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Condom Controversy Sparks Criticism In Thai Society


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When I was 13 I carried a condom in my hip pocket, just in case I had the chance to use it. I had stolen it from my father. Two years later I got the opportunity to use it, it split, could this be related to why I have two younger sisters.

What the...?

Why are you telling us this?

Does that mean you are the brother / father?

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When I was 13 I carried a condom in my hip pocket, just in case I had the chance to use it. I had stolen it from my father. Two years later I got the opportunity to use it, it split, could this be related to why I have two younger sisters.

What the...?

Why are you telling us this?

Does that mean you are the brother / father?

No, it simply means condoms in those days were poor quality.

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Well I disagree about Elders being out of touch, well certainly not in the west from most of my friends and acquaintances. I am 66 and I and most of my contemporaries am all for seeing that Girls and Boys from the age of even 14 should be taught frank and honest birth control and open minded sex information and given easy inexpensive access to condoms and birth control pills (including morning after pills if needed). This is the mature and sensible adult approach and shows more intelligence and caring than the closed minded parts of society who live in a land of myth and false morality which leads to unwanted births, the spreading of STDs and lots of resulting human misery just for what should be a harmless act of simple sex for fun and/or love. Youngsters will have sex whether you want them to or not, believe anything different and you really are living in cloud cuckoo land !!! Having sex is human nature and should be enjoyable fun and open between consenting individuals over a publicly agreed legally set age, WITHOUT any risk of bringing unwanted children into this already over crowded world. So come on all those narrow minded imbeciles, grow up, wise up and engage brain as no matter what you try and brain wash into your children with whatever religion or cultural restrictive rules you want to ram down their throats it WILL NOT STOP THEM HAVING SEX, 100% FOR SURE.

I also believe the legal age of consent worldwide should be lowered to 14. However one sensible caveat should be that there should be no more than 3 or 4 years difference in ages between the consenting partners where one of them is under say 16 or 18, this is to prevent abuse of such younger folk by wicked older perverts being even remotely legalised or made easier but not stop say a 17 year old boy and 14 year old girl having normal fun sex together legally. If you open your minds and remember how you felt when you were 14 or 15 your would have to agree with that being a sensible and importantly REALISTIC approach.

Edited by rayw
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I know from experience, when a teenager carrys a condom in his pocket, it's burning a hole there. It's like the condom is saying, "use me - use me".

Funny, I never felt like that.

But I can have bottles of alcohol at home to without drinking anything for weeks...

Me neither, The only person who has a burning condom is those who will never use it !!

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"things that people should carry all the time, in her opinion, were money and identity cards"

In my opinion, if I carry money, and in my case passport, in some areas, I will most likely need condoms to!

What is this "mother teacher" professors subject? Qualified Bullshit?

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Seems like another case of acedemics being out of touch with reality. He's 15, I seriously doubt that he needed his mother's encouragement (not that I'm saying that he should do it), but better safe than being sorry.

Kids will experiment with or without your permission these days, and at a much younger age. So just skip the BS about carrying=encouraging. That's what the internet and other medias are for.

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