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No Deal On Computer Tablets, Thai Education Ministry Prepares Textbooks


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Plan C, after it does not work with text-books

1 sheet of paper and a pencil for every child.....

Paper? Pencil?

When I was a lad it was, 'Where's your slate boy?'

I guess that was some sort of tablet after all.

One sheet of paper is cheaper...just 20 Baht (including the kickback)

How the flying <deleted> would you know the cost of a quality school slate 80 years ago in Auchtermuchty?

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With their (almost) unbelievably naive schedule for getting these devices in place it is hardly surprising that it hasn't happened. Perhaps they should have got a few of the smarter Prathom 1 students to have done the planning and procurement as a school project - lets face it, they could hardly be more naive than the current planners... and probably much better!


What was the slogan for Phue Thai?

Thaksin Acts Before he Thinks. Or was it Thaksin Thinks but Doesn't Think Through?

Thaksin's election bribery was far more important than any realistic process which goes to show how thick this man really is.

It was something with Thaksin sings....

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Plan C, after it does not work with text-books

1 sheet of paper and a pencil for every child.....

Paper? Pencil?

When I was a lad it was, 'Where's your slate boy?'

I guess that was some sort of tablet after all.

'Where's your slate boy?'

Sounds like you studied under the tutelage of Mr Squeers at Dotheboys? smile.pngwink.png

Actually, it was that bald-headed bugger Mr Fife that replaced him at East End Primary who made pretty sure that I would never seek a further education at Fettes.

From wiki, "Fettes pupils wear distinctive chocolate and magenta coloured blazers. It is said that Fettes "used to have a hearty, rugger-bugger, Caledonian image".

The emphasis being on the bugger rather than the rugger.

Edited by NanLaew
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Good thing that it didn't happen...The number of notebooks having problems would be in the tens of thousands every day. Who is going to fix or reload software for all these units. Each school will need to hire an IT guy to keep the internet working and computers up and running. Nightmare for sure !

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"The kick back would have been concluded before Scope even got to the table and some of it will have been paid. Chinese aren't stupid though and this import tax that was hidden until the last minute must have been the final straw."

Can someone explain this hidden tax surprise a bit more please ?

On another note, this whole thing is almost SATIRE !!!!

This is something I also do not understand. Tablet computers have customs HS code of 84714120. 0% duties are applicable upon import into Thailand from China...

I read something about VAT. I think the story goes that way:

They agreed to price including shipping (there was that price-increase for shipping airfreight in the news).

Than I think someone messed up CIF shipping and thought the import is also included. So basically trying to press down the price another 7 %.

Doesn't sound logic if there is one person with half a brain somewhere in the government.

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Ones hopes that as the business ethics in China is very different to most of the world (although happily it is the same as Thailands) I hope the good disgruntled people from Scope say who received the tea money, hookers, elaborate gifts to get so far in this process before Thailand took back all their potential profit by charging them import tax. Guess they worked out that even paying tea money to get around that element, it would not be worth the effort.

Re the poster; I thought I saw this one or maybe my subconscious read it as such.


What happened to # 4?

.....the clue is in point 3 about transparency .....maybe a little too subtle prior to the 2nd coffee of the day :)

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I bought a tablet mini-computer for Bt.2,000 recently. Reason: to do some writing and watch some movies. I didn't like it at all - wound up giving it away to a young hill tribe friend.

The tablet idea for students is flawed. At best, they'll be used to play computer games. They'll likely break and/or be sold for a few baht. Thai kids need to get outdoors and play. Currently, there's only 1 hour per school week required for outdoor recreation. No wonder Thai kids are generally blah-eyed with flaccid muscle tone. It's reflected in their simplistic pop songs, which all sound like sappy goodnight tunes for granma and granpa.

Thai pop songs?

You mean there is more than one?

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Why does the government Education Ministry have to pay import duty on ANYTHING it buys?

It is the government, not a independent company.

Or is it that the Import-Export Tax Department insists on it's cut

or they will slow the movement down to a total crawl with paperwork

and 'lost' shipments?

Oh, the cabinet didn't figure their cut into the mix.

So solly Charie

Why in the world does a Chinese company in Chaina pay ANYTHING.

after it's product leaves China.

Why is the sender EVERY considered liable for import duties,

if it is not even IN the country to recieve the merchandise?

The absurdity and stupidity displayed knows no bounds it seems.

And they are more worried about a porn pic causing loss of face.

Ain't nothing compared to this tablet debacle.

Edited by animatic
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Good thing that it didn't happen...The number of notebooks having problems would be in the tens of thousands every day. Who is going to fix or reload software for all these units. Each school will need to hire an IT guy to keep the internet working and computers up and running. Nightmare for sure !

Not if they are all exactly the same.

On Notebooks, everything perfectly preinstalled on HD. Just swap the HD and send it to the service center (where they just upload the software again).

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Good thing that it didn't happen...The number of notebooks having problems would be in the tens of thousands every day. Who is going to fix or reload software for all these units. Each school will need to hire an IT guy to keep the internet working and computers up and running. Nightmare for sure !

Not if they are all exactly the same.

On Notebooks, everything perfectly preinstalled on HD. Just swap the HD and send it to the service center (where they just upload the software again).

I can just imagine the grade one teachers taking a laptop apart replacing the hard disk.

.... actually, no I can't.

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With their (almost) unbelievably naive schedule for getting these devices in place it is hardly surprising that it hasn't happened.

Naive? I don't think so. In what country are campaign promises routinely fulfilled?

Took a long time to "wind down" the Iraq war, and Gitmo's still up and running.

Obviously these things take time, jai yen yen and all will be sabai sabai.

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The Education Ministry is now preparing for what could be called Plan B - to hand out textbooks to Prathom 1 students, because it has become apparent computer tablets will not reach their hands for the coming semester.

They forgot to include mentioning a "Plan B" in their election campaign banner.

Rather, they said they would provide free tablet computers for all children (that's 11 million students in primary and secondary schools).


No mention lately of what happened to the nation-wide Free WiFi, either.


TIT !!! clap2.gif

I couldn't agree more.

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The PTP's One Tablet Per Child fails in all those points, and more. It's nothing but an electoral promise with nothing to back it up, they have been running like headless chicken since the election trying to figure out an ad-hoc "solution" to the problem of fulfilling that promise.

Well with the limited amount of time they have actually invested in these procedures, surely its more a case of trying to find a plausible (to their uneducated and very loyal followers) as to why promises can not be delivered, or at least why it is delayed. A society taught to accept and never question their highers...

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Why does the government Education Ministry have to pay import duty on ANYTHING it buys?

It is the government, not a independent company.

Or is it that the Import-Export Tax Department insists on it's cut

or they will slow the movement down to a total crawl with paperwork

and 'lost' shipments?

Oh, the cabinet didn't figure their cut into the mix.

So solly Charie

Why in the world does a Chinese company in Chaina pay ANYTHING.

after it's product leaves China.

Why is the sender EVERY considered liable for import duties,

if it is not even IN the country to recieve the merchandise?

The absurdity and stupidity displayed knows no bounds it seems.

And they are more worried about a porn pic causing loss of face.

Ain't nothing compared to this tablet debacle.

Import duty: That doesn't count, it is just putting the money out of the left pocket and into the right pocket.

It is like my wife gives me 100 Baht from our shared bank account which is filled by my salary....

It does happen that sender is liable for everything. But I don't know a good example where it is used. But it exists.

It is also super dangerous. If you declare the tablet as electronic toy you are most probable in the 30 % import duty range.

If they agree they loose 30 %.

If they disagree and go for a legal dispute they miss the delivery time and need to pay.

The only way out is another under the table(t) payment.

Maybe that was the setup??

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Ones hopes that as the business ethics in China is very different to most of the world (although happily it is the same as Thailands) I hope the good disgruntled people from Scope say who received the tea money, hookers, elaborate gifts to get so far in this process before Thailand took back all their potential profit by charging them import tax. Guess they worked out that even paying tea money to get around that element, it would not be worth the effort.

Re the poster; I thought I saw this one or maybe my subconscious read it as such.


What happened to # 4?

"Nationwide numeracy!"

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Love the TV cynicism. In fact, a number of developing countries such as Peru (over 1 million laptops to kids) and Uruguay have implemented similar policies and there have always been hiccups. In one case (Peru?) 1000s of units went up in flames in a warehouse fire. New Delhi has recently distributed 100,000 tablets to kids, and initial reports were that the were defective/unworkable, but more recently this has been shown to be untrue. Projects of this size are always a challenge, and even more so in developing countries where you have to deal with infrastructure and corruption issues. But this story isn't over yet. It looks like a mess now, but these sorts of things have been overcome in other places.

Anyway, show me a government that manages to keep all of its election promises, especially in the first year. Last time I checked, Guantanamo was still operating...

Thailand was all on that OLPC bandwagon during PPP government, they even conducted classroom trials with actual laptops.

It's all forgotten now, tablet is the buzzword for the day and the government can do it all alone, no need to join an internationally recognized program.

Not long ago OLPC published observation of their experience in several countries over several years. Main point - the program had no effect on children's math, reading and writing skills and in places where it was successful it was due to solving non-tech problems - curriculum, teacher training etc.

AFAIK, Indian government didn't distribute their Akash tablets to kids. First of all they were designed for university students and last I heard only very few were delivered, the 100,000 number came from the project chief who said he was ready to manufacture such quantity but the reality is that no one wants them anymore and with each passing month they are becoming increasingly obsolete. Scope tablets are a generation ahead on that Indian project.

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Interesting concept: Garner tea money from one or more bidders. Pocket the money, and then declare a re-start on the bidding process. Which bidder is going to spill the beans? None, or else they'd admit paying under-the-table.

Reminds me of when I was a horny 17 yr old in Amsterdam. I slipped a $5 bill to the bartender, asking him to show me the prettiest whore in the place. He did, but when it came time to pay the $35, I asked for a $5 discount. The howls of laughter are still echoing in that bar.

Ones hopes that as the business ethics in China is very different to most of the world (although happily it is the same as Thailands) I hope the good disgruntled people from Scope say who received the tea money, hookers, elaborate gifts to get so far in this process before Thailand took back all their potential profit by charging them import tax. Guess they worked out that even paying tea money to get around that element, it would not be worth the effort.

Re the poster; I thought I saw this one or maybe my subconscious read it as such.


#4 Forget all the earlier promises, sorry. The only thing your great PT Party is going to do is get our dear leader back to Thailand, while making sure he doesn't do a day in prison.

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I dont think there is much mileage in picking on one political party (the one one power) since it seems to me that all poleticians make promises at least a couple of years befoe they do the sums and logistics. The same is true to some extent of politicians worldwide and there is always some "Unexpected external force" that prevents or waters it down. All any prospective government should really do is to say what their "aims" are and that "they will do what they are able to, after they get elected" - wouldnt win many votes however and there lies the problem with Politics. Would the current UK government have been elected if their manifesto had been about austerity cut backs, wage freees and the destruction of public services?

I think that probably, like many other people including Microsoft, they are jumping to the conclusion that tablets are the future - but I dont think this is necessarily the case. Most people I know use their tablets as a secondary device. It is also, as others have poined out, somewhat of a risk strategy in the current Thai economy, to issue relatively valuable electronic equipment to people struggling to pay for the essentials in life.

An increase in the number of computers in schools is probably a more sensible solution and I disagree with the person who suggested a "couple in each class" are enough - because more and more jobs will depend on a decent understanding of computers and they are a part of daily life. They are needed but, in addition to books and other traditional tools, not as a replacement for them.

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With their (almost) unbelievably naive schedule for getting these devices in place it is hardly surprising that it hasn't happened. Perhaps they should have got a few of the smarter Prathom 1 students to have done the planning and procurement as a school project - lets face it, they could hardly be more naive than the current planners... and probably much better!


The only political manifest PTP had (and still have) is Bring the "Dear" Leader Home.

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if Steve Jobs can get the factory in China just days before launching the iPhone to design, engineer and change the face of it to glass, replacing the plastic, I'm sure China can pump out some basic tablets. This is just too convenient, and it smells.

Not for that prize per unit, you can´t.

You get what you pay for.

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Plan C, after it does not work with text-books

1 sheet of paper and a pencil for every child.....

Updated campaign poster :


Interesting that you point out there is no date on the election posters. What happens now pales into insignificance compared to the year before the next general elections. If in 2 years time there is progress with tablets, high speed rail, 300 Baht nationwide minimum wage, etc. PT will give the Dems another pasting at the polls. Maybe they aren't as stupid as you are trying to make them out to be.

Guess we'll have to wait and see how much progress on their multitude of promises they keep.

So far, they are something like 1 for 18.

p.s. the PTP did announce a completion date for nation-wide Free WiFi. 2015.

They also announced there were supposedly already 20,000 free WiFi hotspots in Bangkok as of last January, with an additional 20,000 free WiFi spots there by this October, which would eventually lead to 250,000 free WiFi spots in Bangkok by 2015 for their 30 Billion Baht scheme.


I have it on good authority that one of these free wifi hotspots is up and running in Thai Parliament already...

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