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Thaksin Free To Travel To Many Countries: FM Surapong


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Thaksin free to travel to many countries: FM



Combo photo shows Thaksin posing for photos with his daughters and son-in-law in London, UK.

BANGKOK: -- Former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra was free to travel to many countries because they were aware court cases against him were politically motivated, Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul said yesterday.

Surapong said the former PM had travelled to China, Japan, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and India. "I think he will next travel to the United States, soon. Things have returned to normal now," he said.

These countries understood that legal cases against Thaksin came after the coup that overthrew his government in 2006, he said.

The foreign minister said that unlike the previous Democrat-led administration, this government had no policy of seeking Thaksin's extradition to face legal action in Thailand.

"Unlike the last government, we have no time to hunt for one person. Today we look forward with hope [of making] Thailand grow further," he said.

However, Democrat spokesman Chavanont Intarakomalsut said yesterday the current Pheu Thai-led government had no sincerity in enforcing the law against Thaksin, who in 2008 was sentenced by the Supreme Court to two years jail for abuse of power.

"Do not expect this government to take any action against him because Thaksin is pulling strings behind it," Chavanont said.

He said the foreign minister could be regarded as committing dereliction of duty, and he warned the government would face legal action when it was no longer in power.

The Democrat spokesman said Thaksin could travel to any country including Thailand.

"Nobody prohibits Thaksin from returning to Thailand but he just does not want to come now," he said, referring to the fact Thaksin could face jail if he arrived home without first being granted an amnesty.

Meanwhile, Democrat deputy spokesperson Mallika Boonmeetrakul urged state agencies - the National Anti-Corruption Commission, Attorney-General's Office, and Department of Special Investigation - to resume investigation into cases against Thaksin in regard to allegations of corruption and alleged involvement with the unrest and riots in 2010.


-- The Nation 2012-05-01

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Is it 2021 already?

Maybe it has something to do with FM illegally giving the fugitive his Thai passport back? It just goes to show this government is Taksins government and they have no respect for the law or legal rulings.

Edited by MaiChai
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Thailand is clearly a wonderful country, when the Foreign Minister can spare the time, to show such a detailed knowledge and take such an interest in the travel-problems of one ordinary citizen.

Keep repeating ... "It's not all about Thaksin" ... ""It's not all about Thaksin" ... "No really, etcetera ... "

Not questioning your assessment, but at least one can say that Surapong seems to be devoting less of his time to the subject than the Foreign Minister in the last government, the ridiculous little yellow shirt Kasit with whom it was almost be a full time occupation.

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Other countries will tolerate him and feign pleasantries while he is walking around a free man.

If, however, he is nailed to the wall at some point, they'll all kick him in the balls quicker than you can say 'crim' .....

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Thailand is clearly a wonderful country, when the Foreign Minister can spare the time, to show such a detailed knowledge and take such an interest in the travel-problems of one ordinary citizen.

Keep repeating ... "It's not all about Thaksin" ... ""It's not all about Thaksin" ... "No really, etcetera ... "

Not questioning your assessment, but at least one can say that Surapong seems to be devoting less of his time to the subject than the Foreign Minister in the last government, the ridiculous little yellow shirt Kasit with whom it was almost be a full time occupation.

Well that wins today's prize for stating the bleeding obvious. We all expected "Renfield" Surapong to avoid having his criminal cousin, to whom he owes his position (having SFA qualifications except for sycophancy), to face the conviction and other serious charges his country has laid against him. I just hope that he realises that some time in the future he may end up sharing a cell with him, and guess who gets to be Momma.

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What else does a greedy capitalist like Thaksin got to do. Its funny how your own country isn't good enough for your own daughter to live in. If this was china you'd have already been shot and disposed of along time ago.

I'd say shortly after he wrote the specs for a police computer contract and the CoP (his wife's father) awarded him the contract. Some countries view that a little differently than Thailand.

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I wish our FM would get on with promoting Thailand abroad rather than Thaksin, all this laundering of Thaksin's dirty image in clean countries, pictures in Facebook and all is getting tiresome. The poor who cannot fathom someone flying all the way to London to pose in front of a London bus just to thumb his nose at the law, fall for this ruse but we do not!

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It shows the power of throwing huge amounts of money at a massive,

world-wide, Public Relations Campaign, to 'modify the perceptions'

of bureaucrats, all too busy to really care about Thailands internal problems.

Basically after buying himself a new government, he has made sure his cousin, the FM,

sent copious 'official documents' saying all is forgiving as far as THIS government is concerned.

Since the correspondent governments want commerce and cooperation to continue as their proprity,

they are just going along with it. Just follow the money and you'll find why his world has opened up.

How much money was spent by the Abhisit government tracking down Thaksin whilst lying to the entire Thai public that an arrest warrant had been raised and interpol were were ready to arrest him. He sent two representatives to the UAE to discuss "extradition" and that is just one instance. Perhaps Abhisit was being clever and keeping the imbecile Kasit busy so that he couldn't do too much damage to Thai foreign relations.

By the way this "bought" government you and your peers are always going on about. Is the Election Commission aware of it? It seems not as apart from one or two instances I don't believe there have been red cards issued or parties being dissolved so I guess everything was OK.

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It shows the power of throwing huge amounts of money at a massive,

world-wide, Public Relations Campaign, to 'modify the perceptions'

of bureaucrats, all too busy to really care about Thailands internal problems.

Basically after buying himself a new government, he has made sure his cousin, the FM,

sent copious 'official documents' saying all is forgiving as far as THIS government is concerned.

Since the correspondent governments want commerce and cooperation to continue as their proprity,

they are just going along with it. Just follow the money and you'll find why his world has opened up.

How much money was spent by the Abhisit government tracking down Thaksin whilst lying to the entire Thai public that an arrest warrant had been raised and interpol were were ready to arrest him. He sent two representatives to the UAE to discuss "extradition" and that is just one instance. Perhaps Abhisit was being clever and keeping the imbecile Kasit busy so that he couldn't do too much damage to Thai foreign relations.

By the way this "bought" government you and your peers are always going on about. Is the Election Commission aware of it? It seems not as apart from one or two instances I don't believe there have been red cards issued or parties being dissolved so I guess everything was OK.

Financially nothing compared to Thaksins costs trying to make it appear irrelevant.

Which was his only available external tactic. The internal one was to swamp the northern areas with propaganda from his political machine, which had not been co-opted or dismantlled.

It's pretty clear the Election Commission is aware of it.

But so far have not been able to catch them doing it enough to bring it down.

Edited by animatic
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It shows the power of throwing huge amounts of money at a massive,

world-wide, Public Relations Campaign, to 'modify the perceptions'

of bureaucrats, all too busy to really care about Thailands internal problems.

Basically after buying himself a new government, he has made sure his cousin, the FM,

sent copious 'official documents' saying all is forgiving as far as THIS government is concerned.

Since the correspondent governments want commerce and cooperation to continue as their proprity,

they are just going along with it. Just follow the money and you'll find why his world has opened up.

How much money was spent by the Abhisit government tracking down Thaksin whilst lying to the entire Thai public that an arrest warrant had been raised and interpol were were ready to arrest him. He sent two representatives to the UAE to discuss "extradition" and that is just one instance. Perhaps Abhisit was being clever and keeping the imbecile Kasit busy so that he couldn't do too much damage to Thai foreign relations.

By the way this "bought" government you and your peers are always going on about. Is the Election Commission aware of it? It seems not as apart from one or two instances I don't believe there have been red cards issued or parties being dissolved so I guess everything was OK.

Financially nothing compared to Thaksins costs trying to make it appear irrelevant.

Which was his only available external tactic. The internal one was to swamp the northern areas with propaganda from his political machine, which had not been co-opted or dismantlled.

It's pretty clear the Election Commission is aware of it.

But so far have not been able to catch them doing it enough to bring it down.

In that case how much has Thaksin spent? You must know as you say it is more than the previous government spent.

How is it "clear that the Election Commission is aware of it" - have they come out and said so, texted you, what?

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How is it "clear that the Election Commission is aware of it" - have they come out and said so, texted you, what?

Oh c'mon, that really is feeble.... you don't see any of them walking around tapping with white sticks do you.

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How is it "clear that the Election Commission is aware of it" - have they come out and said so, texted you, what?

Oh c'mon, that really is feeble.... you don't see any of them walking around tapping with white sticks do you.

Well if it so obvious that the PTP "bought" the election why haven't they acted, they certainly haven't been backward coming forward the last couple of times.

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By the way this "bought" government you and your peers are always going on about. Is the Election Commission aware of it? It seems not as apart from one or two instances I don't believe there have been red cards issued or parties being dissolved so I guess everything was OK.

Yes, the Election Commission is probably aware of it... they were bought, too. If you sincerely believe the law is practiced fairly here, I'll buy the shovel for you to get your head un-buried out of the sand. When the former PM -- for whom there remains a valid arrest warrant -- dials in to meetings of the State and no one bothers to even vaguely try to hide this fact... do you really think there is justice being done? Instead, the PM's spokespeople threaten to sue journalists for asking "difficult questions". Guess what? Running a country is a hard job! And it takes tough-nosed people to do it! Sure JFK was handsome and his smile won him many votes and latitude from the press corps. But Bay of Pigs did happen... and he did make tough decisions. Reagan did stare down Gorbachev. Bush/Obama did hunt down bin Laden. I think the hardest thing Yingluck might do is choose between YSL, Dior or Burberry when deciding on what handbag to carry on her six-hour trip to the unsettled southern provinces!

Edited by americaninbangkok
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How much money was spent by the Abhisit government tracking down Thaksin whilst lying to the entire Thai public that an arrest warrant had been raised and interpol were were ready to arrest him. He sent two representatives to the UAE to discuss "extradition" and that is just one instance. Perhaps Abhisit was being clever and keeping the imbecile Kasit busy so that he couldn't do too much damage to Thai foreign relations.

By the way this "bought" government you and your peers are always going on about. Is the Election Commission aware of it? It seems not as apart from one or two instances I don't believe there have been red cards issued or parties being dissolved so I guess everything was OK.

You must have a "But Abhisit...!" key in your keyboard.

Well I can't remember the name of the last democrat party PM, it's that long ago.

Seriously, though, it really is difficult to not refer to abhisit - he is after all the leader of the nearest opposition to the PTP and he is the one with a lot to say for himself, if not act upon - it kind of goes with the territory of discussing politics in Thailand. Do you have any other suggestions.................

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Thaksin free to travel to many countries: FM

" now that I have personally requested visas for him in those countries."

A not insignificant aspect of the cousin's malarkey rhetoric.

Infinitely easier to obtain a visa from a country when the requester for the visa is a Foreign Minister (such as the first foray of Thaksin's, after the election, to Japan).

When other nations witness that the Foreign Minister is so beholding to a family member that he prepares and hand delivers a replacement passport to the individual like a common courier, it's not surprising their diplomatic missions are more accommodating to that person receiving such level of customer service from the current administration.


Edited by Buchholz
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By the way this "bought" government you and your peers are always going on about. Is the Election Commission aware of it? It seems not as apart from one or two instances I don't believe there have been red cards issued or parties being dissolved so I guess everything was OK.

Yes, the Election Commission is probably aware of it... they were bought, too. If you sincerely believe the law is practiced fairly here, I'll buy the shovel for you to get your head un-buried out of the sand. When the former PM -- for whom there remains a valid arrest warrant -- dials in to meetings of the State and no one bothers to even vaguely try to hide this fact... do you really think there is justice being done? Instead, the PM's spokespeople threaten to sue journalists for asking "difficult questions". Guess what? Running a country is a hard job! And it takes tough-nosed people to do it! Sure JFK was handsome and his smile won him many votes and latitude from the press corps. But Bay of Pigs did happen... and he did make tough decisions. Reagan did stare down Gorbachev. Bush/Obama did hunt down bin Laden. I think the hardest thing Yingluck might do is choose between YSL, Dior or Burberry when deciding on what handbag to carry on her six-hour trip to the unsettled southern provinces!

They were bought too...............?

It seems that Thaksin obviously did not have enough money to buy them off previously but now he has. Yes that's convinced me.


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You're very easily pleased coffee1.gif

"Well I can't remember the name of the last democrat party PM, it's that long ago."

And you have a poor memory.

Perfect for forgetting election promises.

Now let's see which ones have come true... go ahead... I'll wait... just start listing away... I'll give you some time...

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You're very easily pleased coffee1.gif

"Well I can't remember the name of the last democrat party PM, it's that long ago."

And you have a poor memory.

Perfect for forgetting election promises.

Now let's see which ones have come true... go ahead... I'll wait... just start listing away... I'll give you some time...

I'm sorry, I honestly cannot remember the name of a democrat PM from 20 years ago but can still function in society.

You can list as many election promises as you like but this really isn't the thread to do it, the OP is

"Thaksin free to travel to many countries : FM Surapong"

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Loved to have been on that London Bus at photo to tell the Crook what I thought of him, We all know who's the driver.of the Thailand bus going downhill.

Just imagine a government who doesnt even back the judiciary to extradite a criminal, Sick country Thailand


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By the way this "bought" government you and your peers are always going on about. Is the Election Commission aware of it? It seems not as apart from one or two instances I don't believe there have been red cards issued or parties being dissolved so I guess everything was OK.

Yes, the Election Commission is probably aware of it... they were bought, too. If you sincerely believe the law is practiced fairly here, I'll buy the shovel for you to get your head un-buried out of the sand. When the former PM -- for whom there remains a valid arrest warrant -- dials in to meetings of the State and no one bothers to even vaguely try to hide this fact... do you really think there is justice being done? Instead, the PM's spokespeople threaten to sue journalists for asking "difficult questions". Guess what? Running a country is a hard job! And it takes tough-nosed people to do it! Sure JFK was handsome and his smile won him many votes and latitude from the press corps. But Bay of Pigs did happen... and he did make tough decisions. Reagan did stare down Gorbachev. Bush/Obama did hunt down bin Laden. I think the hardest thing Yingluck might do is choose between YSL, Dior or Burberry when deciding on what handbag to carry on her six-hour trip to the unsettled southern provinces!

They were bought too...............?

It seems that Thaksin obviously did not have enough money to buy them off previously but now he has. Yes that's convinced me.


Certain people in the EC do swing with the wind. It is just not worth it if they rock the boat. Not all but certainly some.

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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