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Chuwit Demands Govt Take Action To Stamp Out Prostitution In Thailand


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Chuwit demands govt take action to stamp out prostitution

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- Networks of businessmen, government officials and politicians are behind the country's booming illegal sex industry, Rak Prathet Thai Party leader Chuwit Kamolvisit alleged yesterday.

"The sex industry earns more than Bt200 billion a year. It's [equivalent to] almost 10 per cent of the country's national budget," said Chuwit, a former massageparlour tycoon.

Speaking at a press conference, the colourful politician said he would go to the US Embassy today to provide information on human trafficking.

"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra should take action against human trafficking. Up to one million Thai women work in the flesh trade. Of them, about 100,000 are younger than 18 years old," Chuwit said.

He handed out CDs containing video clips showing how procurers negotiate prices with potential customers, as well as scantily clad women waiting for customers in front of karaoke parlours and row houses.

According to Chuwit, many prostitutes work the streets, while many others are based at seemingly conventional massage parlours, beer bars, spas and resorts.

"There are prostitutes working on Phetchaburi Road. Their bases are very close to the Pheu Thai Party's headquarters," Chuwit said.

He added that gambling dens were still operating on Soi Kingpetch 4 and Soi Kingpetch 6 on Saturday nights.

Meanwhile, Khon Kaen University's Centre for Research and Training on Gender and Women's Health released the findings of a survey of women who had been pregnant as teenagers.

The survey covered 3,114 women who had been pregnant before they reached 20 years old.

Conducted with financial support from the Social Development and Human Security Ministry, the survey found the youngest to become pregnant was just 11. Of the respondents, 62.9 per cent had older boyfriends and 33.9 per cent had unprotected sex when they had sex for the first time.

"Of those questioned, 70 per cent said the pregnancies were unplanned and about 70.3 per cent had to leave their schools because of the pregnancies," Prof Dr Siriporn Jirawatkul of the centre said.

Sirikiat Liangkorbkij, who heads the Thai Health Promotion Foundation's Health Risk Control II Section, said sex education lessons should be integrated into the curriculum for secondary schools as a measure to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

On St Valentine's Day this year, 19 couples will register their marriages at the Giant Royal Flora Wheel and receive gold marriage certificates.

Uppatham Nisitsukjarern, who heads the Project Management Office of the International Horticultural Exposition Ratchaphruek 2011, said the couples, chosen from a campaign about love, would not have to pay any fee.


-- The Nation 2012-02-13

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"the colourful politician said he would go to the US Embassy today to provide information on human trafficking."

Why go to the U.S Embassy what has it got to do with the U.S, They aren't the worlds police or have authority in Thailand.

The guys intentions are probably good but I get the feeling that he may have signed his own death warrant. I lot of powerful and currupt people in Thailand will not like what he plans to do.

The streets do need to be cleaned up a lot with prostitution in your face 24/7 and the image doesn't really fit that of a family holiday destination.

Edited by softgeorge
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"the colourful politician said he would go to the US Embassy today to provide information on human trafficking."

Why go to the U.S Embassy what has it got to do with the U.S, They aren't the worlds police or have authority in Thailand.

The guys intentions are probably good but I get the feeling that he may have signed his own death warrant. I lot of powerful and currupt people in Thailand will not like what he plans to do.

The streets do need to be cleaned up a lot with prostitution in your face 24/7 and the image doesn't really fit that of a family holiday destination.

If you feel strongly about it, you should lodge a complaint at the nearest police station. Good luck with that.

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If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.

No problem with that. Prostitution is worldwide where there are legal brothels visited by the desparate and lonely. In Thailand it is out in the open, move it into brothels and behind closed doors away from public view. The sex tourist can enter the brothel, dump his load and move on. The girls won't be druugging the victim inside a brothel where he will pass out for hours as they need the bed for the next punter. The punter won't be fleeced of all the valuables unless he is stupid enough to take them all to the brothel. A brothel would be more controlled

Very true ..I have to agree with you on that seems a logic thing to do but here in Thailand they don't think like this Thai's are always right they never do a thing wrong..We are superior to others we know what's best for us then lose face ...

Isn't this the mother of all ironies! One of the biggest sex peddler calling for a crackdown on prostitution. This is like Bill Gates asking everyone to stop using Microsoft because it is bad for society.

hahahaha ... funny

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If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.

No problem with that. Prostitution is worldwide where there are legal brothels visited by the desparate and lonely. In Thailand it is out in the open, move it into brothels and behind closed doors away from public view. The sex tourist can enter the brothel, dump his load and move on. The girls won't be druugging the victim inside a brothel where he will pass out for hours as they need the bed for the next punter. The punter won't be fleeced of all the valuables unless he is stupid enough to take them all to the brothel. A brothel would be more controlled

It seems you have had some unfortunate experiences. Perhaps you should consider raising the class of establishment and/or partner, as many of us who have lived many years don't seem to have had similar problems.

You must also realise that ALL of the young ladies with whom I have discussed the matter, do not consider themselves to be prostitutes, and the thought of working in a "knocking shop" would be quite abhorrent. The Thai word for prostitute is so-pee-nee. If you shoould choose to use that to refer to a bar-girl or massage parlour attendant the result might well be quite ugly.

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If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.

You are right Nicky..... But , that does not change the fact that prostitution is "illegal" in Thailand. Why should it be ok to flaunt one law and not another... surely its also up to an individual if he/she wants to take drugs...

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If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.

No problem with that. Prostitution is worldwide where there are legal brothels visited by the desparate and lonely. In Thailand it is out in the open, move it into brothels and behind closed doors away from public view. The sex tourist can enter the brothel, dump his load and move on. The girls won't be druugging the victim inside a brothel where he will pass out for hours as they need the bed for the next punter. The punter won't be fleeced of all the valuables unless he is stupid enough to take them all to the brothel. A brothel would be more controlled

Very true ..I have to agree with you on that seems a logic thing to do but here in Thailand they don't think like this Thai's are always right they never do a thing wrong..We are superior to others we know what's best for us then lose face ...

Isn't this the mother of all ironies! One of the biggest sex peddler calling for a crackdown on prostitution. This is like Bill Gates asking everyone to stop using Microsoft because it is bad for society.

hahahaha ... funny

clap2.gif So true about Thai's never being wrong.

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Stamping it out is simply impossible, perhaps better to try to discourage under-age prostitution, and to send a stronger message to the world's pedophiles, to go elsewhere ?

That's the sort of negative attitude that we can do without. Of course it's possible to stamp it out. It will be extremely difficult, but it's possible to clean it up. We need people like Chuvit to make a stand. It takes time to get these things done, but at least he's making a start, which is more than you're doing, which is sniping from the comfort of your armchair.

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From what I read, he's not talking about stomping out prostitution but he wants to tackle human trafficking and minor's prostitution which are quite different things, and a probably more realistic target.

Side note: Contrary to a common belief, studies from a few years ago have shown that 80% of the prostitution business were purely local (thai customers, thai owners, thai sex workers). I'll try to find the link and update this post with it.

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If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.

No problem with that. Prostitution is worldwide where there are legal brothels visited by the desparate and lonely. In Thailand it is out in the open, move it into brothels and behind closed doors away from public view. The sex tourist can enter the brothel, dump his load and move on. The girls won't be druugging the victim inside a brothel where he will pass out for hours as they need the bed for the next punter. The punter won't be fleeced of all the valuables unless he is stupid enough to take them all to the brothel. A brothel would be more controlled

It seems you have had some unfortunate experiences. Perhaps you should consider raising the class of establishment and/or partner, as many of us who have lived many years don't seem to have had similar problems.

You must also realise that ALL of the young ladies with whom I have discussed the matter, do not consider themselves to be prostitutes, and the thought of working in a "knocking shop" would be quite abhorrent. The Thai word for prostitute is so-pee-nee. If you shoould choose to use that to refer to a bar-girl or massage parlour attendant the result might well be quite ugly.

NO I have not had a bad experience, in fact I have never had the need to use the services of a prostitute anywhere in the world. The girls that you know who sell thier bodies for sex to anyone who wants it may not consider themselves as prostitutes but this is denial. If they are selling themselves/sex for money then they are Prostitutes.


1. a person who engages in sexual intercourse for money; whore; harlot;

What I am saying is that they will not stamp out prostitution and I am not saying that they should. What they should be doing is making it legal in licenced/registered brothels (Behind closed doors out of public view). In a brothel a strict set of guidlines and protocols can be established and monitored by government agencies such as the health department. In legal brothels the girls would work for a wage, the girls and operators would be paying taxes. The taxes collected could be used for things like education, giving say the Issan girls better oppertunities in life so they would not have to seek out the life as a prostitute. legal brothels would also assist in the fight against STD's. Thailand is concerned about it's image as a family tourists destination, wouldn't registering and putting prostitutes into legal brothels assist in lifting this image? Personally I think legal brothels would have a flow on effect in many areas. Punters not being drugged in thier rooms and fleeced of all thier valuables as often. Anyone found to be acting as a prostitute outside of a legal brothel should then be prosecuted.

Edited by softgeorge
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This article is ridiculous. It is merely a printing of some emotional comments by a hypocritical party official without any sound "reporting" or backing up or challenging of the statements made. Notwithstanding that Thailand is recognized to be the whorehouse of the world, it would be good to see The Nation taking a stand on prostitution as well as Thai society's general denial and unwillingness to discuss its existence and pervasiveness.

The numbers relating to revenue cited in the article are questionable. Investigative sources estimate that prostitution, human trafficking, drugs, and other associated crimes are well in excess of Bt. 200 billion and are closer to 10% of Thai GDP or $30 Billion dollars. Chuwit's threat to bring the problems associated with prostitution to the attention of the US embassy are laughable. As if the embassy isn't aware of Thailand's profile. The newspaper cites Chuwit as stating that "business, commercial , and government interests" are in collusion with the "trade" by their proximity. Does The Nation intend to follow up on these claims and substantiate them with names and exposure or does it plan to ignore these claims.

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If nobody wants to sell sex, it is a crime to force anyone to do so. But when men or women do want to sell their bodies, they should have that full right without encountering punishment or discrimination. If the client behaves decently, the relationship between the sex buyer and the sex seller must be considered a purely private transaction.

Wot no service charge, VAT...? If it is charged, is there a refund for tourists? I guess if it's a business, it will need to be registered, and have appropriate premises and standards of cleanliness, hygiene, etc. This is done in other countries, but I have no idea how successful it is.

Another issue is "freedom to choose". This assumes no economic duress, no physical duress, no family or social pressures, and a world of other options from which to choose "freely". Like a choice between becoming a doctor, an architect, a lawyer, a politician, or a prostitute. There MAY be some who "want" to sleep with a variety clients for money, who are willing to risk physical abuse and disease, but I doubt that the majority have a free choice about it, and are obliged to do so due to socio-economic circumstances they cannot control.

Just an opinion, others welcome.

Edited by Reasonableman
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His talking to the US embassy about the issue is certainly not "laughable" as the embassy/ US Government is making a big push to combat human trafficking in the region and, as the article stated, that is what he intends to discuss (even providing "information" which he should be well qualified to do). It is disappointing that Chuwit catches so much flak for taking a stand against human trafficking and underage prostitution.

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