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PM Yingluck Wants Anti-Graft Measures Strengthened


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Yingluck (you little cutie) to have an impact upon graft, corruption, extortion etc you will need to ruthlessly clean out the government first. So, after the house is empty, what then?

Cutie for sure

But would look nicer with a Pearl necklace

that she likes to wear


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Yingluck (you little cutie) to have an impact upon graft, corruption, extortion etc you will need to ruthlessly clean out the government first. So, after the house is empty, what then?

Cutie for sure

But would look nicer with a Pearl necklace

that she likes to wear


Steady, boy, steady...

Edited by micksterbs
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Yingluck (you little cutie) to have an impact upon graft, corruption, extortion etc you will need to ruthlessly clean out the government first. So, after the house is empty, what then?

Cutie for sure

But would look nicer with a Pearl necklace

that she likes to wear


Ooh, you forgot to mention the kneepads...

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After the rigorous take-no-prisoners anti-corruption crusade following the Taksin coup that lead to absolutely nowhere it now seems part of the government of the days standard announcement package. Corruption here is from the top to the bottom with many with their snouts in the trough. It isn't going to change, nor realistically has anyone any desire to change it. Corruption cannot exist with government, government (and all its appendages) is the source of all corruption pure and simple, as government benefits the most there is no desire to change the status quo. Look at all the extra benefits the bureaucracy gets here, keep the created Frankenstein monster happy and onside.

In all fairness though does anyone not think the financial industry in the US is now untouchable, spreading the money, and reaping the rewards in billions out of a completely corrupt and collapsing system? Again government is the problem, not the solution. If you can accept that argument then take it a step further, a smaller, simpler government will steal less, while a massive bureaucratic system will steal anything that isn't nailed down, and their thirst for new taxes in insatiable, too many parasitic snouts at the trough.

I think that her plan to assign a under cover agent in each department will add one more corrupt person to each department.

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You don't understand in Thailand as the Thais put it if you have enough money you can get a discount on your prison term. I am sure Taksin has enough money to get a 2 year discount cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif Seriously this is the way things work here - all Thais know this so applying a Western perspective although commendable holds no water here. Same goes with killing someone. It's all about your background. That's what makes a lot of what Westerners say here superfluous. Jail basically is for people who can not afford to get a discount of so many years as required. Why should Taksin not be entitled to this discount when everyone else is? One must be impartial in handing out discounts. Look at people in high positions who have shot and killed tourists and they have been found guilty in court but they did not spend one day in jail - because they used the discount system. The discount system should apply to everyone to be fair.

Edited by heiwa
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Exactly. Prison is for the great unwashed. Nice people don't really break the law, as such; they are just having a bad day.

Make a donation to the appropriate person, release a few fish and/or birds and look contrite for the camera and all's well.

Edited for typo

Edited by micksterbs
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At the end of the day not a lot changes , so we can all stay here !. Imagine if they were to actually stop corruption , uphold the law , put working cameras in the traffic/speeding cam boxes , arrest and actually charge people for speeding , jumping a light , going down a street the wrong way etc , resulting in fines , penalty points, increased insurance costs etc , hell we might as well go back to the countries we all got out of where most of us were too low in the food chain to be involved in Western Style Corruptuon which is only for the western elite ( politicians and corporations especially )

Yes it is corrupt in Thailand but not just for the Thai Elite

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Chuwit for PM.

He should say "ok, I have enough dirt on all of you to ruin your lives forever. All of that stays in the past and will not be released (unless I die mysteriously) but corruption stops now. Anyone involved in corruption from today will be put on trial for treason"

That might work. Although a lot of the piggies would risk killing him anyway.

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At the end of the day not a lot changes , so we can all stay here !. Imagine if they were to actually stop corruption , uphold the law , put working cameras in the traffic/speeding cam boxes , arrest and actually charge people for speeding , jumping a light , going down a street the wrong way etc , resulting in fines , penalty points, increased insurance costs etc , hell we might as well go back to the countries we all got out of where most of us were too low in the food chain to be involved in Western Style Corruptuon which is only for the western elite ( politicians and corporations especially )

Yes it is corrupt in Thailand but not just for the Thai Elite

Not quite sure what you're getting at here. I think most western expats would be only too glad to see some facets of Thai life more resemble "home". An impartial, professional police force. An independant judiciary. A free press. State health/education that wasn't a complete joke. You make it sound as if we came here due to the absence of these things but maybe I'm simply mis-reading you...

Typo - reason for edit

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Sounds like a perfect way to make sure the graft is controlled from one central clearing house.

Anyone not on the bosses good list gets prevented from getting any,

and anything being syphoned the wrong was sends up flags.

It of course also allows the opposition to be hung out to dry,

or burning those fallen from grace as sacrificial lambs to appearances,

thus giving the impression of a cutting down on graft.

Edited by animatic
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Sounds like a perfect way to make sure the graft is controlled from one central clearing house.

Anyone not on the bosses good list gets prevented from getting any,

and anything being syphoned the wrong was sends up flags.

It of course also allows the opposition to be hung out to dry,

or burning those fallen from grace as sacrificial lambs to appearances,

thus giving the impression of a cutting down on graft.

Ooh, how can you be so cynical?


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I cannot speak for other farangs , but If all the corruption in Thailand was to be commandered by the Elite as it has in the west , who then take my money to impose their big brother ideas on me , tax me to the hilt to give it away to the third world or spend it on bombing people , Then yes I think it would be time to leave Thailand .

The western way has simply not worked , In the uk we have a generation of illiterate innumerate cretins running around the streets either dealing or stealing , when they are caught we don't punish them , we try and cure them with goodwill , parents are not allowed to discipline their children ,

schools are not allowed to discipline the children so nobody does .

I prefer this corrupt society where although I may have to pay a policeman tea money to catch the culprit , that b'tard who robbed me is going to a crap jail for a long time . In the uk I cannot even offer the cops money to come out for a burglary nowadays , and if perchance they trip over the burglar on his 90th offence he can expect a few easy months in a single cell ,with three squares, tv & playstation , and I get to pay for that as well .

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I cannot speak for other farangs , but If all the corruption in Thailand was to be commandered by the Elite as it has in the west , who then take my money to impose their big brother ideas on me , tax me to the hilt to give it away to the third world or spend it on bombing people , Then yes I think it would be time to leave Thailand .

The western way has simply not worked , In the uk we have a generation of illiterate innumerate cretins running around the streets either dealing or stealing , when they are caught we don't punish them , we try and cure them with goodwill , parents are not allowed to discipline their children ,

schools are not allowed to discipline the children so nobody does .

I prefer this corrupt society where although I may have to pay a policeman tea money to catch the culprit , that b'tard who robbed me is going to a crap jail for a long time . In the uk I cannot even offer the cops money to come out for a burglary nowadays , and if perchance they trip over the burglar on his 90th offence he can expect a few easy months in a single cell ,with three squares, tv & playstation , and I get to pay for that as well .

I find myself in agreement with some of what you say about the general malaise that seems to be creeping through the West like a cancer and that was a reasonably-sized part of what brought me to LOS in the first place. But as for "take my money to impose their big brother ideas on me", then I think you'll find Thailand to be a hundred times worse. At least in the UK and the West we have a free press and freedom of speech. You'll struggle to find that in Thailand where newspapers, TV and radio stations are owned and run by the army or their proxies and where one has to be very mindful of lese majeste laws.

I returned to the UK when our daughter was born. We realised that there was no way that state education would even come close to what we wanted for her (my wife and I both taught in Thailand; my wife is Thai) and so we uprooted and came to the UK, imperfections and all.

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Exactly. Prison is for the great unwashed. Nice people don't really break the law, as such; they are just having a bad day.

Make a donation to the appropriate person, release a few fish and/or birds and look contrite for the camera and all's well.

Edited for typo

And...Go and do a month in a Monastery and then visit as many monasteries as you can the following month and the charges you will get off with will not only be corruption, but terrorism and incitement to murder as well!

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Exactly. Prison is for the great unwashed. Nice people don't really break the law, as such; they are just having a bad day.

Make a donation to the appropriate person, release a few fish and/or birds and look contrite for the camera and all's well.

Edited for typo

And...Go and do a month in a Monastery and then visit as many monasteries as you can the following month and the charges you will get off with will not only be corruption, but terrorism and incitement to murder as well!

How could I forget? rolleyes.gif

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At the end of the day not a lot changes , so we can all stay here !. Imagine if they were to actually stop corruption , uphold the law , put working cameras in the traffic/speeding cam boxes , arrest and actually charge people for speeding , jumping a light , going down a street the wrong way etc , resulting in fines , penalty points, increased insurance costs etc , hell we might as well go back to the countries we all got out of where most of us were too low in the food chain to be involved in Western Style Corruptuon which is only for the western elite ( politicians and corporations especially )

Yes it is corrupt in Thailand but not just for the Thai Elite

Not quite sure what you're getting at here. I think most western expats would be only too glad to see some facets of Thai life more resemble "home". An impartial, professional police force. An independant judiciary. A free press. State health/education that wasn't a complete joke. You make it sound as if we came here due to the absence of these things but maybe I'm simply mis-reading you...

Typo - reason for edit

You make it sound like you want it just like you had at home. Only I would bet you would not like the measures they take to raise the money. TAX

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At the end of the day not a lot changes , so we can all stay here !. Imagine if they were to actually stop corruption , uphold the law , put working cameras in the traffic/speeding cam boxes , arrest and actually charge people for speeding , jumping a light , going down a street the wrong way etc , resulting in fines , penalty points, increased insurance costs etc , hell we might as well go back to the countries we all got out of where most of us were too low in the food chain to be involved in Western Style Corruptuon which is only for the western elite ( politicians and corporations especially )

Yes it is corrupt in Thailand but not just for the Thai Elite

Not quite sure what you're getting at here. I think most western expats would be only too glad to see some facets of Thai life more resemble "home". An impartial, professional police force. An independant judiciary. A free press. State health/education that wasn't a complete joke. You make it sound as if we came here due to the absence of these things but maybe I'm simply mis-reading you...

Typo - reason for edit

You make it sound like you want it just like you had at home. Only I would bet you would not like the measures they take to raise the money. TAX

No, not at all; I loved Thailand because it was so totally different. But the examples that Sadoc used, stopping corruption, upholding the law, etc, etc, are issues that I would suggest are quite dear to most expats' hearts and I'm sure that you, like most of us, could cite many examples of corruption and dodgy policing. You can love a country without being blind to its shortcomings just as we do with our own countries.

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The once was a female PM called Ying Luck

Who in the house a policy just couldn't cook.

He friends were bent, and some said daft,

For their daily business included hard graft.

In the end she just didn't give a F...iddle.


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Very rich coming from her, that the only work she has ever done is being a stand-in for her brother, a man that made (or shall we say makes) his fortune by all sorts and manners of graft and corruption.

Now there you have a fruit from a poisoned tree.

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Thailand is built on corruption . Nothing else

Exactly...!!! corruption here is endemic.. it is everywhere, from the smallest and weakest to the biggest and strongest... from politicians to policemen, from Military to monks.... Thai people live and breath corruption... unluckily there is No way out... join the party...

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