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Need To Exgend Non-Immigrant O As Ngo Volunteer

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Hello, I am an American and a volunteer at a non-governmental orphanage in Chiang Rai. I plan to volunteer for 1 year and my 3 month visa will expire soon. I have a Non-Immigrant O, single entry visa. It was actually set to expire last week so I traveled to Mae Sai for a temporary extension of 2 weeks. I have seen posts and suggestions for people extending this type of visa but for marriage reasons, retirement (over 50) reasons, or volunteering for a governmental school as a teacher. I am 29 years old, single, and volunteering (no pay, room & board only) for a non-governmental organization. What is the best way to go about getting a new visa or visa extension if I plan to be here for 9 more months? Can I take care if this with Thai Immigration or will I have to go on a run to another country? If so what country would you suggest and what type of visa or visa extension would I apply for? Finally, what would I need to bring with to ensure everything goes to plan? Any specific information would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks! -Aaron-

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Just to clarify:

When you went to Mae Sai, presumably you crossed the border and then re-entered Thailand.

If so, your Non-Immigrant O visa is now dead and gone.

You entered on a 15 day Visa Exempt Entry.

It looks like you will have to get another Non-Immigrant O visa from a neighbouring country.

To do this you will need a fistful of paperwork from the non-governmental organisation you work for, and then apply at a Thai Embassy or Consulate.

After that, you will need the NGO's help to get an extension of the non-imm visa from immigration in Chiang Rai.

This all assumes that the NGO is properly registered and has the ability, and knowledge, to provide you with the necessary documents.

Immigration, and possibly the embassy/consulate, will want to see a valid work permit, which you should already have obtained.

Edited by Ginkas
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Volunteering requires a work permit. You will need to apply for a work permit, with the help of the organisation. When you have applied, and get a WP3 form from the labour office, you can apply for a new visa in a neighbouring country and get the actual work permit. 60 days later you can apply for an extension of stay from immirgaiton based on volunteering.

No work permit means no extension of stay (and working ilegally).

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Thanks all, for the replies. Yes, Ginkas, my Visa is no more and I have a 15 day Visa Exempt Entry. A question about the work permit - I did not need a work permit when applying for a Non-Immigrant O visa back home. I only needed a support letter from the organization and documentation showing that the organization is registered. It was my understanding that if I am volunteering without pay I don't need a work permit as it is not "work.". Can I just get another Non-Immigrant O from a neighboring country without a work permit or do I need a work permit to do so? I understand that it is necessary for an extension so perhaps that is the best way regardless. Thanks!


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A work permit can only be applied for in Thailand, that is why you didn't need the work permit to get the visa.

The law clearly states that a work permit is needed, whether the work is for profit or not. Volunteers do need a work permit without question.

Neigbouring countries might want to see a WP3 form from the labour office, that signals that you have applied for a WP. Without a WP what you do is illegal and you will not get an extension of stay. Apply for the WP first is the best to avoid problems.

Especially if it is a government institution, you will not have much problems in getting the WP. Your biggest problem will be that the organisation doesn't know what to do. Let them contact the labour office first and after that immigration.

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I'm not trolling, just curious.

Are there any documented examples of somebody who ended up in Thai jail for volunteering without a work permit? A link would be helpful - I've never actually seen this reported by a reliable media source.

I ask because many people must be put off doing voluntary work in Thailand because of the work permit issue - which is bad for everybody, especially disadvantaged Thais.

(I realise that thaivisa.com cannot be seen to be promoting "illegal" activities, however crazy the law)

Edited by modafinil
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After the Tsunami there was a warning made by local officials that volunteers needed a WP or could be prosecuted. That was played down after some public outcry. But a few months later an anouncement was made that the emergency was over and it would no longer be tolorated.

Labour and immirgation are not out to get volunteers, but it is against the law and you can be prosecuted. You can always walk into an onforseen situation and be asked for a WP. Supose you volunteer at a school and a student under your supervision has an accident. Police can investigate the incident and find out that you didn't have a WP and there for was not allowed to supervise the student. Not a nice situation to be in and it can lead to arrest, a conviction and deportation.

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Yes, the Tsunami WP outcry was justified - although I never saw a news report confirming that anybody was arrested while volunteering to help with the tsunami aftermath.

The risk of volunteering without a work permit appears to be an extremely small risk - I would speculate that over the period of (say) 1 month, you are more likely to die in a motorbike accident than get arrested for volunteering. Like everything in life, it's a calculated risk.

You give a good example of a way in which volunteering could lead to disasterous consequences - many NGOs and schools are well enough connected to ensure that you could walk away from such an incident, but perhaps not all.

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Ok, so it appears I need to get a new Non-Immigrant O visa before my 15 day Visa Exempt Entry expires and then apply for a work permit once my visa is secure. Could I get an additional 15 days of cushion room if I cross/re-cross the border in Mae Si again?

Also, which consulate might be the best place to go if I'm living in Chiang Rai city? I suppose "best" meaning closest and most able to provide me with what I need. Laos?

Would it make sense to get a multiple entry type O so I don't have to worry about doing this whole process over again? I only had a type O 90 day single entry before. I'd hate to have to go through all this trouble again in another 90 days. Is it true that a multiple entry visa witll give you another 90s if you make a border run after the first 90 days are up. And do all neighboring consulates offer multiple entry visas for type O?

Is getting a new visa something that can be done same day or is it a process where as I have to apply for it by mail and go pick it up at a later date? I had planned on scheduling a few days for travel to a neighboring consulate to apply for and obtain the visa but want to be sure I can take care of it all in one trip.

I assume I would need what I needed for the first O visa I obtained. That being:



2 photos

Letter from the Thai organization


Is this a correct assumption?

So, again, my situation is that I plan on volunteering for 9 more months in Thailand. My Non-Immigrant O, single entry visa expired and I have had my visa stamped as a 15 day Visa Exempt Entry. I do plan on applying for a work permit but I need to figure the best O visa type to get (single/multiple entry), where the best place to go would be, and any other useful information I would need so as not to come across issues when I finally go.

I apologize but this is all very confusing to me and I'd hate to go to the consulate in another country only to find out they can't provide me with what I need. Any specific suggestions or reccomendations would be great. Thanks in advance!

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Yes, leaving and entering at Mai Sai would give another 15 days.

Vientianne, Laos would be best. But you will probably only get a single non-O, as they want you to extend in Thailand. A multiple non-O would in any case still mean you would need a WP to be legal. In any case, it is best to apply for the WP first and get a WP3 form, before you go to Laos.

Edit: apply day 1, pick-up the next workday.

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You give a good example of a way in which volunteering could lead to disasterous consequences - many NGOs and schools are well enough connected to ensure that you could walk away from such an incident, but perhaps not all.

I would only change this slightly...

... many NGOs and schools are well enough connected to ensure that they could walk away from such an incident without any problems, but perhaps not all NGOs or schools would be willing to step in to ensure that you are also protected from any prosecution.

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