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Is Lady Gaga Just A Madonna Repeat?


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I am of the Madonna era or rather the era when Madonna hit it big and was a rule breaker from the very beginning. I can't say I was a huge fan of the early stuff (holiday? ugh no thanks) but she was a role model of a kind for young women and continued to be so for long after. She made and re-made herself so many times she is now no longer recognizable


(scuse me but what the heck?)

Now we have Lady Gaga with s & m clothes, the giant egg and the meat dress and well, as much as her music is fun to dance to, it just feels like not only is she trying too hard, she's trying too hard to outdo Madonna.


Do young women need role models like this? What are we saying when the outfits get skimpier or do you think it doesn't matter? Is the culture of celebrity damaging when the role models don't seem to be modeling any values or is it just same old same old?

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If you are gonna troll don't bother, cheers. Not in the mood for it.

WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I give an explanation of what i meant and u go off on one,i aint in the moood for admin trolls then.To get tarty about this u must have seen how wrong u were with the thread and me,and u can delete this if u dont want your mates seeing it,i am sick of this with certain people on here,do u want posts or not

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I think that most female solo artist would strive to have that public shock effect that Madonna had in her younger days so there is a possibility that Lady Gaga is trying to be a modern version of this kind of role model. Why on earth would they not want that much publicity. Madonna is very a famous female solo artist and will be known for years after her death. I'm sure many female solo artists of today want that too?

You have to also remember that all artists of today are influenced one way or another by artists in the past and Madonna could very well have been a big influence on Lady Gaga.

I don't think that Lady Gaga is trying to hard really however she is definitely striving for the public shock factor and wants to be well known with a lot of publicity. I don't think she is copying Madonna per se... It's harder to shock society these days so you always have to go that extra mile which is what I think Lady Gaga is doing.

Either way, I think both Madonna and Lady Gaga are awesome for different reasons. :)

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I think that most female solo artist would strive to have that public shock effect that Madonna had in her younger days so there is a possibility that Lady Gaga is trying to be a modern version of this kind of role model. Why on earth would they not want that much publicity. Madonna is very a famous female solo artist and will be known for years after her death. I'm sure many female solo artists of today want that too?

You have to also remember that all artists of today are influenced one way or another by artists in the past and Madonna could very well have been a big influence on Lady Gaga.

I don't think that Lady Gaga is trying to hard really however she is definitely striving for the public shock factor and wants to be well known with a lot of publicity. I don't think she is copying Madonna per se... It's harder to shock society these days so you always have to go that extra mile which is what I think Lady Gaga is doing.

Either way, I think both Madonna and Lady Gaga are awesome for different reasons. :)

Very very good post.

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When I was younger I used to think madonna was hot-almost caused me to get glasses.

As for lady gaga, I wish I didn't wear my glasses.

Sometimes Lady Gaga looks awesome then another video she looks horrible.As far as the songs/lyrics,Lady Gaga takes some beating,

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I'm of that generation also...or maybe even before it.

Anyhow Madonna just directed her first movie...did you know that?

Some of the revues are not very good however.

I really have little use for Lady Gaga (I refer to her as Lady Gaga Goo-Goo Gag-Gag).

I used to feel much the same about Madonna at one time, but as you said, she has matured.

So maybe, there is some hope for Goo-Goo Gag-Gag later on.

Things change, and the center does not hold.


Edited by IMA_FARANG
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One of her video's came on the tv this morning, my daughter commented 'I used to like lady gaga but she's just wierd now, bad wierd, she was alright when she was good wierd'

I like some of her songs but I agree I think she's trying way too hard.

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I think that most female solo artist would strive to have that public shock effect that Madonna had in her younger days so there is a possibility that Lady Gaga is trying to be a modern version of this kind of role model. Why on earth would they not want that much publicity. Madonna is very a famous female solo artist and will be known for years after her death. I'm sure many female solo artists of today want that too?

You have to also remember that all artists of today are influenced one way or another by artists in the past and Madonna could very well have been a big influence on Lady Gaga.

I don't think that Lady Gaga is trying to hard really however she is definitely striving for the public shock factor and wants to be well known with a lot of publicity. I don't think she is copying Madonna per se... It's harder to shock society these days so you always have to go that extra mile which is what I think Lady Gaga is doing.

Either way, I think both Madonna and Lady Gaga are awesome for different reasons. :)

Very very good post.

Thank you. :)

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I too am of the Madonna era and have loved her music and reinvention for a long time. Of late, have admit... I have quite enjoyed some of Gaga's music too. She openly admits that Madonna is a strong influence on her. But maybe a little too strong?

When I first heard 'Born This Way', I thought that sounds familiar? I couldn't believe it! Uncanny resemblance to Madonna's 'Express Yourself'. Then, the internet furore commenced... even Madonna's brother came out and stated it was a copy!

Here you go, see for yourself - one of the many hash ups/ mixes on Youtube.....


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  • 3 weeks later...

That's exacty what I was thinking hearing another dull song of Lady Gaga, it's Madonna all over again and no I was never a big fan of Madonna but she broke some rules and was one of a kind...

But is that still possible nowadays? To be really original or in this case shocking? I think the youth has seen it all...from all the role models out there, I don't think she is the most sane one but def. not the one to be most afraid of as a parent.

Massive panties under that see through dress on the pic above by the way...Think my grandma's are smaller rolleyes.gif

Edited by Carry
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I don't find anything attractive about Lady Gaga. But then I didn't care for Madonna either. But, if they can con their way into parting customers from their money then I say more power to them. Otherwise I agree with sbk. I don't think either woman was a good example for young girls... but who am I to say. They will do what ever they want. I don't much care for body piercings, but they seem to be popular. If you've got a good figure then it doesn't need any additions.

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  • 10 months later...

Gaga doesn't give a flying fart in space what Madonna does or has done. She has always been totally unique. If you watch her interviews and get deeper into who she really is, there is no one like her, she really is an artist. I'm an artist myself and don't consider a lot of musicians as "artists", but she is almost not even a person but more of a work of art. She doesn't seem to ever act like a normal person. Everything she does and says is for a bigger cause/goal. She has done so many great things and helped so many people with accepting who they are, she has a ton of support sites and has made so many massive donations, even when she was 1Mil in debt at the beginning of her career.

She has always dressed & acted really unique and has been made fun of for it. She has a great body and loves herself so dresses how she wants accordingly, but if you watch some of her interviews, she doesn't encourage anything she does. When she had the cheek "implants" (they weren't actual implants obviously), she said that she definitely does NOT encourage any body mods, but that she feels that it represents who she is. She never asked to be a role model in terms of her looks and how she dresses, she always wanted to be able to express herself, and be herself. That is what she shows her followers.

Madonna was more mainstream on a personal level so it would seem. Gaga said when she started her career that she would be bigger than Madonna and ever since then people have been using Madonna as some sort of a way point, but like I said Gaga doesn't seem to care at all, she has already far surpassed Madonna on so many levels if you ask me, just because she is so strange and unique. I'm saying that on terms of a personal level, not in terms of music style or fashion. I'm a fan of both.

It's sad that people would say Gaga is a "bad weird" especially a child, children shouldn't be so judgmental. Considering she stands for people having the courage to be themselves. It's horrible that the world can't embrace a great person like her.

I don't think Madonna was one of a kind because she was still wanting to appeal to the massive. Only the truly accepting and creative at heart can accept Gaga from what I have seen, most people can't wrap their heads around her, and that's their problems.

All in all we are all humans, I don't think Gaga is "competing" but is letting herself be herself like she always has. Try not to judge guys, she is not out to make your kids dress like hookers.

All of this is my opinion. That's all.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm from the pre-Madonna era. my first female singing stars were the Shirelles, Janis Joplin, Aretha, etc. I've listened to a lot of Madonna. Cindi Lauper came out at the same time as Madonna, but never got as big, but Cindi is better. Indeed, if Cindi ever wants a boyfriend, she can give me a call.

As for Lady Gaga. Believe it or not, I think she's TOPS! She gets better, the more I listen to her stuff. She is a mega talent, arguably even better than the women I mentioned earlier. I don't care about her outfits or her politics, but her voice and style and the quality of her songwriting (who writes her stuff?) is top notch. She's got my vote!

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The OP asked, rhetorically, whether young women need role models like Lady Gaga. Maybe 'need' is not the best verb. However, if you listen (as I do) to the words of some of her songs, you see there's a lot of good advice. In one, she talks about "Don't Give Up" which is a song to offer encouragement to suicidal young men. In another called 'Dirty Ice Cream', she tells a guy after the first date, "Don't call me, don't text me" "It's a woman's intuition." Another talks about not wanting to stay at parties all night long.

If you want to talk about 'bad role models" you could get me started on Thaksin in relation to Thai youngsters, but you don't want to do that, because I could go on for a hundred pages.

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