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Changing Job, Work Permit Cancellation, New Visa

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I am finishing my contract with a Thai company in Chonburi on May 20th of this year and I have been offered a different job in Bangkok starting on May 21th. My guess is that I need to get evidence from my present employer that I have had my work permit cancelled, get a letter from my present employer stating that I have finished my contract and then apply for an extension in Jamthien ( for a week) which will give me time to get my contact and other paper work from my new employer ready and then apply for the appropriate work visa in Bangkok within that one week time period. Does this seem to be a resonable assumption. I am wondering if I will have to leave the country or will I be able to do everything in Thailand if I have all the required documentation for a one-year work visa. The next time I do my 90 day notice in Jamthien I am going to explain to them what I would like to do and I am hoping they will be able to advise.

Any information you can provide would be appreciated.

Thanks very much.

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Some years ago, I changed jobs. I cancelled the WP myself and applied for a new WP at the same time.

Went to Immigration in SriRacha (branch of Immigration Chonburi) and they cancelled my permission of stay based on the old WP and extended my permission of stay based on a new WP application with 3 months. This was plenty of time to get things arranged. Within 6 weeks I got my new WP and everything went on as usual, without having to leave the country.

The process takes some time and a lot of traveling to Labor Dept and Immigration, but it's worth it.

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Some years ago, I changed jobs. I cancelled the WP myself and applied for a new WP at the same time.

Went to Immigration in SriRacha (branch of Immigration Chonburi) and they cancelled my permission of stay based on the old WP and extended my permission of stay based on a new WP application with 3 months. This was plenty of time to get things arranged. Within 6 weeks I got my new WP and everything went on as usual, without having to leave the country.

The process takes some time and a lot of traveling to Labor Dept and Immigration, but it's worth it.

I'm not sure how long ago this was but you were VERY lucky. The normal procedure would be for the OP to have his next company have all his paperwork ready on the day he finishes his job or cancels his WP then take the new paperwork out of the country, apply for the non-B visa, come back and let his company get his new WP.

Correct no need to go to Bkk and yes saengsureeya is correct that the labor board is in sri racha.

If your new company is reputable in any way shape or form they will do everything for you ahead of time then help you once you are back in Thailand.

PS: You can get most of this info on ajarn.com

Edited by Gone
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In theroy its possible if both companies will work together to get their ducks in row, one minor complication it that you will be dealing with two separate immigration/labour offices, which may make things a little harder.

In practical terms it may be easier and cheaper just to bail the country and start a fresh with the new company ie go and get an new Non-imm B etc, I know when I changed jobs here, I asked the same question to the new company, and even they said, yes can be done but easier to leave the country drop my PP and paper work in Singapore, have night on the town and pick up PP next morning and fly back and start work with the new company

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