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EC Announces Official Thailand Election Results

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EC Announces Official Election Results

The Election Commission has announced official results for Sunday's election.

The Pheu Thai gained a total 265 seats while the Democrats won 159. The Bhum Jai Thai gained 34 seats and the Chart Thai Pattana won 19. The Chart Pattana Pheu Pandin Party won 7, as did Palanchon. Chuwit Kamolvisit's party won 4 while Rak Santi won one seat.


-- Tan Network 2011-07-05



Official results: PT wins 61 party-list seats and 204 constituency seats while Democrats got 44 party-list seats and 115 constituency seats /TAN_Network


CORRECTION: EC reports official election poll result with PT at 265, Dem 159, BJT 34, CTP 19, CPP 7, PC 7, Chuvit 7, Purachai 1 /TAN_Network

There are 500 seats in the House of Representatives. The above totals to 499. Which one is missing/undecided or is the EC in need of more reliable calculator?


EC official election result: Pheu Thai 265; Democrat 159 ;Bhumjaithai 34; Chartthaipattana 19; Chartpattana Puea Pandin 7; Palang Chon 7; Rak Prathet Thai 4; Matubhum 2; Rak Santi 1; Mahachon 1; New Democrat 1



CORRECTION: EC reports official election poll result with PT at 265, Dem 159, BJT 34, CTP 19, CPP 7, PC 7, Chuvit 7, Purachai 1 /TAN_Network

There are 500 seats in the House of Representatives. The above totals to 499. Which one is missing/undecided or is the EC in need of more reliable calculator?

Just wait a few minutes for the re-correction of the correction of the original correction from TAN network.

MCOT seemed to get it right the first time.


Poll Panel Announces Official Election Results

The poll panel has announced the official election results with the Pheu Thai Party getting 265 seats and the Democrat Party winning 159.

The overall results are expected to be endorsed in one week.

Secretary general of the Election Commission, or EC, Suthipol Thaweechaikarn, revealed the official results of the 2011 election.

The Pheu Thai Party gets 265 MP seats, with 204 constituency MPs and 61 in party-list system.

The Democrat Party comes second with 115 constituency MPs and 44 in party-list system, making159 seats in total.

Bhum Jai Thai comes third with 34 House seats in total, with 29 constituency MPs and five party-list MPs.

Chart Pattana Puea Pandin wins five constituency seats and two in party-list system, a total of seven House seats.

Rak Thailand gets four MP seats, all from the party-list system.

Matubhum wins two seats, one each from party-list and constituency systems.

Rak Santi gets one MP seat from the constituency sytem.

Mahachon and New Democratic get one MP seat each, both from the party-list system.

The EC secretary general said the poll panel will collect all data and is likely to officially endorse the MP-elects in seven days if there is no complaint against any candidate.


-- Tan Network 2011-07-06



So it's offical then: A majority of the Thai electorate endorsed the PTP and in so doing, cast a vote in favour of the PTP platform.

Unfortunately, it seems that a great many foreigners are having a problem accepting the result. ;)


So it's offical then: A majority of the Thai electorate endorsed the PTP and in so doing, cast a vote in favour of the PTP platform.

Unfortunately, it seems that a great many foreigners are having a problem accepting the result. ;)


A minority of the Thai electorate endorsed the PTP and their platform. But that was enough to give them a majority of seats to form government.


Official election results

Pheu Thai Party won a total 265 seats; the Democrats with 159; Bhum Jai Thai had 34 seats; Chart Thai Pattana with 19 seats; Chart Pattana Pheu Pandin Party and Palanchon Party, each with 7 seats; Chuwit Kamolvisit's party had 4 seats and Rak Santi got 1 seat, according to the Election Commission's official election results announcement.


-- The Nation 2011-07-06


ABAC Poll explains inconsistency in exit poll-election result

BANGKOK, 6 July 2011 (NNT) – Assumption University Research Centre (ABAC Poll) has explained the discrepancy between the results of exit poll and the actual election, saying voters were not in the situation to provide the truth while officials did not cooperate.

ABAC Poll Director Noppadon Kannikar attributed the differences between the exit poll and actual election results, especially in Bangkok to blocking by electoral staff members at polling stations who were afraid of anything thought to violate electoral laws.

Some electoral officials prohibited students working for ABAC poll from staying in the radius of 200 metres of the polling stations, or even took students to police stations for fear of violating electoral laws; therefore, poll teams could not find appropriate samples coming out of voting stations to answer their questions as pollsters were too far away.

In addition, voters were under pressure from being observed by political party representatives who were monitoring the operation of the survey teams. Some voters hence did not dare to tell the truth about their choice of political parties.

Mr Noppadon noted that he would take all causes of inconsistency into consideration for further research planning. He pledged that more opinion surveys will be conducted under academic theories and research methodology. He also asked for cooperation from all sides in helping the surveys meet the required standard and for the sake of academic development.


-- NNT 2011-07-06 footer_n.gif


So it's offical then: A majority of the Thai electorate endorsed the PTP and in so doing, cast a vote in favour of the PTP platform.

Unfortunately, it seems that a great many foreigners are having a problem accepting the result. ;)

I've accepted it - but I know you enjoy beating the drum, so carry on! <_<


So when do all these old and new MP's have to submit their asset declaration ?


So when do all these old and new MP's have to submit their asset declaration ?

And their proof of having voted.

I wonder who many maids got richer this week?


So it's offical then: A majority of the Thai electorate endorsed the PTP and in so doing, cast a vote in favour of the PTP platform.

Unfortunately, it seems that a great many foreigners are having a problem accepting the result. ;)


A minority of the Thai electorate endorsed the PTP and their platform. But that was enough to give them a majority of seats to form government.

Is there a source with the actual number of votes per party for both party list and constituencies? Preferably a source that goes down to the individual district, but totals will do nicely as well.


[quote Unfortunately, it seems that a great many foreigners are having a problem accepting the result.)

Many farangs know they have one-and-one-right-only in TH: PAY. Even when a policeman cannot see their face through the wind shield of their motor helmet: 500 THB. You want to bring in samples for en exhibition organised by DEP or samples for lab tests: you have to bribe the customs ( oh solly: additional pape'wo'k: 1000 THB notes ).

So, even more will follow my example: take up your money what is not extorded by Thais yet and leave. Never, never and never a falang, even when he /she lived for 99 years in Thailand, will have any other position as ATM machine.

To give you some comparissions: In Netherlands, in our former government, 2 deputy ministers out of 12 were of Maroccan and Turkish birth; 8 out of 150 members of parliament are of foreign origin, and even the mayor of our second city, inclusive the huge port of Rotterdam, is from Marocco. Can you imaginer a farang being reserve-deputy-assistent-mayor of even an elephant village in the jungle ?


> Many farangs know they have one-and-one-right-only in TH: PAY. Even when a policeman cannot see their face through the wind shield of their motor helmet: 500 THB. You want to bring in samples for en exhibition organised by DEP or samples for lab tests: you have to bribe the customs ( oh solly: additional pape'wo'k: 1000 THB notes ).

So, even more will follow my example: take up your money what is not extorded by Thais yet and leave. Never, never and never a falang, even when he /she lived for 99 years in Thailand, will have any other position as ATM machine.

>To give you some comparissions: In Netherlands, in our former government, 2 deputy ministers out of 12 were of Maroccan and Turkish birth; 8 out of 150 members of parliament are of foreign origin, and even the mayor of our second city, inclusive the huge port of Rotterdam, is from Marocco. Can you imaginer a farang being reserve-deputy-assistent-mayor of even an elephant village in the jungle ?

And what? Of course! So what's your point? Yes Thailand is corrupt. Yes foreigners are only tolerated, sometimes only barely and usually for financial reasons.

Yes more progressive countries (and Holland is certainly right up there near the top!) are more welcoming and inclusive, allowing foreigners to become part of the country and even to get involved in politics. Yes you're right Thailand isn't one of them. So if you want to become "part of" the country where you want to spend your time, Thailand isn't the place for you. It's a great place to visit, I think a great place to live, but then again I realize I'll always be an outsider here and need to make it worth their while to put up with letting me stay here. I realize and accept I don't have any rights here.

I don't think anyone has ever pretended, claimed or even thought any differently. If you thought differently was that because someone tricked you? Or did you just assume other countries would be like your own?

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