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Thaksin Going For 'Psychological Impact': Abhisit

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Jurgen is showing an absolute lack of understanding about what Thaksin did and how. Thaksin did indeed do something new. It was not uniting the electorate as in many places they vote the way they are told to by the local political machines (S'noh's, Newin's, Suthep's etc etc etc ...) What he did that was new is to get these regional, 'warlords' would be a good word, but leaders of the local political machines is more accurate, power brokers together under one umbrella. It worked quite well. It has since failed. 2007 showed the failure and 2011 will likely have similar results.

When someone suggests that it was the will of the electorate that was thwarted when, after PPP was dissolved, that former TRT/PPP factions went their own way again need only look at the by-election results. The seats that were held by PPP (under the Friends of Newin faction) did not go to the newly formed PTP Thaksin replacement party for PPP .... They went to BJT. In other words they were never Thaksin voters .... they were Newin voters that did as they were told each time.

It has since failed. 2007 showed the failure

So what happened between 2005 and 2007 ? A military coup, a rigged election ... Actually nothing much, nothing unusual in a healthy democracy biggrin.gifsad.gifbah.gif

Thaksin united the country, created a great national party.

All the democrats had to do was to build the opposite party on the same model.

But "they" didn't like it, "they" decided it was the best interest of the nation to destroy everything

What we have now ? Half of the country who hates the other half. And it's not Thaksin that is responsible for this hate campaign.

I know what Thaksin did. Can you say the same about the people you support ?

Actually, the real question is, do you really know who really benefits from your blind hate to Thaksin they have so smartly engineered ?

Regardless of anything Thaksin may have done, the bottom line is that he simply rammed it up the tail end of this country for his own reward. In other words, he ripped the country off blind. That is why he has earned so much hate and is a convicted fugitive. Plain and simple. And you want this guy back???!!! Speaks volumes of your depth of perception. And I'm sure all the PTP supporters think Geo Dubya Bush was a Godsend too! Yeah... suck in the crap that spews forth from your saviors mouth as manna from heaven. Had you the capacity to spark a logical thought out of your empty heads you'd realize it is all "Pie-In-The-Sky" horsecrap. I suggest you go read "The Emperors New Clothes". Oh wait... your Neanderthal thought process isn't evolved enough to facilitate capable logic. Never mind...

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Desperation & bitterness from Abhisit while Yingluck calmly goes about her business. This campaign has been run beautifully by Thaksin against the hapless Democrats.

Don't you mean Thaskin's propaganda strategy? Question for the down trodden Thaskin followers. What rimes with Yingluck?


Regardless of anything Thaksin may have done, the bottom line is that he simply rammed it up the tail end of this country for his own reward. In other words, he ripped the country off blind. That is why he has earned so much hate and is a convicted fugitive. Plain and simple. And you want this guy back???!!! Speaks volumes of your depth of perception. And I'm sure all the PTP supporters think Geo Dubya Bush was a Godsend too! Yeah... suck in the crap that spews forth from your saviors mouth as manna from heaven. Had you the capacity to spark a logical thought out of your empty heads you'd realize it is all "Pie-In-The-Sky" horsecrap. I suggest you go read "The Emperors New Clothes". Oh wait... your Neanderthal thought process isn't evolved enough to facilitate capable logic. Never mind...

laugh.gifThank you my friend, I couldn't have said the truth any better. I have faith that Good always trumps evil and in this important election for the Thai people the GOOD will triumph and the the Thaskinvampire.gif Evil Empire will fall like an over ripe mango to the concrete.


Real democrats don't dream about 'one man, one party, no compromise'. That's more like the realm of dictators.

A new era in Thai politics indeed :ermm:

And real demagogues operate with half-truth.

K. Thaksin has gone on record recently saying "that a single-party government has proved to be an unsuccessful format for Thailand, referring to his own experience during his premiership."


Jurgen is showing an absolute lack of understanding about what Thaksin did and how. Thaksin did indeed do something new. It was not uniting the electorate as in many places they vote the way they are told to by the local political machines (S'noh's, Newin's, Suthep's etc etc etc ...) What he did that was new is to get these regional, 'warlords' would be a good word, but leaders of the local political machines is more accurate, power brokers together under one umbrella. It worked quite well. It has since failed. 2007 showed the failure and 2011 will likely have similar results.

When someone suggests that it was the will of the electorate that was thwarted when, after PPP was dissolved, that former TRT/PPP factions went their own way again need only look at the by-election results. The seats that were held by PPP (under the Friends of Newin faction) did not go to the newly formed PTP Thaksin replacement party for PPP .... They went to BJT. In other words they were never Thaksin voters .... they were Newin voters that did as they were told each time.

It has since failed. 2007 showed the failure

So what happened between 2005 and 2007 ? A military coup, a rigged election ... Actually nothing much, nothing unusual in a healthy democracy biggrin.gifsad.gifbah.gif

Thaksin united the country, created a great national party.

All the democrats had to do was to build the opposite party on the same model.

But "they" didn't like it, "they" decided it was the best interest of the nation to destroy everything

What we have now ? Half of the country who hates the other half. And it's not Thaksin that is responsible for this hate campaign.

I know what Thaksin did. Can you say the same about the people you support ?

Actually, the real question is, do you really know who really benefits from your blind hate to Thaksin they have so smartly engineered ?

Mate, good post, but its impossible to get through to these people. Their combination of naivety and ignorance fuelled by blind hatred leaves absolutely no room for common sense.

Exactly right Bungalownights. That is why I stay out of these topics most of the time. It is the same ignorance,naivety and pure hatred Tommy Douglas went through that was mentioned in my earlier thread. Only time will truly educate these guys about what is really happening.


Jurgen is showing an absolute lack of understanding about what Thaksin did and how. Thaksin did indeed do something new. It was not uniting the electorate as in many places they vote the way they are told to by the local political machines (S'noh's, Newin's, Suthep's etc etc etc ...) What he did that was new is to get these regional, 'warlords' would be a good word, but leaders of the local political machines is more accurate, power brokers together under one umbrella. It worked quite well. It has since failed. 2007 showed the failure and 2011 will likely have similar results.

When someone suggests that it was the will of the electorate that was thwarted when, after PPP was dissolved, that former TRT/PPP factions went their own way again need only look at the by-election results. The seats that were held by PPP (under the Friends of Newin faction) did not go to the newly formed PTP Thaksin replacement party for PPP .... They went to BJT. In other words they were never Thaksin voters .... they were Newin voters that did as they were told each time.

It has since failed. 2007 showed the failure

So what happened between 2005 and 2007 ? A military coup, a rigged election ... Actually nothing much, nothing unusual in a healthy democracy biggrin.gifsad.gifbah.gif

Thaksin united the country, created a great national party.

All the democrats had to do was to build the opposite party on the same model.

But "they" didn't like it, "they" decided it was the best interest of the nation to destroy everything

What we have now ? Half of the country who hates the other half. And it's not Thaksin that is responsible for this hate campaign.

I know what Thaksin did. Can you say the same about the people you support ?

Actually, the real question is, do you really know who really benefits from your blind hate to Thaksin they have so smartly engineered ?

Mate, good post, but its impossible to get through to these people. Their combination of naivety and ignorance fuelled by blind hatred leaves absolutely no room for common sense.

Exactly right Bungalownights. That is why I stay out of these topics most of the time. It is the same ignorance,naivety and pure hatred Tommy Douglas went through that was mentioned in my earlier thread. Only time will truly educate these guys about what is really happening.

Hatred? Ignorance? Time? May I ask you poser's were you in Thailand when your boy first ran for PM? From the beginning of his political empire was the talk of corruption. If not, check your history, If you were, then maybe too muchdrunk.gifhas pickled your brainswink.gif


It seems to me that Yingluck is behaving like a good politician and candidate, no personal attacks on her opposition, and a simple message that ordinary people understand.

Abhisit in contrast is running scared, making wild accusations. He is so busy seeing Thaksin as his enemy that he is ignoring Yingluck, a big mistake.

In football terms, Yingluck has the ball and Thaksin is running interference, Abhisit is too foolish to see this.

And what message would that be?

please tell us,in Yinglucks own words???

Is that the best you can do? Ignore the main point of my comment and pick on one phrase to try and score a point. I think it is not just Abhisit that is running scared, his supporters are also.

I gave a personal opinion, so attack me not Yingluck, or is that beyond your logic.


It seems to me that Yingluck is behaving like a good politician and candidate, no personal attacks on her opposition, and a simple message that ordinary people understand.

Abhisit in contrast is running scared, making wild accusations. He is so busy seeing Thaksin as his enemy that he is ignoring Yingluck, a big mistake.

In football terms, Yingluck has the ball and Thaksin is running interference, Abhisit is too foolish to see this.

And what message would that be?

please tell us,in Yinglucks own words???

Is that the best you can do? Ignore the main point of my comment and pick on one phrase to try and score a point. I think it is not just Abhisit that is running scared, his supporters are also.

I gave a personal opinion, so attack me not Yingluck, or is that beyond your logic.

Of course they are scared. I think Thaksin and his red shirts can be violent.


It seems to me that Yingluck is behaving like a good politician and candidate, no personal attacks on her opposition, and a simple message that ordinary people understand.

Abhisit in contrast is running scared, making wild accusations. He is so busy seeing Thaksin as his enemy that he is ignoring Yingluck, a big mistake.

In football terms, Yingluck has the ball and Thaksin is running interference, Abhisit is too foolish to see this.

And what message would that be?

please tell us,in Yinglucks own words???

Is that the best you can do? Ignore the main point of my comment and pick on one phrase to try and score a point. I think it is not just Abhisit that is running scared, his supporters are also.

I gave a personal opinion, so attack me not Yingluck, or is that beyond your logic.

Of course they are scared. I think Thaksin and his red shirts can be violent.

Why should they be scared of redshirts, they have the army to protect them, or are they now not so confident about that?


And what message would that be?

please tell us,in Yinglucks own words???

Is that the best you can do? Ignore the main point of my comment and pick on one phrase to try and score a point. I think it is not just Abhisit that is running scared, his supporters are also.

I gave a personal opinion, so attack me not Yingluck, or is that beyond your logic.

Of course they are scared. I think Thaksin and his red shirts can be violent.

Why should they be scared of redshirts

For their repeatedly violent tendencies




Perhaps Anterian doesn't remember the man being dragged from his car, beaten and killed by the reds in Chiang Mai? The repeated grenade attacks all over the country. Arisaman's Jatuporn's and Nattuwut's speeches calling for violence and arson -- that then happened? Why would anyone be afraid of the reds? Because street violence is part of their overall campaign. Simple and direct. They, as a group, are terrorists because their leaders told them to be. Not every redshirt is violent but their leadership openly called for carnage and threatened war ... if the sheep mixed with the wolves are all thought of as wolves .... well, you can hardly blame someone for thinking that way.


Real democrats don't dream about 'one man, one party, no compromise'. That's more like the realm of dictators.

A new era in Thai politics indeed :ermm:

And real demagogues operate with half-truth.

K. Thaksin has gone on record recently saying "that a single-party government has proved to be an unsuccessful format for Thailand, referring to his own experience during his premiership."

You suggest oh so subtly that I may have indulged myself in posting a half-truth. The structure of the reply suggests it might be the Thaksin quote which I took from theNation

In slightly different form

"Thaksin has said he learned a painful lesson when his party went ahead to form a one-party government. When you leave the small parties out, you simply court trouble because they join with the opposition to harass you."

To suggest someone is telling half-truths and therefor a demagogue without clear proof, tends to make the suggestor one himself.

The truth will set you free, dear samurai



I know what Thaksin did. Can you say the same about the people you support ?


Again this boasting by the Thaksin supporters about how he openly supported the extra judicial murder of thousands. About how he openly stole billions of baht from the Thai people. About how he openly attempted to cheat in elections. About how he openly silenced critics. What is there to be so proud about supporting a man like that? (Prepare for a flood of fabricated Abhisit accusations from the usual direction).

All this points have been answered before

Sometime I feel like Fat Freddy's cat in his war agains the cockroaches ....

I remember that particular word was also used in a "genocide" that only happened in the past twenty years.



I know what Thaksin did. Can you say the same about the people you support ?


Again this boasting by the Thaksin supporters about how he openly supported the extra judicial murder of thousands. About how he openly stole billions of baht from the Thai people. About how he openly attempted to cheat in elections. About how he openly silenced critics. What is there to be so proud about supporting a man like that? (Prepare for a flood of fabricated Abhisit accusations from the usual direction).

All this points have been answered before

Sometime I feel like Fat Freddy's cat in his war agains the cockroaches ....

I remember that particular word was also used in a "genocide" that only happened in the past twenty years.

Just to make the point clear, my remark was related to a 70's comic, the Freak Brothers and the cat of one of them, Fat Freddy.




All this points have been answered before

Sometime I feel like Fat Freddy's cat in his war agains the cockroaches ....

I remember that particular word was also used in a "genocide" that only happened in the past twenty years.

exactly but people never learn until the genocide happens in their own garden


It seems to me that Yingluck is behaving like a good politician and candidate, no personal attacks on her opposition, and a simple message that ordinary people understand.

Abhisit in contrast is running scared, making wild accusations. He is so busy seeing Thaksin as his enemy that he is ignoring Yingluck, a big mistake.

In football terms, Yingluck has the ball and Thaksin is running interference, Abhisit is too foolish to see this.

And what message would that be?

please tell us,in Yinglucks own words???

Is that the best you can do? Ignore the main point of my comment and pick on one phrase to try and score a point. I think it is not just Abhisit that is running scared, his supporters are also.

I gave a personal opinion, so attack me not Yingluck, or is that beyond your logic.

Since when has asking for clarication of an unclear comment,suddenly become an Attack?


begin removed ...

Just to make the point clear, my remark was related to a 70's comic, the Freak Brothers and the cat of one of them, Fat Freddy.



Interesting indeed. In a post in another topic you said

"I think that's why we can't understand each other.

You're stuck 40 years ago, I'm talking about tomorrow."


It seems to me that Yingluck is behaving like a good politician and candidate, no personal attacks on her opposition, and a simple message that ordinary people understand.

Abhisit in contrast is running scared, making wild accusations. He is so busy seeing Thaksin as his enemy that he is ignoring Yingluck, a big mistake.

In football terms, Yingluck has the ball and Thaksin is running interference, Abhisit is too foolish to see this.

And what message would that be?

please tell us,in Yinglucks own words???

Is that the best you can do? Ignore the main point of my comment and pick on one phrase to try and score a point. I think it is not just Abhisit that is running scared, his supporters are also.

I gave a personal opinion, so attack me not Yingluck, or is that beyond your logic.

Since when has asking for clarication of an unclear comment,suddenly become an Attack?

I suggest you read more carefully, no where did I say he was attacking me, indeed I invited him to do so :jap:


Perhaps Anterian doesn't remember the man being dragged from his car, beaten and killed by the reds in Chiang Mai? The repeated grenade attacks all over the country. Arisaman's Jatuporn's and Nattuwut's speeches calling for violence and arson -- that then happened? Why would anyone be afraid of the reds? Because street violence is part of their overall campaign. Simple and direct. They, as a group, are terrorists because their leaders told them to be. Not every redshirt is violent but their leadership openly called for carnage and threatened war ... if the sheep mixed with the wolves are all thought of as wolves .... well, you can hardly blame someone for thinking that way.

Like Al Qaida and the local populations in Iraq and Afghanistan. Like the Vietnamese people during the war there. They do because they are brainwashed into thinking they need to.

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