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Pheu Thai Wants Democrats Dissolved


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The problem with Thai politics is the way in which politicians become MPs, it is a mixture of graft, corruption, money and connections, this applies to all parties. Some by sheer good fortune (from the national viewpoint), do have some ability, most are just lame ducks, some are a real liability. This pattern repeats at all levels of society, even at the village committee level. Abhisit impresses many farangs by his Oxford education and his ability to speak clear English, but this is just the icing on the cake, he can talk a good talk but rarely walks a good walk, at heart he is still a self seeking Thai. Indeed his Eton, Oxford background actually fosters elitism, if you are English you will know what I mean. Thaksin for some reason could establish a rapport with the poor, Abhisit patently cannot, yet neither in my opinion have the interests of the poor and the nation in their hearts.

Thailand is not an egalitarian society, the idea of a Prince being charged with speeding would be unthinkable here, yet has happened in England, Thai elite are untouchable, except by other elite and this is what Thai politics boils down to, one group of elite versus another, not for the benefit of the nation but for the benefit of the group members. But all the elite are united in one common objective, that is to keep the rest uninformed and unaware.

We see this in the use of the LM law, the pathetic education system, the impractical populist vote buying decrees, the highly doctored history of Thailand including the reintroduction of past or invented ceremonies, and above all the engender Xenophobia and superiority complex towards other races.

I may seem a Red supporter, but I am not, I do support the concept, but not their immediate targets and methods. I am not sure where the answer lies, many have said the truly able first class Thais either move abroad or do not get involved in politics, I am inclined to agree, Thailand is run by those with second class ability.

Good analysis and very much to the point. Something similar has been said by others, but it is a relief to see that several people are able to see this.

I commend the posters who have the guts to mention the LM laws and HM in their posts without getting censored or banned.

I frequently wish to post opinions regarding the a.m., but am afraid that what I say can be construed as criticism and in violation of art.112.

In fact, I am sure that what I have to say in these matters WILL be in direct violation of it.

I will do it in the Thai way. Keep my mouth shut and pretend all is fine.

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Abhisit impresses many farangs by his Oxford education and his ability to speak clear English, but this is just the icing on the cake, he can talk a good talk but rarely walks a good walk, at heart he is still a self seeking Thai.

Can you provide evidence that "at heart he is still a self seeking Thai"? What has Abhisit done that would suggest that he is self-serving? For example, have there been any deals with the government that involve one of his or his relatives' businesses?

Indeed his Eton, Oxford background actually fosters elitism, if you are English you will know what I mean.

What actions have you seen that indicate that Abhisit is elitist?

Thaksin for some reason could establish a rapport with the poor, Abhisit patently cannot, yet neither in my opinion have the interests of the poor and the nation in their hearts.

Thaksin is well-liked because he was seen to be generous in the eyes of the Thai people, even though all that generosity came out of the Treasury and not out of Thaksin's own pocket. He would recklesslessy spend other peoples' money to make himself look good, and it's probably what is being done now with all the populist policies that are scheduled to come online and the hundreds of billions of baht being borrowed to fund them.

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Abhisit impresses many farangs by his Oxford education and his ability to speak clear English, but this is just the icing on the cake, he can talk a good talk but rarely walks a good walk, at heart he is still a self seeking Thai.

Can you provide evidence that "at heart he is still a self seeking Thai"? What has Abhisit done that would suggest that he is self-serving? For example, have there been any deals with the government that involve one of his or his relatives' businesses?

Indeed his Eton, Oxford background actually fosters elitism, if you are English you will know what I mean.

What actions have you seen that indicate that Abhisit is elitist?

Thaksin for some reason could establish a rapport with the poor, Abhisit patently cannot, yet neither in my opinion have the interests of the poor and the nation in their hearts.

Thaksin is well-liked because he was seen to be generous in the eyes of the Thai people, even though all that generosity came out of the Treasury and not out of Thaksin's own pocket. He would recklesslessy spend other peoples' money to make himself look good, and it's probably what is being done now with all the populist policies that are scheduled to come online and the hundreds of billions of baht being borrowed to fund them.

There seems little point in debating with someone who does not want to agree, it would just develop into another TV slanging match. I can only assume that you are not English if you cannot understand my comments about Eton and Oxford, you will not find the children of bus drivers at Eton, Eton even more so than Oxford instills the elitist philosophy.

As to self seeking look at his wife's occupation, any idea how she got there?

You are obviously a hard line Dem supporter so naturally failed to really understand my post, you simply select items in isolation to attack. Thaksin won the hearts of the people not just by spending money, although obviously that was a big help, but also by going amongst, following the example of someone greater than him.

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Thaksin won the hearts of the people not just by spending money, although obviously that was a big help, but also by going amongst, following the example of someone greater than him.

Thaksin follows an example of someone greater than him? Isn't he the greatest gift to Thailand and mankind in general, you know, teaching the world the Asian ways and democracy.

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There seems little point in debating with someone who does not want to agree

My few questions were genuinely borne out of curiosity of your point of view. You can simply write one line per question, and I can then at least go on to research further. But simply ignoring the questions may indicate that you are unable to answer the questions because there aren't actually enough dirt to dig up about Abhisit.

I can only assume that you are not English if you cannot understand my comments about Eton and Oxford, you will not find the children of bus drivers at Eton, Eton even more so than Oxford instills the elitist philosophy.

I am aware that Eton and Oxford are elite educational institutions. So just because he attended them, does that automatically make him elitist? How about providing examples based on his actions and statements?

As to self seeking look at his wife's occupation, any idea how she got there?

She studied Dentistry then Mathematics, and now works as a Mathematics lecturer: Dr. Pimpen (Sakuntabhai) Vejjajiva. What is your criticism?

You are obviously a hard line Dem supporter

I am more of an Abhisit supporter than a supporter of the Democrat party as a whole. Based on all of my readings of Thai politics over the years, Abhisit is one of only a few who stand out above the rest of the politicians in terms of such respectable qualities as integrity, intelligence, sincerity, humility and ability to communicate clearly.

Edited by hyperdimension
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Abhisit is one of only a few who stand out above the rest of the politicians in terms of such respectable qualities as integrity, intelligence, sincerity, humility and ability to communicate clearly.

One might argue that these qualities do not represent the nation as a whole.

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Abhisit impresses many farangs by his Oxford education and his ability to speak clear English, but this is just the icing on the cake, he can talk a good talk but rarely walks a good walk, at heart he is still a self seeking Thai.

Can you provide evidence that "at heart he is still a self seeking Thai"? What has Abhisit done that would suggest that he is self-serving? For example, have there been any deals with the government that involve one of his or his relatives' businesses?

Indeed his Eton, Oxford background actually fosters elitism, if you are English you will know what I mean.

What actions have you seen that indicate that Abhisit is elitist?

Thaksin for some reason could establish a rapport with the poor, Abhisit patently cannot, yet neither in my opinion have the interests of the poor and the nation in their hearts.

Thaksin is well-liked because he was seen to be generous in the eyes of the Thai people, even though all that generosity came out of the Treasury and not out of Thaksin's own pocket. He would recklesslessy spend other peoples' money to make himself look good, and it's probably what is being done now with all the populist policies that are scheduled to come online and the hundreds of billions of baht being borrowed to fund them.

Abhisit is a geordie elitist! Whay aye man, krap!

Edited by bigbamboo
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