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Police Prepare For Election Day Expat Sobriety Riots


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To the Admins... thanks for handling your latest foray into comedy with a bit more sensitivity...and consideration...than the ill-fated April Fool's post about banning marriages between older men and younger women...

It's a small thing, but at least labeling the article modestly at the top with a red "Satire" helps cover the bases...

As someone else said above, it's an unfortunate reality that patently ridiculous things that would be easily recognized as such elsewhere, when dropped into the Thailand context, suddenly become plausible and easily mistaken for reality...

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I was in India a few years ago during an election ban. The restaurant still served alcohol, but just did so in a hush, hush manner and put it all in glasses so no bottles were out in the open.

In Thailand, they are a little smarter - coffee mugs. Chang brand coffee is lovely on a hot day, or cool night.

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Only in Thailand would this article have to be explicitly labeled 'Satire' at the top. :lol:

It's only "believable" if you're a complete moron.

...and it takes a frigging genius to hurl insults in a humorous thread...

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Whats the point in a satirical post like this?

Ah... Thai visa does enjoy winding up the expats with antagonistic posts like the above

ive just wasted 10 minutes of my life again... thanks TV for another great informative post... sorry - satirical....

If your time is so precious, why didn't you stop at the word "Satire"? That would have saved you 9 minutes and 55 seconds.

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Well done! How many remember the April 1st story? That had people climbing the walls.

I just find it rude and slander language against foreigners. Humiliating and offending... not worth a reading and just expression of a typical Thai feeling against foreigners: all considered drunk, with a Thai beauty next to them, immensily impolite and uneducated alcoholics, shouting at waitresses, empty minded and with poor behaviour. This writer must never have seen a Thai wedding party.... What a disgusting, humiliating, hateful and mud-slinging reporting! :bah: :bah: :bah:

Small reflection: wouldn't it be from the many prostitutes and katoeys here in Thailand, there wouldn't be this kind of tourism as described...

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I got taken in by the article and the fact I got taken in amused me, I put my hands up to the fact and took it with good grace, but why oh why do some posters have to post such obnoxious replies?

I don't know how old you are, Old Git, but surely you've learned by now that some people are just obnoxious by nature?

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As the coming 30-hour ban on alcohol sales (and probably public consumption) is nothing more or less than what we had the weekend before, I'm really amazed and somewhat amused at the large number of people who either still take this type of topic serious, use it to vent their anger at 'something', or simply enjoy the fun of it.

Maybe time to change the slogan 'Amazing Thailand' into 'Amazing TV posters' :D

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As the coming 30-hour ban on alcohol sales (and probably public consumption) is nothing more or less than what we had the weekend before, I'm really amazed and somewhat amused at the large number of people who either still take this type of topic serious, use it to vent their anger at 'something', or simply enjoy the fun of it.

Maybe time to change the slogan 'Amazing Thailand' into 'Amazing TV posters' :D

Rubi ...... you have been a member for such a long time I am suprised that you are amazed by the comments of the majority of TVF members.
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Well done! How many remember the April 1st story? That had people climbing the walls.

I just find it rude and slander language against foreigners. Humiliating and offending... not worth a reading and just expression of a typical Thai feeling against foreigners: all considered drunk, with a Thai beauty next to them, immensily impolite and uneducated alcoholics, shouting at waitresses, empty minded and with poor behaviour. This writer must never have seen a Thai wedding party.... What a disgusting, humiliating, hateful and mud-slinging reporting! :bah: :bah: :bah:

Small reflection: wouldn't it be from the many prostitutes and katoeys here in Thailand, there wouldn't be this kind of tourism as described...

I don't what to say except...cheesy.gif

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As the coming 30-hour ban on alcohol sales (and probably public consumption) is nothing more or less than what we had the weekend before, I'm really amazed and somewhat amused at the large number of people who either still take this type of topic serious, use it to vent their anger at 'something', or simply enjoy the fun of it.

Maybe time to change the slogan 'Amazing Thailand' into 'Amazing TV posters' :D

Rubi ...... you have been a member for such a long time I am suprised that you are amazed by the comments of the majority of TVF members.

Somethings simply never stop amazing.

Stay cool, take a beer, watch the rain from your balcony. :)

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Well done! How many remember the April 1st story? That had people climbing the walls.

I just find it rude and slander language against foreigners. Humiliating and offending... not worth a reading and just expression of a typical Thai feeling against foreigners: all considered drunk, with a Thai beauty next to them, immensily impolite and uneducated alcoholics, shouting at waitresses, empty minded and with poor behaviour. This writer must never have seen a Thai wedding party.... What a disgusting, humiliating, hateful and mud-slinging reporting! :bah: :bah: :bah:

Small reflection: wouldn't it be from the many prostitutes and katoeys here in Thailand, there wouldn't be this kind of tourism as described...

I don't what to say except...cheesy.gif

You have the name of DumFarang but I see that you are more clever than a lot of the other posters.
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> What is a pity, is that the Thai Authorities don't trust their own nationals to vote responsibily if they have had a drink in the preceding twelve hours.

I always assumed the purpose of the ban was to reduce the incidence of people rounding up the rural poor men to exchange their vote en masse in exchange for alcohol.

Maybe not reducing the vote-buying as such, but trying to make sure people at least vote the way they promised the guy who gave them the rednote, and not on a last-minute offer of drinks all round. . .

And I believe there are similar bans (for similar reasons) in Australia? It's been a while since I live there, and I was drunk most of the time, so I can't recall exactly. . .

If they were giving away the alcohol, then a ban on the sale of it won't have any effect, will it?

Here's an idea for an enterprising bar owner... pre-sell your regulars their Sunday drinks on Saturday, since the ban is on selling, all you'll be doing on Sunday is giving them what you sold them on Saturday... all nice an' legal, right gov?

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Well done! How many remember the April 1st story? That had people climbing the walls.

I just find it rude and slander language against foreigners. Humiliating and offending... not worth a reading and just expression of a typical Thai feeling against foreigners: all considered drunk, with a Thai beauty next to them, immensily impolite and uneducated alcoholics, shouting at waitresses, empty minded and with poor behaviour. This writer must never have seen a Thai wedding party.... What a disgusting, humiliating, hateful and mud-slinging reporting! :bah: :bah: :bah:

Small reflection: wouldn't it be from the many prostitutes and katoeys here in Thailand, there wouldn't be this kind of tourism as described...

I don't what to say except...cheesy.gif

You have the name of DumFarang but I see that you are more clever than a lot of the other posters.

Only the smarts we all gain after a few beers.


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It is bad for tourists and the future of tourism ...

I'm fairly certain that someone resident in a hotel can order a drink or drinks sent up to his room.

I'm also reasonably certain that not all tourists need to be inebriated 24/7 and that the future of tourism is not teetering on a precipice because alcohol is not free flowing around the clock.

What's worrying is how many of the TV regulars feel they are threatened and Thailand's future is at stake if booze isn't readily available. If you really feel that everyone is suffering because of this, you may be labouring under the misconception that all expats and all tourists spend all their waking hours sucking up booze in sleazy bars. Not a particularly rosy view of the state of farangitude.

Sure but most tourists come here to enjoy themselves and socialize not sit in their hotels. It is a special time for them though just another weekend for us expats. If i came here as a tourist a week ago this would be the second weekend were I was being treated like a kid and told i couldn't buy a drink. How daft is that?

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It amazes me:

That some don't see it as a joke.

That some don't get the joke at all.

That some are so aghast at not getting to drink for 30 hours.

That some with many years here don't understand why the ban exists.

That some can still be arguing the good taste of this good joke.

That some just plain can't take

a good natured joke at their own races expense.

That some times I am still amazed at some of the TVF posters.

Edited by animatic
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> i actually didn't read the several pages of posts and didn't see satire on the top of the page either. i just read the article posted my reply which after only finishing a 16 hour day yesterday in work and am back in now again will go down to me been tired. in fairness i have read many quote's from thai officials before and would not be suprised in the slightest if this were true . don't presume by my small amount of post that i am new to thailand, i have been going for many years and spent a lot of my life there. i am only a newbie of thai visa so be gentle

No, sorry no gentleness here, you're just an (edited my post removing the insults - didn't realize one could be banned for calling someone a name even it is completely true)

Not only for possibly believing this was a real article, but even more so for your response.

The main gist if I recall correctly, was that the development of Thailand over the past few decades has been thanks mainly to its recreational visitors from the West.

What a (expletive deleted). Believe me, the only Thais that have any need at all for us, are the poor upcountry folks selling us their daughters, and that's such a tiny insignificant part of the country as a whole, to everyone except the myopic sexpat. The average educated Thai, and especially those that run the show here, are incredibly embarrassed by the whole scene and would be more than happy to get rid of the whole lot of us along with our inlaws. But on the other hand, we do provide them with an extremely valuable service, helping them feel superior to use, let's them believe that all farang are as completely idiotic as the ones they see walking around their streets.

And as for the actual topic, I do find it amazing how the comments here make the article ring true - some people really do think alcohol is important to their lives, just can't have fun without it - sad. . .

What is really sad is they think the only reason people come to Thailand is for alcohol and women. Doesn't say much for there life. The article may have been written with satire in mind but there is all to many here who think it is the way things really are.:realangry:

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I guess that the Thai economy, to a large extent, does depend on the debauchery of the Western tourist.

Maybe this will become a permanent ban and the nasty Farangs will stay home and mail their money to their favorite politician.

I highly doubt Thailand relies on farangs debauchery. Yes there is certainly a lot of it but most expats are not that involved in it. There money goes else where into the economy.

It never ceases to amaze me how people can sit on a bar stool hours on end pay a girl to be nice to them and still think they know all about every one else.

Reminds me of a college instructor who said most people think the whole world is like there back yard. SAD :(

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we all know Thais dont drink alcohol ......... they are never drunk ...behave perfectly in the society and never cause troubles ..... oh are we talking about farang here ? Oooops ...... that is the most stupid things I have seen today so far .... :lol:

I really thought farang was not part of those elections ....

What the h***. Is all of Thailand this ignorant? Who are these people? "36 hours without a drink and the company of a rented Asian female represents something unacceptable, terrifying even."

Yes, we've all read about the riots farangs cause because their favorite bars are closed. :huh: Was this actually printed in a newspaper in Thailand. Wow. I'm just embarressed for Thai people. They all can't be this ignorant.

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This is 2nd only to the new BOI spot going on on Asian and even European Channel, to attract new investor in the country:

"Our reliability is the key of our success!"

Pity that this one is real! I laughed for 5 minutes :D

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“For many of these men, 36 hours without a drink and the company of a rented Asian female represents something unacceptable, terrifying even,” said Noppawan Rangkulan, sociology professor at Thammasat University.

Now wait just a dog garn minute. We can't rent women either? Now I'm going back home, this place has really gone to the dogs.

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