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Thai PM's Office Minister Nalinee Denies Business Deals With Mugabe Regime


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Nalinee denies any business deal with the Mugabes

The Nation


PM's Office Minister Nalinee Taveesin said yesterday she would retain her position in the Cabinet despite demands by the Opposition that she step down as her name figures on a US Treasury Department blacklist for dealings with the Zimbabwean regime.

The US Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) put her name on the list of Zimbabwean specially designated nationals (SDN) in November 2008, banning her from doing business with American citizens or entities for being involved in business transactions with Grace Mugabe, the wife of Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe.

Nalinee said at a press conference yesterday she had only social connections with Mugabe, not business dealings, as alleged. She has hired lawyers J Michael Farrell in Washington to clarify her role, but the OFAC has not reacted so far.

The minister said she had got to know Mugabe and his wife in 2002 when the leader of the African state visited Thailand. Mugabe has re-turned to Thailand several times since then with the assistance of Nalinee.

Nalinee said she had also helped many Zimbabwean students to study in Thailand and even brought Zimbabwean officials to visit many royal projects over the past years. "These are real social relations for the benefit of good relations, no business deals," she said.

"The west and the east might have a different perspective on this matter. We, Thai people, emphasise friendship and relations. I was sanctioned for making friends with foreigners. I never imagined such friendship would bring trouble to my political life."

The opposition tried to twist the issue by saying the blacklist banned her from entering the US, which was not true, she said and added she had obtained a long-term visa from the US authorities.

Asked if she had visited the US since 2008, she said she had had no business to attend to in the US in recent times.

Nalinee said she would use her knowledge and ability to do the job and asked for a chance to work in the Cabinet.

Democrat Party spokesman Chavanond Intarakomalyasut linked Nalinee with former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra, saying she had got the position to benefit Thaksin's jewellery business in Africa.

However, Nalinee said she had no experience in jewellery.

Thaksin reportedly has a stake in the Global PS Telecom Investment Co, which held a 34.99-per-cent share in the Johannesburg-listed Miranda-Mineral.

Global PS Telecom Investment Co is now under investigation by African authorities, Chavanond said. "That's the reason Nalinee was brought into the position because she had good relations with leaders in African countries."

Chavanond demanded that Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra fire Nalinee before she is sworn in today.

Having Nalinee in the Cabinet was too big a risk for Thailand and be included in the US sanction against Zimbabwe, he said.


-- The Nation 2012-01-23

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Of course this article may not quote the lady correctly, or in fullest-detail, but when she says "only social connections with Mugabe, not business dealings", that appears possibly to skirt round the allegations, which were surely that she had business dealings with Mrs Mugabe, not the man himself ?

Might not his wife be handling some of the family-business, on his behalf, whilst he is Head-of-State ?

A clear statement that she has never had any business-dealings with Mrs Mugabe might have been better, in defending herself against the US-Treasury's claims, Ms Nalinee appears from the OP not to have given that assurance.

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Of course this article may not quote the lady correctly, or in fullest-detail, but when she says "only social connections with Mugabe, not business dealings", that appears possibly to skirt round the allegations, which were surely that she had business dealings with Mrs Mugabe, not the man himself ?

Might not his wife be handling some of the family-business, on his behalf, whilst he is Head-of-State ?

A clear statement that she has never had any business-dealings with Mrs Mugabe might have been better, in defending herself against the US-Treasury's claims, Ms Nalinee appears from the OP not to have given that assurance.

Whether "Mugabe" refers to Mr or Mrs is irrelevant.

Having social connections with the Mugabes is just as bad as (or worse than) having business connections.

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Grace Mugabe is known as "Dis Grace" in Zimbabwe by her fellow countrymen. This couple, Robert and Grace Mugabe have been plundering the Zimbabwe treasury and natural resources and operate as a kleptocracy with impunity. All kinds of secret ventures in resources, real estate, and banking and the export of resources and capital. Numerous and large scale investments abroad and an expressed plan to evacuate to China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and other Asian locations in the event that their government is overthrown. They own extensive property in Malaysia, Hong Kong, and presumably have assets and investments in Thailand with pillaged and plundered Zimbabwe assets.

Grace Mugabe and Nalinee Joy Thaveesin are known to be close associates, have a personal relationship, and have been identified by the the US Treasury OFAC (Office of Foreign Asset Control) as trafficking in illegally obtained assets of Zimbabwe. As a result, Nalinee has been placed on the SDN (Specially Designated Nationals) Blacklist.

It takes some doing to get on this SDN Blacklist. The US does not put the names of individuals or companies on this list frivolously. Here is the definition of the SDN Blacklist - As part of its enforcement efforts, OFAC publishes a list of individuals and companies owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries. It also lists individuals, groups, and entities, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers designated under programs that are not country-specific. Collectively, such individuals and companies are called "Specially Designated Nationals" or "SDNs." Their assets are blocked and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from dealing with them. Click here for more information on Treasury's Sanctions Programs

OFAC is Office of Foreign Assets Control. Note that US citizens are "prohibited" from dealing with anyone on this list. Therefore, any US citizen would be prohibited from dealing with Nalinee Joy Thaveesin (The way her name is spelled on her passport). Makes it difficult for PM Yingluck to maintain diplomatic relations with the US since her Office Minister is on this list and any US citizen is prohibited from dealing with her.

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Of course this article may not quote the lady correctly, or in fullest-detail, but when she says "only social connections with Mugabe, not business dealings", that appears possibly to skirt round the allegations, which were surely that she had business dealings with Mrs Mugabe, not the man himself ?

Might not his wife be handling some of the family-business, on his behalf, whilst he is Head-of-State ?

A clear statement that she has never had any business-dealings with Mrs Mugabe might have been better, in defending herself against the US-Treasury's claims, Ms Nalinee appears from the OP not to have given that assurance.

Whether "Mugabe" refers to Mr or Mrs is irrelevant.

Having social connections with the Mugabes is just as bad as (or worse than) having business connections.

Mugabe is a mass murderer of his own people. This is known worldwide. For someone to claim friendship with him and his family speaks volumns about their lack of moral character.

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Of course this article may not quote the lady correctly, or in fullest-detail, but when she says "only social connections with Mugabe, not business dealings", that appears possibly to skirt round the allegations, which were surely that she had business dealings with Mrs Mugabe, not the man himself ?

Might not his wife be handling some of the family-business, on his behalf, whilst he is Head-of-State ?

A clear statement that she has never had any business-dealings with Mrs Mugabe might have been better, in defending herself against the US-Treasury's claims, Ms Nalinee appears from the OP not to have given that assurance.

Whether "Mugabe" refers to Mr or Mrs is irrelevant.

Having social connections with the Mugabes is just as bad as (or worse than) having business connections.

While personally I would of course very-much agree, I think that's a separate moral question, whether these are people who one wouldn't wish to associate with, or to assist to travel internationally, when they are banned from so many Western countries. sick.gif

But the US-Treasury list is surely based on having business-dealings, not moral repugnance, and IMO the article comments ascribed to the Minister fail to deny clearly that she has ever had any business-dealings with Mrs Mugabe, which we're told is why she was put on the SDN-list.

Let's hope that a clear denial is forthcoming, or that she steps down voluntarily, before Thailand's reputation is further damaged, by her alleged association with the Mugabe-family or regime. dry.png

Edited by Ricardo
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Why? Why? Why would PM Yingluck want Ms Nalinee as a cabinet member when this questionable business woman has connections with a thug? If anyone knows anything about world affairs, Mugabe is ranked among the top 10 list of the world's WORSE leaders. Mugabe is listed among "has beens" such as Kaddafi, Kim Jong, and Ayatollah Khamenei. Zimbabwe which once enjoyed being the food basket of African and a success is now rated as a poor depressed state due to this evil self-centered leader.

So Ms Nalinee states that she knows him only socially. Well, my mother always said you can judge a person by the friends they hang out with. If this saying is correct, Ms Nalinee's friends are not the best.

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Why? Why? Why would PM Yingluck want Ms Nalinee as a cabinet member when this questionable business woman has connections with a thug? If anyone knows anything about world affairs, Mugabe is ranked among the top 10 list of the world's WORSE leaders. Mugabe is listed among "has beens" such as Kaddafi, Kim Jong, and Ayatollah Khamenei. Zimbabwe which once enjoyed being the food basket of African and a success is now rated as a poor depressed state due to this evil self-centered leader.

So Ms Nalinee states that she knows him only socially. Well, my mother always said you can judge a person by the friends they hang out with. If this saying is correct, Ms Nalinee's friends are not the best.

"Why would PM Yingluck want Ms Nalinee as a cabinet member"

You are asking the wrong question, the question should be "Why would puppeteer PM Thaksin want Ms Nalinee as a cabinet member?"

The answer is probably related to Thaksin having very large mining interests in Zimbabwe.

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So shes a liar as well as being a money launderer and enabler of someone who is comparable to the likes of Kim Jong il. Well that's lovely. I doubt she is still allowed into the u.s. today unless its for questioning by the dept of homeland security.

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Whether "Mugabe" refers to Mr or Mrs is irrelevant.

Having social connections with the Mugabes is just as bad as (or worse than) having business connections.

I see...............As such has the US also blacklisted this lady?

In fact I am not up on news in this area but did this lady not also bestow knighthood on this man?

If I recall correctly she later stripped it but that does not as you say remove the fact that at one time she had social connections eh?

Anyway as I have said in a few of these threads........The US should mind its own business.

They have literally tons of skeletons in their own closet & have courted tyrants when it suited their agenda.

Many or most times later deciding on a reason to kill that tyrant that no longer offered them any value.

The whole thing reeks of the usual watch the right hand while the left does a cavity search elsewhere


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I would imagine that the US government would not blacklist people unless they have compelling evidence. If Khun Nalinee pushes too hard, that may come back in her face.

Any self-respecting politician would recuse.

If I may,

Any politician with integrity would recuse until the matter was cleared. Failing that voluntary personal decision, it would then be the responsibility of the governing party to withold appointments of that person.

The Prime Minister has dropped the ball on this one and she has to act fast or she will find others doing it for her.

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Whether "Mugabe" refers to Mr or Mrs is irrelevant.

Having social connections with the Mugabes is just as bad as (or worse than) having business connections.

I see...............As such has the US also blacklisted this lady?

In fact I am not up on news in this area but did this lady not also bestow knighthood on this man?

If I recall correctly she later stripped it but that does not as you say remove the fact that at one time she had social connections eh?

Anyway as I have said in a few of these threads........The US should mind its own business.

They have literally tons of skeletons in their own closet & have courted tyrants when it suited their agenda.

Many or most times later deciding on a reason to kill that tyrant that no longer offered them any value.

The whole thing reeks of the usual watch the right hand while the left does a cavity search elsewhere


His knighthood has since be revoked. Your point being?

The US has every right to blacklist or ban anyone from dealing with it's own citizens. The US isn't perfect but in this case, they're right. Mugabe's a murderous thug and if you want your government to seem legitimate, you really shouldn't have someone who is on their blacklist on your cabinet.

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His knighthood has since be revoked. Your point being?

The US has every right to blacklist or ban anyone from dealing with it's own citizens. The US isn't perfect but in this case, they're right. Mugabe's a murderous thug and if you want your government to seem legitimate, you really shouldn't have someone who is on their blacklist on your cabinet.

Actually I was just referring/answering the previous poster I quoted who said.....

Having social connections with the Mugabes is just as bad as (or worse than) having business connections.

As far as I know we have never been given any official reason/business dealing facts so to that end it could in fact have been nothing more than social.

Same as with the Queen....ok that was MORE than social & yes knighthood later stripped. But is was one example of folks who socialized with that man & there are many others...............Are the ALL now blacklisted by the US?

In the past have we not seen the US presidents socializing with useful at the time tyrants?

But most of all my point is this..............I am not defending this lady nor that man...........Because neither concerns me

The US govt as I said should be the very last one to be sticking their nose in foreign politics/policies

Let them tend to their own house & let the US do cleaning of their own also as it is no US palace by a long shot.

What if other countries demanded/blacklisted Timothy Geithner based on his past with Tax evasion?

Yet he is Secretary Of the US Treasury?

This lady will not be dealing with US citizens per se' But she is a member of another countries political party.

Elected or appointed in that country. As to whether the Thai cabinet should or should not have someone in THEIR

cabinet is for THEM to decide & them alone.

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That is a very old photograph of Queen Elizabeth and the mongrel dog standing beside her,I would also presume Queen Elizabeth privately abhors Mugabe

Possibly the same could be said of this Thai lady?

Edited by metisdead
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As far as I know we have never been given any official reason/business dealing facts so to that end it could in fact have been nothing more than social.

Same as with the Queen....ok that was MORE than social & yes knighthood later stripped. But is was one example of folks who socialized with that man & there are many others...............Are the ALL now blacklisted by the US?

In the past have we not seen the US presidents socializing with useful at the time tyrants?

But most of all my point is this..............I am not defending this lady nor that man...........Because neither concerns me

The US govt as I said should be the very last one to be sticking their nose in foreign politics/policies

Let them tend to their own house & let the US do cleaning of their own also as it is no palace.

You don't go on that blacklist because you only have 'social connections.' She's full of it.

And the Queen revoking Robert Mugabe's knighthood is as good as telling him to go '<snip> himself' in public. That's as good as cutting off 'social connections' with him. But I digress. As I said, it's doubtful she's on that blacklist just because she has a friendship with Grace Mugabe.

Finally, it is the US right to ban whomever they think is scum who deals with murderous thugs from doing business with their citizens. And let's face it, the fact that a PT politician is on that list is not surprising. What is surprising is how stupid this PT goverment is by not even bothering to vet their cabinet ministers. It's one thing to want to reward your cronies but making one who is on a US blacklist a minister is just amatuer hour.

Edited by metisdead
Profanity removed.
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It seems curious that the new PTP Minister would have assisted Robert Mugabe, to visit Thailand several times, knowing his unwelcome status with many Western countries, and of the reasons for the travel-bans. One might have hoped that she might wish to support human-rights & democracy, as her party claim to, by showing disapproval rather than continuing these social contacts in future.

Hopefully no other Thai political-figures would similarly embarrass the country, by having business-interests in Zimbabwe, perhaps FM-Surapong or PM-Yingluck might set an example by publicly disapproving of any such links ? Or perhaps not ... cool.png

Edited by Ricardo
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In every nation political expediency has always transcended social conscience. Until last year Britain , France and the US were cosying up to Gaddafi.

This isn't political expediancy. There are many websites out there for you to search that say this woman acted as his chief money launderer here in Thailand and facilitated his "investing" here. Just another Thai whore, but in this case servicing evil.

Edited by lannarebirth
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You must be extremely naive, Nalinee, to think any association with the likes of Mugabe should be viewed as acceptable, socially or business-wise. The man is a despot, probably closer in type to Marcos than the Burmese junta. And neither liaison nor educational co-ordination falls under the heading of social.

And please don't compare Thailand to the west in approach; it only smacks of The Thais sitting on the fence at best; giving a dictator [elected] a veneer of respectability at worst.

And you would do well to remember the Arab Spring. Zimbabwe preceded that, and Mugabe is likely ruling on borrowed time.

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Why? Why? Why would PM Yingluck want Ms Nalinee as a cabinet member when this questionable business woman has connections with a thug? If anyone knows anything about world affairs, Mugabe is ranked among the top 10 list of the world's WORSE leaders. Mugabe is listed among "has beens" such as Kaddafi, Kim Jong, and Ayatollah Khamenei. Zimbabwe which once enjoyed being the food basket of African and a success is now rated as a poor depressed state due to this evil self-centered leader.

So Ms Nalinee states that she knows him only socially. Well, my mother always said you can judge a person by the friends they hang out with. If this saying is correct, Ms Nalinee's friends are not the best.

PM Yingluck has explained that the cabinet changes were based on suitability. The original line-up only on knowledge, capabilities and potential.

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In every nation political expediency has always transcended social conscience. Until last year Britain , France and the US were cosying up to Gaddafi.

This isn't political expediancy. There are many websites out there for you to search that say this woman acted as his chief money launderer here in Thailand and facilitated his "investing" here. Just another Thai whore, but in this case servicing evil.

I know this is a side issue, but is money laundering the correct term? Whilst his?her money was no doubt gained immorally, as far as I know it was gained legally, simply because he as dictator legalised his methods. As such the word investing needs no parenthesis. Now when Gaddafi banked his money in England and other countries, when the tide turned against him this money was frozen. So I wonder just how much he has invested in Thailand and could the present fuss be part of a subtle move for the Thais to get their hands on it. The Thais do seem pretty desperate for money. This entire fuss could be a ploy by the Thai and American governments to get their hands on his investments. .

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In every nation political expediency has always transcended social conscience. Until last year Britain , France and the US were cosying up to Gaddafi.

This isn't political expediancy. There are many websites out there for you to search that say this woman acted as his chief money launderer here in Thailand and facilitated his "investing" here. Just another Thai whore, but in this case servicing evil.

I know this is a side issue, but is money laundering the correct term? Whilst his?her money was no doubt gained immorally, as far as I know it was gained legally, simply because he as dictator legalised his methods. As such the word investing needs no parenthesis. Now when Gaddafi banked his money in England and other countries, when the tide turned against him this money was frozen. So I wonder just how much he has invested in Thailand and could the present fuss be part of a subtle move for the Thais to get their hands on it. The Thais do seem pretty desperate for money. This entire fuss could be a ploy by the Thai and American governments to get their hands on his investments. .

Surely a Thai not acting as a nominee. Tut, tut, and the tax authorities take such a dim view of such things, and to think that possibly such an honest bloke as Mugabe having to use a nominee for investments. Who could have thought up such a duplicitous plan?

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Grace Mugabe is known as "Dis Grace" in Zimbabwe by her fellow countrymen. This couple, Robert and Grace Mugabe have been plundering the Zimbabwe treasury and natural resources and operate as a kleptocracy with impunity. All kinds of secret ventures in resources, real estate, and banking and the export of resources and capital. Numerous and large scale investments abroad and an expressed plan to evacuate to China, Hong Kong, Malaysia and other Asian locations in the event that their government is overthrown. They own extensive property in Malaysia, Hong Kong, and presumably have assets and investments in Thailand with pillaged and plundered Zimbabwe assets.

Grace Mugabe and Nalinee Joy Thaveesin are known to be close associates, have a personal relationship, and have been identified by the the US Treasury OFAC (Office of Foreign Asset Control) as trafficking in illegally obtained assets of Zimbabwe. As a result, Nalinee has been placed on the SDN (Specially Designated Nationals) Blacklist.

It takes some doing to get on this SDN Blacklist. The US does not put the names of individuals or companies on this list frivolously. Here is the definition of the SDN Blacklist - As part of its enforcement efforts, OFAC publishes a list of individuals and companies owned or controlled by, or acting for or on behalf of, targeted countries. It also lists individuals, groups, and entities, such as terrorists and narcotics traffickers designated under programs that are not country-specific. Collectively, such individuals and companies are called "Specially Designated Nationals" or "SDNs." Their assets are blocked and U.S. persons are generally prohibited from dealing with them. Click here for more information on Treasury's Sanctions Programs

OFAC is Office of Foreign Assets Control. Note that US citizens are "prohibited" from dealing with anyone on this list. Therefore, any US citizen would be prohibited from dealing with Nalinee Joy Thaveesin (The way her name is spelled on her passport). Makes it difficult for PM Yingluck to maintain diplomatic relations with the US since her Office Minister is on this list and any US citizen is prohibited from dealing with her.

It would be a lot more reassuring if there had been a court case in the US where the Treasury Dept would have to prove her violation of the sanction. Something incorporating the old "innocent until proven guilty" premise that US law was originally based on. Right now it is her word against theirs.

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Democrat urges Nalinee to prove innocence over US blacklist scandal

BANGKOK, 23 January 2012 (NNT) – The Democrat Party is challenging Mrs. Nalinee Taveensin, the new Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office, to publicly condemn the U.S. for blacklisting her in order to prove the matter as inaccurate.

According to the report, Mrs. Nalinee has been on the U.S blacklist for her business affiliations with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and his family. The U.S. has sanctioned against the African country for human right violations as well as those who support it, which include the newly-appointed minister of Thailand.

Democrat Party Spokesperson Mr. Chavanond Intarakomalyasut raised his suspicion as to why Mrs. Nalinee did not defend herself against the U.S. when she had the chance four years ago, given how well-known she was among international businesspeople.

The Spokesperson further added that her recent public announcement regarding the U.S. blacklist was only a setup to distort the truth and mislead the public. He said he wished that she would be the last disreputable person the government would appoint to its administration.


-- NNT 2012-01-23 footer_n.gif

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Democrat urges Nalinee to prove innocence over US blacklist scandal

BANGKOK, 23 January 2012 (NNT) – The Democrat Party is challenging Mrs. Nalinee Taveensin, the new Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office, to publicly condemn the U.S. for blacklisting her in order to prove the matter as inaccurate.

According to the report, Mrs. Nalinee has been on the U.S blacklist for her business affiliations with Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and his family. The U.S. has sanctioned against the African country for human right violations as well as those who support it, which include the newly-appointed minister of Thailand.

Democrat Party Spokesperson Mr. Chavanond Intarakomalyasut raised his suspicion as to why Mrs. Nalinee did not defend herself against the U.S. when she had the chance four years ago, given how well-known she was among international businesspeople.

The Spokesperson further added that her recent public announcement regarding the U.S. blacklist was only a setup to distort the truth and mislead the public. He said he wished that she would be the last disreputable person the government would appoint to its administration.


-- NNT 2012-01-23 footer_n.gif

I get it.

Dems mind set: "Guilty until proven innocent".

No wonder they go onto a shooting spree last years. Shoot first, question (to prove innocent) later.

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