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PM Yingluck Heads To Brunei On Her First Trip


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No hidden agenda behind Yingluck's visit to Brunei, officials insist

By The Nation

Yingluck Shinawatra's first overseas visit as prime minister, to Brunei on Saturday, has no hidden agenda and is taking place because the sultanate was the first country to say it was ready to receive a visit, government officials said yesterday.

The mission by the country's first female prime minister is also not intended to produce anything significant for the foreign affairs of the Kingdom, they said.

Yingluck will spend only a few hours on Saturday in Bandar Seri Begawan to have dinner with the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, and to introduce herself as the new PM. She will return home the same day.

It was the prime minister's intention to make the visit as short as possible so that she could just introduce herself, and not to tackle any matters of import, the officials said.

New Thai prime ministers traditionally, however, pay their first visit to Laos, which shares many similarities with Thailand in terms of language and culture.

An official at Government House said Yingluck had chosen Brunei for her first overseas mission simply because it was the first country to reply that it was ready to host such a visit. "We contacted many countries in Asean about the prime minister making her first visit, but only Brunei replied quickly to confirm that its leaders were free to welcome Prime Minister Yingluck after the fasting month of Ramadan," the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

However, the Foreign Ministry has prepared some points for Yingluck to raise in her meeting with Brunei leaders concerning closer diplomatic relations between the countries.

Apart from a general discussion, these include cooperation in the fields of agriculture, education, energy and the halal food industry, according to an official at the ministry.

The most important message to be imparted during the short visit is to express gratitude to Brunei for supporting Thailand in international forums, notably in international Islamic organisations, the official said. The leaders will also discuss cooperation within Asean frameworks, the official added.

Diplomatic relations between Thailand and Brunei have been normal for a long time, with the countries' leaders always on good terms.

Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who is Yingluck's brother, occasionally visits Brunei and stayed in the country for a while after fleeing Thailand after the 2006 military coup that ousted him.

Thaksin now mostly lives in Dubai, but visits Brunei from time to time to meet his political supporters. He recently met ex-PM Banharn Silapa-archa, who is de facto leader of the coalition Chart Thai Pattana Party, there to discuss the portfolio quota in Yingluck's first Cabinet.

After Brunei, Yingluck will visit Indonesia on Monday, also to introduce herself as the new prime minister.

It seems she will not discuss the role of Indonesia in facilitating peace efforts between Thailand and Cambodia, said an official at the Foreign Ministry.

Jakarta planned to dispatch an observer team to assess the situation and monitor troop withdrawals from the disputed area adjacent to the Preah Vihear Temple, but details of the plan have not yet been discussed.

Yingluck will then visit Cambodia on September 15 on an introductory mission and seek to fix damaged relations following the festering border conflict over Preah Vihear in recent years. She then plans to visit Laos, a Government House official said.


-- The Nation 2011-09-08

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So she's following Surapong's alphabet plan too.

No, that juvenile plan has been thrown off by the Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia itinerary.

btw, Thakin and Yingluck's cousin, Surapong, will be accompanying her when they go on the non-alphabetical tour of ASEAN.


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it used to be thaksin-bashing...now it's yingluck-bashing....i wonder what they have done to all these thai-visa bashers... :angry:

I believe it's called sour grapes, as they were all so sure the Democrats would stay in Power.

I can't understand why all these anti takshin/yingluck/red shirts/puea thai farangs are still in thailand if they don't like the government of the day...why not go back to your own countries if you have one and bash your government...

Or else wait for the democrat party to win an election then come back....BTW they had not win an election for the last twe decades...

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I can't understand why all these anti takshin/yingluck/red shirts/puea thai farangs are still in thailand if they don't like the government of the day...why not go back to your own countries if you have one and bash your government...

Or else wait for the democrat party to win an election then come back....BTW they had not win an election for the last twe decades...

I've been living in Thailand well over a decade now, and in that time there have been many governments that i haven't liked, but none of them have made me leave. I believe there are other more important issues in my life that determine such matters. I'm sure though, the supporters of those governments, would be happy to see me leave. One less voice of dissent. Why give them (or you) that satisfaction?

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I can't understand why all these anti takshin/yingluck/red shirts/puea thai farangs are still in thailand if they don't like the government of the day...why not go back to your own countries if you have one and bash your government...

Or else wait for the democrat party to win an election then come back....BTW they had not win an election for the last twe decades...

It's called freedom-of-thought and freedom-of-speech, I'd hope that most TV-posters understand and support those basic human-rights, and that the rest might learn from the example ? <_<

Just because one disagrees with a particular government, or thinks that they might have a not-very-well-hidden corrupt-agenda, is no reason to abandon one's friends & family or a country we feel at-home-in, or to run squeaking to another place and crying for mother ! :rolleyes:

As a British-citizen I do also feel free to criticise the way they run that place too, and to vote with my feet, sorry if my saying what I think causes unintended-offense to you. But I never quit the UK, just because a party I disliked got elected, why should I do so here ?

To anyone trying to influence what's expressed on Thai-Visa, and this isn't directed at you chuang, I can understand why it must be frustrating, that some posters just won't follow the party-propaganda line and worship the hero-of-the-day. But the regular suggestions that we should just shut-up or go-home, or vague threats of someday-retribution, are doomed to failure. They do not intimidate free people. <_<

I don't care if the Democrats never win an election outright, they can still help form coalition-governments, and they appear to me to be the current best of a fairly-ripe bunch of corrupt parties & politicians. I particularly think that former-PM Abhisit & former-FM Korn did well in a difficult situation whilst under constant attack from a well-financed & clever opponent. I also believe that Chuwit can fulfill a useful & entertaining role in the new parliament, shining the bright light of publicity, on some very-murky practices.

Until a better party emerges, and clearly we disagree about whether PTP might be that new positive-force in Thai politics, I am happy to support the Dems, while recognising that they also include individuals & power-groups which are less savoury. I would also be more-supportive of new-PM Yingluck, were she not often appearing to be over-ridden by the older/more-clever politicians within her own ranks. Perhaps her first overseas-trip night relieve some of the stress, from which she already appears to suffer, and help her grow into her new job ? B)

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I can't understand why all these anti takshin/yingluck/red shirts/puea thai farangs are still in thailand if they don't like the government of the day...why not go back to your own countries if you have one and bash your government...

Or else wait for the democrat party to win an election then come back....BTW they had not win an election for the last twe decades...

It's called freedom-of-thought and freedom-of-speech, I'd hope that most TV-posters understand and support those basic human-rights, and that the rest might learn from the example ? <_<

Just because one disagrees with a particular government, or thinks that they might have a not-very-well-hidden corrupt-agenda, is no reason to abandon one's friends & family or a country we feel at-home-in, or to run squeaking to another place and crying for mother ! :rolleyes:

As a British-citizen I do also feel free to criticise the way they run that place too, and to vote with my feet, sorry if my saying what I think causes unintended-offense to you. But I never quit the UK, just because a party I disliked got elected, why should I do so here ?

To anyone trying to influence what's expressed on Thai-Visa, and this isn't directed at you chuang, I can understand why it must be frustrating, that some posters just won't follow the party-propaganda line and worship the hero-of-the-day. But the regular suggestions that we should just shut-up or go-home, or vague threats of someday-retribution, are doomed to failure. They do not intimidate free people. <_<

I don't care if the Democrats never win an election outright, they can still help form coalition-governments, and they appear to me to be the current best of a fairly-ripe bunch of corrupt parties & politicians. I particularly think that former-PM Abhisit & former-FM Korn did well in a difficult situation whilst under constant attack from a well-financed & clever opponent. I also believe that Chuwit can fulfill a useful & entertaining role in the new parliament, shining the bright light of publicity, on some very-murky practices.

Until a better party emerges, and clearly we disagree about whether PTP might be that new positive-force in Thai politics, I am happy to support the Dems, while recognising that they also include individuals & power-groups which are less savoury. I would also be more-supportive of new-PM Yingluck, were she not often appearing to be over-ridden by the older/more-clever politicians within her own ranks. Perhaps her first overseas-trip night relieve some of the stress, from which she already appears to suffer, and help her grow into her new job ? B)

Thank you, Ricardo, for your expansive and well-written reply to an often-repeated, off-topic, forum-bashing diatribe.

Your patience is admirable and noteworthy.


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it used to be thaksin-bashing...now it's yingluck-bashing....i wonder what they have done to all these thai-visa bashers... :angry:

I believe it's called sour grapes, as they were all so sure the Democrats would stay in Power.

I can't understand why all these anti takshin/yingluck/red shirts/puea thai farangs are still in thailand if they don't like the government of the day...why not go back to your own countries if you have one and bash your government...

Or else wait for the democrat party to win an election then come back....BTW they had not win an election for the last twe decades...

Just curious. Where were you from December 2008 to June 2011 when we had a Democrats led government in Thailand?

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I can't understand why all these anti takshin/yingluck/red shirts/puea thai farangs are still in thailand if they don't like the government of the day...why not go back to your own countries if you have one and bash your government...

Or else wait for the democrat party to win an election then come back....BTW they had not win an election for the last twe decades...

I've been living in Thailand well over a decade now, and in that time there have been many governments that i haven't liked, but none of them have made me leave. I believe there are other more important issues in my life that determine such matters. I'm sure though, the supporters of those governments, would be happy to see me leave. One less voice of dissent. Why give them (or you) that satisfaction?

chuang. I cannot understand why your always sweet mouthing this load of rubbish

The Liberals in the u,k, havent won an election for yonks but it doesn't mean they were not decent and just to add I would be a bit shy spouting off as this lot was kicked into the dirt for what,???? they were so good ???? at least the dems with all their faults were out voted JUST ---by the greedy voters who were after favours after the election ==and promised ------but where are the goodies---WHERE WHERE---unless I have missed some Thai news- are you shy about that. I AM A DEMOCRAT and NEUTRAL.

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I can't understand why all these anti takshin/yingluck/red shirts/puea thai farangs are still in thailand if they don't like the government of the day...why not go back to your own countries if you have one and bash your government...

Or else wait for the democrat party to win an election then come back....BTW they had not win an election for the last twe decades...

I've been living in Thailand well over a decade now, and in that time there have been many governments that i haven't liked, but none of them have made me leave. I believe there are other more important issues in my life that determine such matters. I'm sure though, the supporters of those governments, would be happy to see me leave. One less voice of dissent. Why give them (or you) that satisfaction?

chuang. I cannot understand why your always sweet mouthing this load of rubbish

The Liberals in the u,k, havent won an election for yonks but it doesn't mean they were not decent and just to add I would be a bit shy spouting off as this lot was kicked into the dirt for what,???? they were so good ???? at least the dems with all their faults were out voted JUST ---by the greedy voters who were after favours after the election ==and promised ------but where are the goodies---WHERE WHERE---unless I have missed some Thai news- are you shy about that. I AM A DEMOCRAT and NEUTRAL.

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Go ahead and criticize but constructively and intelligently...but most critics here tread nothing more that insults, innuendos and rubbish..so much so for "free speech".....typical example the present PM Yingluck, she is at the political scene only for few months what wrong has she done, corruption, nepotism or what, come on let us know...but if you go through this forum you would see the amount of shit thrown at her.....reason is she just happen to have the surname Thaksin.... :blink:

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Just curious. Where were you from December 2008 to June 2011 when we had a Democrats led government in Thailand?

Do you had a Democrats led government from 2008 to 2011 who was voted in by popular vote or got in by the intervention of the army...????? :bah:

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Just curious. Where were you from December 2008 to June 2011 when we had a Democrats led government in Thailand?

Do you had a Democrats led government from 2008 to 2011 who was voted in by popular vote or got in by the intervention of the army...????? :bah:

Answering a question with a question is a tedious politician's trick that fools nobody.

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chuang. I cannot understand why your always sweet mouthing this load of rubbish

The Liberals in the u,k, havent won an election for yonks but it doesn't mean they were not decent and just to add I would be a bit shy spouting off as this lot was kicked into the dirt for what,???? they were so good ???? at least the dems with all their faults were out voted JUST ---by the greedy voters who were after favours after the election ==and promised ------but where are the goodies---WHERE WHERE---unless I have missed some Thai news- are you shy about that. I AM A DEMOCRAT and NEUTRAL.

In any general election to elect a new government, politicians from the incumbent and the opposition may promise the voters heaven and earth, so it up to the voters to decide as in thailand PTP, Democrats or some other parties, Democrats party had also promise the thai voters goodies if they are voted in..

The so called "greedy voters" as you labelled them must have resented the democrats and go for PTP, nothing wrong with that the problem is with people like you, you expected the people of thailand to vote for a party of your choice..they live in Thailand all their lives it is for them to decide who to vote and not for some fly-by-night tourist to dictate...How would you feel if someone labelled you a moron, stupid or greedy if you did not vote for the Labours... B) BTW I am neither a PTP or Democrats, red or yellow....

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reason is she just happen to have the surname Thaksin.... :blink:

Can't help but wonder how well-informed you are, when you don't even know the surname of the current puppet PM.

How stupid of me is it ""SHINAWATRA""...probably I am not of rocket science calibre... :jap:

Edited by chuang
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it used to be thaksin-bashing...now it's yingluck-bashing....i wonder what they have done to all these thai-visa bashers... :angry:

I believe it's called sour grapes, as they were all so sure the Democrats would stay in Power.

I can't understand why all these anti takshin/yingluck/red shirts/puea thai farangs are still in thailand if they don't like the government of the day...why not go back to your own countries if you have one and bash your government...

Or else wait for the democrat party to win an election then come back....BTW they had not win an election for the last twe decades...

Guess I''ll keep my mouth shut on this and go back to bashing the country of my birth (USA) if it will make you happy chuang

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Just curious. Where were you from December 2008 to June 2011 when we had a Democrats led government in Thailand?

Do you had a Democrats led government from 2008 to 2011 who was voted in by popular vote or got in by the intervention of the army...????? :bah:

Answering a question with a question is a tedious politician's trick that fools nobody.

Is my physical presence during this period anything to do with this thread..???

So by your reply you do know the Democrats were not voted in by popular votes...

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Just curious. Where were you from December 2008 to June 2011 when we had a Democrats led government in Thailand?

Do you had a Democrats led government from 2008 to 2011 who was voted in by popular vote or got in by the intervention of the army...????? :bah:

Answering a question with a question is a tedious politician's trick that fools nobody.

Is my physical presence during this period anything to do with this thread..???

So by your reply you do know the Democrats were not voted in by popular votes...

Nor do you seem to know that the two prior administrations were in power from the same methods...both administrations being Thaksin-related.

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[Guess I''ll keep my mouth shut on this and go back to bashing the country of my birth (USA) if it will make you happy chuang

No no no elgato you don't have to make me happy...you don't owe me anything....but if one is in the habit of bashing other countries for no rhyme or reason then I think one should follow your advice...after all it is there in The First Amendment.

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Nor do you seem to know that the two prior administrations were in power from the same methods...both administrations being Thaksin-related.

What i am trying to imply is that the Democrats were voted in as government by parliamentary vote in December 2008...prior to this if i am not mistaken the administrations were Samak and Somchai..correct me if i am wrong for i do not follow thai politics intensely..

one PM was forced to resign for taking part in a TV cooking show.. :lol::lol::lol:

BTW please do not bash me with sarcasm, innuendos etc if i do not interpret or understand correctly, please guide me along with your grace. :jap: :jap:

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Go ahead and criticize but constructively and intelligently...but most critics here tread nothing more that insults, innuendos and rubbish..so much so for "free speech".....typical example the present PM Yingluck, she is at the political scene only for few months what wrong has she done, corruption, nepotism or what, come on let us know...but if you go through this forum you would see the amount of shit thrown at her.....reason is she just happen to have the surname Thaksin.... :blink:

I thought her surname was Shinawatra (sp.?) ??:blink:

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Nor do you seem to know that the two prior administrations were in power from the same methods...both administrations being Thaksin-related.

What i am trying to imply is that the Democrats were voted in as government by parliamentary vote in December 2008...prior to this if i am not mistaken the administrations were Samak and Somchai..correct me if i am wrong for i do not follow thai politics intensely..

one PM was forced to resign for taking part in a TV cooking show.. :lol::lol::lol:

BTW please do not bash me with sarcasm, innuendos etc if i do not interpret or understand correctly, please guide me along with your grace. :jap: :jap:

You are correct about the Democrats being voted in by Parliament. Samak and Somchai were previously voted in by Parliament in the same method.

The cooking show was not the downfall of the PM you refer to - he was removed due his lying about being paid for participating in it.

BTW, that was very far from sarcasm... you knocked the Democrats for being voted in by Parliament, but made no mention of Samak and Somchai being voted in by the same method. Hardly fair on your part, imho. It led me to believe that you were not aware that all three PMs were installed by the same method.

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[Guess I''ll keep my mouth shut on this and go back to bashing the country of my birth (USA) if it will make you happy chuang

No no no elgato you don't have to make me happy...you don't owe me anything....but if one is in the habit of bashing other countries for no rhyme or reason then I think one should follow your advice...after all it is there in The First Amendment.

The First Amendment does not apply outside of the USofA

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Answering a question with a question is a tedious politician's trick that fools nobody.

Is my physical presence during this period anything to do with this thread..???

It became something to do with this thread when you expressed the view that you couldn't understand why people who don't like the current administration remain in Thailand. You advised that they should stop moaning and leave. It's natural therefore to ask if you took your own advice during the past three years.

So by your reply you do know the Democrats were not voted in by popular votes...

I am aware that they were not voted in by a majority, just as i am aware that in 2001, Thaksin's TRT also were not voted in by a majority. So?

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Go ahead and criticize but constructively and intelligently...but most critics here tread nothing more that insults, innuendos and rubbish..so much so for "free speech".....typical example the present PM Yingluck, she is at the political scene only for few months what wrong has she done, corruption, nepotism or what, come on let us know...but if you go through this forum you would see the amount of shit thrown at her.....reason is she just happen to have the surname Thaksin.... :blink:

I thought her surname was Shinawatra (sp.?) ??:blink:

chuang, why do you defend the Shinawatras so strongly, you also are the one that is avoiding many truths, and regarding Yingluck, she is taking some hammer from all sides and is stressed out according to her minders, problem lack of governmental experience--no Idea how to answer press-advised all the time by big brother. I know its early days but looking at the avoidance of questions, and not implementing the election promises, do you wonder why she is taking a bashing. She elected to do the job on behalf of her brother as he is on the run advising-so like all P.M.s she will shine or fade out quickly.

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