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hello,the last question, for close this case.just story before......in 2007 build he houses under a constructionpremit issued to foreogner the land was hold by thais,2009 land changed ownershiip to new thailandowner, but houses not registerd.so now the question..........Very Important !!!!land and hose go sold now to a company ( the transaction is already completed) the landwoener sold the land. the foreigner go register the houses at landoffice , there was a 30 day waiting time . the houses are cleared at the landofficie.so the lawyer received the money for the transaction already, now for payment and close they want the foreigner sign , for receiving the money for selling the house .here the question1. foreigner can sign only for the price issued and registerd at the landoffice and the rest is for inventorys,correct.2. could be there any formal mistake in this case , that the foreigner can come in conflict with law,,,,becauselike we hear the owner of land is owner of house even when foreigner have the consruction premit, so how can the foreigner sign for selling , he is only theregistrator of the houses.3. the lawyer said they need receipts for the payment4.if the foreigner sign, can somebody find a mistake or a form mistake in the case.he is very scarred now, and think of a formal mistake can get in problem with the law civil or crimminal and is not willing to signe the papper , but money would not passed until cleance of doocument .... have the frst owner of the land any legal rights on the houses.?????we think, during the registration process of the house, there was made some deal behind , maybe about the registration of the houses or any oher.is there an advice for a lawyer specialised in property transaction

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