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Ministry Of Communication And Technology Is At It Again


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I think the ICT wants to prevent twitter users from getting news so quickly by blocking the shortened links...

I am blocked by "l.yimg.com", which is Yahoo to upload more whatever photos, cannot alter text ("an error occured") with the photos or go to their "help"-page. (which for certain cases is useless by the way).

Curious if ICT blocked already the television-reports of Voice TV Thailand, Al Jazeera, DNN (Asia Update) and Speedhorse TV, including in the mean time several reports in the Bangkok Post and The Nation..........................................

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My YahhoMail was unblocked for 2 days just as I was about to talk to the provider, now it's been blocked again for 2 days straight. Weird.

As, after a couple of hours, the problem has been solved, even with the Flickr-link "l.ying.com" I think that they are uncontrolled messing around and Flickr (Yahoo) is following their instructions.

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I think, we will face temporary, m3.mict.go.th on any shortened link messages that are posted on either facebook, twitter or elsewhere, more often,...

... I mean even though I have no problems at the moment,... it can happen again... ANY TIME...

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