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Moving From Bangkok To Chiang Mai


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I plan to move from Bangkok to Chiang Mai relatively soon, and I would like to find a moving company that I can trust. I also don't have a new place established yet in Chiang Mai, so I would need the company to have the ability to securely store my stuff in Chiang Mai until I get established. Has anybody out there had a good experience with some company in that respect? Many thanks for any feedback! :blink:

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In my experience, it's hard enough to find a reliable in-country mover, let alone one with storage facilities at a given destination.

I think you would be better off storing your stuff in Bangkok, possibly even extending your current tenancy, while making a trip to Chiang Mai for a while to find suitable new accommodation. You will probably break even, vs. hauling your stuff up there, unloading it to storage, and then reloading and delivering it to your new digs.

You can probably get a six-wheel truck to haul your stuff from BKK to Chiang Mai for 10-12K baht. Look on the power poles in your soi, and get someone who speaks Thai to help if you don't. There are dozens of "rot rap jang" advertising that way, and you can interview a couple to see who you like.

Our last move to Isaan was done by a guy who lived in our soi, whom we found by a sign on his truck. He hired a helper to load the truck. For comfort, I took a picture of him, his driver's license, and ID card before we left. Everything arrived on time, and in good condition, and we helped him unload.

Such informal arrangements generally work out well, but always take steps to protect yourself. The GPS phone buried in our stuff provided a bit of reassurance, and the ability to track his progress...

Good luck.

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I moved from bkk to cm 1,5 years ago....got a big truck was 8000 baht....

i would recommend,take aplane,come here,find a new home,shouldnt take more than 2 or 3 days,fly back pack your stuff and good to go!

Ask around for guys with a truck,sure you ll find somebody willing to do it for 8-10k

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All I will say is. Get a reputable company when you will move your household/ valuables. Never get a cowboy with just a truck and a few men. They properly don´t have any insurance and don´t care about your things. Take a look on classifieds.

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