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Buying A Ticket In Reverse


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There should be no problem buying a ticked AMS - BKK - AMS whilst you are in Thailand, my current employer regularly buys my tickets BKK - BLR - BKK from agents in India.


You may not get the price advantage i.e. You will likely get charged the European price, best to ask your agent.

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First of all, she may be wrong...it may not be cheaper in Bangkok.

But leaving that aside...yes it is possible. However there are things you and her must do to make it work.

What she is attempting to buy is what the airlines call a "pre-paid third party ticket". That is why it may be slightly more expense than a "first pary ticket" which is the normal ticket bought by the person who uses it.

Think of the extra cost as a "service fee" for the pre-paid 3rd party ticket.

It would be best for her to purchase the ticket either from the airline direstly or from a ticket agent in Thailand...because they will have experience with this type of ticket. It can be purchased on-line, but it is a little tricky to do that.

When she buys it here in Thailand she MUST be sure they understand that she is not using the ticket herself for her use, but the ticket is for you and should be issued in your name as a pre-paid 3rd party ticket. Whoever sells the ticket needs to be sure it is issued in your name as a prepaid 3rd party ticket and NOT issued in the name of the person who pays for the ticket in Bangkok. She should specify that you will pick up the ticket in Amsterdam and not in Thailand.

Now, here is what you do to pick up the ticket in Amsterdam. You must have photo identication (such as I.D. card or passport in your name. Go to the airport early or pickup the ticket at the airline office the day before you leave. If at the airport you do NOT go to the check-in, you pick up your ticket at the airline ticket sales office in the airport. They will verify this in their computer records:

1. That a pre-paid 3rd party ticket was purchased for you in your name in Bangkok.

2. That the ticket has been paid for (that the airline has recieved payment)

3. And that the fight number/reservation is valid.

When the airline ticket office verifies these points...they will want to see your photo I.D. to verify that you are who you claim to be. When they accept that, the airline will issue you either a paper ticket or an e-ticket you can use to check in for the flight. After you get that you can go to the check in counter to check your bags and get your boarding pass. That is why you need to go to the airport early, if you pick up the ticket there...so you have time to get your ticket before you must check in.

I've done this process many times before when the compny I worked for bought me a 3rd party pre-paid ticket and told me to pick up the ticket in some airport and fly to somewhere else to take care of a problem they had with a client.


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IMF ^^^, we don't go through anything like that.

Company in India instructs and pays travel agent to issue ticket in my name, agent emails me the E-ticket. QED :)

IIRC the old IATA paper tickets disappeared in 2008 at least for normal travel, I did see one of our Chinese engineers with one recently though, so there must be a few around still.

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When a company verifies a credit card they verify the address and security code on the back ... they don't check the name. So, simply have her put your name as the billing name. If this is not done they may request that you present the card before boarding, especially because the ticket was bought in Thailand. I have had issues happen like this before when I have purchased tickets for people.

I think when a company uses a credit card it doesn't come into play if it is a company card ... bottom line is I have had companies buy me tickets many times without an issue and have even been able to login under my info and change things on the itinerary.

Also, there is not going to be any conversion or service fees if she buys the ticket in Thailand unless she is purchasing it through a foreign website. I can buy tickets all day long through US carries while I am in Thailand using a US credit card with no extra fees but regardless of where I am, I will be charges a fee if I buy through a non-us company/website ... it all just depends on where they process her charge.

Edited by Nisa
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I have tried to book a reverse ticket before to get the special price of a North American fare and could not do it on line. I spoke to an agent with the airline and they told me that the specials were only for departures from North America. The same dates (on reverse flights) cost almost double from Bangkok.

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My girl friend wants to buy me a return ticket on China airlines from Amsterdam too Bangkok. She wants to buy it in Thailand because it's cheaper, can this be done or would I get problems at the airport?

Just one question for you, is your girlfriend telling you she will buy you the ticket or is she saying "send me the money and I will buy the ticket for you"?

Be careful if it is the second one.

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