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Criminal Convictions (hers Not Mine!)

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Firstly can I say what an absolutely awesone site - was up till past 3am last night reading it (didn't see Santa!)

Like most folk it seems, when I first started a relationship I did not document everything for the usual reasons of never thinking it would be needed (never thought it would come this far) and to do so "just in case" would somehow seem a bit "strange" (if not down right disturbing!) :o

Anyway, my situation is that I will be getting married to the Missus in January and the intention us that she will be coming back to live with me here in Jersey UK.

Her past is somewhat colourful to say the least. She is a former pretty much everything: including Bargirl and MP, but mainly Freelancer and Junkie....... with the convictions to prove the Junkie part - 7 trips to the "monkey house".

My questions are:-

Do her drug convictions (and any for prostitution - although I beleive that most if not all of the arrests for this were never terribly formal) mean an automatic refusal for a UK Settlement Visa as my wife?

And the same question for a Gal who is / was a BG / prostitute - is it an automatic refusal for a UK Settlement Visa as my wife if she declares this?

My first instinct is to declare everything, mainly because that is the way I am, but also she is 35 (I am 39), she would not pass for a Nun in appearance and attitude and has a "career gap" of about 20 years to explain anyway. But, if this means a 100% certain refusal for a Settlement Visa then we may need to reconsider the honesty route - do they actually check with the Thai authorities? - and is it possible for her to check her own criminal record anyway, to make 100% sure that she has not forgotten anything?

My own situation is not quite straightforward, I work contracts here in Jersey, in the Finance Industry - historically used to work 6/8 months and then just <deleted> off to Thailand for the winter and spend a lot of the money, So I can't say at the moment that I am employed with XXXX Bank at XXX amount of money, but can of course show with Bank statements, Tax returns and wage slips and past employment contracts where my money comes from and what sort of salary this is to at least show a solid pattern of employment history in the same area. I also do NOT have a big pot of money I can make appear.

However to help ensure the Settlement Visa I intend to wait until I am on my next contract so I CAN say "I am empoyed at xxxx Bank at xxxx amount of money" and the Bank can back this up if needed. I am assuming that my working in a "respectable" field will say to the Embassy that I am unlikely (although of course not beyond the realms of possibility) to do anything dodgy by lying on a Visa application and therefore completely risk ruining my future job prospects, which off course relys on honesty as a given.

It would also be useful to know if her Thai convictions "follow" her to the UK? (ie when someone does a police check on her in the UK for work, will the Thai stuff show up or will she be starting with a "clean slate"?)

At this point I am sure a few folk are thinking "fookin hel_l - couldn't he have picked a better prospect?" - Fair point, just to say that I first came to Thailand 10 years ago and over that time have spent about 3 1/2 years hanging onto bars in the LOS - so am going into this with my eyes wide open even of course with not all the answers. I first met the missus about 6 years ago (although of course I can't actually prove how long I have known her) and for the first 4 years (whatever that is in my Thai time on the ground) I would have obviously have laughed my c#ck off if someone had told me I would be at this point with ANY Thai gal, let alone a BG and let alone this one!). A lot of her "colourful" past I have actually seen (although I never partook in the Drugs part) - a lot has changed in her life over the last couple of years - a lot to do with getting a bit older and wiser I guess - I AM confident that her past is behind her - and being the trusting soul that I am, not everything has been purely taken at just her word............. Trust AND double check :D.

Anyway, Merry Xmas to one and all! and any and all advice is appreciated.

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i think the visa will be the least of your problems, assuming you get one

good luck mate


Thanks for that.

I know she hasn't led the life of a Nun - but the point is that this is not exactly an unusual story for a BG (Ok, maybe the 7 trips to monkey house IS a little bit unusual! :D ). I have KNOWN plenty of BG's who were serious drug users, and some of which have married Mr Farang and gone to Farangland- Unfortunately as I never intended to be going down this route with any TG (Good, bad or whatever) I never enquired further with them on the visa practicalities.

The thing is that I KNOW what she has been up to (and actually seen most of it) - I am not sitting here in complete ignorance thinking I have snared the virgin queen. :D:D I agree that we will have more than a few hurdles to cross, but funnily enough she does have quite a bit going for herself to make me feel that she has a more than an even chance of being able to cope with making the leap from the LOS to Farangland. BTW I would NOT have done this when I didn't KNOW she was clean for at least the last year (and I beleive the year before) - no matter what I felt about her.

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Of course, if your g/f were coming to Liverpool, it'd be mandatory to have a criminal record.....

Anyhow, whereas there is a facility to refuse a visa because of criminal convictions, the visa officer would not routinely check with the Thai authorities. Even if they were to become aware of your g/f's antecedents, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act does apply; i.e. if the offence is considered to be spent, then it ceases to be relevant.

On a different note, Jersey is semi-independent of the UK as regards immigration and I don't know what powers the UK visa officer has to grant a visa allowing the holder to enter Jersey. It may be that an application is referred to Jersey for approval, but I'd advise checking that out with the visa officer at the embassy in Bangkok.


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Anyhow, whereas there is a facility to refuse a visa because of criminal convictions, the visa officer would not routinely check with the Thai authorities. Even if they were to become aware of your g/f's antecedents, the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act does apply; i.e. if the offence is considered to be spent, then it ceases to be relevant.

Not quite "spent" enough for that. Just on a side issue, although we also have a rehabilitation of Offenders act (came in only I think in the last decade) in PRACTICE it isn't quite the same as in England, because the police computer system has not been modified it doesn't delete the "spent" convictions! I found this out a couple of years ago when I had to obtain one a police report - and I had a "Verbal Caution" for Drunk and Incapable (night in the cells, dressed as Adolf Hitler - real moustache - don't ask!) from many years past show up which I had long since forgotten about. Fortunately my new Contract Employers didn't care.

On a different note, Jersey is semi-independent of the UK as regards immigration and I don't know what powers the UK visa officer has to grant a visa allowing the holder to enter Jersey. It may be that an application is referred to Jersey for approval, but I'd advise checking that out with the visa officer at the embassy in Bangkok.

I am a local yokel - so am familiar with the fact sometimes the Local Authorities act as if we were the last outpost of the Empire!

I intend to have a chat to the Immigration Office down here to find out if their are any additional hurdles - and will post up my findings to add to the Knowledge Tree.

One thing I am hoping is that as she will be heading down here (and not to Benefits land in the UK) this may weigh in our favour in that although the Embassy is also "mine" (I did get a replacement Jersey passport from them years ago) they are in reality for the UK government (who we do not vote for or get funding from OR pay taxes to), so maybe in many respects we will not count / will not potentially be "their" problem.

No Job Seekers allowance / Dole or similar here, if you are "down on your luck" you have to go the "Parish" who MAY give you money, it's purely discretionary! We do however have health benefits akin to the NHS, but this is only paid out on the basis that you have paid INTO the Social Security Fund (pretty much the same as NI - except their IS actually a large pot of money, they don't spend it as they get it on other things!) for a minimum length of time (I think 1 year - but I will be checking). Hopefully it will make "proving" that we will not be living on benefits a bit easier - because their aren't any!

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And the same question for a Gal who is / was a BG / prostitute - is it an automatic refusal for a UK Settlement Visa as my wife if she declares this?

My understanding, which is a few years old, but less than a decade old, is that 'is' is an automatic refusal and that 'was and admits' is not. 'Was but denies' is grounds for refusal, but it seems that it is (or was) a discretionary ground for refusal.

One other thing that should be worrying you is whether you will continue to be employable after marriage. The junkie part would have me worried if I were checking you for financial problems. The bar girl part should be far less worrying - I have heard of someone with TOP SECRET clearance having a wife who was once the 'village prostitute' in a tropical country. He was not keeping that a secret - and I presume the description came from information he revealed to colleagues.

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Not quite "spent" enough for that. Just on a side issue, although we also have a rehabilitation of Offenders act (came in only I think in the last decade) in PRACTICE it isn't quite the same as in England, because the police computer system has not been modified it doesn't delete the "spent" convictions!

"Spent" doesn't mean that the offences are wiped from the computer, but rather that despite being aware of their existence a visa officer cannot take them into account because x amount of time has passed since the offence was committed. I can't remember offhand after how long the various offences are considered spent, but seem to recall that generally it's 5 years, unless it's murder which is never rehabilitated.

Richard is correct, the UK immigration rules still do allow for refusal on the grounds of criminal record, but it is discretionary.


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A bit of additional info.......

Paragraph 320 (18) of the immigration rules states that entry may be refused when:-

"save where the Immigration Officer is satisfied that admission would be justified for strong compassionate reasons, conviction in any country including the United Kingdom of an offence which, if committed in the United Kingdom, is punishable with imprisonment for a term of 12 months or any greater punishment or, if committed outside the United Kingdom, would be so punishable if the conduct constituting the offence had occurred in the United Kingdom"

In other words, if any one of the offences your g/f committed in Thailand could have attracted a term of imprisonment of 1 year or more had they been committed in the UK, then the visa may be refused. Whether she was actually sentenced to 1 year or more is neither here nor there: it's a question of could her actions have attracted such a sentence.

However, you then have to consider the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, details of which can be found here. Should sufficient time have elapsed since her sentencing, then the offences don't need to be declared.

Additionally, the person who considers the application has to take into account any compassionate factors and, if these outweigh the seriousness of the criminal acts, the visa may be issued.

All of the foregoing is based on the assumption that the Jersey I.S. follow the general UK immigration rules.


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My understanding, which is a few years old, but less than a decade old, is that 'is' is an automatic refusal and that 'was and admits' is not.  'Was but denies' is grounds for refusal, but it seems that it is (or was) a discretionary ground for refusal.

I would prefer to go down the "was and admits route" for being a Prossie, it would save trying to explain 20 years of no visible means of support!

She would have a fair stab at being able to PROVE that she is a reformed character cos in addition to me having provided support to her for the last 10 months she has before that and since been doing some paid part time work for the Bangkok Health Authority (I am sure not the actual name) nothing wildly exciting and unfortunately not full time, and ironically she got the work from them knowing her (over many years) as a Prostitute and Junkie (basically they now send her off to talk to students to try and scare them off drug use - and they ONLY do this because they KNOW she is clean, they HAVE been checking as well as of course them knowing how to spot the signs!). She might well be able to get a letter from them confirming this part time work. This is all one of the things I / we will have to mull over / research further, cos it starts opening up the Junkie stuff. I don't want to start confusing anyone at the Embassy by raising things that generate questions best not asked - depending what SHE decides to declare on the forms :D .

One other thing that should be worrying you is whether you will continue to be employable after marriage.  The junkie part would have me worried if I were checking you for financial problems.  The bar girl part should be far less worrying - I have heard of someone with TOP SECRET clearance having a wife who was once the 'village prostitute' in a tropical country.  He was not keeping that a secret - and I presume the description came from information he revealed to colleagues.

Good point. To be honest, in 20 years that was the only time I have ever had my Police record checked by an employer, they are not very sophisticated down here. Half the places I have worked at would probably give Osama a job :D , which is no bad thing cos in my own small way I am contributing to fighting the "War of Terror" (LOL) by jumping on that gravy train. I am not exactly in the "Top Secret" classification. :D It's 9-5 NOT MI5 :D:D (or should that in Jersey be not CI5 :D:D )

On a related point one of the deal breakers which she is very clear on is that if she ever gets mixed up in drugs again, then I will NOT be staying with her - not so much because I disaprove of them or because of the damage it would do to her, but because it would just be "taking the piss" :o But that is a bit off topic.

Cheers guys (BTW I am still reading the Message Board!!!)

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I've just had a butcher's at the relevant instructions, and a settlement application for Jersey can't be decided by a visa officer and does need to be referred to the relevant Channel Island.

Just had a read also. Very interesting. Thanks a lot.

I wonder what "referred to" means in practice? ie will I have to jump through the UK Embassy hoops and ALSO our Jersey "rules" or will the UK Embassy just do what Jersey Immigration people say? One thing I will say is that Jersey has always been afraid of being seen as a "backdoor" into the UK, so I am not expecting them to be easier, just different.

However if it is solely up to Jersey, it could actually be quite useful - as they will understand the situation here work wise and that I can easily support the Missus without "public funds" (LOL). It may even be (I am hoping perhaps a bit too much here!) that MY info can be supplied direct to the Jersey Immigration folk............instead of having to pass from Jersey to the BKK Embassy and then back to Jersey!

I WILL be popping down to see them - they might even be open next week (but I wouldn't bet on it!).

Cheers Scouser.

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Jersey uk,

The Crapauds let everyone in these days don't they ?

Joking aside, coming from Guernsey, i have had experience of a tourist visa application to the ci's. I can't guarantee that Jersey applications are the same as for Guernsey but i'm pretty sure they would be.

The British embassy in BANGKOK has to approve the application first, to see if she meets the basic criteria. They then make a decision. If they approve the application, they will refer their recommendation to Jersey/Guernsey. Apparently, they fax over all the information you present to them. Jersey will then have the final say over whether a visa is granted.

In my case the Uk embassy told my wife they would have given her a UK tourist visa on the same day, but needed to check with Guernsey first. The checking took two weeks but was approved.

Hope this helps...

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The Crapauds let everyone in these days don't they ?

Nowadays it's the Kenyans and Poles who are replacing our "contintental cousins". But strictly no Donkeys :o

Thanks a lot for for the info, I figure it will be pretty much the same, I guess it's no surprise really that it is an extra hurdle, makes sense that the UK folk have to give the OK first. Hopefully this is mainly "just" to make sure all the paperwork is in place and nothing obviously wrong with the application, with them then relying on the Jersey end to give the definative approval or not.

Will be going for a straight Settlement Visa - I want to get her working ASAP both to at least to cover her costs...........Crapauds tight?! :D , but also I figure this will be the best way to help with her language skills and for her to develop her own social circle.

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Jersey, the one piece of advice I can suggest here is that your Mrs uses one of the many agencies around wireless road to process her application or better yet, get a lawyer. I would think if she tried it alone or with friends, you have more chance of Portsmouth winning the FA Cup.

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Jersey, the one piece of advice I can suggest here is that your Mrs uses one of the many agencies around wireless road to process her application or better yet, get a lawyer. I would think if she tried it alone or with friends, you have more chance of Portsmouth winning the FA Cup.


Cheers for the response.

I am however extremely reluctant to use any "agencies" in Thailand (or even a lawyer at this stage). Why? because unless they could guarantee a visa (which from both reading this site and from my experiances in Thailand) I beleive this is highly unlikely - from just a walk in off the street anyway - and that any services are mainly making sure that the forms are filled out correctly with the right back up docs / just a money extraction excercise even if not technically a con.

I figure that with the aid of this website and a bit of experiance with making paperwork look as good as it can be, then I will hopefully stand as good as a chance as anybody. That's all I am after. (possibly naive at this point!)

Whilst it would be great for a first time success, I am prepared for the long haul on this and whilst I am definately not rich :o I am fortunate enough to be in a position work wise where I can spend plenty of time in Thailand, and not just struggle for 2 weeks a year in the LOS, so separation is not a big big issue (although of course I miss her a lot). In any case apart from the age thing (me 39, she 35) after having know each other for a long time we are not exactly going through the "gooey eyed love stuff" - where every hour apart is such a drama :D - I guess in many respects we are a bit like an old married couple already :D

Of course in 2 years time I may reconsider using an Agency. or I will just sail down and get her!

But cheers again for the imput.

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Jersey whilst I commend you for your honesty and integrity, I am not sure in my heart that your willingness to"spill the beans" so openly and quickly is the wise thing to do.

Of course I am not implying that you should lie, but to reveal the darker side of your ladies life, without being prompted to do so seems a more logical approach !!!

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Jersey whilst I commend you for your honesty and integrity, I am not sure in my heart that your willingness to"spill the beans" so openly and quickly is the wise thing to do.

Of course I am not implying that you should lie, but to reveal the darker side of your ladies life, without being prompted to do so seems a more logical approach !!!

I appreciate what you are saying. I am going to have to put a lot of thought into this, before any paperwork starts getting submitted.

From my reading of this Board so far, it seems that former BG is not an automatic refusal, which is just as well cos as I said she doesn't look like a Nun.....but this MAY lead to unwanted questions.

The thing that I am going to have to address is whether we can avoid lying - cos I figure that if we get caught out on this that it ain't going to be exactly helpful and I WOULD understand lying being a cause for a refusal - but if the alternative is a high chance of refusal, it is tempting..........

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Question 7.17 on the visa application form:-

Do you have any criminal convictions in any country?

Do they ever check? Possibly.

Will she be refused if she lies on the application and is caught? Certainly.

Are you going to take the risk?

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Question 7.17 on the visa application form:-

Do you have any criminal convictions in any country?

Do they ever check? Possibly.

Will she be refused if she lies on the application and is caught? Certainly.

Are you going to take the risk?

Which is where the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act comes in to play. Any conviction which is spent according to the terms of that act need not be declared.


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Question 7.17 on the visa application form:-

Do you have any criminal convictions in any country?

Do they ever check? Possibly.

Will she be refused if she lies on the application and is caught? Certainly.

Are you going to take the risk?

This is the million baht question!

Are you going to take the risk?

If it was ME signing the form then I 100% could not risk it - a fraudlent visa application could come back and haunt my pocket.

However If SHE lies about it that is a different matter. But she will of course be 100% relying on me for "advice". I am swinging both ways at the moment (LOL :o ) - but I do not have to make a decision any time soon.

Thanks GU22 for taking the time to spell things out clearly.

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Which is where the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act comes in to play. Any conviction which is spent according to the terms of that act need not be declared.


I had a look at the links you posted previously, unfortunately I do not see her falling under this, not for everything anyway.

When I was having a trawl through old posts I saw a reference to a Farang getting HIS Thai criminal record checked in Bangkok (for his visa application I think), so it seems that this can be checked easily (f#cking computers!).

Next trip (next week!) I will be hunting down the address for the place and getting the Missus to obtain a copy of her record, and will then get it translated and I will have good sit down and see if we can drop her convictions below 7 using the rehab route and then take it from their.

The problem we have is that she long since went past the "Heroin Chic" look and at 35 it has taken a toll on her, and to anyone who knows about this stuff she does still have "Junkie" written all over her.

I am probably making her sound worse than she is! She has her problems and still has plenty of issues, but she is a great person and would be called "a character" in both Thailand and Farangland, which I always like in a woman. Certainly on paper I would not be getting involved and if I had been looking for a wife I probably should have gone for a shy and retiring 21 year old.........who could cook :o:D

And BTW for anyone else reading this we have been down the "health concerns" route already.

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What is the point in lying, so she had a colourful past, neither one of you are niave kids are you & the fact that you know all about her past & are fine with it is a lot more than a lot of guys on here know about their wives or are willing to admit. :o

If you do decide to not tell all then she will live with the risk of being found out & having her visa refused or messing up in Jersey & being kicked out for lying on her original application. If it's anything like the UK residency visa application then she will be fully responsible for providing correct & true information & you wont be able to talk her out of trouble as it's not your application.

When you say she had trips to the monkey house, do you mean she was convicted & sentanced for drug offenses or just arrested & release without charge?

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it is a lot more than a lot of guys on here know about their wives or are willing to admit. :o

Yeah I know. I have met some of them. I always figured it was not up to me to enlighten anyone - and from a purely selfish point of view it meant the gals were quite open with me.

Although a lot of the stuff with the Missus I have seen, she has also admitted a lot of related stuff which she did not need to, once she realised that nothing she would say would make be automatically run away........ and that I was not as green as I am cabbage looking :D - and that nothing she could say would shock me or was anything I didn't know about already in Thailand or had not guessed about her specifically, but was just polite enough to keep quiet about it. Took along time to build up Trust, for both of us (not a 2 week holiday!) - looking back it kinda helped that when we started neither of us wanted or expected anything else than what it was, so their was never a "reason" to lie, just took a long time for us to swap stories and as they say, "it is good to talk". A lot of the stories we have swapped would make us cry, if we weren't laughing so much :D But a lot aren't that easy.

When you say she had trips to the monkey house, do you mean she was convicted & sentanced for drug offenses or just arrested & release without charge?

These are the convictions. Usually 6 months, although she has done around 1 year before. She has been rounded up plenty of times for "just" being on the wrong corner for the periodic clean ups - but I don't think these were more than a "fine", even if also a night in the cells.

The missus tells a great story about when the Thai Plod picked up a Ladyboy during a sweep of the prossies and they didn't realise. The lady checking for drugs nearly had a heart attack. :D

On the honesty front on the Visa, at this stage I am leaning towards disclosing - for the reasons you outlined. On the practical front as we are talking about her last conviction being 2 years ago, with a fair stab at proving she has been clean since then (rather than just having got smarter / luckier!) it would seem a shame to have something "bad" like being caught for lying now - a clean 2 years may not be good enough, but it is at least something to build on.

Anyway, thanks for the response and your interest - I am back in Thailand next week, when my use of the Internet always dries up - but am on a shortest trip ever - only a month (for work reasons), so although this thread will dry up for a while I will be back and things should have moved along a bit - although I am not intending that we make a visa application straightaway.

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Jersey, Annex D gives the "Good Character" requirements for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK. I imagine that the visa requirements are very similar.

Of particular interest:-

Section 3.1 The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 & Rehabilitation of Offenders (N. Ireland) Order 1978

Section 3.4 The "clear" period

Annex D(i) Rehabilitation periods prescribed by the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (as amended) or Rehabilitation of Offenders (N. Ireland) Order 1978

Annex D(ii) "Clear" periods

Scouse, I recently filled in a job application for a government agency (not the IND :o ) and one of the questions was about previous convictions. There was a note saying that convictions which had been spent did not need to be included. This note does not appear on form VAF2. Are you sure that the applicant doesn't have to mention them if, had they been in the UK, they would be spent?

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Jersey whilst I commend you for your honesty and integrity, I am not sure in my heart that your willingness to"spill the beans" so openly and quickly is the wise thing to do.

Of course I am not implying that you should lie, but to reveal the darker side of your ladies life, without being prompted to do so seems a more logical approach !!!

I appreciate what you are saying. I am going to have to put a lot of thought into this, before any paperwork starts getting submitted.

From my reading of this Board so far, it seems that former BG is not an automatic refusal, which is just as well cos as I said she doesn't look like a Nun.....but this MAY lead to unwanted questions.

The thing that I am going to have to address is whether we can avoid lying - cos I figure that if we get caught out on this that it ain't going to be exactly helpful and I WOULD understand lying being a cause for a refusal - but if the alternative is a high chance of refusal, it is tempting..........

this is the u.s. but take it to consideration. My bro's wife from the philippines was rejected after her 2nd interview because she admitted to doing drugs never convicted , but was honest and said yes along time ago

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Scouse, I recently filled in a job application for a government agency (not the IND :o ) and one of the questions was about previous convictions. There was a note saying that convictions which had been spent did not need to be included. This note does not appear on form VAF2. Are you sure that the applicant doesn't have to mention them if, had they been in the UK, they would be spent?

Absolutely sure. The Immigration Directorate Instructions state:-

"It is important to note that a person who has been convicted of any offence which is "spent" under the provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, may not be refused entry on the grounds of that conviction. The provisions of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act are explained in Chapter 32, Section 2 "The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974" of these instructions and the guidance there should be applied as appropriate."


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Interesting reading.

GU22 - Annex D appears to give the "Good Character Requirement" for Naturalisation (acquiring British citizenship). (it's an Annex to Chapter 18)

The "Clear" periods (although not applicable for her) do appear to still be discretionary.

You mention it was also for ILR? are you sure? (obviously we gotta get the 2 year SV first!)

Maybe the requirements for citizenship are higher? I recall that The Harrods owner (Mohamed Al Fayed) has always been refused a British Passport (I presume citizenship) on the basis of Character, although it appears he has ILR (although he may have got this before he was discovered to be of "bad character", but not bad enough to revoke his ILR?)

As I said earlier, I will be having a look at her record when in Bangkok next month - so will know exactly what and when I am dealing with. Might even be the chance of getting a "lawyer" involved to get her record cleaned up. I am not betting on this, but who knows what CAN happen.

My gut feeling on all this from what I have read so far is that if we declare then the Embassy have plenty of scope to refuse, but they could approve it. (who can really argue against the principal of keeping serial drug offenders out of the UK!)

If we do not declare then she should be OK (even as a former BG), unless they check her record. In which case we are well and truly f#cked.

I think I am pretty safe in saying here that she is not the first wife to have applied for a visa with drug convictions, and by the fact that the question does not seem to be a well trodden path here leads me to suspect that folk have just lied about it. Also I am guessing that you folks have not had too many (if any) people posting "We lied on the application form and got caught out - what do we do?".

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