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Big Immigration crackdown In Pattaya


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Cops raid tourist hotels in big crackdown

Budget hotels, gueshouses raided

BANGKOK (dpa) - Thai police raided budget hotels, guest houses and other tourist haunts for the second straight day Monday, arresting "many foreigners" in a major crackdown on violators of immigration regulations.

The target of Monday's immigration police swoop was the popular tourist resort city of Pattaya, 90 kilometres southeast of Bangkok.

Police Major General Pongsapat Pongcharoen, deputy commissioner of the Immigration Bureau, said a total of 13 hotels, guest houses and condominiums were raided and "many foreigners" were arrested for failing to produce valid visa documents.

He said he was unable to give exact figures on the number of foreigners arrested or their nationalities.

"We're trying to improve the information we receive after tourists enter one of 54 entry points into Thailand," Pongsapat told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa in a telephone interview. "After (tourists) enter the country, we don't know where they go."

He said the budget accommodations raided on Monday were all found to be in violation of a clause of the 1979 Immigration Act.

--DPA 2004-01-13

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This makes me think twice about visiting Thailand.

My paperwork is *always* valid wherever I travel or whatever I do, but to be caught up in such a raid would be absolutely terrible, especially if just there for a holiday. It would probably spoil the whole holiday.

What is the political angle behind this ? What is really going on ?

Perhaps i'm just reading this as sensationalist and it's not so..


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They are checking overstayers, and penalising the hotels for not doing the required TM card reports to Immigration when foreigners check into hotels and guesthouses.

If your paperwork is valid, then nothing to worry about.

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Don't understand your point of view. If your paperwork are always valid, where is the problem? Why would a raid in your hotel spoil your holiday? Present your passeport and that's it. Too many unwanted individuals without proper papiers are living in Thailand, especially in Pattaya.


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What's the big deal, if your visa is not upto date you should be rounded up, fined and asked to leave. Remember, you are a guest in this country and like your own country there are laws to be obeyed. And while the unwashed and dodgie are trying to be smart and circumvent the authorities it is only making life more difficult for those of us here trying to stay as legitimate visa holders.

So if you get caught without the proper paper work - stiff sh*t as far as I'm concerned as it's a problem you created yourself.

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Thailand is doing what the USA should have been doing for the last 50 years. Except if we do it over here it is called RACISM.

I see no problem with the crackdown. It appears many members see it as a non-issue too.

Maybe I'll have to prove my paperwork when I'm there in March.

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"Think Twice about comming to Thailand"

Nobody cares if you come to Thailand or not , especially the Thais!!!

Why is it that Farangs seem to think that they or their opinion count for anything in this country? Or that they count for anything other than money!

I'm with the rest of you guys...."Whats the big deal about keepin your visa up!

The Thais have every right to be concerned about Visa Violations. This is their bloody country, most the people in the flea bags hotels they raid are hippy freeloaders too high and too broke to renew their Visas!

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I don't see a problem with this crackdown, possibly Tony Blair and the British Government could take a leaf out of P.M. Thaksin's book and follow suit. As one of very many that have had difficulties in the past with obtaining U.K. entry for a (legal) wife, it seems to me that the U.K. could well do with copying Thailands example and removing the asylum seekers and illegals.

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Well basically what is happening is here is since they've upped all the visa renewal fees they are protecting their interests and ensuring that folks renew when they are expected to either by leaving and returning or at Soi San Plu...

As always in Thailand it's about money.

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What other countries have this policy whereby when you check into a Hotel they are required to send your details to immigration? The only reason I can see for this is so that people can be tracked so that the revenue gravy train from visa renewals is protected.

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Personally would I agree that your passport and visa should be up to date and that you have the proper documentation required for the country you visit in this case Thailand.

But the point to dazdaz could maybe be that why don`t the laws in the country catch up this things already at the border(entrypoint).

I see that many of you agree in the way the police/immigration did this check.

Will you also agree if Thailand practise immigration rules as the "first world country" it want to be? I will.

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It is not required to have the hotel management or motel management here in the USA to report to Immigration Authorities of one staying at such hotel or motel. (USA) Here only when one applies for a job does the Immigration get involved to make sure you have complied with the entry to this country. The other one is having a Social Security Number registered and some valid ID such as your passport or Drivers License.

Thailand is a step or two further in wanting to know where the tourists are located and the threat to the hotels or guest houses is like to me blackmail.

However every country has their own laws, and we just have to deal with it as it plays out.

I just wonder why Pattaya now is being targeted???? You know there are so many places classified as tourists spots in Thailand, which has me baffled as to their main objectives.


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I would take a guess that some people whom just might be wanted for one reason or another happen to not be in the place they listed upon entry or at immigration

on visa extension. Plenty of shifty extremist now days that do not like to see infidels enjoying themselves. They butterfly around these dives hiding amoungst

certain people from a part of the world that does not partake in enjoyable things that most of the world does as normal day to day life. At least they are checking

for everyones safety.

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If the police check my details once i've checked into a hotel and they are upto date, as my docs always are, then it would still be unpleasant because you really don't expect this kinda crap. You go on holiday to let your guard down somewhat, relax, chill out, get that vibe going and just have a good time.

You don't expect a crack squad of cops doing spot checks, that upsets the vibe, well at least for me it certainly does. I know everyone is different.

On the other hand, the occasional spot checks I can understand ...

But as we all know, this is Thailand and anything, I mean * A N Y T H I N G * can happen, lol.


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I have been working in or living in or vacationing in Thailand since 1971. My wife is Thai. I enjoy our vacations, visiting with her family AND visiting all the farang and Thai friends we've made in the country each trip.

What I haven't enjoyed is the increase every year of lowlife farangs who are in the country illegally. I hope the crackdown continues and every single farang in the country illegal and every one who overstays his visa is caught, deported and never allowed to return.

Same thing would be great here in the United States as well BTW.

Ken/Rattana Bower

San Antonio Texas

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Seems to me the Thaskin goverment is shooting their Nose to spite their face!

They want Tourism yet these horror stories of immigration round ups and harrasement are curculating worldwide and having the opposite effect. These type of tactics are only done in very insular third world countries. Some first world countries do raids for certain , but, they are carried out against specific verified targets to avoid that type of backlash.

You can say "well, your documentation should be in order!" but how many of you really like being woken from a nice vacation snooze to answer the banging on your hotel room door by goverment shock troops?

I for one forsee thaskin as going down in Thai hostory as the man who will completely wreck Thailand ecomony!


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I hope the crackdown continues and every single farang in the country illegal and every one who overstays his visa is caught, deported and never allowed to return.

Well, I could tell you a story. Basically while I agree with what most are saying here, and it's best to just have your visa in order and not worry, there might be times when you are .... well let me tell you the story...

I was working for a school in Bangkok on a non-immigrant 'B' visa and I had my work permit sorted. The school was in the process of extending my visa and there were complications. I later learned that the complications were caused by my boss being unwilling to supply financial documents required by Immigration. Anyway with about 3 days to go until my visa was to expire I was a little worried and started to make arrangments to do a visa run.

The day before it was to expire I went to Immigration with the girl from the school who was handling my visa extention for me. At Immigration they told me that the extension was still under consideration, but they had already issued the maximum number of extensions on that visa... I guess while it was pending the decision. Anyway she went on to tell me that the decision would be made soon... and that I should stay in Thailand to see what happened.

I explained that I wouldn't be happy with that, since my visa would expire and I'd be overstaying my visa. She said I shouldn't worry about that, and it was better not to waste my time and money on the visa run YET, until I knew for sure that I would need to. I got the nod of approval from the lady assisting me and I agreed. The following week I was told that the visa extension was rejected and I was asked to leave Thailand. At the airport I was fined for the overstay. I am glad that I was let back into Thailand, and it would be very harsh if I was told I could not return.

Wouldn't you agree?

Once again I would like to point out that I am still in favour of laws being enforced.. but there has to be some level of understanding in some cases.


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how would this affect someone who lives in bangkok and has come for a weekend break in pattaya and who's passport is in the safe in his home.

are tourists/foriegn residents required by law to carry their passports with them at all times,or would a photocopy of the visa,entry stamps,tm card and front page of the passport be enough to prevent an overzealous policeman or immigration official from carting you away.

perhaps someone who knows could post some reliable advice for those who travel around but like to keep their valuable documents safe at home.

crackdowns are fine until the honest innocents get rounded up as well.

then the stories will filter back to the press in the west.

at least they will if i ever get carted off for no reason.

the thai police have a habit of making up the law as they go along, and if they want to flex their muscles with all these crackdowns then tourists and residents are entitled to know exactly what is required of them.

otherwise it just becomes another mickey mouse police force that gains no respect.

for a police force to be efficient, the first thing it needs is the respect of the people it is supposed to serve and protect.

mr. thaksin,take note.

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Well said Griser!

At last the voice of reason breaks through the ill conceived nonsense. Shouts of "your docs should be in order" or "throw out the illegals" are justified, but if it means stampeeding over legal holiday makers or residents then it surely can't be good for business.

I would also assume that TAT might not agree with "Nobody cares if you come to Thailand or not , especially the Thais" though I could be wrong! :o

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"Think Twice about comming to Thailand"

Nobody cares if you come to Thailand or not , especially the Thais!!!

Why is it that Farangs seem to think that they or their opinion count for anything in this country? Or that they count for anything other than money!

Well i think many thais wnat us here, probably all the thais that live of tourists in fact, and why is it that in england when you watch television the thai govermant are spending buckets of money advertising thailand as a holiday destitnation asking us to come here, thailand was built on the tourist dollar i would be thrilled to see the results of a two year abseance of all tourist not just farangs but asians and arabs as well, not a single tourist dollar for two years the country would be broke we would be begged to come back and as for visa we'd get permanant stay on arrival, just take time to think about how far that money spent in a bar or disco goes, if samui didnt have people partying and drinking all those years ago their wouldnt be an airport there wouldnt be people working at the airport people would'nt of been paid to build it and so on and so on

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If it is only overstayers and otherwise 'illegals' who are round up and detained then fine, as long as their 'punishment' is commensurate with the actual 'crime' and not compounded by their being non-Asian. Also, it is fine if these crackdowns are being applied to all foreigners and not just non-Asians. but i hear that there are huge numbers of illegals from all maner of Asian countries, like China and India, and yet I hear nothing about these people being efected. funny that, isn't it.

but i suspect two things. the first is that many with legal visa status have been included in the roundups, accused of having too many 30 day visas or some other made up illegal nonsense. second that there is a strong element of racial discrimination.

if i am wrong then fine. but if i am right then us farangs should start making lots of noise, because Thaksinnet al are starting to look more and more like Robert Mugabe et al.

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if samui didnt have people partying and drinking all those years ago their wouldnt be an airport there wouldnt be people working at the airport people would'nt of been paid to build it and so on and so on

Do you mean there might be some pristine places left. I do not see what is wrong

if your in someone elses country that you be aked to see your legal documents.

I am sure if they did not have problems with immigration laws they would not make busy work for something to do. You do know one of the most wanted terrorist

in the world had been hiding in thailand without anyone knowing he was in country

and he was doing black market visas just recently. I does not bother me much of hawkers selling watches and whatever else so what is the big deal if they check visas. It is something that should be expected at times when in a foreign country.

Relax a bit, if this bothers you just stay at home where no one will ask you anything that might upset you.

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Uhmm, some serious xenophobia and pure hate happening here. What exactly are 'lowlife' anyway? Possibly people who have a different lifestyle to yours? maybe criminals, maybe differing in political ideology? Maybe other countries should check on all the 'unusually wealthy' Thais who are buying property and businesses in other less restrictive countries? Aren't they 'lowlife', or because they are wealthy maybe they're not in that bracket? Come on people, most of the rich and wealthy countries of the world grew rich from the activities of the 'lowlife' that were welcomed to their shores may years ago. 'Give me your poor'....and all that jazz.

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