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Thaksin Vows To Be Back In Thailand For His Birthday In July


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Don't care either way. The obsession with him borders on God like. Bizarre.

Me neither. But, look at those who harp on his name continuoudly: Abhisit, in order to stay relevant after being booed out of office and TV, to generate traffic and add more clicks to the bottom line. His name is a commodity for Mark because apparently Thailand has only one problem: Thaksin. What about the seasonal floods, the falling 4-5 notches on the list of best countries to invest, the companies that pulled out of Thailand, the small ones that were devastated by the 2011 floods, the rise in food and fuel prices, tourism affected by civil unrest in the South, the plight of millions of Laotians, Cambodians and Burmese while living in virtual indenture in Thailand...? To name only a few. Nah! All that can wait. For Abhisit and the anti-thaksinistas, Thaksin is the evil we all have to fight and defeat him that Thailand will be Thailand again. All other problems affecting this country are secondary. OCD, oi vey!

Are you saying it is the Dem's fault we have all those problems. In your opinion trying to uphold the law is wrong Thaksin should be given amnesty. You forget who is in power here. Abhist only fights back against what the PT are doing. The PT are doing nothing towards all the problems you listed so he is not resisting attempts to make those conditions better. In fact if the PT would try to make those things better he would support them.

Abhisit's fault is his inactivity. Everyone know the payments, the money laundry, who the criminals are etc etc. He thought he can make kind of peace with Thaksin. "I don't hurt you, you don't hurt me". He didn't try to get Interpol involved. He did not uphold the law against the red shirts from the beginning. He should have installed the former police chef, who got kicked out by Samak.

This was his fault.

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The more he's revealing his megalomania, egotistical tendencies and gray-eminence-meddling, the more I think it was a great idea to forcefully remove him from power no matter how much some elements think this was "undemocratic". Had this man continued on, Thailand today could well be another Turkmenistan.

The very act of visiting him in Vientiane just to pay hommage is nothing short of absurd and bizarre.

If he returns as threatened, I predict more violence and bloodshed.

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The more he's revealing his megalomania, egotistical tendencies and gray-eminence-meddling, the more I think it was a great idea to forcefully remove him from power no matter how much some elements think this was "undemocratic". Had this man continued on, Thailand today could well be another Turkmenistan.

The very act of visiting him in Vientiane just to pay hommage is nothing short of absurd and bizarre.

If he returns as threatened, I predict more violence and bloodshed.

Bolded above says it all. That guy doesn't care 1 bhat about Thailand.

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Had this man continued on, Thailand today could well be another Turkmenistan.

Or Cambodia, whose leader publicly stated that Thaksin is his eternal friend and gave him a house to stay there any time.

See this post about the article To live and die with Hun Sen By Paul Vrieze: http://www.thaivisa....00#entry5210948

Also, see this post regarding Cambodia's position near the bottom of the World Happiness Report 2012 overall rankings of 156 countries: http://www.thaivisa....00#entry5212044

If he was not stopped, it would have been likely that he and his party would have been keeping their grip on power for a total of at least 20 years (like Hun Sen and his current political party in Cambodia): Thaksin Believes Trt Will Rule For 20 Years

Edited by hyperdimension
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Don't care either way. The obsession with him borders on God like. Bizarre.

Me neither. But, look at those who harp on his name continuoudly: Abhisit, in order to stay relevant after being booed out of office and TV, to generate traffic and add more clicks to the bottom line. His name is a commodity for Mark because apparently Thailand has only one problem: Thaksin. What about the seasonal floods, the falling 4-5 notches on the list of best countries to invest, the companies that pulled out of Thailand, the small ones that were devastated by the 2011 floods, the rise in food and fuel prices, tourism affected by civil unrest in the South, the plight of millions of Laotians, Cambodians and Burmese while living in virtual indenture in Thailand...? To name only a few. Nah! All that can wait. For Abhisit and the anti-thaksinistas, Thaksin is the evil we all have to fight and defeat him that Thailand will be Thailand again. All other problems affecting this country are secondary. OCD, oi vey!

Are you saying it is the Dem's fault we have all those problems. In your opinion trying to uphold the law is wrong Thaksin should be given amnesty. You forget who is in power here. Abhist only fights back against what the PT are doing. The PT are doing nothing towards all the problems you listed so he is not resisting attempts to make those conditions better. In fact if the PT would try to make those things better he would support them.

Abhisit's fault is his inactivity. Everyone know the payments, the money laundry, who the criminals are etc etc. He thought he can make kind of peace with Thaksin. "I don't hurt you, you don't hurt me". He didn't try to get Interpol involved. He did not uphold the law against the red shirts from the beginning. He should have installed the former police chef, who got kicked out by Samak.

This was his fault.

I have a hard time trying to figure you out. Some times red is red and other times red is black.

We are not discussing What Abhist did with his patched together support that included 40 Thaksin trained corruptionest's.

We are talking about today. What is the government doing that Abhist has fought so hard against other than under many guises try to white wash Thaksin?

And for your information he did try to uphold the law, The police would not cooperate. He had to get the army to do it, And twice he had peace with Thaksin only to have Thaksin back out of it.

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Thaksin is such a supreme example of the word "egotistical". I think he compare to historical "evils" such as Hitler, Stalin... (u can add to the list).

Ok, let's add to the list:

H.Truman (first and, so far, only human being to launch a nuclear attack)

R. Nixon, (lied incessantly to the American people)

H. Kissinger (war criminal) (as National Security Adviser had instant access to President)

A. Pinochet (war criminal)

Douglas Haig (fathead, arrogant idiot who caused untold millions of deaths in WW1) (too big to fail)

Tony Blair (lied to the British people and caused needless death and suffering in Iraq and the Brittish army)

Various Kims in Korea

and so on

Do you mean Nixon was being dishonest when he said the Viet Nam war was over?

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I have a hard time trying to figure you out. Some times red is red and other times red is black.

We are not discussing What Abhist did with his patched together support that included 40 Thaksin trained corruptionest's.

We are talking about today. What is the government doing that Abhist has fought so hard against other than under many guises try to white wash Thaksin?

And for your information he did try to uphold the law, The police would not cooperate. He had to get the army to do it, And twice he had peace with Thaksin only to have Thaksin back out of it.

It seems I confuse you.....

I am complete against Red and Thaksin, but I blame Abhisit that he was inactive. And I blame him that he tried to make peace with Thaksin, Wrongdoers should be in jail and not be made peace with.

He should have root out that evil, not make some backroom deals with him.

Of course the police didn't cooperate, because he had the Thaksin (or Samak) selected police chief. And didn't change that. That guy (forgot the name) that Samak kicked out did a good job.

On his first day in office he should have start to check for money laundry and other crimes, try to freeze bank accounts, push for harder laws, seek impeachment of judges that are known for being corrupt.

Of course the police would not cooperate so the chief should have been fired after 1 week without cooperation.

So he never tried to uphold the law against Thaksin, he tried to ride it out and sit comfortable.

If the coalition would got broken with that, he would have entered the election as strong minded person without having the "Vote No" campaign costing him lot of votes.

Most probably the PTP would have much less funds and the Shinawatra family would have been on the run.

A more ruthless person is necessary to fight Thaksin. Also his team was a disaster.

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Thaksin also claimed credit for selecting his sister Yingluck Shinawatra as a prime-ministerial candidate. "Although I was overseas, I helped you appoint a prime minister. I chose my younger sister as PM candidate because I thought she could do the job," he said.

"I believe Prime Minister Yingluck will complete her [four-year] term in office," said Thaksin, who political observers believe is pulling strings behind her government.

He also said that the government was implementing many projects to help prop up prices of farm produce, help poor people and farmers with their debts, and build motorways and high-speed rail routes.

A fugitive incriminating himself and the current government by saying "I helped you appoint a prime minister" ?

Have propping up prices of farmproducts helped poor people, or even farmers ? Motorways and a highspeed rail may be talked about, but being implemented? How come dear leader didn't mention "300b/d", "15,000B/m", "tabletsPC to improve education", "30b healthcare scheme (instead of free of charge)" and of course the really excellent service of the MoFA "a hand delivered new shiny passport in two days even with the office flooded"

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Don't care either way. The obsession with him borders on God like. Bizarre.

Me neither. But, look at those who harp on his name continuoudly: Abhisit, in order to stay relevant after being booed out of office and TV, to generate traffic and add more clicks to the bottom line. His name is a commodity for Mark because apparently Thailand has only one problem: Thaksin. What about the seasonal floods, the falling 4-5 notches on the list of best countries to invest, the companies that pulled out of Thailand, the small ones that were devastated by the 2011 floods, the rise in food and fuel prices, tourism affected by civil unrest in the South, the plight of millions of Laotians, Cambodians and Burmese while living in virtual indenture in Thailand...? To name only a few. Nah! All that can wait. For Abhisit and the anti-thaksinistas, Thaksin is the evil we all have to fight and defeat him that Thailand will be Thailand again. All other problems affecting this country are secondary. OCD, oi vey!

Are you saying it is the Dem's fault we have all those problems. In your opinion trying to uphold the law is wrong Thaksin should be given amnesty. You forget who is in power here. Abhist only fights back against what the PT are doing. The PT are doing nothing towards all the problems you listed so he is not resisting attempts to make those conditions better. In fact if the PT would try to make those things better he would support them.

No, I am not saying that: YOU are the one saying it. I wrote in standard English so that anyone can understand. You are twisting my statemjents and adding the element of blame to what I posted. Re read my original posting. If after doing that it is still unclear to you, I will gladly explain it to you.

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By the way,why they always use "self exiled "to describe what in reallity is a criminal on the run from justice.

I'll bite, at the risk of veering slightly off-topic.

To say that former-PM Thaksin had been 'exiled' would imply, that he had been thrown out of the country, or was somehow banned from entering, even now that it's his own sister 'in charge' and a pro-Thaksin government.

The reason he choses not to be here is by his own choice, nothing else, hence 'self-exiled'. Which is why he can decide to return at any time he choses, unless his private-jet is unable to fly in-the-dark, as his sister's helicopter supposedly cannot ! rolleyes.gif

Of course along with his loyal supporters there is also a 2-year court-sentence awaiting him, and a number of other cases requiring his presence in court, to hear the charges read, and which can not be tried in-absentia.

Edited by Ricardo
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Yeah well, he will be back. Under what circumstances none of us know. Only speculation and rumour.

Year by year, month by month, day by day, hour by hour, it gets closer to his return and nothing said on this forum will stop it.

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Thaksin said. "... From now on, there will be no yellow shirts and red shirts."

Hmmm, so no more red villages then too?

Thats what a Dictator (to be) can do.

Tell people what colour they are not

allowed to wear.

Duh, he means there will be no more fighting between the yellow and red shirts, they will be living in harmony. No division.crazy.gif
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Thaksin said. "... From now on, there will be no yellow shirts and red shirts."

Hmmm, so no more red villages then too?

Thats what a Dictator (to be) can do.

Tell people what colour they are not

allowed to wear.

Duh, he means there will be no more fighting between the yellow and red shirts, they will be living in harmony. No division.crazy.gif

and anyone who disagrees will be sent for re-education ? cool.png

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Thaksin said. "... From now on, there will be no yellow shirts and red shirts."

Hmmm, so no more red villages then too?

Thats what a Dictator (to be) can do.

Tell people what colour they are not

allowed to wear.

Duh, he means there will be no more fighting between the yellow and red shirts, they will be living in harmony. No division.crazy.gif

So the yellow shirts will wellcome the "Great Messias" with open arms

at Survarnabhumi airport?

By the way, you´r avatar dosen´t meen you´r a "brown nose"

does it?rolleyes.gif

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Thaksin said. "... From now on, there will be no yellow shirts and red shirts."

Hmmm, so no more red villages then too?

Thats what a Dictator (to be) can do.

Tell people what colour they are not

allowed to wear.

Duh, he means there will be no more fighting between the yellow and red shirts, they will be living in harmony. No division.crazy.gif

So the yellow shirts will wellcome the "Great Messias" with open arms

at Survarnabhumi airport?

By the way, you´r avatar dosen´t meen you´r a "brown nose"

does it?rolleyes.gif

I thought his sister worked for customs. I was just checking AHhh sniffing, you know.

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Thaksin said. "... From now on, there will be no yellow shirts and red shirts."

Hmmm, so no more red villages then too?

Thats what a Dictator (to be) can do.

Tell people what colour they are not

allowed to wear.

Duh, he means there will be no more fighting between the yellow and red shirts, they will be living in harmony. No division.crazy.gif

Don't misinterpret what he said. Assuming the translation is accurate, there would be no more colored divisions. He could order the Red villages to simply go back to being ordinary uncolored villages - his followers will listen to him as he is obviously their master.
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Thaksin said. "... From now on, there will be no yellow shirts and red shirts."

Hmmm, so no more red villages then too?

Thats what a Dictator (to be) can do.

Tell people what colour they are not

allowed to wear.

Duh, he means there will be no more fighting between the yellow and red shirts, they will be living in harmony. No division.crazy.gif

and anyone who disagrees will be sent for re-education ? cool.png

Thai Rouge style?coffee1.gif
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Thaksin said. "... From now on, there will be no yellow shirts and red shirts."

Hmmm, so no more red villages then too?

Thats what a Dictator (to be) can do.

Tell people what colour they are not

allowed to wear.

Duh, he means there will be no more fighting between the yellow and red shirts, they will be living in harmony. No division.crazy.gif

Don't misinterpret what he said. Assuming the translation is accurate, there would be no more colored divisions. He could order the Red villages to simply go back to being ordinary uncolored villages - his followers will listen to him as he is obviously their master.

No more fighting can also mean: All villages are red and all the yellow shirts (For the red one is everyone who isn't red of who shows some doubts automatically yellow) are in re-education camps.

= no more fighting.

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Thaksin Vows blah blah blah

Given up politics how many times?

Gonna come back how many times?

Gonna help reconcile - never

I tell you what Thaksin - how about we run a little bet. A national referendum on whether you should return or not and you abide by the outcome?

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Thats what a Dictator (to be) can do.

Tell people what colour they are not

allowed to wear.

Duh, he means there will be no more fighting between the yellow and red shirts, they will be living in harmony. No division.crazy.gif

Don't misinterpret what he said. Assuming the translation is accurate, there would be no more colored divisions. He could order the Red villages to simply go back to being ordinary uncolored villages - his followers will listen to him as he is obviously their master.

No more fighting can also mean: All villages are red and all the yellow shirts (For the red one is everyone who isn't red of who shows some doubts automatically yellow) are in re-education camps.

= no more fighting.

Thaksin said "From now on, there will be no yellow shirts and red shirts", he did not say "no more fighting between red and yellow shirts". I think he means disbandment of the Red Shirts, and he has the power to order it. He has not ordered disbandment up to now probably because he wanted to wait for his opponents to grow weary enough to come to negotiations that are now more favorable for him, and part of the negotiations may include disbandment of Yellow Shirts. So I do think Thaksin is referring to disbandment. Though whether he is sincere is another matter - he could get them to regroup in an instant any time in the future - all it takes is a good amount of money.

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wasn't he coming in Dec for family wedding, was NEVER going to miss that. This man has been called on TV a fugitive,Liar,Bull###ter,coward,a S-stirrer, terrorists assistant,runaway,God,which one does he fit best ???? He reminds me of father Christmas, his followers believe he exists until they GROW UP.

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^ I wouldn't be surprised if he does disband the Red Shirts. They've pretty much accomplished his goals (He probably opened a bottle of Champagne when the army finally started shooting back and provided him with some Red martyrs), and there's always the possibility that they may start taking words like "democracy" and "reform" seriously... which would be the last thing that he would really want!

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Thaksin Vows blah blah blah

Given up politics how many times?

Gonna come back how many times?

Gonna help reconcile - never

I tell you what Thaksin - how about we run a little bet. A national referendum on whether you should return or not and you abide by the outcome?

Yes, indeed.

And if he won it ???'

Which well he might.

I can just see the Thai Visa folks celebrating that eventuality.

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Thaksin Vows blah blah blah

Given up politics how many times?

Gonna come back how many times?

Gonna help reconcile - never

I tell you what Thaksin - how about we run a little bet. A national referendum on whether you should return or not and you abide by the outcome?

Yes, indeed.

And if he won it ???'

Which well he might.

I can just see the Thai Visa folks celebrating that eventuality.

The last poll I saw on this had him at less than 20%

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