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FROC Draws Flak As Civic Network Quits; Supplies Remain Untouched


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Quite frankly who gives a shit who distributes what or whose face is stuck on it as long as people get help. And quite frankly right now political differences shouldnt be a reason to have a hissy fit and walk away. It might also be a good idea to relocate the aide distribution centre to a place where any vehicle can access it rather than just big trucks and boats as that must be the biggest actual hindrance in getting stuff out of flooded Don Muang. The people appointed to do things may not necessarily be the best to do so but nobody needs delays caused by changing personel right now and also quite frankly whetr someone is incompetent or brilliant, one thing is for sure if they have to waste their time responding to political hatchet attacks they sure dont become anything but worse at what they are doing. Now isnt the time for all this political crap but a time to work together.

Lets also not forget the Isaan is currently flooding and rivers there are bursting their banks, but hardly anything gets said

Let's see, Party A engages in an immoral act, Party B protests about it, you chime in saying that bickering is detrimental to the situation, therefore what should be done is not for Party A to stop the immoral act but for Party B to stop complaining about it.

In the solution you propose you show that you have cast away your moral compass and replaced it with obsequious partisanship.

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How shameful of an NGO to abandon the effort because they don't like the way they are being treated. I have little respect for them at this juncture. They need to rise above the situation and do the work that needs to be done.

There will be plenty of time for fighting after the crisis is over.

It is not shameful, I work also for an NGO, and would not work with these peoples.. many hundreds of these donated supplies and the vast majority are being given to Red Shirt " volunteers" and repackaged with messages of good wishes from PTP MPs, all of whom are Red Shirts.. These relief packages have been given by ordinary peoples with no poliical affiliations.. Shame on Thailand and shame on Yinluck Shinawatra... They get what they deserve... let the band play on...!

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"However, MP Karun Hosakul, who is in charge of distributing the supplies donated to FROC, denied that any such banners had been put up."

Well that's it then, it can't be true, my eyes were playing tricks on me!

Pheu Thai MP Karun Hosakul to chair the House Committee on security affairs.

Karun is also a red-shirt leader facing myriad charges, including terrorism in connection with the last year's violence.

-- The Nation 2011-09-29

Who put the fox in charge of the hen-house?

The foxy Mdm Yingluck :wub:

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However, MP Karun Hosakul, who is in charge of distributing the supplies donated to FROC, denied that any such banners had been put up. He said the distribution operation was transparent and simple, and that the distributors only had to identify the area and the group of recipients.

The distribution operation is completely transparent. That's why there are so many photos of said banners.

Karun is the disturbed personality who was famously photographed attacking an elderly Democrat MP in the parliament canteen with a flying kick. Definitely the kind of person a responsible government would put in charge of flood relief supplies.

Wasn't he also the one accused of tearing down about 1km of flood barrier?

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However, MP Karun Hosakul, who is in charge of distributing the supplies donated to FROC, denied that any such banners had been put up. He said the distribution operation was transparent and simple, and that the distributors only had to identify the area and the group of recipients.

The distribution operation is completely transparent. That's why there are so many photos of said banners.

Karun is the disturbed personality who was famously photographed attacking an elderly Democrat MP in the parliament canteen with a flying kick. Definitely the kind of person a responsible government would put in charge of flood relief supplies.

Wasn't he also the one accused of tearing down about 1km of flood barrier?

Same guy

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How shameful of an NGO to abandon the effort because they don't like the way they are being treated. I have little respect for them at this juncture. They need to rise above the situation and do the work that needs to be done.

There will be plenty of time for fighting after the crisis is over.

Dear Credo; it is wonderful to see you doing such an admirable job of defending the government.

However, Thaiflood and the other NGOs are not STOPPING DOING ANYTHING; they and their NGO bretheren have risen above working with these FROC idiots, and are working their butts off distributing aid, providing news, creating new 'hack solutions (portable boats, water filters, cardboard boats, etc etc) and pretty much have been working giving out aid since August, the last normal month of rainfall when the flood situation was already well underway in places like Lopburi.

It is pretty impossible for them to work alongside grandstanding politicians who insist on branding 'aid' that didn't come from them, as their own.

How much on the ground work have you done in the last 2 months to assist the flood victims?

If it was any amount you would know that FROC has come late to the party, and has haphazardly introduced needless administration, media censorship and is trying to take credit for the work of others when it comes to aid distribution.

And against all of this, FROC is still doing a pi$$poor job. As an NGO whose reason to exist is to help people, how would you like to be forced to work under such leadership?

No need to answer, we already know you'd be willing to do it.

Edited by steveromagnino
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However, MP Karun Hosakul, who is in charge of distributing the supplies donated to FROC, denied that any such banners had been put up. He said the distribution operation was transparent and simple, and that the distributors only had to identify the area and the group of recipients.

The distribution operation is completely transparent. That's why there are so many photos of said banners.

Karun is the disturbed personality who was famously photographed attacking an elderly Democrat MP in the parliament canteen with a flying kick. Definitely the kind of person a responsible government would put in charge of flood relief supplies.

Wasn't he also the one accused of tearing down about 1km of flood barrier?

And wife beating and assault on an opposition PM and false education documents and browbeating business owners with "Do you know who I am?". Got the cream of the crop in there running things now.

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And wife beating and assault on an opposition PM and false education documents and browbeating business owners with "Do you know who I am?". Got the cream of the crop in there running things now.

No suprises here. The PT cabinet and appointees are all from the same crop. Never mind ethics, principles, morals, honesty, pending terrorism convictions. The qualifier is blindly following the dictates from big brother without question. PT is now having issues due to a lot of these nit wits revealing themselves as loose cannons. It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than speak and remove all doubt.

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Does anyone know of any relief efforts one can volunteer for here in Bangkok. I am doing my MBA over here and have a bit of free time and I am in OnNut area...no flooding here.

As long as Thaksin and his Red Shirt cronies are breathing, the division in Thai society will continue to grow.

What about the converse: as long as there are parties refusing to accept the results of a free and fair elections, the division in Thai society will continue to grow?

2 sides to every issue.

By the way, I am neither a Thaksin fan nor a fan of the pre-Thaksin status quo.:jap:

Pray tell, who hasn't recognized the results of the last election?

Last time I checked the party that won the elections is in power now.

And causing a total ClusterFROC all the while.

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Here comes the apologists.

Quite frankly who gives a shit who distributes what or whose face is stuck on it as long as people get help. /../

But if the roles was reversed, look out how upset they would have been...

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There are different stories as to why they are quitting. Who knows and who cares at this point.

Yes, who cares why they are quitting? You don't, you are happy to post incorrect posts about the groups alleged political bias instead of actually noting who they are and how they still try to help people. You rather try to score political points while flaming people for supposedly trying to score political points...

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Here comes the apologists.

Quite frankly who gives a shit who distributes what or whose face is stuck on it as long as people get help. /../

But if the roles was reversed, look out how upset they would have been...

By the same token, who gives a shit if there's a coup, as long as the lying, thieving, murdering scum are removed.

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