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Just discovered what appears to be a hernia (swelling around the right side of the pubic bone). Its not too big and no pain... yet. Read up and looks like an Inguinal hernia, that may or may not require surgery. I'm just very stressed about this because a hard training regimen is a part of my job and the time it will take to recover is seriously going to disrupt my life, even now I have stopped all activity for fear of aggravating it further...not to mention the costs of a surgery if I need one. Just wondering if anyone else has had this and any advice they can give :(.


Get yourself to the hosptial without delay, if it is a hernia and it stangulates you can die... I am not trying to scaremonger you....4-5 years ago, had a similar thing and similar opinion (I will be ok) and after being pushed to go the go hosptial...glad I did...ended you nearly 3 days in hosptial after the op.....It aint going to get better, the longer you leave it the worse it will get

Dont mess about with this.....

Costwise dependent on what needs repairing and how they repair it...bank on at least 75k at a private hosptial


Well my big worry is this, there are hernias that can be treated without surgery, but this being thailand they are so corrupt they will insist on surgery just to make money off me... its times like this I wish I was in a country where you could trust medical practitioners to actually do what is best for your health... I have 2 friends that had hernias and didnt need surgery but Ive yet to talk to them, just waiting.

If I felt any kind of pain, I would of course already be in the hospital. But theres no pain, just a small swelling. They do get better with non invasive treatment if its the kind that doesnt need surgery. Did you have pain at the time you thought you could leave it?


Piss all to worry about. I had one 3 years ago. I went to the government hospital and had it repaired. 10,000 Baht, including 2 nights in a private room. Job done.


Well my big worry is this, there are hernias that can be treated without surgery, but this being thailand they are so corrupt they will insist on surgery just to make money off me... its times like this I wish I was in a country where you could trust medical practitioners to actually do what is best for your health... I have 2 friends that had hernias and didnt need surgery but Ive yet to talk to them, just waiting.

If I felt any kind of pain, I would of course already be in the hospital. But theres no pain, just a small swelling. They do get better with non invasive treatment if its the kind that doesnt need surgery. Did you have pain at the time you thought you could leave it?

You cant "treat" a hernia without surgery and they dont get "better"....its a tear and it doesnt heal, whether you can leave it or not needs a surgeon to look at it, not your two friends advising you...unless they are surgeons of course

Without trying to sound rude you should get off your conspiracy theories, Thai's are out to get farang's theme.... and go to a reptuable hosptial and get it checked out....

I didnt have any pain either only swelling and I was glad I went the hosptial...

Based on your comments you have already made you mind up...so as my dear wife would say...up to you...


I also had an inguinal hernia and as it was not painful I just put up with the swelling for about three years, it gradually got worse to the point I had to push my stomach back up from the groin regularly, knowing the risks of a strangulated hernia I checked around the various hospitals in Pattaya and settled on Queen Sirikit Naval Hospital in Satahip. Saw the surgeon who remarked that this was very old hernia! He opted for keyhole surgery at 56K baht but when they got me in the theatre he changed to open surgery as the hernia was too severe plus because of underlying conditions he would not use general anaesthetic instead they gave me a spinal block! I was in the theatre for four hours and hospital for three nights, total cost was just under 18K.

The only problem is a hernia op is a repair so you have to be careful that you do not tear the stomach again, however if it is only a minor hernia and can be done with keyhole surgery then there is a chance you could resume normal activity but only a surgeon can advise. I have a neighbour who also had an inguinal hernia and was impressed with my treatment so he went through the same procedure but when he came out he was back on his motorbike almost immediately and now suffers a lot of pain. I took things easy for a couple of weeks and have had no problems, however, I avoid lifting heavy weights and gave up diving for that reason. The bottom line is you cannot mess about, get it checked out, Satahip charges 200 baht to see a consultant and I guess most government hospitals are similar so there is no excuse.


Every time I go to the hospital they put a laundry list of medication on my bill I absolutely dont need and I have to cancel. EVERY SINGLE TIME. They dont do that in Canada. So yes, they will most likely advise on the most expensive route regardless of health and I just wish that were not the case. Trusting your doctor should be a right....

Of course I will see a doctor, but there is a mild hernia that can be healed without surgery, Im not just making that up, Ive read everything I can on the net before posting here lol. Just hoping mine would fall into that category. I dont care about surgery, its just that the 2 months to heal will screw up my work severely....


Every time I go to the hospital they put a laundry list of medication on my bill I absolutely dont need and I have to cancel. EVERY SINGLE TIME. They dont do that in Canada. So yes, they will most likely advise on the most expensive route regardless of health and I just wish that were not the case. Trusting your doctor should be a right....

Of course I will see a doctor, but there is a mild hernia that can be healed without surgery, Im not just making that up, Ive read everything I can on the net before posting here lol. Just hoping mine would fall into that category. I dont care about surgery, its just that the 2 months to heal will screw up my work severely....

how do you know you have a "mild" hernia, I hope you are not basing this assumption based on the size of the swelling....:rolleyes:

Why would they prescibe a "laundry list" of medication for a hernia op....if memory serves I was given pain killers and some anti-biotics and sent on my why

Who says recover will be two months...depends on the repair....I have a 6" scar along side my groin from my open repair and after a week at home my back, and 3 weeks light duty I was back at work (O&G)

You have been given good advice by a few people here who have been through similar in Thailand, but it seems to me you are trying to find excuses not to go and get this seen to

Please stop diagnosing yourself from the internet and go and see a surgeon....not a "Dr".....if you are so paranoid about seeking treatment in Thailand, then may I humbly suggest you get on a plane and get it treated in Canada...it aint going away....


TheLaughingMan, nothing really to "freak out" about. You just need to work out the situation with your work and realize training-wise you will not be back to full speed for about two months. You have medical insurance here, yes?

Happened to me last year. Same thing, in July I noticed the bulge, thought I had just injured some material there diving in hard sand playing beach volleyball. In August after doing the same I noticed it had turned all purple, not a good sign. Saw a doctor a little over a month later, he told me I was lucky I hadn't burst my intestine, I had to stop all activity, especially the jumping and diving of volleyball.

Laparoscopic surgery is the way to go. Old fashion cut right in is out, longer recovery time, could be some permanent damage to outer muscle. Due to the fact that I had a ton of scar tissue because of injuring the area repeatedly my 1.5 hour surgery ended up being 5 hours in the theatre.

4 weeks later back to running, 8 weeks, good as new. Glad I got it over with.

The one thing that was sort of weak was before the surgery I had them clear with BUPA that all was covered. BUPA, responded yes, all covered, I have the platinum plan. After the surgery they came back and said they didn't realize what was submitted was laparoscopic surgey (huh? For sure they were informed) and that I would have to pay 9,000thb for the tools used............


I only have the regular medical that you have to pay for with your work permit in Thailand, anyone know if that covers this kind of surgery?

My work requires EXCESSIVE physical requirements, so YES, I would have to take at least 2 months off of that kind of activity and it would really mess me up. I'm very discouraged because things were going so well and I was really getting somewere and this is going to end all that.


Yes, the social security will pay for this surgery at a participating hospital.

The fact that your work is physically strenuous makes it all the less feasible to leave the hernia untreated. You need to avoid all straining, heavy lifting until after it is repaired. in fact, a few weeks post op and you'll be fit for far more exertion than is advisable right now.

Assuming of course that this is a hernia, and not an enlarged lymph node or something else.


Alright hopefully it all works out. I know some of you criticise my "paranoid" attitude but I have never had anything work out the way it should in this country for 8 years. Its been a constant battle of scammers and liars stealing from me, shit even my monthly tax I paid got stolen for over a year! Its just ridiculous, so after paying for medical for 7 years I honestly feel like Im about to find out Im not covered for some random reason or theft. Hopefully life here is as rosy and lala land-ee as some of you think and it proves me wrong!


I only have the regular medical that you have to pay for with your work permit in Thailand, anyone know if that covers this kind of surgery?

Yes, if the doc believes the op is justified and necessary.

My work requires EXCESSIVE physical requirements, so YES, I would have to take at least 2 months off of that kind of activity and it would really mess me up. I'm very discouraged because things were going so well and I was really getting somewere and this is going to end all that.

Oh, well, that's life. Suck it up; keep movin'.


An inguinal hernia happens when a weakness in the muscle of the groin allows the intestine or Omentum to bulge through. The first sign of an inguinal hernia is usually an unexplained bulge in the groin area. An inguinal hernia will not heal by itself and does require surgery to be repaired. Initially, the hernia may only be a small lump in the groin but can grow much larger over time. It may also appear to grow and shrink with different activities. Increased abdominal pressure during activities, such as straining to have a bowel movement or sneezing, may push more of the intestines in to the herniated area, making the hernia appear to grow temporarily.Because of the risk of an intrabdominal organ being permanently trapped in the hernia hole instead of sliding in and out, the current recommendation is to repair the hernia once it is recognized even if it is not causing any symptoms.There is some recent literature, however, to suggest that watchful waiting is also an appropriate tactic to take in patients with little or mild symptoms.


Ya so, after extensive research I have to tell some of you, you are wrong. Surgery is NOT the only solution for a minor hernia like mine. And the failure rate and complications after surgery is quite high. So <deleted> that. I'm changing my lifestyle to incorporate a new diet, new exercise program and most importantly using my support full time to keep the rip closed and my intestines where they are supposed to be. I'll post back month to month and let you know how it goes.


Ya so, after extensive research I have to tell some of you, you are wrong. Surgery is NOT the only solution for a minor hernia like mine. And the failure rate and complications after surgery is quite high. So <deleted> that. I'm changing my lifestyle to incorporate a new diet, new exercise program and most importantly using my support full time to keep the rip closed and my intestines where they are supposed to be. I'll post back month to month and let you know how it goes.

Have you been to see a doctor yet ?.....No....so will ask the question again...how do you know its a minor hernia ?......a new diet will do <deleted> all, all you are doing is intending to wear a truss, doesnt cure anything....it aint going away, failure rate of an inguinal hernia repair is around 30% and if you went to see a doctor/surgeon, they will tell you the same thing, I personnally will take my chances with a 30% possbility of failure anf having to get it repaired again, than a strangulated hernia and dieing

Oh well you know best from your extensive internet research...dont take any advice from people who have actually been through all this and someone whio is a medical professional up to you...


Ya so, after extensive research I have to tell some of you, you are wrong. Surgery is NOT the only solution for a minor hernia like mine. And the failure rate and complications after surgery is quite high. So <deleted> that. I'm changing my lifestyle to incorporate a new diet, new exercise program and most importantly using my support full time to keep the rip closed and my intestines where they are supposed to be. I'll post back month to month and let you know how it goes.

Gee, with your cheerful attitude and willingness to accept advice from people who have actually experienced the thing you were asking about, it's a real mystery why life in Thailand has been such a burden for you. An even bigger mystery is why you stay here when you found life in Canada so grand. I'm sure we'll all be on the edge of our chairs waiting for you monthly reports.


Ya so, after extensive research I have to tell some of you, you are wrong. Surgery is NOT the only solution for a minor hernia like mine. And the failure rate and complications after surgery is quite high. So <deleted> that. I'm changing my lifestyle to incorporate a new diet, new exercise program and most importantly using my support full time to keep the rip closed and my intestines where they are supposed to be. I'll post back month to month and let you know how it goes.

People who think they are medically qualified to self diagnose or offer medical opinions to others when their only training is internet research, are idiots.

Sorry pal, but the surgeon I saw held a medical degree out of London. For sure I took his advice over the advice of my internet-dr-jockey friends, (although I love them dearly) who offered their internet researched advice to really what ended up being my complete frustration with them. They meant well, just really didn't know what they were talking about.

Don't be so arrogant as to tell people they are wrong. You do all the research you want and conclude whats best for you, those of us who have been through it will take the advice of truly trained medical professionals (which I believe is the smarter way to go).

  • 2 months later...

Ya so, after extensive research I have to tell some of you, you are wrong. Surgery is NOT the only solution for a minor hernia like mine. And the failure rate and complications after surgery is quite high. So <deleted> that. I'm changing my lifestyle to incorporate a new diet, new exercise program and most importantly using my support full time to keep the rip closed and my intestines where they are supposed to be. I'll post back month to month and let you know how it goes.

Gee, with your cheerful attitude and willingness to accept advice from people who have actually experienced the thing you were asking about, it's a real mystery why life in Thailand has been such a burden for you. An even bigger mystery is why you stay here when you found life in Canada so grand. I'm sure we'll all be on the edge of our chairs waiting for you monthly reports.

You guys are right of course, I dont mind admitting. There is no way someone in my line of work would NOT eventually need surgery to repair it. The problem is and has always been that I simply cannot stop working. I keep it strapped in at all times and especially during work which is highly physically demanding and I've been able to continue like this for months. I have no other options, I cannot stop working and so far havent needed to. As for the cliche why do I stay in thailand... unlike 95% of falangs here I do not drink or whore EVER, I am here for one reason only and that is to further my career and follow my dreams. I never said anything about life in Canada being so grand lol.


Are you a permanent employee or self employed?

If you're permanent you should be covered by workman's compensation, no doubt the injury was brought on by the "highly physically demanding" nature of the job.

If self employed, you should have your own 'income protection insurance'.

What exactly do you do for a living?

You're not SAS are you?:ph34r:


Are you a permanent employee or self employed?

If you're permanent you should be covered by workman's compensation, no doubt the injury was brought on by the "highly physically demanding" nature of the job.

If self employed, you should have your own 'income protection insurance'.

What exactly do you do for a living?

You're not SAS are you?:ph34r:



Are you a permanent employee or self employed?

If you're permanent you should be covered by workman's compensation, no doubt the injury was brought on by the "highly physically demanding" nature of the job.

If self employed, you should have your own 'income protection insurance'.

What exactly do you do for a living?

You're not SAS are you?:ph34r:

No my hernia wasn't caused by work, it just randomly popped up doing what I have always done, physical training :(

I don't want to share too much personal information, but no Im not one of those silly men trying to sound mysterious and lead you to believe I'm some sort of spy lol. I just have a 100% physical job.

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