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What Is This Nazi Symbol On Tshirts?


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You know I seriously believe that the younger generations require educating about what the Nazis and all their regalia stand for.

Many truly believe that the Second World War was about Nazis vs. Jews, but there is a lot more to it than that, much more.

There is an abundance of documentaries published on Utube. See how the Nazis transformed Europe into a series of huge killing fields.

They were sadistic and brutal murderers of the innocents. No one was exempt from they’re brutality. It was an era when every psychopath and homicidal maniac had his day.

Let the true facts be taught and known to the new generations, so as this monster never rises it`s ugly head again, in any shape or form, because it`s of no benefit to anyone and does not belong in a civilised world.

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I find the nazi symbol offensive as I was born just after the war...my father served his time on minesweepers in the north sea...But do kids understand? Should kids understand? Broaden the base a bit and include other symbols and icons.

I wonder if even the most strident critics would recognise the symbols used by Pol Pot if they were worn on a T shirt.....How about walking down the street in Phnom Penh innocently wearing such attire and wondering why the locals might think you indecent. Or, perhaps a likeness of Stalin, or Mao Tse Tung (both, as with Hitler were genocidal maniacs)....

People who were not personally affected tend, I think, to forget quickly....It was only a couple of years ago that a crowd of misguided english fans, tried to erect a statue of Bomber Harris in Dresden, the city he bombed almost into oblivion during WW2, by dropping an estimated 4000 tons of high explosives with a death toll which some place as low as 20,000 others as high as 500,000. These would have been some of the same people who find the swastika obscene.

History is written by the winners and teaching is very selective. The perpetuation of icons and logos associated with horrific deeds is therefore dependent largely upon the teachers, not upon the kids.

Link to a report on the statue http://archive.peacemagazine.org/v08n3p15.htm

Edited by Dave9000
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Two threads running amounting to 60 plus pages on the subject of the Swastika and the Nazi party! I wonder what sort of response you would get today if you questioned Western kids of similar age to those in Chiang Mai about the events surrounding WWII. I'm sure a few years ago someone did a survey or something amongst British school kids, the results were not very encouraging. The chances therefore of them knowing anything about Asian history would be very low indeed. Why should Thais be any different?

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Well said.

Two threads running amounting to 60 plus pages on the subject of the Swastika and the Nazi party! I wonder what sort of response you would get today if you questioned Western kids of similar age to those in Chiang Mai about the events surrounding WWII. I'm sure a few years ago someone did a survey or something amongst British school kids, the results were not very encouraging. The chances therefore of them knowing anything about Asian history would be very low indeed. Why should Thais be any different?

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Well what's next ? They'll be selling Pol Pot t-shirts with a canabis leaf embrazoned on the front and fxxx history on the back .

Most have NO idea who Pol Pot was and that was next door within the last 30 years.

Generally if it isn't in Thailand then they haven't got a clue.

Edited by thaicbr
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The swastika was actually taken from an ancient Buddhist symbol. Google is your friend, check it out for more info.


The trouble is the sheep on TV don't know their ancient history so get a bit carried away with the mainstream 'programming'

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