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Thai Floods Reduce Beer Supplies To A Drip


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Actually, this Chang Export is so bad, I'm beginning to think it's not quite the proper goods.

Hmmm, says brewed in Ayutthaya 13 Oct 2011 -- probably dug it out from under 150cm of floodwater.

I expect there will be more tainted product (of everything) as supplies get tighter -- check the labels.

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The goverment must step in and do something about this!!!!!:realangry:

They are doing as much about the beer shortage as they are doing for those affected by the flooding. In other words, they are doing <deleted> all.

If this situation isn't remedied soon, I predict a mass exodus by beer-bellied farang searching foreign shores for the golden nectar.

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yet, you basically still told the joke... B)

i'm not having a go at you, just found it amusing

I DON'T find it amusing that you DO find someone's (curtailed) amusement, amusing :annoyed:.


Just like this government. The flood is putting additional stress on their getting on with corruption.

yeah, big props for turning this into politics

we just don't get enough of that in here

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Reduced stocks in supermarkets in this part of Issaan (Kantharalak SiSaket), but the beer box shops and local stores still run at their normal grossly overstocked levels!

Sounds like a good excuse to evacuate Bangkok to me :rolleyes:

Well we are not sharing in Chiangmai, you mexicans down south can find your own beer supplies. It's a dog eat dog world when it comes to beer.:D Just tugging your chains cobbers, we Aussies fully understand what it's like to be as dry as a dead dingo's donger.

Hope this cheers you all up...............


There's nothing so lonesome, morbid or drear......................."

Yes one thing that you colonials did get right is a true appreciation of what makes life worthwhile

Yep when times are drear we give you our last beer. You take the missus of me hands and your true blue.

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SAME SCENARIO FOR THAIS: Lau kau factories flooded and the tv is off.

I d take the next plane to......Libya. Safer.

Well, since I am a Swiss and since Swiss are the best organized people anyway, I have sent a mail to my favorite bar manager in Pattaya and told him to keep few gallons of my favorite brand ready for my arrival... just a question of organisation, guys :D

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Beer is always a temporary solution for things (Flood victims) now they may not even have that, atleast they can get some Sang sung or other thai whiskey, Hope they catch up on supplies before the end of the Year.

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All they had in the local shop today is Chang Export -- cut down from 6.7% to 5.0% and all the flavour taken out.

The blandest thing I've tasted since I had the misfortune to try a Coors when I was in the US. Equally poodle's p*ss, both of themangry.gif

So bloody true! SIL bought a case last Songkran and I thought at first it was me. :bah:Sent her back out and she came back with Chang Lite - Doh!:huh:

Tried myself and finally found some cans :D

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While I normally drink Chang Classic or Red Horse for the kick I've decided it is time to kick the Classic Horse good bye. I may be in the minority but I do like the new Chang Export and glad to see my local Family Mart is stocking it. B48 for big bottle.

I just came back from Big C Extra and the beer shelves are cleaned out but just got a truck load of Leo and all shelves are full of boxes of Leo only. I think the bars must have stocked up in case this really is a shortage. A beer bar with only Leo will go out of business fast.

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I am clearly in the presence of some serious and knowledgeable imbibers of beer, so may I respectfully ask the following: I usually drink bottles of Leo and Singha (at home and in Pattaya bars). I have seen the brands Tiger and Chang but my Thai wife is quite (if not very) adamant that I do not try those two. My question: is there any valid reason to avoid Tiger and Chang? This is a serious question for my learning curve. Thanks to all who reply.

If you can drink Leo, you shouldn't have any problem with Tiger and Chang.

Maybe she doesn't like the companies that produce them.

I don't drink Chang because she doesn't like the smell, a small sacrifice to make considering........

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I am clearly in the presence of some serious and knowledgeable imbibers of beer, so may I respectfully ask the following: I usually drink bottles of Leo and Singha (at home and in Pattaya bars). I have seen the brands Tiger and Chang but my Thai wife is quite (if not very) adamant that I do not try those two. My question: is there any valid reason to avoid Tiger and Chang? This is a serious question for my learning curve. Thanks to all who reply.

I'm sure about the vaidity of this, but I vaguely remember hearing that at least one of these 2 beers (Chang I think) being the Thai equivaent of "Stella Artois".

Stella Artois is sometimes referred to as "wife beater" - if true, this might just be the reason!!! Why don't you ask her????

By the way, I drink Leo myself as it is a bit sweeter than "Bia Singh" and less gassy, which appeals as the lesser of 2 evils to a hardened CAMRA buff!!:jap:.

A CAMRA buff marooned in Thailand - you poor soul. What did you do before? Mormon missionary in Vatican City? Nah they don't drink...

Nonetheless there other good reasons for being here

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Maybe Laos will send us a convoy of emergency supplies of Beer Lao :burp:

You know, I was just going to suggest that. Pakse's new brewery is right across the border. Unfortunately, the Thai beer cartel (i.e., Chang) has restricted severely it's import for a few years now. It's a shame, as it is so popular (and downright good) among foreigners. It is available in limited amounts at Western pubs and bars. But the brewery could and would gear up and send massive amounts of the stuff (I'm reluctant to use the flood) here by boat, if need be. It isn't that popular among Thais, however, because of the stigma attached to the name Lao...also unfortunate. I had many Thai converts when I briefly sold it at my restaurant a few years back. The gouging and shortages won't last long...sort of like eggs a week ago. Cheers.

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I am clearly in the presence of some serious and knowledgeable imbibers of beer, so may I respectfully ask the following: I usually drink bottles of Leo and Singha (at home and in Pattaya bars). I have seen the brands Tiger and Chang but my Thai wife is quite (if not very) adamant that I do not try those two. My question: is there any valid reason to avoid Tiger and Chang? This is a serious question for my learning curve. Thanks to all who reply.

I'm sure about the vaidity of this, but I vaguely remember hearing that at least one of these 2 beers (Chang I think) being the Thai equivaent of "Stella Artois".

Stella Artois is sometimes referred to as "wife beater" - if true, this might just be the reason!!! Why don't you ask her????

By the way, I drink Leo myself as it is a bit sweeter than "Bia Singh" and less gassy, which appeals as the lesser of 2 evils to a hardened CAMRA buff!!:jap:.

A CAMRA buff marooned in Thailand - you poor soul. What did you do before? Mormon missionary in Vatican City? Nah they don't drink...

Nonetheless there other good reasons for being here

There's a few of us around (CAMRA buffs). We survive on the premise that a beer is better than no beer :rolleyes:

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Road deaths and spousal abuse should see a welcome if only temporary dip in numbers for a while then.

This was a funny Forum for sure, it brought up a memory of when I ran out of beer on a boat delivery from Thailand to the USA, in the middle of the ocean, we saw a ship and called on the radio to see if he had any,

It was a calm glassy day, low and behold he did and welcomed us to come pick some up. We did and cigeretts we all had sworn to give up on this trip too..about 1,000 km off shore...smile.

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Found this warning on the web. We are all in trouble.

Downloaded it too..Brilliant!!! absolutely Brilliant!! will not say anymore as it will spoil the laughs........Still laughing now as i write this.... Thank you for making me laugh through what is a very serious problem.. I had to drink Tiger tonight!! Well one bottle was enough......Brezzers were the better looking option in the fridge....... PANIC!!!ohmy.gif

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yeah, no more singha on our island alreadysad.gif

will have to switch to other brands when my stock is oversad.gifsad.gif

it's a real pity that some people have to deal with too much liquid and other are running dry

As a non drinker of alcoholic beverages, I got a laugh about a few falong complaing loud, clear and long in a locAL Pattaya Beer Bar about the rising cost of beer and the shortage of some of their favorite brands of beer. All this while millions of Thais are suffering from the effects of the flood.

Take your beer money for 1 month and donate it to relief efforts for the people without food, water and shelter due to the flood, and not worry abvout the supply and cost of beer.

Stop buying beer for 1 month and supplies will grow and price will go down.

Ever here about a famous old tragedy called the "TITANIC".... A very similar situation we have here.....THE BAND PLAYS ON...........blink.gif

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SAME SCENARIO FOR THAIS: Lau kau factories flooded and the tv is off.

I d take the next plane to......Libya. Safer.

Read a good book in between sex acts, and have a girl fan you, when you are not sexing it up. Switch to a good single malt scotch and stock up, then sip slow, while reading. Bookazine, and Walking Street are your friend. laugh.gif

Edited by animatic
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Seems like most of you beer drinkers are managing to get supplies even if it's not your favourite brand. But what about us tea-totallers...no pepsi max or coke zero to be had anywhere locally. Couldn't even find a bottle of fanta orange....

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Seems like most of you beer drinkers are managing to get supplies even if it's not your favourite brand. But what about us tea-totallers...no pepsi max or coke zero to be had anywhere locally. Couldn't even find a bottle of fanta orange....


What can we use to mix with our current thai whiskeys? I am going to have to start drinking Jack on the rocks? We need emergency beer supplies sent to Pattaya before December!!

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Seems like most of you beer drinkers are managing to get supplies even if it's not your favourite brand. But what about us tea-totallers...no pepsi max or coke zero to be had anywhere locally. Couldn't even find a bottle of fanta orange....

What can we use to mix with our current thai whiskeys?

try water ... although I don't recommend flood water

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