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Cash-strapped School Sends Students Out To Work


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Cash-strapped school sends students out to work

BANGKOK: -- A lack of cash has forced a school in Chiang Mai to turn its students out into the fields to work as labourers for the duration of the strawberry-harvesting season.

Classes are to be suspended and the school’s 400 students sent home for the winter.

The headmaster at Bo Kaew School in Chiang Mai’s Samoeng district, Thavin Sutthiwanchampa, said his school had run out of money because it had only received subsidies amounting to about Bt400,000 this year.

He said that amounted to just Bt1,000 per student.

So he’s closing down the school for the strawberry-harvesting season, from November to March.

“We think it will be a good experience for them, and also a good way for our students to earn money,” said Thavin.

Working on the harvest, a student has the potential to earn as much as Bt2,000 a night and that money will be directed into the school’s budget, he said. He said the school tried it last year and it was successful.

He said the project wouldn’t affect students’ learning, because the school would organise classes for them during the school holidays, when the harvesting season is over.

“It’s an efficient solution to help the school survive,” he said, adding that the students could also work as tour guides on the strawberry farms. And he said it might help the students improve their English-language skills, which were fairly poor, because the most of them came from hill tribes.

Thavin said the students wouldn’t have problems working hard, because they were from hill tribes and used to farm work.

Theera Sheewasuttirat, senior deputy chief of the district, said he agreed with the idea because it would be a good way for the students to gather work experience.

Chiang Mai Educational Service Area Office 2 deputy director Krisorn Suthinno said if the headmaster was able to organise the work for them in such a manner that it had no adverse effects on the students or the parents approved, then it should be alright.

However, he said, the school executive would have to be responsible.

Samoeng District is the biggest growing area for strawberries in the North, boasting about 5,000 rai of strawberry farms, particularly in the Bo Kaew sub-district, where eco-tourism programmes are offered.

The strawberry industry brings in between Bt100 million and Bt200 million a year.

--The Nation 2005-10-20

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"Working on the harvest, a student has the potential to earn as much as Bt2,000 a night and that money will be directed into the school’s budget, he said. He said the school tried it last year and it was successful."

At 2000 baht a night for 5 months, a single student can make 300, 000 baht in a season? That's almost the entire buget to run the school........ Makes more sense for the kids to start their own strawberry enterprise. :o

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Why is that the kids don't get this money? Is it because they are Hilltribe people and the government doesn't care about these people at all or just figure they can use them for their own gain? They do this and do not give them anykind of recognition as being Thai. Sad, truely sad.

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"Working on the harvest, a student has the potential to earn as much as Bt2,000 a night and that money will be directed into the school’s budget, he said. He said the school tried it last year and it was successful."

At 2000 baht a night for 5 months, a single student can make 300, 000 baht in a season? That's almost the entire buget to run the school........ Makes more sense for the kids to start their own strawberry enterprise. :o

I am just so disgusted by this its unbelievable. The students have to go to work to keep the school open . Where is the bleepin government ? I want to say so many things right now about this its just best i cool down before i get suspended from t.v. . unbelieveable :D

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Let's see, we are getting the animal bark with bird tunnel valued in the billions I presume, they (Government) are talking about a tunnel to Mae Hong Song valued in the billions.

What is wrong with this picture? They can't afford a few million for this school?

This sounds a lot like a school I read about near Nan, the Government was shutting it down because they didn't have enough teachers (1), why didn't they have enough teachers? Because their budget couldn't afford more than 1. Was there another school close by for these students, NO! 20Km away was the next nearest school....... :o Oh.... the single teacher in question was teaching every age group and had more than 50 in each class. She had been at this particular school for more than 20 years and said that even if the school closed she would still be teaching there, a truly dedicated lady to her profession and her community.

It seems that the Thai Educational system WANTS to keep the poor ignorant and at the bottom of the ladder where they sit right now. The pull this Bullsh*t in almost every poor area of the country. :D

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^You've put your finger on it. Sadly, though all countries underfund education (for much the same reasons) in Thailand it is particularly bleak that they do so.

As manual labour typically runs 3-4000B a month even in Bangkok, I suspect the schoolmaster is overstating things- or perhaps on the official books they are getting paid that much and he and other "important people" get to pocket the difference. In any case, this is certainly a suspicious use of children and probably against certain treaties to which Thailand is signatory.

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Why not close the school and send the kids out to work all the time?

Just like the bad old days............................


A good story for an international newspaper, or TV news reporter to get

his/her teeth into.

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"....a student has the potential to earn as much as Bt2,000 a night..."

1) If school is closed, why are they picking strawberries at NIGHT?

2) If someone can get 2,000 Baht each day picking strawberries, why isn't there a mass migration of English teachers to Chiang Mai? OK, I know foreigners aren't allowed to do this work unless they are Burmese, Cambodian or Lao, etc. etc.


Something doesn't seem to be reported or translated correctly here. I hope.


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Here is a crazy idea.

If all Thai Visa members (22,964) gave 100 baht it would equal 2,296,400 baht.

They can still cancel school and reorganize the classes and the children and their families can pocket the money instead of the school.

However, I am not sure if something like this would embarrass the Thai government for not taking care of their children. This is not the intentions of my idea. It is to show the farangs in Thailand care enough about Thailand to help children in Thailand.

I know its a crazy idea but I would gladly give 100 baht to help children like this.

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Really, this whole TiT thing has started to really get beyond a joke. Maybe it's just me. But surely the government can see farangs etc laughing it up. Be it from a teacher to a CEO. This country is bound to end up having some kind of revolution. Hopefully, unlike the previous attempt back in the 70's (correct me if I am wrong with the era).

The circus industry would love to have these class clown acts on.


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Here is a crazy idea.

If all Thai Visa members (22,964) gave 100 baht it would equal 2,296,400 baht.

They can still cancel school and reorganize the classes and the children and their families can pocket the money instead of the school.

However, I am not sure if something like this would embarrass the Thai government for not taking care of their children. This is not the intentions of my idea. It is to show the farangs in Thailand care enough about Thailand to help children in Thailand.

I know its a crazy idea but I would gladly give 100 baht to help children like this.

:o I second that motion and more than willing to pay if I know it would the money would definitely go to help the kids and not the school admin. they probably would pocket the money

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Does anyone else think this a good idea? How would we ensure the school gets the money it needs to survive.

There are pleanty of guys out there who are a whole lot smarter than I am and can figure this out.

Would the Thai Visa, powers that be, be interested in an endever such as this?

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Does anyone else think this a good idea? How would we ensure the school gets the money it needs to survive.

There are pleanty of guys out there who are a whole lot smarter than I am and can figure this out.

Would the Thai Visa, powers that be, be interested in an endever such as this?

Good idea. Yes. Get to the people. Probably not. Look what happened with money from the tsunami. Ended up elsewhere.

Anyway Toxin will say "we don't need help we are a developed country"


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I know that Nakorn Payap International school has an "Adopted" sister school. This is in an impoverished area of Chiangmai.

The teachers donate time, the school donates books and they have joint visitations between students. Why don't WE approach the international schools in Chiangmai to work as a go between. At the very least they would have an idea how to let the f**king beaurocrats save face and get the task accomplished.

Next week is vacation week at NIS, but I will make a point of meeting with the headmaster to get his feel on the situation.

You can handle the fund raising........ I don't do money!

Oh, ....... put me in for 500 baht. :o

Good luck!

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I think the only way to make something like this work is for the Thai Visa administration to help out. I don't think I could do it without their support. I would like to know what they think.

Perhaps one day we could do something similiar for Muslim children in the south of Thailand.

Maybe doing something nice for nothing will be catchy in Thailand politicians will start do this too.

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This looks like local government gone crazy. I don't know if the central Bangkok government is to blame for this. Lots of wacko things go on in the village schools and noone is held accountable.

On the donation idea: I'm all for charity, but whoever is managing it must keep their hand on the money all the way to the intended recipients; teachers, bills, maintenance, etc. Trust noone. If you can do all that, you solved the problem. However, whoever caused the problem is still pocketing the money and you enable them to continue to do so.

For a hypothetical example, let's say you give 1000B to the village school. 1000B is then subtracted from the budget and moved into the teacher's whisky fund. No net gain for the students. We all want to help, but giving cash is difficult.

If there is a way to eliminate this kind of corruption I would be interested in helping.


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Why don't they send the Proceeds from the HMT King's (We Love the King) Wrist Bands to help the school? That should be enough to keep the school going for quite some time.

The other issue they need to get new officials at the school.. Sounds like these guys are lining their own pockets :o

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