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Woman Causes A Stir On Pattaya Beach


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Broken-hearted woman causes a stir on Pattaya Beach.

A classic case of a broken heart now from Pattaya Beach. Police were called when a Sawang Boriboon Rescue Worker spotted a Thai woman entering the water in the middle of the night which is a far from normal practice. Eventually the hysterical woman was retrieved from the water and explained to us that she had just broken up with her German Boyfriend of 4 years and the pain of separation was simply too much to bare which led to this desperate cry for help.

Khun Somkorn aged 47 from Nakhon Rachasima Province in the North-East of Thailand was taken to Pattaya Police Station where she decided to inexplicably disrobe in the station car park. Eventually the intoxicated woman decided enough-was-enough and she covered herself up. Police decided to place her behind bars for her own safety and to give her a chance to cool down and we understand she paid a fine of 100 Baht for disturbing the peace. On a more serious note, incidents such as these are all too common and are an unfortunate consequence of failed relationships here in Pattaya, also known as the Extreme City for obvious reasons

-Pattaya City News

Saturday 29th October 2005

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Its not a Joking matter really.

And not unique to Pattaya

My lady and I had to go and collect a very bedraggled friend from the Bondi police station last year,who had decided to end it all on Bondi Beach.

Because husband an alky falang kicked her out,she was mid forties and thought she was too old to get a new man.

I've seen the PCN website photos of her. She's an absolute abomination.

For a nice girl exposing herself on the Pattaya beach, check out their piece on 27th September.

It's rather sad! :D What a breakup and being legless will drive you to!!! :o

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This is not all together surprising.

Quite often when biffing around Pattaya, I see old Western guys sitting at some little roadside drinking joint, staring into space. Next to the old Western guy is his equally old Thai lady looking equally vacant and disinterested.

Empty beer bottles litter the table and their eyes never seem to meet. All sense of affection and attraction seems to be strangers absent for too long.

Its not an uncommon sight around Pattaya especially for some reason on and around Soi Buakhao.

I often wonder why he doesn't giver her a nice tidy sum and send her off as it would probably be better for the both of them in the long run.

Its obvious they probably haven't had a meaningful conversation in years if indeed they ever have. Her dreams of riches and happiness never materialised, her prince charming who was to be her passport to a new and better life is now but a mere shell, fading fast into alcoholic oblivion.

His dreams of happiness and an Asian sex fantasy evermore with a stunning Thai woman have faded to flab, wrinkles and dirty looks and he watches the bars with too keen an eye these days....

The sad truth is that people in Pattaya do get together in relationships for reasons apart from love. Then after the passing of years, they never know when its time to let go and they hang on until its way too late.

Unfortunately for this lady (and those like her) the odds are stacked in the man's favour in Thailand. As soon as the man decides to let go there is nothing the woman can do. She has no skills and her looks are often long gone too. She faces a future of nothingness. The man can head out and find a younger model at the drop of a hat.

Life can be cruel in Pattaya when people get together for reasons apart from love. The scene described in the OP is a graphic example of such a tragedy.

Just before I get flamed, I'm not saying that all relationships in Pattaya are not based on love!! Many are and have lasted the test of time. I'm saying that some are based on other criteria which inevitably are not enough to hold a couple together once the expectations and hopes have vanished and tend to come to tragic ends like this.

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Well put Prof ,All too true.

Even if you pay them offf the problem is they dont know how to hold on to it.

We have a mid forties friend who got a 200k aud settlement and Star City got the lot over three months.

For some reason when a Thai lady is sad in Sydney they have to go to the casino and end up sadder.

This is not all together surprising.

Quite often when biffing around Pattaya, I see old Western guys sitting at some little roadside drinking joint, staring into space. Next to the old Western guy is his equally old Thai lady looking equally vacant and disinterested.

Empty beer bottles litter the table and their eyes never seem to meet. All sense of affection and attraction seems to be strangers absent for too long.

Its not an uncommon sight around Pattaya especially for some reason on and around Soi Buakhao.

I often wonder why he doesn't giver her a nice tidy sum and send her off as it would probably be better for the both of them in the long run.

Its obvious they probably haven't had a meaningful conversation in years if indeed they ever have. Her dreams of riches and happiness never materialised, her prince charming who was to be her passport to a new and better life is now but a mere shell, fading fast into alcoholic oblivion.

His dreams of happiness and an Asian sex fantasy evermore with a stunning Thai woman have faded to flab, wrinkles and dirty looks and he watches the bars with too keen an eye these days....

The sad truth is that people in Pattaya do get together in relationships for reasons apart from love. Then after the passing of years, they never know when its time to let go and they hang on until its way too late.

Unfortunately for this lady (and those like her) the odds are stacked in the man's favour in Thailand. As soon as the man decides to let go there is nothing the woman can do. She has no skills and her looks are often long gone too. She faces a future of nothingness. The man can head out and find a younger model at the drop of a hat.

Life can be cruel in Pattaya when people get together for reasons apart from love. The scene described in the OP is a graphic example of such a tragedy.

Just before I get flamed, I'm not saying that all relationships in Pattaya are not based on love!!  Many are and have lasted the test of time. I'm saying that some are based on other criteria which inevitably are not enough to hold a couple together once the expectations and hopes have vanished and tend to come to tragic ends like this.

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Empty beer bottles litter the table and their eyes never seem to meet. All sense of affection and attraction seems to be strangers absent for too long.

Its not an uncommon sight around Pattaya especially for some reason on and around Soi Buakhao.

it is also a common sight in pubs and living rooms up and down the british isles , and probably every other country as well.

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This is not all together surprising.

Quite often when biffing around Pattaya, I see old Western guys sitting at some little roadside drinking joint, staring into space. Next to the old Western guy is his equally old Thai lady looking equally vacant and disinterested.

Empty beer bottles litter the table and their eyes never seem to meet. All sense of affection and attraction seems to be strangers absent for too long.

Its not an uncommon sight around Pattaya especially for some reason on and around Soi Buakhao.

I often wonder why he doesn't giver her a nice tidy sum and send her off as it would probably be better for the both of them in the long run.

Its obvious they probably haven't had a meaningful conversation in years if indeed they ever have. Her dreams of riches and happiness never materialised, her prince charming who was to be her passport to a new and better life is now but a mere shell, fading fast into alcoholic oblivion.

His dreams of happiness and an Asian sex fantasy evermore with a stunning Thai woman have faded to flab, wrinkles and dirty looks and he watches the bars with too keen an eye these days....

The sad truth is that people in Pattaya do get together in relationships for reasons apart from love. Then after the passing of years, they never know when its time to let go and they hang on until its way too late.

Unfortunately for this lady (and those like her) the odds are stacked in the man's favour in Thailand. As soon as the man decides to let go there is nothing the woman can do. She has no skills and her looks are often long gone too. She faces a future of nothingness. The man can head out and find a younger model at the drop of a hat.

Life can be cruel in Pattaya when people get together for reasons apart from love. The scene described in the OP is a graphic example of such a tragedy.

Just before I get flamed, I'm not saying that all relationships in Pattaya are not based on love!!  Many are and have lasted the test of time. I'm saying that some are based on other criteria which inevitably are not enough to hold a couple together once the expectations and hopes have vanished and tend to come to tragic ends like this.

Great post - unfortunately all too true.....

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it is also a common sight in pubs and living rooms up and down the british isles , and probably every other country as well.

It certainly is taxexile, however in the UK it is unlikely the male partner will be able to exchange the missus for a new younger model with the ease he may be able to in Thailand.

In addition to this the laws in the west often offer lots of financial protection to the female half of the party.

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