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Thai Govt Seeks Release Of 57 Red-Shirt Detainees


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Govt Seeks Release of 57 Red-shirt Detainees

The government is speeding up its push for the release of 57 red-shirt detainees after having received approval to allocate funds to help them secure bail bonds.

Justice Minister's secretary Thirachai Wuthitham said the Fund for Justice is moving forward in seeking the release of 57 red-shirt protesters being held on remand in eight provinces nationwide for their participation in the political protests of 2010.

Thirachai stated that the move stems from the Cabinet's approval of a suggestion made by the Fact-finding Committee for National Reconciliation that it assist people being detained over political conflicts.

The minister's secretary stated that the campaign aims to facilitate the detainees' legal fight.

He said the bail money needed to secure the release of the 57 red-shirt protesters totals 43 million baht, but the Fund for Justice now has only 17 million baht, so its board has proposed that Justice Minister Police General Pracha Promnok seek additional funds.

Thirachai said approval has already been given for the allocation of roughly 43 million baht from the central budget to fund the campaign.

Director General for the Rights and Liberties Protection Department, Phithaya Jinawat , said his agency is in the process of coordinating with court offices in the provinces where the red-shirt detainees are being held on remand, as well as their family members and lawyers concerning the submission of bail appeals for them.

He expects that all of them will be freed before the end of this month.

Phithaya maintained that it is not only red-shirt people who will qualify for the bail assistance, saying that a similar campaign is also underway for the release of people being detained in connection with violence in the three southern border provinces.


-- Tan Network 2012-01-18


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With the shifting of the 1.14 trillion baht in debt, then the possibility of printing more money, I wonder who will get taken care of first, the domestic terrorists (oops, I mean future cabinet members....oops again, I mean red shirts) or the flood victims?

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Why did they bother with the new low security jail for them if they're just going to get them released anyway?

Only to put on a show and save face. It's all in the master plan. Release the red army thugs in order to keep their support and use them in the next "peaceful" conflict.

Talk about transparency. Anyone who can't see through this is really stupid. After all one of them that is out on bail for terrorism charges is now going to be in the Yingluck cabinet.

Pathetic abuse of power by Morons!

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I wonder how this is appearing on the books? These funds should all be returnable, assuming those charged show up for court, so they should be credited as an asset, not an expense. But with a little creative accounting, there is B43,000,000 up for grabs.

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