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Thai Analysis: Heading Towards Lawless Society?


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'Heading'? It was, is, and always will be the wild west... well, at last for another five generations or so, by which time all that Thainess will have been diluted away by luk krungs. whistling.gif

Edited by jackr
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'Heading'? It was, is, and always will be the wild west... well, at last for another five generations or so, by which time all that Thainess will have been diluted away by luk krungs. whistling.gif

Definitely is still the wild west - statistically the third most violent country in the world. perhaps the most violent if murder suicides were counted. Just be super polite and never joke with Thai men or their lady friends. Edited by heiwa
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... the cultural values of a society are largely driven and sustained by the spiritual values of the predominant religion(s).

... after 12+ years living and working here, up close and personal, my opinion is the Thai's greed is greater and stronger than the Thai's Buddha.

... Thais are not particularly prepared for self-introspection, especially on an issue as sensitive as the defacto state religion - the unique, Thai-branded Theravada Buddhism ... so, the question of Thais' inferior cultural values might be denied by Thais, and the entire issue uncomfortably avoided in their child-like ways.

... no great moral leader appears on the Thai radar anywhere to inspire and stir in Thais a greater humanity ... no Mahatma Gandhi ... no Aung San Suu Kyi ... no Nelson Mandela ... for that reason, I suspect changes in Thai values will not occur, and Thai cultural values will continue to corrode.

... I have long been preparing my Thai children to leave Thailand, should they decide their quality of life will be better in another nation.

... corruption + incompetence = Thailand ... it is a mathematical certainty.

... so deeply saddening to have to witness this ... I wonder what the Thais' Buddha would say?

"corruption + incompetence = Thailand"

You are saying that Burma. Afghanistan, Sudan and the list goes on are not corrupt +incompetent. You really should read other News Sources besides Thai Visa


... uuuh ... no, hellodolly ... that is not what I said ... what I said, is what I said.

... as you just did, I will not misrepresent your post, or put my words into your mouth ... but ... if you are implying that because other societies are cultural wastelands the same as Thailand, and that I should somehow not critisize Thailand, then maybe you could re-consider ... I really do not understand any rationale for which you are reaching.

... I live in Thailand ... not Burma ... or, Afghanistan ... or, Sudan ... I have children in Thailand, about whose futures I am deeply concerned ... the op-ed about which we are commenting is about Thailand.

Sorry I took it out of text. Here is the whole text.

"corruption + incompetence = Thailand ... it is a mathematical certainty."

Sorry I don't see any room in there for any other country.

So I deduced you didn't know of other countries with corruption + incompetence

Your words not mine.

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... the cultural values of a society are largely driven and sustained by the spiritual values of the predominant religion(s).

... after 12+ years living and working here, up close and personal, my opinion is the Thai's greed is greater and stronger than the Thai's Buddha.

... Thais are not particularly prepared for self-introspection, especially on an issue as sensitive as the defacto state religion - the unique, Thai-branded Theravada Buddhism ... so, the question of Thais' inferior cultural values might be denied by Thais, and the entire issue uncomfortably avoided in their child-like ways.

... no great moral leader appears on the Thai radar anywhere to inspire and stir in Thais a greater humanity ... no Mahatma Gandhi ... no Aung San Suu Kyi ... no Nelson Mandela ... for that reason, I suspect changes in Thai values will not occur, and Thai cultural values will continue to corrode.

... I have long been preparing my Thai children to leave Thailand, should they decide their quality of life will be better in another nation.

... corruption + incompetence = Thailand ... it is a mathematical certainty.

... so deeply saddening to have to witness this ... I wonder what the Thais' Buddha would say?

"corruption + incompetence = Thailand"

You are saying that Burma. Afghanistan, Sudan and the list goes on are not corrupt +incompetent. You really should read other News Sources besides Thai Visa


... uuuh ... no, hellodolly ... that is not what I said ... what I said, is what I said.

... as you just did, I will not misrepresent your post, or put my words into your mouth ... but ... if you are implying that because other societies are cultural wastelands the same as Thailand, and that I should somehow not critisize Thailand, then maybe you could re-consider ... I really do not understand any rationale for which you are reaching.

... I live in Thailand ... not Burma ... or, Afghanistan ... or, Sudan ... I have children in Thailand, about whose futures I am deeply concerned ... the op-ed about which we are commenting is about Thailand.

Sorry I took it out of text. Here is the whole text.

"corruption + incompetence = Thailand ... it is a mathematical certainty."

Sorry I don't see any room in there for any other country.

So I deduced you didn't know of other countries with corruption + incompetence

Your words not mine.

I think Dolly you should remember the old saying "when you find yourself in a hole, stop digging!". Why do you (and so many others) always start comparing and moaning about Western countries whenever a Thai problem is being discussed? This is, after all, THAIvisa, and most of us couldn't care less what the CANADIAN police do, or don't do.

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Have just found out today that giving the finger in Thailand means I <Snip!> your mother and father. It doesn't mean that where I come from. Explains why a German motorcyclist was shot in the head in Chiang Mai some years back when he gave a Thai driver the finger after he cut him of.

I have also found that many of the more than 20,000 gun murders a year are due to a joke seen by the joker as funny but not seen as funny by the recipient of the joke. This is why I guess you find Thai people generally as extremely polite.

It can be quite easy to insult Thais big time by mistake when you are learning the language. A friend of 25 years in Thailand has chosen not to speak to Thai men for the last fifteen years for this reason. I try to avoid it also.

have you considered becoming a hermit?

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Have just found out today that giving the finger in Thailand means I <Snip!> your mother and father. It doesn't mean that where I come from. Explains why a German motorcyclist was shot in the head in Chiang Mai some years back when he gave a Thai driver the finger after he cut him of.

I have also found that many of the more than 20,000 gun murders a year are due to a joke seen by the joker as funny but not seen as funny by the recipient of the joke. This is why I guess you find Thai people generally as extremely polite.

It can be quite easy to insult Thais big time by mistake when you are learning the language. A friend of 25 years in Thailand has chosen not to speak to Thai men for the last fifteen years for this reason. I try to avoid it also.

have you considered becoming a hermit?

Just always remember why some Thais are attracted to farang... and act accordingly as you see fit. Always tell everyone you are poor - and then you will find out who your real friends are - like anywhere. Like anywhere you don't buy friends. Edited by heiwa
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Ok so we do not have the blatant corruption that is plainly obvious in Thailand, but in EVERY Western country (well maybe not Sweeden, Switzerland, Norway and Denmark) the problems are much greater.


According to the FCO the murder rate of Britons in Thailand is 5 times that of Britain.

Thailand has always been far worse than almost anywhere and if the real numbers were available it would be far worse than far worse. It appears the deep South war is doing very well crime wise - only 5,200 killed in 7 years. This is highly commendable when you consider nationally over 20,000 people are killed every year with guns alone. Isn't it obvious - Thailand is at war and has been for a long time. Problem here is many criminals are on police payroll and people are a little bit too sensitive to criticism

Excellent post.

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^^ This is why I just sit back and smile when posters quote statistics from any body concerned with stats gathering in Thailand. These stats can't be trusted. No stats are perfect but which would you tend to trust more?

Stats from an agency which is somehow regulated, perhaps in a modern, open country with freedom of speech, the rule of law and checks and balances to power...


Stats from a third world, utterly corrupt-to-the-bone, totally unmodern, or at best superficially modern, country with superficial, grossly irregularly applied law, and one which has at it's core in society a deep need to save face and a very heavy interest in international tourism from which at least a quarter of its GDP derives?

To me, it's quite obvious that stats furnished by any Thai body or stats which were gathered even by international agencies but necessarily performed in Thailand hold very little weight.

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^^ This is why I just sit back and smile when posters quote statistics from any body concerned with stats gathering in Thailand. These stats can't be trusted. No stats are perfect but which would you tend to trust more?

Stats from an agency which is somehow regulated, perhaps in a modern, open country with freedom of speech, the rule of law and checks and balances to power...


Stats from a third world, utterly corrupt-to-the-bone, totally unmodern, or at best superficially modern, country with superficial, grossly irregularly applied law, and one which has at it's core in society a deep need to save face and a very heavy interest in international tourism from which at least a quarter of its GDP derives?

To me, it's quite obvious that stats furnished by any Thai body or stats which were gathered even by international agencies but necessarily performed in Thailand hold very little weight.

However Thailand is officially Number 3 for gun murders. Poisoning murders - My guess 10,000 to 20,000 a year. Poisonings hard to prove of course.
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However Thailand is officially Number 3 for gun murders. Poisoning murders - My guess 10,000 to 20,000 a year. Poisonings hard to prove of course.

Do you have links to substantiate your facts?


Lame attempt, if you're going to make assertions, back them up instead of spreading unsubstantiated claims across the forum.

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Someone said, there are over 20,000 gunshot killings every year in Thailand. I couldn't believe this number so I did some research and found a source confirming this number. I don't know how reliable this source is, however. It also listed 3,226 car thefts for all of Thailand in the same period of time (2010). If true, that's extremely low.

Here is the source http://www.nationmaster.com/country/th-thailand/cri-crime

As a famous person once said, I trust only those statistics I falsified myself. (And I was right).

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Very interesting experience: everybody must read....


I looked at this link. Every person who ever enters Thailand needs to read this. At first I ignored it - I am very happy I read it in the end. I will not be going to the police again to report crime that's for sure. This link clearly shows there is no law in Thailand.
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