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Thai Woman Sentenced To Death In Malaysia For Drug Trafficking


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A life should never be taken full stop, this is why the human race is on self destruction mode, talk before thinking,act with out thinking!!!

Maybe the world is in such a pickle because of people that think like you! Here are a few examples of scum that have no right to live once caught.

1. Child rapists.

2. Woman beaters and rapists.

3. Serial killers

4. Drug lords.

5. Contract Murderers

6. Terrorists

7. Drug Pushers

8. Career Criminals

9. Dictators and War criminals like Hitler, Sadum Haussan, Kudaffee etc

I am sure with some extra thought this list could easily be expanded. But hopefully you get the point. Maybe you acted without thinking! clap2.gif

So by your reckoning Nelson Mandela should have been executed due to the fact he was convicted of terrorism charges?

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I suggest that you get back to the topic of this thread.

Further nonsense, baiting and off-topic remarks will result in deletion of post and possible suspensions.

Personally, I don't have a lot of compasion for drug traffickers, but it's a tragic waste of a life and I am sure an extreme hardship for her family.

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A life should never be taken full stop, this is why the human race is on self destruction mode, talk before thinking,act with out thinking!!!

Maybe the world is in such a pickle because of people that think like you! Here are a few examples of scum that have no right to live once caught.

1. Child rapists.

2. Woman beaters and rapists.

3. Serial killers

4. Drug lords.

5. Contract Murderers

6. Terrorists

7. Drug Pushers

8. Career Criminals

9. Dictators and War criminals like Hitler, Sadum Haussan, Kudaffee etc

I am sure with some extra thought this list could easily be expanded. But hopefully you get the point. Maybe you acted without thinking! clap2.gif

10. sex buyers.

No leader has ever did as much good for his fellow country men as colonel Gadaffi did.

Sex buyers?? Unless the prostitutes are slaves or children, it is a victim-less situation. You forgot to take your pills this morning

Ouch ,did i .Thanks for the reminder bright guy
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Yes I don't agree with drug traffickers etc. either however I do feel sorry for these poor woman who are lured into this kind of situation just because they want money to help their mom, dad, sisters etc.

When the general public used the words "Drug Traffickers" it paints a picture of a serial criminal whose life is only this however when you get an "office worker" girl who is actually seduced and lured into this "big money" scheme it paints a different picture in my mind. She might or might not be a career criminal but we are not to decide.

What if her office job is paying her 6000 baht per month and her father is dying in hospital and needs money for treatment and a poor girl is lured into this one-off act to help her dying father? Should she die for that?

beetlejuice: with your "hang em high" attitude you only show that you have no compassion for the human race. To have an opinion about drug dealers, death penalties is one thing but to say that you "have no sympathy" paints you as an outcast of society and your penalty should be even greater then hers.

None of us know the true reasons why she did it or if like the article says she is just an office girl but either way I for one don't think she deserves to die. My god rest her should and watch over her family. My condolences.

Gone, agree to disagree. Everybody replying to this thread are taking it as a given that what the girl has told the authorities; was made an offer to transport drugs, over the internet, and flew over, loaded up and got caught in a country who actually sticks with its laws.

That to me is like replying to my African friend who wants to give me 65% of the 23 million dollars that he/she is legally sending to my bank account.

Wonder how many times she has been a mule, either from South America or elsewhere? Her passport shuld make some good reading. Still, without ALL the facts, one can only speculate.

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Funny to see how most of the people on here who are bashing the mule are probably involved (or have been) in some type of religious background. Doesn't your religion teach you an eye for an eye? Don't they teach you to forgive and help the person? Hypocrites

And then there are the ones who don't need a religion to rely on, but have seen the devastation caused to the (eventual) addicts and their families by the partual involvement of "willing" mules such as this girl (nobody forced 83 packages down her throat). These are adult games with adult rules; you don't go into sh1t like this with your eyes wide shut.

I also noticed in earlier replies that she was doing this because her family members were ill. Where did this come from?

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A life should never be taken full stop, this is why the human race is on self destruction mode, talk before thinking,act with out thinking!!!

Yet the human race has survived, taking lives, for thousands of years - no signs yet that the species is in ecline --- 7 billion and growing.

This woman seems to have been aware of what she was doing and did it for the money. Her motives are unimportant.

I bet you think hitler had it right then.. There's plenty of people in the world. Why not kill of 10 million jews.?

Do you REALLY believe that the punishment fits the crime? Do you know the reasons for punishment fitting the crimes? What if someone stuck a bottle of narcotics in your bag on the way to Malaysia? Do you think automatically getting the death penalty for you would be justified.? Your motives would be unimportant.hit-the-fan.gif

Don't believe they had the death penalty for drug smuggling in those days, which is what this topic is about, not genecide. There is a lot of difference with something being put in your bag and swallowing 83 packages of class A. She knew the rules, screwed up and is about to reap the whirlwind.

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A life should never be taken full stop, this is why the human race is on self destruction mode, talk before thinking,act with out thinking!!!

Yet the human race has survived, taking lives, for thousands of years - no signs yet that the species is in ecline --- 7 billion and growing.

This woman seems to have been aware of what she was doing and did it for the money. Her motives are unimportant.

I bet you think hitler had it right then.. There's plenty of people in the world. Why not kill of 10 million jews.?

Do you REALLY believe that the punishment fits the crime? Do you know the reasons for punishment fitting the crimes? What if someone stuck a bottle of narcotics in your bag on the way to Malaysia? Do you think automatically getting the death penalty for you would be justified.? Your motives would be unimportant.hit-the-fan.gif


The woman had the drugs concealed inside her stomach. Do you think there may have been the chance that the drug pellets were stuffed down the woman’s throat while she was sleeping and unaware?

And I know our Adolf was responsible for many atrocities but somehow I doubt whether he was involved in the transit of this poison. Maybe it was his Jewish grandson from Stepney Green, the barber, Hymie Hitler?

Whether we agree with the death sentence or not, that is the law under the authority where she was caught and arrested.

She played the dangerous game and lost. This will be another load of <deleted> drugs out of circulation and hopefully destroyed. That cannot be a bad thing.

Do you know how these hardcore drugs affect people and the lives that they ruin? I doubt it.

End of story.


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I am 100% in favor of the death penalty for drug traffickers.

No one forced this woman to get on a plane and fly 30 hours and swallow condoms full of cocaine.

The speculation of her situation or motivation is irrelevant. She made a bad decision knowing full well what would happen if she got caught.

Debating that the laws for drug trafficking in Malaysia are too harsh is moronic. They are not new. They are well known. There is precedence of what happens when you get caught.

Sympathy to her family for having such a stupid daughter.

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Sad indeed. To set the records straight, People usually dont inject cocain and cocain usage does not kill people (unlike heroin). Most cocain users use it as a 'recreational' drug. People who rejoice in the killing of another human being really need to open their heart. Should people who smuggle marijuana be also killed? Where do you draw the line? Death penalty is an abomination. Poor parents.

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I side with the death penalty.

People know what the penalty is in some countries for smuggling drugs and that is the risk they take. Up to them.

At one time I was homeless, jobless and living pretty rough, but I never once considered drugs as a way out, either using, dealing or smuggling.

Drugs cause immense harm, hardship and suffering to countless people, families and those on the receiving end of muggings, burglary and theft, never mind the suffering of the users themselves. Then there is the cost of tackling drug crime to which we all pay.

Sympathy? Some for her, but not enough. We need a deterrent.

Edited by pattayadingo
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Ignorant. Nobody knows the situation. The problem with our world is we PRE-judge (Funny that's where the word prejudice comes from). I guess you were there when she was swallowing them.? Have you ever heard of people being forced do things? lol WOOOW .. Do you know they didn't kidnap or threaten her? Do you know her entire story? Kill first then maybe ask questions later! I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Like talking to brain-washed government workers.

If you don't know of people who have been affected by drugs, you never must walk outside your house, have any family, have any friends, or know anybody. EVERYBODY knows of someone who's been affected by drugs LOL.

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I fully agree, we dont know that woman's story. She could very well had been forced in some ways to smuggle cocain or something.

Also, some people's ignorance amaze me. Alcohol is a 'drug'. So foolish to label anything authorities have labeled as 'illegal' as the only one which should be punished. Alcohol has decimated entire populations (native americans, native australians etc etc). Where are the purvayor of those 'fine legal drugs' sitting? In jail? Alcohol kills and destroy people's life way more people than all illegal drugs combined. Some peeps need to wake up and get a clue.

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So i think it is fair to say that the big boss at the head of Seagram or other alcohol distributor is responsible in some ways for thousands of death. With 700 grams of cocaine, that woman would have entertained a few party goers and what not for a few days. I wish people used a bit more their brains and stoped being spoon fed 'information' by major network propaganda and government.

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Sad indeed. To set the records straight, People usually dont inject cocain and cocain usage does not kill people (unlike heroin). Most cocain users use it as a 'recreational' drug. People who rejoice in the killing of another human being really need to open their heart. Should people who smuggle marijuana be also killed? Where do you draw the line? Death penalty is an abomination. Poor parents.

This is not the point and I’ll argue this until the cows come home, plus this has nothing to do with the grade of drugs that the woman was smuggling, but rather what the laws of Malaysia impose.

Let me try and explain in the simplest way possible so even the most naive of you can understand.

For example; if I decide to walk a tightrope between two high-rise buildings, suspended 300 ft in the air without a safety net, than I know what the consequences will be if I fall. Once on the way down and beyond the point of no return it`s already too late and the situation then becomes irreversible. No need to be a genius in order to work that one out.

It is the same regarding this woman and as I keep saying; she took a gamble and lost. Of course it`s tragic that someone of such a young age is going to be put to death and probably even worse for her family. Perhaps she even has children, I don’t know. But on the other side of the spectrum, the discovery of these drugs may also save lives in the short term. So I for one will not be losing any sleep over this.

The solution is; that wherever you maybe, abide by the laws of that country, otherwise if the worst should happen and you find yourself in deep do dars, no one is going to bail you out or care and even if they did care, the situation is beyond control anyway.

Don`t do it, there’s your answer.

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We can argue the labels of all of those mind altering substances known to man kind, but it still comes down to, the problem is overindulgence by some individuals. We have to realize that at some point we all have to make decisions on a personal level, we cannot point at the rest of society for our mistakes, either user, mule, supplier or manufactor.

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Thailand has a motto: Do crime in our country, Do time in your country.

I hope Thailand will try to have her brought back here for her crime so she can at least still have a life.

No, dont bring her back. There are enough stupid people here. Like I said.. make use of her. give her a life... as bait.

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[quote name=Beetlejuice'

was is your point? People who make stupid decision should be killed? Or never question heartless and unfair laws? timestamp='1328969496' post='5047508]

Sad indeed. To set the records straight, People usually dont inject cocain and cocain usage does not kill people (unlike heroin). Most cocain users use it as a 'recreational' drug. People who rejoice in the killing of another human being really need to open their heart. Should people who smuggle marijuana be also killed? Where do you draw the line? Death penalty is an abomination. Poor parents.

This is not the point and I’ll argue this until the cows come home, plus this has nothing to do with the grade of drugs that the woman was smuggling, but rather what the laws of Malaysia impose.

Let me try and explain in the simplest way possible so even the most naive of you can understand.

For example; if I decide to walk a tightrope between two high-rise buildings, suspended 300 ft in the air without a safety net, than I know what the consequences will be if I fall. Once on the way down and beyond the point of no return it`s already too late and the situation then becomes irreversible. No need to be a genius in order to work that one out.

It is the same regarding this woman and as I keep saying; she took a gamble and lost. Of course it`s tragic that someone of such a young age is going to be put to death and probably even worse for her family. Perhaps she even has children, I don’t know. But on the other side of the spectrum, the discovery of these drugs may also save lives in the short term. So I for one will not be losing any sleep over this.

The solution is; that wherever you maybe, abide by the laws of that country, otherwise if the worst should happen and you find yourself in deep do dars, no one is going to bail you out or care and even if they did care, the situation is beyond control anyway.

Don`t do it, there’s your answer.

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Ignorant. Nobody knows the situation. The problem with our world is we PRE-judge (Funny that's where the word prejudice comes from). I guess you were there when she was swallowing them.? Have you ever heard of people being forced do things? lol WOOOW .. Do you know they didn't kidnap or threaten her? Do you know her entire story? Kill first then maybe ask questions later! I guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Like talking to brain-washed government workers.

If you don't know of people who have been affected by drugs, you never must walk outside your house, have any family, have any friends, or know anybody. EVERYBODY knows of someone who's been affected by drugs LOL.

You have a very good point. Many offenders are victims of hostage situations or are financially crippled. They have no choice. Upon agreement, they have already accepted the risk involved.. unlike the unfortunate who are never exposed to the real world. Thailand should make it loud and clear. Even on TV. (I remember an antidrug campaign in Australia and even Bangkok Hilton works.!) EVERYONE should be warned that this path is the end of life. PERIOD.

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Sad indeed. To set the records straight, People usually dont inject cocain and cocain usage does not kill people (unlike heroin). Most cocain users use it as a 'recreational' drug. People who rejoice in the killing of another human being really need to open their heart. Should people who smuggle marijuana be also killed? Where do you draw the line? Death penalty is an abomination. Poor parents.

You don't know much about cocaine buddy. Very addictive, not many people can keep their use to "social" or "recreational", lots of people inject cocaine and cocaine does kill. Very nasty drug. Heroin is easier on your body than cocaine is.

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I dont see people who inject anything as 'recreational users'. Cocaine is usually snorted, heroin is usually injected. The high of heroin is very very intense, thats why it is highly addictive. Cocaine just makes one feel alert. Cocaine, like extasy, is more of a party drug, but yes, some people do abuse it. Heroin is a junky drug.The guy on the picture posted looks like an afghani shooting heroin.

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Maybe they will not execute her, they are not going to execute this Singapore woman.

Friday, 20 January 2012 Singapore woman escapes gallows in Malaysia


Singaporean woman sentenced to death in Malaysia for drug trafficking has been spared the gallows, after the charge against her was reduced to possession instead, an offence which does not carry the mandatory death penalty in Malaysia.

Edited by z12
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Sad indeed. To set the records straight, People usually dont inject cocain and cocain usage does not kill people (unlike heroin). Most cocain users use it as a 'recreational' drug. People who rejoice in the killing of another human being really need to open their heart. Should people who smuggle marijuana be also killed? Where do you draw the line? Death penalty is an abomination. Poor parents.

This is not the point and I’ll argue this until the cows come home, plus this has nothing to do with the grade of drugs that the woman was smuggling, but rather what the laws of Malaysia impose.

Let me try and explain in the simplest way possible so even the most naive of you can understand.

For example; if I decide to walk a tightrope between two high-rise buildings, suspended 300 ft in the air without a safety net, than I know what the consequences will be if I fall. Once on the way down and beyond the point of no return it`s already too late and the situation then becomes irreversible. No need to be a genius in order to work that one out.

It is the same regarding this woman and as I keep saying; she took a gamble and lost. Of course it`s tragic that someone of such a young age is going to be put to death and probably even worse for her family. Perhaps she even has children, I don’t know. But on the other side of the spectrum, the discovery of these drugs may also save lives in the short term. So I for one will not be losing any sleep over this.

The solution is; that wherever you maybe, abide by the laws of that country, otherwise if the worst should happen and you find yourself in deep do dars, no one is going to bail you out or care and even if they did care, the situation is beyond control anyway.

Don`t do it, there’s your answer.

You're not even remotely close to the same topic. People know the laws. We're discussing the validity of the LAW. evwee 1 nows wut da waw iz mstua smat guz
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sorry, not easy on the ipad..take 2: so what is your point? That people who make a stupid decision should be killed? Or that any law, as stupid and unfair it is, should never be questioned?

Most of these people that say "Good just kill her.. She deserves it" are brainwashed into believing what some 'superior govt' power tells them to do they don't question it. THEY ARE HUMAN JUST LIKE US~! Pretty sad they can't think for themselves. I grew up with people like them and I actually feel bad for how close minded they are. There's such a great world out there to see instead of being stuck in your cave. Edited by yougivemebaby
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You don't know much about cocaine buddy. Very addictive, not many people can keep their use to "social" or "recreational", lots of people inject cocaine and cocaine does kill. Very nasty drug. Heroin is easier on your body than cocaine is.

Utter tosh.

The vast majority of people who use cocaine (and there are a lot) use it recreationally. The numbers that become dependent equates with the number of drinkers who become alcoholic - that is, not many. Yes it can be injected, but very few go down that road. Most people snort it.

Heroin may be easier on your body (as long as you have a dependable, clean supply), but it is more addictive, insofar as after a couple of weeks of regular use a significant physical need starts to be apparent. (This is not actually a problem as long as there is no interruption to the supply. A heroin addict can function completely normally, and live a long and productive life. But I digress.) With cocaine, the need is predominantly psychological, and stopping after a couple of weeks will leave you with the mother of all hangovers but not much more.

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