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  1. I replied to another person who talked about his friend using a PI to check upon his gf. Why don't you read properly who it is addressed too and be more specific for what reason YOU need a PI.
  2. If you don't trust your gf, just stop the relationship.
  3. Maybe because they didn't want a stranger getting involved with a 10 / 11 year old child.
  4. Yes, you are blaming a 12 year old child. No words about the vile person who took advantage from several children.
  5. I am not American. So please tell us why you will defend and prefer a racist who is convicted for fraud in a rational way.
  6. So please tell us why you will vote for a racist who is convicted for fraud in a rational way.
  7. My wife runs a couple of businesses and I work, we want to make enough, so our kids never have to worry about money and don't have to look for the cheapest baked beans or worry about the price of eggs.
  8. The guy is a joke, who doesn't know the first thing about doing business in Thailand and will lose his money. Not the first and certainly not the last.
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