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Swedish Expat Murdered At Luxury Villa In Phuket


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Furthermore I'd like to point to the Thaivisa rules which state that quoting Phuket Wan is not allowed.


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Well, what can I say. I always know that Thai are the beasts. This case just proved again it's good idea to left this country.

Why don't you consider going back to school, and learning english?

I'll forgo pointing out the irony of the horrible grammar, and missed capitalization in your post, but I will remove your posting rights for ignoring my earlier warning.

Not everyone here speaks English as their first language, so could the (unqualified) pedants please stop jumping on people over it?

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Huh? You think the people that did this AREN'T psychopaths?

It's hard to steer clear of commenting on Thais because it is the Thais that are involved. Hardly being racist.

Grahamm is correct: making overgeneralizations about Thais in the comments here is racist! Applying one's comments only to those Thais who are involved in this crime, it would be proper to make certain that this is ALL that you are referring to! Do you get it? I see this so often here.

I, too, wonder what happened in this case. It will be interesting to find out if it is one of the 3 mentioned earlier. However, it is not for us to speculate, really, as we really know no more than this report so far.

Remember, farang in Thailand are "guests" there, no matter how you slice it!

Edited by Anyse
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... then you see some expat 25 murdered by Thais for what ??? they don't steal his loot or credit card = then whats the purpose ? since when did a Thai man ever give 2 tosse's what a westerner did ??

They weren't after his money, his possessions Stevo - likely a revenge killing - maybe the swede ripped someone off - a drug run gone bad or similar would be my guess

... - thats the law of the jungle !

no, law of jungle is, if you see something you don't have, take it. Goes for a nice car, the stereo in the car or whatever. Isn't restricted to Thailand.

But again, this killing wasn't a theft gone bad - unless it was the Swede doing the stealing.

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With 12 men, they can blame each other, and in the end, nobody will go to jail. The Men in Brown will probably find that the foreigner stole the knife from one of the 12 and slashed himself.


TV certainly attracts more than its fair share of insightful, intelligent comments. :blink:

No insult intended but is sarcasm the weapon of the weak?

zakk, this question is directed at you. Can you please answer.

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GOOD ON YA adamokeefe.

Far too many tv posters with antithai feelings

If living here is so bad..........clear off back where you came !


This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

how do you blame to Thai's for not helping? I'm guessing the fact it was a luxury villa in Phuket would indicate most of the guests observing the incident would be foreign, so how exactly can you pick fault with Thais?!

and what exactly, would you have Thai's do in that situation? It sounds like anyone that had tried to intervene would have met the same fate as the poor Swede. Would you die for a stranger?

why do so many people have a go at Thai people all the time?

next you'll be telling me that no-one in England ever gets stabbed, and no-one in the US ever gets shot...

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wow ; viscious

wonder how / who he pissed off

Could have been anyone. These people are psychopaths.

Cowardly psychopaths.Don't really have to do much to piss them off.Just bump into a mini bus in Patong and you will be beaten up.

What a Sh-tehole this place has turned into

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What a trash topic, I would never have made comment in the first place. If the situation is as was stated in the head of the article and reports on the web, then I still stand by the comments I make. Two Russians bumping off another, don't care, end of involvement, through pure lack of interest.


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it's pretty sad im the only person in this whole country who has noticed that 98.5% of murders and beatup in ANY major city comes from someone that is from Nakhon Sri Tammarrat ..

This is thailand's only problem, the gene pool from this province

ok.i`ve been to Nakhon `Si lots of times, and i noticed that it`s more crimes etc than most Provinces. but where did u get the 98.5 % from?

L&R Johne 1%er

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This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

how do you blame to Thai's for not helping? I'm guessing the fact it was a luxury villa in Phuket would indicate most of the guests observing the incident would be foreign, so how exactly can you pick fault with Thais?!

and what exactly, would you have Thai's do in that situation? It sounds like anyone that had tried to intervene would have met the same fate as the poor Swede. Would you die for a stranger?

why do so many people have a go at Thai people all the time?

next you'll be telling me that no-one in England ever gets stabbed, and no-one in the US ever gets shot...

I'm glad there are people who think like you. I'm thai but I come to this site for some interesting reading and insightful comments but lately its been depressing with all this thai-bashing and racist-like comments on every single frikin topic. Thailand was voted the numero uno spot to visit for many years running. Is the reason we are such a highly rated destination because of the food?, the beaches? the unique culture?, good value for your money?, easy going smiling attitude of thais? sex industry? easy access to ganja or various uppers or is it because all you tourists are just sadists yearning for a bunch of psychopaths to mug you at every corner and scam you on jewelry. Constructive criticism is ok but alot of you guys just show how cynical and bitter you are despite being guests in this country. Nobody put a gun to your head and asked you to stay.

@ smilingdude: Well spoken, I totally agree with you!

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Ok, first we have the original op here, which states "about 12 men" were waiting to ambush him in front of his pool villa, and was witnessed by neighbors, with the assailants going over a wall to escape.

Then we have a second account from another paper that totally contradicts that, saying the man was attacked and staggered up to the guards for help before dying, with no mention of any witnesses, and that the police are looking for two other Swedish nationals.

Two "supposedly reliable" news sources with only one common denominator - A man was killed by having his throat cut. It would appear that one of the writers of one of these articles needs to get their facts straight, and in doing so, the proper thing to do would be to write an apology or extraction for providing false and misleading information. But please, don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.

Until someone is actually arrested, and can provide a true account of what happened, we're left in confusion over the "variations on a theme" presented to us. Unfortunately, this is something seems to happen on quite a regular basis here with the reporting of news. It's not the first time, and it won't be the last.

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Wow a lot of you guys take this to personal as if is something against farangs. Just a couple of months ago where I live an 67 year old thai woman was stabbed to death and her throat slit by a thief . The thief stole a widescreen tv to pawn so he could purchase a better mobile. He pawned the tv with blood still on it from the victim. Time everyone woke up to the reality life is cheap here. Simple as that.

If you swim with sharks you maybe eaten.

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Ok, first we have the original op here, which states "about 12 men" were waiting to ambush him in front of his pool villa, and was witnessed by neighbors, with the assailants going over a wall to escape.

Then we have a second account from another paper that totally contradicts that, saying the man was attacked and staggered up to the guards for help before dying, with no mention of any witnesses, and that the police are looking for two other Swedish nationals.

Two "supposedly reliable" news sources with only one common denominator - A man was killed by having his throat cut. It would appear that one of the writers of one of these articles needs to get their facts straight, and in doing so, the proper thing to do would be to write an apology or extraction for providing false and misleading information. But please, don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.

Until someone is actually arrested, and can provide a true account of what happened, we're left in confusion over the "variations on a theme" presented to us. Unfortunately, this is something seems to happen on quite a regular basis here with the reporting of news. It's not the first time, and it won't be the last.

the police have stated the 12 thai men report is false.... they have also now released passport details of the suspected swedes... which would suggest the 2 swede's killing the guy, or suspected of killing is the correct source...

i would agree, Phuket Gazzette really needs to update it's story , and quickly

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How does this happen in plain view of neighbors? How does this happen in a supposedly guarded Luxury Villa? How do 12 people go un-noticed? He obviously annoyed someone too much, but seriously! How, why, why, why.... It's mind boggling. This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

Here is another reason why I dont ever go to Phuket again, let alone live there,

there are more Gangsters than dissent people, same goes for Pattaya

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there's just too much money flowing in Phuket.

you rich tourists are to blame for all this, you can't pretend a former shithole fishermen village to remain indifferent to wealthy european tourists

and their luxury villas spending in one morning what the thais earn in a month.

Edited by WithMarco
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i am against any violence and dont break any lawys ......but my friend glock 17 is waiting for scum like these guys.....this is a shame for Thailand and a shame for the Police to let gangs driving armed and dangerous around.

Protect yourself and buy a gun!!!!...legal...and if not posible ,buy it the other way..maybey stupid,but i could not come up whit a better idea.

@Kamluan: "... Protect yourself and buy a gun!!!!...legal...and if not posible ,buy it the other way..maybey stupid..." INDEEED, that is really a stupid comment!

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<br>i am against any violence and dont break any lawys ......but my friend glock 17 is waiting for scum like these guys.....this is a shame for Thailand and a shame for the Police to let gangs driving armed and dangerous around.<br><br>Protect yourself and buy a gun!!!!...legal...and if not posible ,buy it the other way..maybey stupid,but i could not come up whit a better idea.<br>
<br><br>@Kamluan: "... <b>Protect yourself and buy a gun!!!!...legal...and if not posible ,buy it the other way..maybey stupid</b>..."  INDEEED, that is really a stupid comment!<br>
<br><br>how's that a protection against gangs of thais ambushing drunken old expats coming home at night ?<br>you're still 1 against 10 and they have guns or knives too, they're not drunken and/or probably on yaba.<br><br><br>
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This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

how do you blame to Thai's for not helping? I'm guessing the fact it was a luxury villa in Phuket would indicate most of the guests observing the incident would be foreign, so how exactly can you pick fault with Thais?!

and what exactly, would you have Thai's do in that situation? It sounds like anyone that had tried to intervene would have met the same fate as the poor Swede. Would you die for a stranger?

why do so many people have a go at Thai people all the time?

next you'll be telling me that no-one in England ever gets stabbed, and no-one in the US ever gets shot...

Maybe because 12 Thai cowards tied this young man and slit his throat. Usually an overkill of Thai staff at these accommodations as well but don't act as the poor innocent Thais are being rained on. Happens all the time here. Just had my guests stay way clear of Phukette and gave them strong warnings about the hotel in Chiang Mai. Not a safe place!

How many people do get killed in the States or in Europe, while sitting here and writing two sentences? Guess crime is everywhere. Sorry, but that.:jap:

Whew! Mine was five sentences. Very rare to hear about these type suicides though.

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How does this happen in plain view of neighbors? How does this happen in a supposedly guarded Luxury Villa? How do 12 people go un-noticed? He obviously annoyed someone too much, but seriously! How, why, why, why.... It's mind boggling. This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

Here is another reason why I dont ever go to Phuket again, let alone live there,

there are more Gangsters than dissent people, same goes for Pattaya

So two foreigners kill another foreigner.

That makes it so bad here in Phuket, that you would never come back ?

I agree that not everything is perfect here, however name any tourist hot spot that is.

How can a murder happen in plain view ?

Most solved murders will have some form of video / eye witness report, linking the suspect to the crime. ( I dont have actual stats )

Thus in some form of plain sight.

Much harder to find killers, that did not get noticed at or around the scene of the crime.

Let alone killers without a motive.

Could we argue that this murder wasn't well planned, as police are already chasing down suspected killer(s) ?

To me - this looks like a crime of passion.

Also - in my opinion - speaking of crimes of passion - they can happen anywhere, as it is usually something done very quickly, where opportunity is key - planning is not.

So to say that Phuket should be far worse than any other place on earth, its simply not true.

Tourists in large numbers attract bad apples everywhere in the world, as large amounts of tourists = large amount of money spent in that area.

Consider this too : even a villain goes on holiday.....

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What a trash topic, I would never have made comment in the first place. If the situation is as was stated in the head of the article and reports on the web, then I still stand by the comments I make. Two Russians bumping off another, don't care, end of involvement, through pure lack of interest.


Yes, it seems you only take an interest when there is the opportunity to have a go at Thai people.

You seem almost disappointed!!

Obviously you have no built up resentment and hostility for Europeans to vent.

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This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

how do you blame to Thai's for not helping? I'm guessing the fact it was a luxury villa in Phuket would indicate most of the guests observing the incident would be foreign, so how exactly can you pick fault with Thais?!

and what exactly, would you have Thai's do in that situation? It sounds like anyone that had tried to intervene would have met the same fate as the poor Swede. Would you die for a stranger?

why do so many people have a go at Thai people all the time?

next you'll be telling me that no-one in England ever gets stabbed, and no-one in the US ever gets shot...

I'm glad there are people who think like you. I'm thai but I come to this site for some interesting reading and insightful comments but lately its been depressing with all this thai-bashing and racist-like comments on every single frikin topic. Thailand was voted the numero uno spot to visit for many years running. Is the reason we are such a highly rated destination because of the food?, the beaches? the unique culture?, good value for your money?, easy going smiling attitude of thais? sex industry? easy access to ganja or various uppers or is it because all you tourists are just sadists yearning for a bunch of psychopaths to mug you at every corner and scam you on jewelry. Constructive criticism is ok but alot of you guys just show how cynical and bitter you are despite being guests in this country. Nobody put a gun to your head and asked you to stay.

@ smilingdude: Well spoken, I totally agree with you!

you right , i agree too !!! if some one come to my hometown and want to play the big boy we kill them too

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How does this happen in plain view of neighbors? How does this happen in a supposedly guarded Luxury Villa? How do 12 people go un-noticed? He obviously annoyed someone too much, but seriously! How, why, why, why.... It's mind boggling. This illustrates just how helpful Thai's are not in these situations.

Here is another reason why I dont ever go to Phuket again, let alone live there,

there are more Gangsters than dissent people, same goes for Pattaya

Reminds me of Miami in the states.

I have often wondered at the willingness of many posters to post negativity about another culture.

Are thy really that ignorant of the culture they come from.

I liked the statistic of 5 americans out of 100,000 being murrdered. I believe it was 5.93 out of 100,000 in Thailand.

Armed with those statistics I would still feel safer walking down any street in major cities here in Thailand than in America.

What people tend to overlook is that both Phuket and Pattaya attract more people in the shady side of life than do the other destinations here in Thailand. Many time the victims bring the life style with them.

Kinda like the motor bike accident there is a high percentage of them in the heavily visit tourist areas.

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Swede Stabbed to Death in Phuket

Police are now hunting two Swedish men believed to be responsible for the murder of a Swede expat on August 1 2011.

Maxim Schantz, 25, migrated to Sweden from Russia at the age of three, died last night after being stabbed in the throat outside his home in Koh Kaew, Phuket.

According to online medias, police have named Tommy Viktor Söderlund, 26 and Carl Johan Hellbacken, 36, as the prime suspect.

The two suspects was in February 2011 arrested in Pattaya charged with [more...]

Full story: http://www.scandasia.com/viewNews.php?news_id=9245&coun_code=se

-- scandasia.com 2011-08-02


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Translation From Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet.

Swedish murdered in Phuket

Two Swedish men suspected of the deed

A Swedish man in 25-year-old was murdered last night in Phuket.

Two Swedes are hunted by the police for the attack.

- We can confirm that a man in a 25-year-old knifed to death outside his home in Phuket, says Pär Kågeby, a senior consular officer at the Swedish Embassy in Bangkok.

According to reports from police had the man, who lived in Thailand for several years and comes from the Gothenburg area, and a friend of his visited other friends during the day, and then returned to his housing complex in Phuket at 21 o'clock yesterday, local time.

Heard screams

One of the men had already gotten into the housing complex when he heard screams from the street.

When he came down the street again, he saw the 25-year-old man stumble toward the guard, severely stabbed.

His life could not be saved.

According to information provided to the newspaper Phuketwan men fled through a hole in the fence that surrounds the complex, and forced into a motorcycle by a by-passer.

The men then drove from the scene and now hunted by the police in Phuket.

Swedes suspected

Police said to the Swedish Embassy, the suspects who are alleged to be the same age as the victim, is known and that they are Swedish citizens.

- According to police, border police have been informed of the suspects, so they will not be able to leave the country, says Pär Kågeby.

Relatives have been informed of his death, says Pär Kågeby.

Source: http://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/article13406813.ab

As the relatives has been informed.

The victims name is Maksim Schantz, 25.

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i am against any violence and dont break any lawys ......but my friend glock 17 is waiting for scum like these guys.....this is a shame for Thailand and a shame for the Police to let gangs driving armed and dangerous around.

Protect yourself and buy a gun!!!!...legal...and if not posible ,buy it the other way..maybey stupid,but i could not come up whit a better idea.

Yup stupid, you then become a part of the problem.

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i am against any violence and dont break any lawys ......but my friend glock 17 is waiting for scum like these guys.....this is a shame for Thailand and a shame for the Police to let gangs driving armed and dangerous around.

Protect yourself and buy a gun!!!!...legal...and if not posible ,buy it the other way..maybey stupid,but i could not come up whit a better idea.

@Kamluan: "... Protect yourself and buy a gun!!!!...legal...and if not posible ,buy it the other way..maybey stupid..." INDEEED, that is really a stupid comment!

it is a good comment , because it will geting more worse in phuket , all rich farangs have to die ,is a good tip for all farang live in phuket , for selfdefense you not go in jail !! chai mai ?

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Ok, first we have the original op here, which states "about 12 men" were waiting to ambush him in front of his pool villa, and was witnessed by neighbors, with the assailants going over a wall to escape.

Then we have a second account from another paper that totally contradicts that, saying the man was attacked and staggered up to the guards for help before dying, with no mention of any witnesses, and that the police are looking for two other Swedish nationals.

Two "supposedly reliable" news sources with only one common denominator - A man was killed by having his throat cut. It would appear that one of the writers of one of these articles needs to get their facts straight, and in doing so, the proper thing to do would be to write an apology or extraction for providing false and misleading information. But please, don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.

Until someone is actually arrested, and can provide a true account of what happened, we're left in confusion over the "variations on a theme" presented to us. Unfortunately, this is something seems to happen on quite a regular basis here with the reporting of news. It's not the first time, and it won't be the last.

the police have stated the 12 thai men report is false.... they have also now released passport details of the suspected swedes... which would suggest the 2 swede's killing the guy, or suspected of killing is the correct source...

i would agree, Phuket Gazzette really needs to update it's story , and quickly

With a little bit of research I found the article on The Phuket News website. The Gazette's journalistic integrity is waning, to put it politely. I think it might be time to stop reading it or at least to take everything they say with a grain of salt.

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