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Night Theft Vs Day Theft

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I was told that night theft, specifically home burglary, holds a greater penalty due to a more dangerous situation. That is, theft at night when the likely hood of someone being at home and potential conflict is a more dangerous situation than a daytime burglary. Not clear how it applies to cars/MCs though.

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In the US they have similar laws in terms of burglary including it being a much more serious offence if you commit burglary while people are home (sleeping). Some jurisdictions in the US don't even call it a burglary unless it happens at night and instead call it breaking & entry or house breaking. Yet, there are also places where you can be charged with burglary for shoplifting as the definition is to enter a residence or business with the intent to steal (commit a crime).

However, I've never heard of theft being charged differently at night but that doesn't mean it isn't.

Bottom line is the entire legal system in most countries is not about safety & crime but has become about politicians (usually lawyers) trying to make names for themselves while making sure lawyers are the only one who can understand the laws.

Edited by Nisa
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