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How To Block Web Sight?


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hi all free advise needed again.........trying to block my space .com from my computer..i know i can block it but not sure how...running windows xp home and use int exp,firefox,and opera as well, also use mcafee for security if that matters thanks for your input as always ...... :o

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hi all free advise needed again.........trying to block my space .com from my computer..i know i can block it but not sure how...running windows xp home and use int exp,firefox,and opera as well, also use mcafee for security if that matters thanks for your input as always ......  :o

If you have a firewall that allows domain filtering you could just block myspace.com. Zonealarm Pro does this, and if you know what you're doing you can block connections to their domain at your router as well.


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just curious...what is the problem about myspace?

bad problem here with the pedo's using this sight too contact kids and i just found my kids pictured on this sight d/t over zelous teenager in the house. not a real problem but need too know how too block it if i have too....

ive been using windows firewall can i block it there??? or i can do it through my isp comcast. tx again for the quick reply.........

Edited by glassdude007
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You really have no clue with computers do you? Ahh well everyone starts somewhere :o

I recall you saying your kids "messed" with your computer before so why not just have your computer password protected? That way they'd need to have a password to touch anything on the computer. This is easy to do.

Click Start > Settings > Control Panel > User Accounts > Then it's pretty straight forward from there and after you have an account for yourself password protected the children carn't touch anything. If you don't want to go that far, create an account for each of your children and a password, saves family arguments.

And myspace.com, I see your concern for your children but it is a site for teenagers (no doubt a few elders will be lurking and "pedos" but thats the same with everything on the internet). You found photos of your children on there, well it is an online profile and more and more websites like this are becoming a trend. Ask any teenager and I'm sure they have a profile with a photo and an email address. I assume if you block this website they'll just go and create another account with some other because the internet isn't short of them. And if your children are using the internet they are exposed to "pedos" just as much as the next kid. Just my opinion.

To block a website other members have already advised you on this.

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Just a suggestion...but maybe better off trying to educate your kids how to avoid becoming a victim of weirdos from the net or how to meet people 'safely'. Unfortunately it is a problem that can't be avoided (there are undesirable people all over the net), only managed.

Good luck.

Edited by Crushdepth
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The easiest way to block a site is to modify your PC's HOSTS file. Look in the following directory according to your PC's operating system. The file is called "HOSTS" (no file extension)




Now open the file using Notepad. Add the following lines: myspace.com www.myspace.com

Save the file, then reboot your PC. Any attempt to access myspace.com will then be blocked.

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Contact myspace.com and tell them where it is so they can shut it down before anyone gets hurt. http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?...on=misc.contact

From myspace.com terms of service: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/misc/terms.html

ii. provides material that exploits people under the age of 18 in a sexual or violent manner, or solicits personal information from anyone under 18;

They have tips for protecting your kids here: http://www.myspace.com/misc/tipsForParents.html


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The easiest way to block a site is to modify your PC's HOSTS file.  Look in the following directory according to your PC's operating system.  The file is called "HOSTS" (no file extension)



Win 98\ME:  C:\WINDOWS

Now open the file using Notepad.  Add the following lines:  myspace.com  www.myspace.com

Save the file, then reboot your PC.  Any attempt to access myspace.com will then be blocked.

learn to use the hosts file , you can block many things with it , and also add the dns entries of regularly accessed sites to add a slight speed increase to your browsing.

you also might wish to back it up regularly , save it as hosts.bak as some adware/trojan/worms etc will replace you hosts file with their own

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The easiest way to block a site is to modify your PC's HOSTS file.  Look in the following directory according to your PC's operating system.  The file is called "HOSTS" (no file extension)



Win 98\ME:  C:\WINDOWS

Now open the file using Notepad.  Add the following lines:  myspace.com  www.myspace.com

Save the file, then reboot your PC.  Any attempt to access myspace.com will then be blocked.

thank you very much this worked for me...

the computer is password protected but its hard too keep secrets around here....

i never claimed to be a computer expert that is why i ask for help before i get the computer messed up...

i always try too teach the kids the do's and don'ts of the internet/computer but i can't be here 24/7 and i don't want to have so much security blockage that all we get is barney the dinosour....

ps...if any of you out there need advise on any glazing questions i/e shower door,mirrors,insulated glass,autoglass installation feel free too ask as that is what i do for a living ..

tx again for your help..

pps-i can cook too.... :o

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yes glassdude, I have a question about glass and mirrors. Can I get a mirror that makes me look thinner around the waist ..... hehe

No, the real question is about Double glazing (in gerneral) - I understand that glass has a pathetic R (insulation) rating i.e. that it will transfer heat with almost no thermal insulation. Double glazing works by making a partial vacuum between the two panes of glass. But in fact there are no checks on how long the vacuum remains, and that 80% of double glazing loses it's vacuum in the first few years, thus making it an unwise investment. What do you think?

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No, the real question is about Double glazing (in gerneral) - I understand that glass has a pathetic R (insulation) rating i.e. that it will transfer heat with almost no thermal insulation. Double glazing works by making a partial vacuum between the two panes of glass. But in fact there are no checks on how long the vacuum remains, and that 80% of double glazing loses it's vacuum in the first few years, thus making it an unwise investment. What do you think?

Double-glazing doesn't require a partial vacuum between the panes of glass. (though I suppose that manufacturers might put one in for some reason)

Air is a good insulation and by trapping it between the glass, it makes the window a good thermal insulator. As long as there aren't huge airgaps to allow a free-flow of air, then the windows will work fine. DG is a reasonable investment for keeping a warm house warm in a cold climate (not as good as filling the attic with fibreglass)

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hope this is the right tread for this.....

50% of our buisness is replacing fogged thermo paine units...

double glazing is for sure a good investment i/e for heating or cooling purposes...

but you do get what you pay for.. an anderson thermo paine unit cost more than others but comes with a 15 year waranty and will last many years more as compared to a budget price cheapo depo unit with a 5 year warranty,that is a piece of crap.

there are specelized units that are filled with nitrogen for certian applications like high altitude, also most therno paines(new construction) are now called low e and have a high R value they reflect the ultroviolet rays out to keep you cool in summer and warm in winter also helps keep your rugs and furniture from fading from the sun...

i have made or repaired my own insulated units (no vacum just metal spacer with insulating beads inside and they are still clear (not fogged in the middle) after ten years..

i have found that 5/8 inch too 1 inch thickness is most reliable when it comes too years of service ...

the main factors for fogging are the quality of the units seal and envorment of the window i/e sunny side of the house always fails the quickest and quality of instalation i/e correct type and amount of sealent used too much is a bad thing

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Air is a good insulation and by trapping it between the glass, it makes the window a good thermal insulator. As long as there aren't huge airgaps to allow a free-flow of air, then the windows will work fine. DG is a reasonable investment for keeping a warm house warm in a cold climate (not as good as filling the attic with fibreglass)

I understand that the trapped air on the outside paine gets cold and falls, bringing the trapped air on the inside paine over to the outside one, thus making a magnificantly efficient thermosyphon ... The R rating of even the best DG window is pretty poor. kewl avatar spog...

Well, I think in our new building I'll go with regular single paine then, and rely on good floor length curtains and shutters to insulate at might. Thanks Glassdude.

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