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Latest U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan kill 21 suspected militants


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Latest U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan kill 21 suspected militants

2012-02-17 10:40:53 GMT+7 (ICT)

MIRNSHAH, PAKISTAN (BNO NEWS) -- At least 21 suspected militants were killed on Thursday when U.S. drones carried out two airstrikes in northwest Pakistan's tribal region, Pakistani intelligence officials said. Several others were injured.

The first attack happened on Thursday morning when a U.S. drone fired two missiles at a suspected militant compound in the town of Spalga, not far from Miranshah which is the main town in Pakistan's North Waziristan near the border with Afghanistan. At least six suspected militants were killed in the strike, while several others were injured.

Hours later, at least 15 suspected militants were killed when a U.S. drone destroyed a vehicle in the same region, near the town of Mir Ali. One intelligence official said the victims were believed to be Uzbek Islamist fighters, although it was not possible to get independent confirmation.

Thursday's drone strikes come just one week after four suspected militants were killed when a U.S. drone fired two missiles at a suspected militant compound in Miranshah. Among those killed was Badar Mansoor, a senior militant commander who had links to both al-Qaeda and the Pakistani Taliban. He was suspected of operating a militant training camp in the region and being involved in numerous attacks throughout Pakistan.

That attack came just one day after a U.S. drone fired two missiles at a house in the village of Tappi, approximately 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) southeast of Miranshah, killing 10 people. The house was allegedly used by fighters of the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani Network, which is one of the top terrorist organizations and threats to U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan.

Late last month, U.S. President Barack Obama, for the first time during his presidency, publicly acknowledged that U.S. drones regularly strike suspected militants along the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. He confirmed that many of these strikes are carried out in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan, targeting al-Qaeda and Taliban suspects in tough terrain.

Few details about casualties from the strikes are usually available, but allegations of civilian casualties regularly spark protests in Pakistan. According to the Washington-based think tank New America Foundation, as many as 2,680 individuals were killed as a result of U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan between 2004 and early 2012.

And according to a report released by the Conflict Monitoring Center in January, at least 609 people were killed as a result of 75 drone strikes in Pakistan in 2011 alone. The group has documented 303 drone strikes since 2004, with a total death toll of at least 2,661.

The U.S. considers the Pakistan-Afghan border to be the most dangerous place on Earth. The area is known to be a stronghold of the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani Network, which is one of the top terrorist organizations and threats to U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan.

But controversy has surrounded the drone strikes as local residents and officials have blamed them for killing innocent civilians and motivating young men to join the Taliban. Details about the alleged militants are usually not provided, and the U.S. government does not comment on the strikes.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-02-17

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Soon, drones will be carrying autonomous weapons to kill people. Each robot will have the ability to make kill decisions.

It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a small autonomous killing machine!

To some degree this is true even today, with regard to some systems.

Not that the machine makes the decision per se, but auto-identification of target isn't a new concept, and with it can come a certain bias.

In other cases the process is almost fully automated, but that is morer relevant to defense oriented systems where super fast reaction time is called for (intercepting missiles, for example).

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Soon, drones will be carrying autonomous weapons to kill people. Each robot will have the ability to make kill decisions.

It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's a small autonomous killing machine!

To some degree this is true even today, with regard to some systems.

Not that the machine makes the decision per se, but auto-identification of target isn't a new concept, and with it can come a certain bias.

In other cases the process is almost fully automated, but that is morer relevant to defense oriented systems where super fast reaction time is called for (intercepting missiles, for example).

Hmmm, Time to lose the beard, as they may well be thinking in North Waziristan.

P.S I note that the dead were from Uzbekistan, I guess they must have made a wrong turning and inadvertently violated Pakistani sovereignty.

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Washington Times reports the agency predicts that 30,000 drones could fill U.S. skies by the end of the decade.


With that photo, they seem to be misrepresenting the situation, I'm pretty sure the UAV's roaming over the U.S. won't be armed, and not all will be Predator/Reaper models. So far as ISR work, it would be just more of the same, they already use helicopters and aircraft.

Anyway, i thought the topic was drone strikes in Pakistan, I say keep them coming.

Edited by beechguy
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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

Edited by flying
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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

Could you please be more specific with your question , I thought I had made my point quite plain ,that if those who seek to destroy a nation(Israel) and to a lesser degree the West based on a religious ideal that the Islamic,s find abhorrent should not expect anyone to play by "the rules" of engagement. Edited by Colin Yai
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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

Could you please be more specific with your question , I thought I had made my point quite plain ,that if those who seek to destroy a nation(Israel) and to a lesser degree the West based on a religious ideal that the Islamic,s find abhorrent should not expect anyone to play by "the rules" of engagement.

Yes it was quite clear what you said....just not factual

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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

Hundreds of thousands killed in Pakistan by drones?

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Washington Times reports the agency predicts that 30,000 drones could fill U.S. skies by the end of the decade.


That's a riduculous picture to place with this article. Sensationalistic journalism at it's worst.

Business Insider has been criticized by bloggers Felix Salmon and Marco Arment for alleged over-aggregation in the way that it publishes third party content directly on its website.[5][6] Business Insider's CEO and Editor-in-Chief Henry Blodget defended the website's aggregation method.[7]


Homeland Security has deployed drones to support disaster relief operations. Unmanned aircraft also could be useful for fighting fires or finding missing climbers or hikers, he added.

Seems like drones are a good thing?

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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

Could you please be more specific with your question , I thought I had made my point quite plain ,that if those who seek to destroy a nation(Israel) and to a lesser degree the West based on a religious ideal that the Islamic,s find abhorrent should not expect anyone to play by "the rules" of engagement.

Yes it was quite clear what you said....just not factual

I see you cannot give me a credible answer!!!
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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

Actually most of those killed were the victims of believers of a different version of the same religion. As for liking the idea, I couldn't give a rat's anus how many of each other they kill, I just prefer that they practice their murderous tendencies in their own part of the world.

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I just prefer that they practice their murderous tendencies in their own part of the world.

Well then you should be happy to know with the exception of the 3k killed on 9/11 by mainly folks who held Saudi citizenship that

all the rest of the hundreds of thousands were killed in *Their* Part of the world....just not by them or their religion

Or did you mean Yankee go home? ;)

Edited by flying
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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

Hundreds of thousands killed in Pakistan by drones?

Good morning chuck....do try to keep up ;)

Did you think his original statement was just Pakistan?

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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion

I see you cannot give me a credible answer!!!

What is there to be credible about when you post such an incredulous statement?

Your statement so easily fits the side of those who invade foreign soils for over a decade now killing thousands of innocent people

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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion

I see you cannot give me a credible answer!!!

What is there to be credible about when you post such an incredulous statement?

Your statement so easily fits the side of those who invade foreign soils for over a decade now killing thousands of innocent people

Are you REALLY TRYING TO INFORM anyone that the the London transport /Madrid/Bali/Mubai bombings resulting in Hundreds of innocent lives lost and Thousands injured were not perpetrated by Muslims against infidels?, and I have yet to receive your answer as to how many passages there are in the KORAN stating quite plainly that is the sworn duty of Muslims to kill " non believers" do you really believe in your wildest dreams that Islam is not at war with ALL who do not follow their insane stone age religious dogma?, they cannot even live at peace with each other with the different Islamic sects the Sunni's and the Shai's slaughtering each other like cattle on an almost daily basis,and BTW the word "JIHAD" appears 41 times in the Koran. Edited by Colin Yai
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It's a drone, it's American and it's armed. where does "ridiculous" come from?

It's a drone armed to the hilt, obviously one which would not be used inside America. So, the article should have used a picture like the one here. Again, sensationalistic journalism. Got you riled up, right?r-DRONES-BORDER-PATROL-large570.jpg

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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

Hundreds of thousands killed in Pakistan by drones?

Good morning chuck....do try to keep up wink.png

Did you think his original statement was just Pakistan?

Not necessarily.

Though I did think the title of this thread is..."Latest U. S. drone strikes in Pakistan kill 21 suspected militants".

Thus your comment about "hundreds of thousands killed over there" would infer there were hundred of thousands killed in Pakistan by drones, since that is the thread topic and I know you wouldn't stray off topic.

Is everybody current on the topic now?wink.png

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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

How's about 270 million? ph34r.png

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The way I see it is that any "suspected" Islamic terrorist who meets his end ,is far far better than the HUNDRED'S of attacks against totally innocent people who's only sin is to be of a different religion (or infidel) and any one who really believes that Islamic fundamentalism is not on a war footing with "non believers ,then I respectfully suggest you read the Koran.

So basically your saying you dont like the idea of the hundreds of thousands killed over there because they have a different religion?

Actually most of those killed were the victims of believers of a different version of the same religion. As for liking the idea, I couldn't give a rat's anus how many of each other they kill, I just prefer that they practice their murderous tendencies in their own part of the world.

Obviously by that remark you mean the mass murders in London/Madrid/Mumbai/Bali/ Russia and Southern Thailand all perpetrated by Muslims against people of a different faith . and Steely Dan 270 million ,I see you have read "tears of Jihad " maybe members would like to Google it Edited by Colin Yai
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