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Tramp On Soi Bukow


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The tramp that frequents Soi B,now looks as his days are shortening fast,he is looking positively ill. I know he is German,quite well spoken ,but is now in desperate need of help,his clothes are ragged and torn and filthy, as is he.

Life choices are not his any more and if somebody of the Germanic community could give him a hand by contacting his embassy perhaps something could be done for him,nobody like interfering, but I would not let a dog go this way without taking a stand Think the 7 11s take a it of pity on him and offer him coffee

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I've mentioned him a few times. He is well-spoken when he isn't drunk, but the rest of the time he is quite abusive.

A couple of months ago I asked him if he wanted me to contact the German consulate for him, and he told me where to go.

I agree that he looks pretty rough recently.

I think that he pays for his coffee and beer; I've seen him produce money from his pockets (presumably donations). I've also seen him drink and eat the spirit offerings in front of bars and shops, including the small glasses of Thai whisky.

There are quite a few Germans around that area and one of them should contact the consulate about him. I did find this info:

Honorarkonsul Pattaya Dr. Paul Strunk 504/526 Moo 10, Soi 17, 2nd Rd Pattaya, 20150 Chonburi Phone: 038-713615 Fax: 038-713614 [email protected]

Don't know if it is valid though.

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Have you offered him any help? Except asking the forum.

I view this forum and seldom post, I always see your posts and remember you from that avatar which I dare say is a true reflection of what you're like in real life.....got a face that most just want to punch!

keep it up though as you do make me chuckle...in an irritating way :lol:

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Maybe he just doesn't care what he looks like or if he sleeps rough(maybe he likes the lifestyle). If he needed help he'd have it by now. Don't bother him.

I thought that a few months back when he just looked like a tramp. Currently he does look near death and so I now think differently.

People suffer here all the time and get no help, even when they really need/want it.

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Weeks ago this guy was taking an afternoon nap on Soi Buakhow and his shorts are almost disintegrated, he was laying with his legs spread open and his family jewels were on display for all. Barf :bah:

Stickman wrote some interesting comments on him earlier this year when the Tramp was stationed in Bangkok. Said he wouldn't take handouts. He was wearing the same clothes he has on now put his short were then long pants.

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Sad case. I walked past him the other day and he was yelling..I think at me. I didn't look back but he was causing a scene.

I think he could be dangerous but I don't really have a solution on what should be done with him.

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Last week i was down in Pattaya and took a photo of him .His clothes are disintegrating ,and soon the Police will have no choice but to intervene .I did not think of it at the time but could somebody at least offer him fresh clothes if even s/h .


Please any German or Austrian or Swiss people about give him a hand as i dont know if he speaks English .He clearly has a mental health problem and could land up in a Thai prison ,like the similar case of a UK man about a year ago .

Edited by Thaifan2
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He does speak English.

I still think it's up to the German community/consulate to do something for him, not least because he surely doesn't have proper documents.

I'll try that address tomorrow, if I can find the place.

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(Reference to deleted post edited out/Scott)

Maybe he has just given up on material life the same way, say, Guttama Buddha, did?

He will not freeze to death, seems to find food enough to eat, and is not apparently interested in doing anything apart from what he is doing. Maybe he hasn't hit rock bottom yet. Until then, there isn't much we can do.

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Maybe he has just given up on material life the same way, say, Guttama Buddha, did?

He will not freeze to death, seems to find food enough to eat, and is not apparently interested in doing anything apart from what he is doing. Maybe he hasn't hit rock bottom yet. Until then, there isn't much we can do.

I suggest you look on the link i gave about the UK man left to die in a Pattaya Prison cell ,naked ,sick and in a room with 40 plus other prisoners .He survived in the end only due to the help of a good samaritan English lady .

I have no guilt about showing his photo as i know he has only a short time of freedom left unless somebody helps him .As Darrel sugests it should be the German community .I know there are lots of good German people out there in Pattaya .

Edited by Scott
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Maybe he has just given up on material life the same way, say, Guttama Buddha, did?

He will not freeze to death, seems to find food enough to eat, and is not apparently interested in doing anything apart from what he is doing. Maybe he hasn't hit rock bottom yet. Until then, there isn't much we can do.

I don't think Buddha drank beer and shouted abuse at people. Don't think his legs were covered in scabs and skin diseases either.

If this guy hasn't 'hit rock bottom" now I dread to think what he will look like when he does. Any longer and the only thing that he will need is a hole to be buried in.

He clearly cant look after himself and so someone else will have to do it. And in the absence of friends and relatives that boils down to his government/countrymen.

Particularly his government as they are the only ones who can sort out his paperwork and arrange for him to return home.

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I saw him yesterday for the first time in Soi Honey and he was shouting at every falung he passed including me. Very difficult situation but nothing much can be done until he asks for helpor is ready to receive help.

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there are more then only him...

Last week at soi buakaow..near family markt close to oasis..a old german speaking guy..looking dirty like a tramp asked me money because some ladyboy stole his 200 bath...well the way he looked i already knew this guy is a falang tramp asking for money..i gave him 20 bath and a sigaret...and next time would give it again or even some more.

But this also shows how iks the kindness of us human....

Everyone comes to spend their money....but when see a tramp in pattaya first thought would be...stay away from the dirty man...but giving a tip for a bargirl...or restaurant we do because it's a falang habbit to give tip...

Everybody has free choice...but i think we need to help him on his way...because he will end in jail and the after a year we look at the newsspaper...falang died in jail of hunger.

Let us be the good samaritaan!!!

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OK. The address I gave is correct, but it's the Austrian consulate. The German consul uses it on Friday from 10 till 4. The office is situated at the very top of Soi 17, near where it joins Soi Yensabai, and close to Tukcom. It's the last turning on the right before the top of Soi 17, and the office is on the street at the back of the building.

I saw a nice Thai lady there. Initially she thought I was just talking about some drunk farang and said 'we've got lots of them here". I finally convinced her that the Soi Diana guy is not just a regular drunk and that he probably needs medical help, and certainly needs support.

She said she would tell the consul on Friday.

If anyone is over that way on Friday between 10 and 4, maybe they would like to call in and talk to the consul?

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by the way i whas preffering to an other old tramp...that looked a bit better then the one mentioned on the op's topic.

I think deporting them would be the best solution,they would get much more better help by their goverments...

Everybody knows that the thai goverment do for tramps....yes..nothing........the dad of my lady gets goverment funds every month....500 bath!!!!!...and he worked most time of his live...image how much a falang tramp would get from the thai goverment...

Any one knows about a small black men dancing on walkingstreet like a ...a.......dont have the right word for it...anyone knows this small black man?

Maybey we should open a new thread*tramps in pattaya..this way we could get a clearer visions of the tramps here and even some one could reconize them

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there are more then only him...

Last week at soi buakaow..near family markt close to oasis..a old german speaking guy..looking dirty like a tramp asked me money because some ladyboy stole his 200 bath...well the way he looked i already knew this guy is a falang tramp asking for money..i gave him 20 bath and a sigaret...and next time would give it again or even some more.

But this also shows how iks the kindness of us human....

Everyone comes to spend their money....but when see a tramp in pattaya first thought would be...stay away from the dirty man...but giving a tip for a bargirl...or restaurant we do because it's a falang habbit to give tip...

Everybody has free choice...but i think we need to help him on his way...because he will end in jail and the after a year we look at the newsspaper...falang died in jail of hunger.

Let us be the good samaritaan!!!

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OK. The address I gave is correct, but it's the Austrian consulate. The German consul uses it on Friday from 10 till 4. The office is situated at the very top of Soi 17, near where it joins Soi Yensabai, and close to Tukcom. It's the last turning on the right before the top of Soi 17, and the office is on the street at the back of the building.

I saw a nice Thai lady there. Initially she thought I was just talking about some drunk farang and said 'we've got lots of them here". I finally convinced her that the Soi Diana guy is not just a regular drunk and that he probably needs medical help, and certainly needs support.

She said she would tell the consul on Friday.

If anyone is over that way on Friday between 10 and 4, maybe they would like to call in and talk to the consul?

God bless you Darrel ,

Too many Farangs are just caught up with their own enjoyment to help a stranger in need .

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I think I saw the same man near central and 2nd road outside my hotel. He definitely looks terrible. His feet were raw with sores. I wonder if any consulate or embassy would care about an individual citizen. Thailand is not the most ideal place for any sympathy or charity. I must admit I didn't approach the man and he didn't especially look approachable.

I wish him well as i would anyone in his condition.

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I think I saw the same man near central and 2nd road outside my hotel. .............. I wonder if any consulate or embassy would care about an individual citizen.

Yes, that was surely him. 2nd Rd/Central is in his territory.

Part of a consulate's job is to provide "assistance" to citizens in need.

So if this guy is German, as it appears, the German consulate will have to do something with him. I'm sure they can afford it.

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I called the German embassy in BKK,all I received was an endless loop giving instructions in German / Thai. Chiang Mia have a English speaking German consulate,left message there.

Whatever happens to this guy it will be police involvement,arms grasped,legs whipped from underneath him and into a pickup. Just hope it can be straight to the airport,but doubt it. Think he is heading for the worst part of his life.

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