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Wife Loosing Hair Whilst In Uk!


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OK, I know it my sound funny.

My Thai wife came to the UK twice this year, 2 weeks each time. While here her hair was falling out, a lot more than normal.

She didn't seem stressed at all and didn't change her diet much as she bought veg with her and cooked Thai food. It could possibly be due to different water here, I don't know?

Any thoughts on this as she'll be coming to live here soon.

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OK, I know it my sound funny.

My Thai wife came to the UK twice this year, 2 weeks each time.  While here her hair was falling out, a lot more than normal.

She didn't seem stressed at all and didn't change her diet much as she bought veg with her and cooked Thai food.  It could possibly be due to different water here, I don't know?

Any thoughts on this as she'll be coming to live here soon.

If that's her in the photo she'd look cute even bald :D

Seriously though, my missus also lost more hair than normal when she first moved to Uk, apparently changes in the biological clock can cause temporary hormonal imbalances when moving between time zones. Just get used to hoovering the bed every morning, otherwise for some reason it always ended up wrapped around my toes. :o

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OK, I know it my sound funny.

My Thai wife came to the UK twice this year, 2 weeks each time.  While here her hair was falling out, a lot more than normal.

She didn't seem stressed at all and didn't change her diet much as she bought veg with her and cooked Thai food.  It could possibly be due to different water here, I don't know?

Any thoughts on this as she'll be coming to live here soon.

Before she comes to the UK have her get a thyroid level (TSH) checked in Thailand. Can be done in the UK but will either cost more or require running the National Health gauntlet, hel_l of a lot easier to just do in Thailand, most hospitals and labs will do it on demand. It's possible she's a little hypothyroid and that plus the stress of a new place/climate would do it. If the TSH comes back low or borderline low, see an endocrine specialist about thyroid supplementation again, easiest to do in Bangkok -- won't involve more than 1 office visit. (I can recommend a good doc if you like).

If the TSH is normal then it is probably just a combo of climate, time zone change and stress and should subside with time.

Oh and BTW, don't know how the OP feels but some of these answers seemed in rather bad taste to me....especially given that the lady is his wife. Somehow don't think they'd make these cracks about a western spouse and don't see why a Thai one should get any less respect....

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Change of climate, change of water,many factors. Get her some multi vitimin suplimenets & if her hair loss contiues after her move, go straight to the GP for tests.

My husbands long hair fell out loads as well after moving to the UK & his skin was very dry due to the climate change & lack of humidity in the air. It all calmed down after a while & by taking the multi vitimins he made up for the lack of fresh meat & veg which he used to eat daily in LOS.

Also, I agree with the last two posters & have cleaned up the comments. Although they weren't overly bad they are in bad taste. :o

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