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3 Bomb Scares Around Bangkok


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I am not much on conspiracy theories, but where do you find someone who is bright enough to assemble a bomb, but so stupid that the local constabulary can catch him?

Any idea of what his motives are?

Could it be that the whole story is "made up?" jap.gif

No, not at all - Chalerm is a genius and has once again outwitted those pesky criminals, he's now even predicted a safe New Year. Brilliance, from one of the most honest politicians around. I'm sure the DL will reward him well.

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I wonder what Chalerm will say the motivation is.

BKK Bank was one of the favorite targets of the Red Shirt terrorists during the riots in 2010, with multiple 40mm grenades launched from M79 grenade launchers and thrown M67 hand-grenades targeting them, amongst other things.

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I wonder what Chalerm will say the motivation is.

BKK Bank was one of the favorite targets of the Red Shirt terrorists during the riots in 2010, with multiple 40mm grenades launched from M79 grenade launchers and thrown M67 hand-grenades targeting them, amongst other things.

It could be related to The Happy Toilet campaign, maybe the toilets in those areas aren't up to the standard expected from his family. :whistling:

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I am not much on conspiracy theories, but where do you find someone who is bright enough to assemble a bomb, but so stupid that the local constabulary can catch him?

Any idea of what his motives are?

Disgruntled red shirt; he hasn't been made rich yet and all the dreams come true; almost about 6months- maybe he really believed the hype.

Doesn't take great skill or intelligence to be a bomber- perhaps mostly a lack of IQ is needed , ie retardation of the moral compass

Bangkok bank was a regular target of the red bombing campaign before so could be same trained bunch and he's just a bit low on target ideas fitting his new feelings

Or could be at Ts direction to remind everyone the kind of shit he can unleash if they stand in the way of his come back plans. This is most likely in my opinion.

Ofcourse all reds will say it's dems/ army plot to make them look bad

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The headlines turned away from Taksin regaining his passport....... It's just a new stunt in the Shinavatra circus :intheclub::clap2::clap2:

Spot on!

It always has to come back to Taksin doen't it. Some people amaze me how every single thing can be attributed Taksin. A cow farts in the meadow and it's dam_n Taksin and his plan to warm the planet.

Yes it does!!!!! Simply proves that he's got a lot to answer for!!!!!:ermm:.

Yes like the European debt crisis, global warming, and your coffee went cold.

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Yes like the European debt crisis, global warming, and your coffee went cold.

YOU BET!!!!!!!!!!!

You are wrong about 1 thing though as I prefer tea to coffee - but THAT did go cold so you were warm enough on that to be 95% correct!!!!!:D.

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Just a co-incidence that the only times we see random bombs being planted around Bkk is when the current political mob, and their predecessors, are suffering from public image perception issues.

Wasn't any random bombing when the otherside's going got tough.

Maybe they should start bombing or burning the place down to gain public sympathy and win the next elections. :blink:

Ah-Hahhh!!! :w00t: I knew it had to happen! :crazy: Another conspiracy fingered by an acute-minded forum member! :clap2: No disrespect intended! :cheesy:

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so what's the story here?

they were in on it and made up a plot that bangkok would be bombed to scare the <deleted> out of everyone? then caught the guy, who they themselves employed to make the bombs, to make themselves look good... is this the general consensus of the thread?

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Text book Bull Sh*t

I saw this on the news. For one thing Charlem gives the guy (Suspect) a pat on the shoulder and everyone is smiling.

They almost have everything in place to bring back the boss and start the new round of political nightmares.

Let the party begin

Edited by MILT
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This is a common political tactic when a government is trying to cover something up, create a diversion, learned from confidence tricksters "look at my wife's big tits while I steal your Rolex". Bush did this for almost his entire term in office, creating fear in the people, all bogus of course. Taksin gets his passport back, bad news, bombers found by brave policemen, using government inteligence, good news.

Expect a lot more at appropriate times.

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The suspect sat smiling with his face down during the press conference. He said he would testify only in court.

After reporters raised many questions for the suspect to answer, Chalerm, who was sitting beside him, cut short the press conference. Chalerm said he ended the press conference because Priewphan was very sleepy.

Chalerm concluded the press conference by asking Bangkokians to celebrate New Year holidays without having to worry about bomb attacks.


-- The Nation 2011-12-16

You can't make this shit up.

Au contraire my friend, this current govt. seems to daily make shit up. :-)

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Hmmmmm!!!! From the North East of Thailand...........you know, that hot-bed of Democrats, so we know who gets the blame here, it is Abhisit's lot that dunnit, without any doubt !!!!B).

When I was last upcountry (north though, not northeast), I was told that the floods were cause by the Democrats.:whistling:

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The headlines turned away from Taksin regaining his passport....... It's just a new stunt in the Shinavatra circus :intheclub::clap2::clap2:

Spot on!

Sure it is Bankonians have forgotten about every other political issue that affects their country because some nutter with illusions of grandeur planted bomb that never went off

Get a life for God's sake.

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Correction -- sorry, early morning hadn't had my coffee yet, now I see a bank name in the article. Still however, I wouldn't know where Bangkok Bank is along a 5+ KM road, perhaps a little more clarity is helpful.

bangkok bank address is soi ladkrabang 20 as mentioned in a follow up news (seen on this page).

Thanks for that, my internet is crawling super slow and haven't had time to use google earth. Maybe I'll find later.

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Hmmm, have located on google earth and it shows Soi Lat Krabang 20 as being right near the airport, not exactly what I would call "On Nut". Isn't it wonderful as readers we have to do our own reporting...

Thanon On Nut goes from Sukhumvit to just near the airport.

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