family members of executed persons also faced persecution in some cases last year and were often not given the bodies of their relatives for burial. Others said that they had to pay officials in order to receive their relatives' bodies, as payment for the rope used to hang them.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2011-05-29

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And before the hang 'em and flog 'em brigade jump on the bandwaggon, I remember a documentary a year or so ago showing cranes being wheeled out at dawn for the summary execution by hanging of girls being caught in public not wearing the hajib.

Here's a link to stoning to death whilst being wrapped in a shroud http://tinyurl.com/3qfmc35

I am in no way anti Muslim. I live in a Muslim area and had many Muslim friends in the West whom I found considerate and thoughtful.

But ... the World should be made more aware of the plight of these girls. This post is simply a Sun like 'stir 'em up against Muslims' sensationalist rant I, for one, am finding increasingly distasteful on this forum.

Murdoch/Fox buy you out then? Nah. Far too far away and much too small ...

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The last public hanging in the UK was in 1868, it just puts Iran into perspective considering the year is 2011.

Obviously is Iran not in the UK. There are other countries that allow an audience to watch executions or where students celebrate them in front of the presidential palace.

It's all a question how much civilised we consider ourselves.

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The last public hanging in the UK was in 1868, it just puts Iran into perspective considering the year is 2011.

Obviously is Iran not in the UK. There are other countries that allow an audience to watch executions or where students celebrate them in front of the presidential palace.

It's all a question how much civilised we consider ourselves.

Hmmm, Your constant off topic trolling reminds me of another poster who seems to have gone awol of late. :jap:

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The last public hanging in the UK was in 1868, it just puts Iran into perspective considering the year is 2011.

Obviously is Iran not in the UK. There are other countries that allow an audience to watch executions or where students celebrate them in front of the presidential palace.

It's all a question how much civilised we consider ourselves.

Hmmm, Your constant off topic trolling reminds me of another poster who seems to have gone awol of late. :jap:

Yeah, I have noticed the obvious similarities in posting style as well.

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Say what you want about Iran....but job done good here.

ou are making the assumption that the 2 hanged were actually child rapists. In Iran, sex crimes are used to discredit opponents of the regime. Maybe these two were indeed rapists. However, what happens if these tow people were not given a trial, but were instead accused by someone and there was questionable evidence? What happens if the two were not guilty of the crimes they were killed for?

Iran isn't known for its fair judicial process is it?

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The last public hanging in the UK was in 1868, it just puts Iran into perspective considering the year is 2011.

Some would argue that all state sponsored executions should be done publicly.

Perhaps they are the ones that wish to bid on the food and beverage concessions?

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Maybe these two were indeed rapists. However, what happens if these tow people were not given a trial, but were instead accused by someone and there was questionable evidence? What happens if the two were not guilty of the crimes they were killed for?

An awful lot of "maybes" and "what happens ifs" included here. :whistling:

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The last public hanging in the UK was in 1868, it just puts Iran into perspective considering the year is 2011.

Some would argue that all state sponsored executions should be done publicly.

Perhaps they are the ones that wish to bid on the food and beverage concessions?

Or perhaps they are the ones that wish for their government to not hide their actions when it comes to executions.

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Say what you want about Iran....but job done good here.

ou are making the assumption that the 2 hanged were actually child rapists. In Iran, sex crimes are used to discredit opponents of the regime. Maybe these two were indeed rapists. However, what happens if these tow people were not given a trial, but were instead accused by someone and there was questionable evidence? What happens if the two were not guilty of the crimes they were killed for?

Iran isn't known for its fair judicial process is it?

That could be a problem then.

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Say what you want about Iran....but job done good here.

ou are making the assumption that the 2 hanged were actually child rapists. In Iran, sex crimes are used to discredit opponents of the regime. Maybe these two were indeed rapists. However, what happens if these tow people were not given a trial, but were instead accused by someone and there was questionable evidence? What happens if the two were not guilty of the crimes they were killed for?

Any evidence to back up this?

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Say what you want about Iran....but job done good here.

ou are making the assumption that the 2 hanged were actually child rapists. In Iran, sex crimes are used to discredit opponents of the regime. Maybe these two were indeed rapists. However, what happens if these tow people were not given a trial, but were instead accused by someone and there was questionable evidence? What happens if the two were not guilty of the crimes they were killed for?

Any evidence to back up this?

Yes. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have documented the torture of accused in order to extract a confession which has led to the execution of accused. Are those groups sufficiently leftist enough to enjoy your acceptance? Do you realize that you are defending the indefensible? We can go back and forth on this, but your position is untenable particularly because the courts are not independent in Iran and it is an accepted fact that summary executions without proper trials occur in Iran. Google that.

Let's put it another way. Do you have any evidence that a fair trial actually took place. What was the evidence given for the conviction? Who were the accused?

I believe you are just arguing this point simply to goad people. Sorry, I'm not going to play the game.

Edited by geriatrickid
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Do you realize that you are defending the indefensible?

Its about child rapists, right? :blink:


I am defending no one here. But if you ask. I am against capital punishment (and hypocrites).

Edited by samurai
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The last public hanging in the UK was in 1868, it just puts Iran into perspective considering the year is 2011.

In the UK they'd get a 6 suspended sentence, then a new identity, gag orders preventing their names being published and a live long benefits package. Things are much more advanced in the UK.

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The last public hanging in the UK was in 1868, it just puts Iran into perspective considering the year is 2011.

In the UK they'd get a 6 suspended sentence, then a new identity, gag orders preventing their names being published and a live long benefits package. Things are much more advanced in the UK.

You have a point there, but it's even worse in Europe. In Norway for instance there were 86 rapes recorded in Oslo in the last 5 years and ALL of these were carried out by gentlemen of non-western origin. You have to shake your head in disbelief as the female police spokesperson makes excuses for them by stating they were from disadvantaged Countries. :ph34r:


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Great Work, thats how it should be.

And for all these people saying that the court system in Iran is corrupt and that these scum bags may have been political disiants.

I say this, I don't know how corrupt the courts are in Iran, I don't live there. Do any of you?

I did live in the USA however, and I know for a fact that the courts there are corrupt. A Black American is more than 8 times as likely to get incarcerated for the same crime as a White American

Human Rights Watch

So dose this make our system better than, or more fair than Iran's? I don't know, all I know is before I would start defending child molesters I would see our own back yard cleaned up first.

Besides, up too 40% of convicted child abusers re-offend when let out of prison.source

If it was your kid's innocence at stake, what would you rather see lost, the child molester's life or your child's?

Edited by Huey
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The last public hanging in the UK was in 1868, it just puts Iran into perspective considering the year is 2011.

In the UK they'd get a 6 suspended sentence, then a new identity, gag orders preventing their names being published and a live long benefits package. Things are much more advanced in the UK.

You have a point there, but it's even worse in Europe. In Norway for instance there were 86 rapes recorded in Oslo in the last 5 years and ALL of these were carried out by gentlemen of non-western origin. You have to shake your head in disbelief as the female police spokesperson makes excuses for them by stating they were from disadvantaged Countries. :ph34r:


So are you in the "hang 'em high brigade" (except it happen in Iran of course)?

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So are you in the "hang 'em high brigade" (except it happen in Iran of course)?

Everyone knows what a sick joke the Iranian judicial system is. As for whether or not I'm of the hang em high camp is irrelevant to the discussion save to say that if capital punishment is used I believe it should not be carried out in public, and certainly not by children.

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I believe you are just arguing this point simply to goad people.

What is new?

It is not a secret that the courts in Iran are controlled by the government.

Guilty a spoken! We don't need a trial here. Just common sense.

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So are you in the "hang 'em high brigade" (except it happen in Iran of course)?

Everyone knows what a sick joke the Iranian judicial system is. As for whether or not I'm of the hang em high camp is irrelevant to the discussion save to say that if capital punishment is used I believe it should not be carried out in public, and certainly not by children.

So what has your previous comment to do with the topic and what makes it relevant to the discussion?

In the UK they'd get a 6 suspended sentence, then a new identity, gag orders preventing their names being published and a live long benefits package. Things are much more advanced in the UK.

You have a point there, but it's even worse in Europe. In Norway for instance there were 86 rapes recorded in Oslo in the last 5 years and ALL of these were carried out by gentlemen of non-western origin. You have to shake your head in disbelief as the female police spokesperson makes excuses for them by stating they were from disadvantaged Countries. :ph34r:


Maybe the gentlemen in question got confused, because that what is called a child rapist in Iran is an innocent political dissident as anyone with common sense and a right tuned moral compass should know. :whistling:


The death penalty is the wrong thing. In public or not in public makes no difference.

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Yes. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have documented the torture of accused in order to extract a confession

Sounds like those folks that use waterboarding

Those that live in glass houses ;)

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Yes. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have documented the torture of accused in order to extract a confession

Sounds like those folks that use waterboarding

Those that live in glass houses ;)

Please do not take my statements out of context. Aside from it being a violation of forum rules, it really is quite inappropriate.

The question asked was whether or not there had been any evidence to support the view of coerced confessions. I responded as follows;

Yes. Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have documented the torture of accused in order to extract a confession which has led to the execution of accused. Are those groups sufficiently leftist enough to enjoy your acceptance?

The issue here isn't waterboarding, particularly since waterboarding was never ever used to extract a confession that led to the accused's public execution. The Iranian accused were not terrorists. They were accused of civil offenses. I do not support waterboarding and it is a discontinued policy. Waterboarding was used under specific circumstances against some very bad people. That does not justify the practice, I don't understand why you have even attempted to divert the subject of 2 people being lynched. Since you have an intimate knowledge of the trial would you please share the details.

Oh wait, there wasn't a trial. Ooooops.

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