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A Homeless Thai Dude Takes A Beating


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There's been this homeless, glue sniffing, thirtyish Thai dude on my soi for the past two or three years. Maybe an eye problem; he sometimes has gauze taped to one eye. Two nights ago I'm minding my own business, drinking a large one, looking at my intended when I hear an incredibly loud whack. Looking left, I see shards of plastic flying into the soi. The homeless dude has a knife (!) in his hands which I guess was too much for a couple of the fruit seller guys to ignore. Man did they lay into this dude. The pastic chair they were using totally disintegrated and the dude fell ass backwards into the soi. What I like about the Thais is how they kept whacking the guy when he was down. Eventually, he limped off and got horizontal on the steps in front of the Family Mart (strangely enough, right where the homeless German dude now "living" on Soi Diana in Pattaya use to sometimes hang). A couple of cops came on a motorcy. On the way home w/ my "friend," we walked by the dude; blood everywhere.

Note to self; plastic chairs, used properly, can hurt and hurt bad.

Haven't seen the homeless dude since.

Edited by jackdawson
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A few years ago there was an incident at a Bangkok bus stop where some Thai, drunk to say the least, grabbed a a schoolboy as hostage and demanded to be taken to Ekamai bus station, among other things. When the citizens finally got the kid away from him they let loose some whoop-ass and when the police finally got there the guy needed a hospital. I think this made international news.

The Thais can be stoic, but when they let loose it all comes gushing out. My guess is your 'buddy' had been on a lot of people's nerves for a while, and when he crossed the line he got served up what had been simmering for a long time.

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