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Chuwit Demands Govt Take Action To Stamp Out Prostitution In Thailand


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I find it difficult to believe everyone does not know who is a prostitute and who is not a prostitute. Especially if you live in Thailand and speak Thai.

And I find it difficult to believe that you believe such a generalization, many many "straight" women, office professionals, students at all levels, married women etc earn money on the side in the sex industry and succeed in keeping it secret from those who would hold it against them. Thais wouldn't call such women by the terms usually translated as "prostitute", but English gives much less flexibility, and our cultural/religious paradigms are also a lot more black and white about such matters.

However the specific scenario we were discussing, which I suspect is the one most foreigners here have experience with, is when the girl is operating geographically far from home, where she has the social freedom to make her own decisions and live as she chooses - or at least differently from what the family and neighbors back home consider acceptable.

Have you ever tried to start a relationship with (much less "pick up") a young single girl in the context of her home neighborhood? It's very very difficult, and usually must be done by getting to know the senior members of her family before she'll be able to communicate with you directly, and you will never be allowed to spend any time with her unchaperoned until everyone's satisfied your intentions are honorable, or you've been able to otherwise close the deal to become the one with power over her life (not that you'll be able to retain it for long 8-)

Now if you happen to come across this girl when she is out and about outside of that context, perhaps with a trusted friend or member of her family with a more "flexible" attitude, things become much easier, that is, if your target teelac is interested in you and/or keen to earn some money. Her "protector" will of course usually need to be paid of as well. . .

The same can even be true when she's in the territory where she's free to play "the game"; comparing a girl's behavior there (hi what's your name where you from I want to go with you how much you give me?) to back around her regular apartment, out shopping etc, often like two completely different girls. In the former context and when she's with you she's acting a role, in the latter she tries to preserve her dignity and self-respect, as well as public face.

Ignore these factors at your peril, those farang that are clueless about such matters have caused the situation that requires "nice girls" to avoid being seen anywhere with us in public, even in respectable business or educational contexts, so many guys treat all the Thai women they come across as if they're hanging around Beach Road.

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I find it difficult to believe everyone does not know who is a prostitute and who is not a prostitute. Especially if you live in Thailand and speak Thai.

And I find it difficult to believe that you believe such a generalization, many many "straight" women, office professionals, students at all levels, married women etc earn money on the side in the sex industry and succeed in keeping it secret from those who would hold it against them. Thais wouldn't call such women by the terms usually translated as "prostitute", but English gives much less flexibility, and our cultural/religious paradigms are also a lot more black and white about such matters.

However the specific scenario we were discussing, which I suspect is the one most foreigners here have experience with, is when the girl is operating geographically far from home, where she has the social freedom to make her own decisions and live as she chooses - or at least differently from what the family and neighbors back home consider acceptable.

Have you ever tried to start a relationship with (much less "pick up") a young single girl in the context of her home neighborhood? It's very very difficult, and usually must be done by getting to know the senior members of her family before she'll be able to communicate with you directly, and you will never be allowed to spend any time with her unchaperoned until everyone's satisfied your intentions are honorable, or you've been able to otherwise close the deal to become the one with power over her life (not that you'll be able to retain it for long 8-)

Now if you happen to come across this girl when she is out and about outside of that context, perhaps with a trusted friend or member of her family with a more "flexible" attitude, things become much easier, that is, if your target teelac is interested in you and/or keen to earn some money. Her "protector" will of course usually need to be paid of as well. . .

The same can even be true when she's in the territory where she's free to play "the game"; comparing a girl's behavior there (hi what's your name where you from I want to go with you how much you give me?) to back around her regular apartment, out shopping etc, often like two completely different girls. In the former context and when she's with you she's acting a role, in the latter she tries to preserve her dignity and self-respect, as well as public face.

Ignore these factors at your peril, those farang that are clueless about such matters have caused the situation that requires "nice girls" to avoid being seen anywhere with us in public, even in respectable business or educational contexts, so many guys treat all the Thai women they come across as if they're hanging around Beach Road.

TTThailand wrote, "If you want to stop prostitution make every girl/boy who wants to sell their body apply for a permit from their local village government and have the permit sent to their registered address. If under 20 their mama or papa will have to co-sign."

Those are the girls I was talking about. I find it hard to believe if you live in Thailand that you don't know they are prostitutes. The farm girls go back home for the holidays and sit around the convenience store talking about the trade. Hard not to notice. Your story is of course true but I find nothing you wrote about prostitution.

The local girls come home and everyone in the village knows what they have been selling. They got the jobs because they knew someone else doing the same thing. That is how it works. Hookers are like chickens. Chickens don't go to town by themselves; they travel in a flock.

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Those are the girls I was talking about. I find it hard to believe if you live in Thailand that you don't know they are prostitutes. The farm girls go back home for the holidays and sit around the convenience store talking about the trade. Hard not to notice. Your story is of course true but I find nothing you wrote about prostitution.

The local girls come home and everyone in the village knows what they have been selling. They got the jobs because they knew someone else doing the same thing. That is how it works. Hookers are like chickens. Chickens don't go to town by themselves; they travel in a flock.

Well I personally stick to the usual English meaning of the word prostitute (see below), and I don't kid myself that any one of the (insert highest number you'd believe here = X) so-called "girlfriends" and "wives" I've had here have stayed with me for any reason other than money, even when I've had none, they've hung on in the knowledge that the baht will flow in the future and in the meantime food+shelter+whatever other "side reasons", e.g. sex, friendship, habit, laziness, maybe sometimes even "love" were enough, at least for a while.

If you're using the words as the Thais do, for full-on pro's who work in bars or brothels or even walk the streets, it's true I haven't had any interest in and barely any contact with girls like that, since maybe the second week I got here, and the most recent (80%+ of X) haven't spoken any English when their tenure with me started.

The only ones I've gone home with were the ones I paid sin sot for, and their families would have shot anyone using any of the Thai words related to sex-work, and as far as the local community were concerned everything was on the up and up, full respectability all round bought and paid for.

I've also traveled, hung out in and lived in a half-dozen upcountry communities, but none where the working girls were so thick on the ground nor as blatant as what you describe. Those that I did come across (I didn't say *I* wasn't able to spot those who are "out" about it) weren't at all "spec phom" either. I've found my tastes keep getting more and more demanding the longer I stay here - or maybe it's my age, or declining willingness to put up with the BS except for the loveliest lasses. . .


Shaw: Madam, would you sleep with me for a million pounds?

Actress: My goodness, Well, I'd certainly think about it

Shaw: Would you sleep with me for a pound?

Actress: Certainly not! What kind of woman do you think I am?!

Shaw: Madam, we've already established that. Now we are haggling about the price.

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