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Bloody Dog'S(4 Legged Kind!


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Why do dog's get together(big groups, barking and moaning normally in the early hours of the morning, yes I have a couple of dog's in the Soi that moan as if they are in pain, part of living in Thailand I guess, just wondering what the reason for this is?

Edited by kenny999
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They are waiting in despair for the big flat bed lorry with cages on it to come along and stow them away to vietnam for to be made into human munchies . Or , they are dying for a shag .

I doubt very much they are aware a lorry could come by and take them off to be made in to food!! dying for a shag is not a problem as their are many many dogs about, so you don't really know the answer to my question? maybe some one will come along and enlighten me soon!!

Oh and my 1000th post 2 suspensions a long the way ye haaaa!!

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They are waiting in despair for the big flat bed lorry with cages on it to come along and stow them away to vietnam for to be made into human munchies . Or , they are dying for a shag .

I doubt very much they are aware a lorry could come by and take them off to be made in to food!! dying for a shag is not a problem as their are many many dogs about, so you don't really know the answer to my question? maybe some one will come along and enlighten me soon!!

Oh and my 1000th post 2 suspensions a long the way ye haaaa!!

I am not sure about the "aware " question . I think dogs have more developed senses than humans . For example if a human ate a dog another dog could perhaps smell the eaten dog on said human's breath and clothes , but if a dog ate a human we would be mostly unawares ,unless that dog was trying to eat more humans .

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Dogs get together in big groups because they are pack animals - simple!


Great explanation mate, so they all get together and have a sing song!! I am sure their is a more educational answer than this, maybe I will go on to Wickipedia and find out exactly what is going on!! I already knew dogs are pack animals so no help!!

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since we're talking dogs . . . how's this for dedication

on one of our regular cycling routes there are three cycle-chasing dogs from the same house, one of which only has the use of its front legs presumably as a result of meeting a bigger vehicle, but it's still out there middle of the road following the others, dragging it's back end behind there's no movement in rear legs at all - should we slow down to at least give it a chance?

Worst dog chase recently involved a three-legged black labrador cross - showed good speed over the first 50m.

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Dogs get together in big groups because they are pack animals - simple!


Great explanation mate, so they all get together and have a sing song!! I am sure their is a more educational answer than this, maybe I will go on to Wickipedia and find out exactly what is going on!! I already knew dogs are pack animals so no help!!

Thanks, glad you like the explanation. Never seen them sing tho, you know where i can witness this?

Maybe you should have used Wickipedia first before posting!!! ( i did not need it to tell me they were pack animals BTW - i knew that already, good eh? )


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Dogs get together in big groups because they are pack animals - simple!


Great explanation mate, so they all get together and have a sing song!! I am sure their is a more educational answer than this, maybe I will go on to Wickipedia and find out exactly what is going on!! I already knew dogs are pack animals so no help!!

Thanks, glad you like the explanation. Never seen them sing tho, you know where i can witness this?

Maybe you should have used Wickipedia first before posting!!! ( i did not need it to tell me they were pack animals BTW - i knew that already, good eh? )


Mate have got you some sort of problem? is their any need for sarcasm? a simple question deserves an Intelligent answer!! I am sure 99% of people know dog's etc are pack animals(and yes I am sure their is another reason why they gather and howl other than just meeting up!! is that your intelligent response? if you have nothing of interest to comment other than the obvious then don't reply, SIMPLE!!! god key board hero's who needs them!!!

Edited by kenny999
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Dogs get together in big groups because they are pack animals - simple!


Great explanation mate, so they all get together and have a sing song!! I am sure their is a more educational answer than this, maybe I will go on to Wickipedia and find out exactly what is going on!! I already knew dogs are pack animals so no help!!

Thanks, glad you like the explanation. Never seen them sing tho, you know where i can witness this?

Maybe you should have used Wickipedia first before posting!!! ( i did not need it to tell me they were pack animals BTW - i knew that already, good eh? )


Mate have got you some sort of problem? is their any need for sarcasm? a simple question deserves an Intelligent answer!! I am sure 99% of people know dog's etc are pack animals(and yes I am sure their is another reason why they gather and howl other than just meeting up!! is that your intelligent response? if you have nothing of interest to comment other than the obvious then don't reply, SIMPLE!!! god key board hero's who needs them!!!

It's a stupid question & sarcasm is the highest form of intelligence FYI.....

You should also not use the lords name in vain - tut tut


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To Jebhead..

You are claiming that you are of higher intelligence yet you answer a question that in your opinion is stupid, what’s that all about mate, have you ever heard this saying, once uttered by Forest Gump, “Stupid is as stupid does” you are not Forest are you lol lordy lordy tut tut ha ha off topic now so bye bye!!

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Great explanation mate, so they all get together and have a sing song!! I am sure their is a more educational answer than this, maybe I will go on to Wickipedia and find out exactly what is going on!! I already knew dogs are pack animals so no help!!

Thanks, glad you like the explanation. Never seen them sing tho, you know where i can witness this?

Maybe you should have used Wickipedia first before posting!!! ( i did not need it to tell me they were pack animals BTW - i knew that already, good eh? )


Mate have got you some sort of problem? is their any need for sarcasm? a simple question deserves an Intelligent answer!! I am sure 99% of people know dog's etc are pack animals(and yes I am sure their is another reason why they gather and howl other than just meeting up!! is that your intelligent response? if you have nothing of interest to comment other than the obvious then don't reply, SIMPLE!!! god key board hero's who needs them!!!

It's a stupid question & sarcasm is the highest form of intelligence FYI.....

You should also not use the lords name in vain - tut tut


Just a couple points, if I may. No sarcasm intended. Using the Lord's name in vain requires capitalizing the word "God". In small case it's just any old god. I believe it is also referred to as "keyboard warrior", not hero.

Back on topic, most dogs come into "heat" or into season twice a year. It seems like in our rural area that lately it's "that time of year", so we are hearing a lot of barking at night/early morning. Might explain the sing-song.


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Well excuse me for using a small g instead of a capital G in the word "God" slap slap!! in my opinion you can describe a person who sits behind his computer any way you like, to me it is a keyboard hero, to some one else it might be keyboard dick and so on.

Dog's coming in to season makes sense as I always howl when needing sex!! lol

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Dogs get together in big groups because they are pack animals - simple!


Dogs bark because that's what they do. Territorial and communication thing going on....

In the countryside, one can hear the domino wave start up in the distant village as it makes it's way through your village, passing as if a paranormal experience. More often than, it dies as soon as it began.

Have to wonder it the canine world is disgusted and frustrated towards the unusual things that we do?

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Dogs get together in big groups because they are pack animals - simple!


Dogs bark because that's what they do. Territorial and communication thing going on....

In the countryside, one can hear the domino wave start up in the distant village as it makes it's way through your village, passing as if a paranormal experience. More often than, it dies as soon as it began.

Have to wonder it the canine world is disgusted and frustrated towards the unusual things that we do?

All of the above.

Dogs have various ways of communicating and they learn their traits from their parents and their peers. But, some breeds are noisier than others... terriers for example. The same goes for individuals.

Coyotes and wolves howl as a form of communication. It's the same with dogs. Who actually knows what goes on in a dog's head? All we can do is guess and use our observations as an example. I have seen dogs bark a lot when they feel they are looking after their place of residence, but once they travel on others territory they become silent. The smarter breeds of dogs can have a sense of humour and like to play mental games with humans. That is common with border collies which are some of the smartest of all the dog breeds.

Because Thailand has little interest in their out of control dog problem it will continue to be an annoyance to foreigners who hate all the barking by soi dogs upsetting the domestic pooches. The off the cuff comment about dog catchers sending the pooches off to Vietnam to be eaten has some validity. Vietnam and parts of Issan have solved the excess number of soi dogs by eating the fat ones.

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Dogs get together in big groups because they are pack animals - simple!


Dogs bark because that's what they do. Territorial and communication thing going on....

In the countryside, one can hear the domino wave start up in the distant village as it makes it's way through your village, passing as if a paranormal experience. More often than, it dies as soon as it began.

Have to wonder it the canine world is disgusted and frustrated towards the unusual things that we do?

All of the above.

Dogs have various ways of communicating and they learn their traits from their parents and their peers. But, some breeds are noisier than others... terriers for example. The same goes for individuals.

Coyotes and wolves howl as a form of communication. It's the same with dogs. Who actually knows what goes on in a dog's head? All we can do is guess and use our observations as an example. I have seen dogs bark a lot when they feel they are looking after their place of residence, but once they travel on others territory they become silent. The smarter breeds of dogs can have a sense of humour and like to play mental games with humans. That is common with border collies which are some of the smartest of all the dog breeds.

Because Thailand has little interest in their out of control dog problem it will continue to be an annoyance to foreigners who hate all the barking by soi dogs upsetting the domestic pooches. The off the cuff comment about dog catchers sending the pooches off to Vietnam to be eaten has some validity. Vietnam and parts of Issan have solved the excess number of soi dogs by eating the fat ones.

I was up in Udon Thani a while ago,I was watching local tv about dog's being taken to Laos, I have never seen any thing so cruel in my whole life, as a dog lover it brought a tear to my eye!!

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They are waiting in despair for the big flat bed lorry with cages on it to come along and stow them away to vietnam for to be made into human munchies . Or , they are dying for a shag .

I doubt very much they are aware a lorry could come by and take them off to be made in to food!! dying for a shag is not a problem as their are many many dogs about, so you don't really know the answer to my question? maybe some one will come along and enlighten me soon!!

Oh and my 1000th post 2 suspensions a long the way ye haaaa!!

I am not sure about the "aware " question . I think dogs have more developed senses than humans . For example if a human ate a dog another dog could perhaps smell the eaten dog on said human's breath and clothes , but if a dog ate a human we would be mostly unawares ,unless that dog was trying to eat more humans .

Which is why I always brush my teeth and wash my clothes after eating dog.

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I was up in Udon Thani a while ago,I was watching local tv about dog's being taken to Laos, I have never seen any thing so cruel in my whole life, as a dog lover it brought a tear to my eye!!

Well how can you blame them? They are such tasty critters. US super markets offer hot dogs everywhere.


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I was up in Udon Thani a while ago,I was watching local tv about dog's being taken to Laos, I have never seen any thing so cruel in my whole life, as a dog lover it brought a tear to my eye!!

And neglected is the same emotional display for pet chooks, pet pigs, pet steers, pet fish, etc.:rolleyes:

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They are waiting in despair for the big flat bed lorry with cages on it to come along and stow them away to vietnam for to be made into human munchies . Or , they are dying for a shag .

I doubt very much they are aware a lorry could come by and take them off to be made in to food!! dying for a shag is not a problem as their are many many dogs about, so you don't really know the answer to my question? maybe some one will come along and enlighten me soon!!

Oh and my 1000th post 2 suspensions a long the way ye haaaa!!

I am not sure about the "aware " question . I think dogs have more developed senses than humans . For example if a human ate a dog another dog could perhaps smell the eaten dog on said human's breath and clothes , but if a dog ate a human we would be mostly unawares ,unless that dog was trying to eat more humans .

Which is why I always brush my teeth and wash my clothes after eating dog.

Dogs see ghosts . I ate dog once on Chedju Island , it tasted like the way a dog smells after it has had a good run around on some grass in the rain . I became aware of dogs looking at me diffrently after that , they would cock their heads over to the side and look at me inquisitively with their tongues hanging out ,often panting . I have since sworn never to eat em again , unless of course I am starving .

Now back to Kenny999's question , maybe those howling dogs can somehow forsee what Kenny is going to write next on his threads .

There is a hound on the loose I deduece .

Happy Mid Autumn Festival to one and all .

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I am not sure about the "aware " question . I think dogs have more developed senses than humans . For example if a human ate a dog another dog could perhaps smell the eaten dog on said human's breath and clothes , but if a dog ate a human we would be mostly unawares ,unless that dog was trying to eat more humans .

Which is why I always brush my teeth and wash my clothes after eating dog.

Dogs see ghosts . I ate dog once on Chedju Island , it tasted like the way a dog smells after it has had a good run around on some grass in the rain . I became aware of dogs looking at me diffrently after that , they would cock their heads over to the side and look at me inquisitively with their tongues hanging out ,often panting . I have since sworn never to eat em again , unless of course I am starving .

Now back to Kenny999's question , maybe those howling dogs can somehow forsee what Kenny is going to write next on his threads .

There is a hound on the loose I deduece .

Happy Mid Autumn Festival to one and all .

Funnily enough that's what I always do after I've eaten dog.

Happy Chusok to you too.

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Felines will win my favour, most ostensibly, over the mongrels every time.

A cat will look upon a dog with contemptable superiority. Cleanliness is everything.

Barking around-the-clock, indeed.

Unlike their highly foul-odored and uncouth very distant cousins, felines display a sublime mystery connection, unlike the shaggy mange that lease their feelings on their sleeve.

A canine reminds me to much of us. Quite predictable.

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