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Elderly, Sick Woman Forced To Remove Diaper For US Airport Security


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My memory fails me. Can somebody give me the name of the last 95 year old female terrorist caught trying to blow up an aircraft.

The TSA is government gone wild and is directed by, perhaps, the most incompetent government official lower than nearly any elected official. What a joke our government has become. :annoyed:

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Here is the latest on the 95 year old female terrorist...

TSA denies having required a 95-year-old woman to remove diaper

By the CNN Wire Staff

June 27, 2011 -- Updated 2135 GMT (0535 HKT)

(CNN) -- The Transportation Security Administration has denied that its agents required a 95-year-old woman to remove her adult diaper last week before allowing her to pass a screening checkpoint at Northwest Florida Regional Airport.

"While every person and item must be screened before entering the secure boarding area, TSA works with passengers to resolve security alarms in a respectful and sensitive manner," the agency said Sunday night in a statement. "We have reviewed the circumstances involving this screening and determined that our officers acted professionally, according to proper procedure and did not require this passenger to remove an adult diaper."

A response released earlier Sunday by the TSA said that the agency had reviewed the circumstances "and determined that our officers acted professionally and according to proper procedure."

Read more here... http://edition.cnn.com/2011/TRAVEL/06/27/florida.tsa.incident/index.html

May I also point out the next paragraph goes on to say, and I am paraphrasing here, The TSA did not require the lady to remove her diaper.

They simply told her if she wanted to get on the aircraft, her diaper had to be inspected.

I guess, according to the TSA, it depends on "what the meaning of the word 'is' is."

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My memory fails me. Can somebody give me the name of the last 95 year old female terrorist caught trying to blow up an aircraft.

The TSA is government gone wild and is directed by, perhaps, the most incompetent government official lower than nearly any elected official. What a joke our government has become. :annoyed:

Ninja Grannies are a very real danger,jap.gif especially with a loaded diaper. What if that thing went off mid flight? The carnage.huh.gif

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Poor old lady. She should have taken a dump in it before handing it over for inspection. :D

Bravo. I hope they take this case seriously too. They have gone too far and people are accepting any kind of indignity for the feeling of security. That's a precursor to fascism. The terrorists wanted to change the American way of life. They succeeded. So dead Bin Laden or not, which side really won?

Another way to look at this, the USA is in a MUCH WEAKER position internationally since the 9/11 attack. One big reason is the massive waste on overseas wars. It somehow reminds me of the way in which the Soviet Union fell.

I'm reminded more of the fall of ancient Rome than the U.S.S.R, it's bad enough letting the Barbarians through the gate without bending over backwards (so to speak) to accomodate their demands. Active use of profiling is one solution which should then rightly invoke the anger of those profiled towards those who put the heat in their general direction.

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Get a grip. Was NOT suggesting targeting ALL persons of certain races or nationalities. Just adding that as one factor to decide who to bother more, among many, determined by actual experts on these things (they do exist).

Jing, Who said ALL? :whistling: Having said that whilst the cap fits someone should collectively wear a demographically proportional share of it - I think the DEA have no such scruples when looking for drug mules.

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I'm reminded more of the fall of ancient Rome than the U.S.S.R...

Indeed. The West is being brought down by the silly whims of spoiled children who had an empire handed to them with no effort on their part at all. :ermm:

:whistling: ..and I think we all know who's playing Nero.

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I am so not a fan of the Pauls or the irresponsible fantasy ideology of "libertarianism" (a form of government that no country has ever adopted and no country WILL ever adopt) but his comments on security not "thinking" is so spot on. They aren't trained to think. That by definition is just stupid.

Edited by Jingthing
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Many moons ago I flew from Luton to Belfast, back when the IRA were a lot more active. I had a Walkman to listen to during the flight. When going to board the plain security put on my headphones and asked me to play the music. I had forgotten to put a tape in it so the guy just switched it over to the radio and made sure it worked. Simple, logical, common sense.

Nowadays I would think I'd be held for hours, strip searched, miss the flight.

Same thing with the water bottles, why can't they just tell people to take a drink out of it.

What about tweezers or nail clippers etc, jeez they have plastic knives for your meal, easy enough to just sharpen one of those if you want. Do they get real cutlery in first class?

I honestly think that most of these security procedures are purely for show.

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Poor old lady. She should have taken a dump in it before handing it over for inspection. :D

Bravo. I hope they take this case seriously too. They have gone too far and people are accepting any kind of indignity for the feeling of security. That's a precursor to fascism. The terrorists wanted to change the American way of life. They succeeded. So dead Bin Laden or not, which side really won?

Another way to look at this, the USA is in a MUCH WEAKER position internationally since the 9/11 attack. One big reason is the massive waste on overseas wars. It somehow reminds me of the way in which the Soviet Union fell.

A good post which i would think pretty much sums up the way most right thinking people feel. Incidentally, regarding your point regarding the massive waste on overseas wars, there was an article on the BBC website yesterday in the business section entitled,' Is America in denial about debt'. Apparently America's current debt stands at a mind boggling 14 trillion dollars! And is growing at a rate of 40,000 dollars EVERY SECOND! Surely this cannot be sustained. The time surely cannot be far away when the penny finally drops with the creditors, (Presumably China are the main ones), and they realise that this debt cannot possibly be paid. The brown stuff will surely then hit the fan. What happens then? This must be a worry for any American citizen. Short of bombing the creditors to kingdom come, America will no longer be in charge of their own destiny.

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...and I saw a video of a baby receiving a pat down.

I'd need more details but security wouldn't be worth much if it was possible to smuggle something in merely by placing it with a baby.

Many moons ago I flew from Luton to Belfast, back when the IRA were a lot more active. I had a Walkman to listen to during the flight. When going to board the plain security put on my headphones and asked me to play the music. I had forgotten to put a tape in it so the guy just switched it over to the radio and made sure it worked. Simple, logical, common sense...


I honestly think that most of these security procedures are purely for show.

Yes, maybe so. Show -- as in deterrence?

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Poor old lady. She should have taken a dump in it before handing it over for inspection. :D

Sounds like she did with no spare Depends. I doubt if passengers would have wanted to put up with the smell on a flight and it wouldn't be good for the old lady's health to be sitting in a soiled diaper for hours. Her caretaker should have had the spare Depends for her but didn't per the article. I guess the caretaker was trying to project her mistake onto the TSA. She should be ashamed.

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In my travels throught various Western countries airports, the majority of these characters conducting these security checks would far more fit the profile of a potential terrorist than this poor old lady. What a farce!!!!

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How much is the US paying per month for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? USD 10-20 billion per month? It would be nice if the budget for the TSA was enough for establishing a professional team which have proper training.

I checked and it looks like the TSA annual budget is about USD 7.2 billion.

Googling around I found a picture of an advertisement for TSA workers...

It is on a Pizza Box! Should I laugh or cry...



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What you are talking about is the sort of thing I always advocated from the beginning of the "War On Terror"; though I agreed with going into Afghanistan -- and see a role for judicious and limited use of military force in certain circumstances and as part of a strategy that is predominantly consists of political/diplomatic/psychological components (as proper asymmetrical warfare should) -- I saw the diversion of funds and other resources (including personnel) as one of the non-partisan and fundamental reasons why Iraq (for one example) was so irrefutably wrong.

What I'm getting at is that, yes, money spent on proper domestic security -- quality over quantity, intelligence (in both meanings of the word) over zealousness -- and other measures is indeed what we need and deserve.

Well trained and carefully selected TSA employees -- should be a no-brainer, shouldn't it?

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Unfortunate turn of events for this woman and her family, but safe air travel has to the first priority.

Yes of course, it's well known that 95 year old women carry liquid explosives in their nappies, happens all the time.

Get a sense of proportion and some sensitivity for an old, frail and dying old woman

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Some 25 years ago, I thought that Monty Python's "Hell's Grannies" (available on YouTube !) was merely humourous, I now realise that it was in fact prophetic, thanks to the Good Work of America's TSA who battle tirelessly to defend us from these 95-year-old harridans !

Keep it Up, Chaps ! :ermm:

Edited by Ricardo
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Googling around I found a picture of an advertisement for TSA workers...

It is on a Pizza Box! Should I laugh or cry...

Pizza delivery boys will be a step up from the McDonald's rejects they normally employ

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