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500 Baht 256k Broadband In Thailand Next Month


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I'm on the TA package - 1024/512 speed with about 55 hours per month for about 2300, it was some package that they upgraded me too because I was averaging maybe 7,000 baht pm on their 512/256 - I have to say that the DL speed is pretty consistent and it's ###### fast. But it's still a bit pricey. I was going to go with Pacific Internet because they offered an unlimited 512/256 package for about 10,000 a month - no more having to shut my modem down and worry about running over my limit! Onlyproblem is that they want me to get a TOT # - I've been hesitating because a lot of posts on this forum have hinted that TOT is a bit slow - especially when compared with TA. Is TOT really that slow?

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It's slow and very often I get a - page cannot be displayed, asif I'm not connected to the internet at all.

This morning it seems faster - might have something to do with time of day etc

But hey, at 5/600 baht per month for always on with unlimited international - I'll grin and bear it :o

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Guest chingy

i was with TA dial-up service and it cost me around 4-6 hundred baht a month including isp, now that ToT offer DSL for almost the same price as my dial-up, i have nothing to loose. yes ToT belong to the govern.. and who know what going on, im pretty sure atleast its faster than 49kbps lol,

paying 10k baht = $250US for dsl is a little to much don't you think, doesn't matter what package they offer, lets be real.

i can do alots with that 10k baht lol

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Believe U me, I wouldn't shell out that kind of loot for DSL. My company is paying for it so I don't really care at this point. I do want to get unlimited though and it's going to come out of my own pocket. Wiring up my condo to share Internet between 2 floors just as a little project. So cost will be an issue for me for the Unlimited. I'd hook it up to my existing line with TA but it's a limited package and when the DSL bill for 50,000 baht a months comes out, I doubt that they'd pay for it :o

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Some of the Linksys equipment has an ADSL modem built-in. For example, the wireless (802.11a/b/g) access points

What do you think of Wireless-G Broadband Gateway - 802.11g 4-port Router/Print Server by IOGEAR.

It doesn't appear to me that the IOGEAR kit has a built-in ADSL modem. And I don't recall seeing this brand (IOGEAR) in Thailand. Are you able to find it here?

Also, nowhere on the web page you mention does IOGEAR use the term "WiFi". "WiFi" means the product has passed interoperability testing, and is guaranteed to work with WiFi certified cards from any vendor. Because the IOGEAR kit is not WiFi certified, it may have difficulty working with non-IOGEAR cards. If for whatever reason you really like this kit, I suggest you get the vendor to confirm WiFi certification.

This may be less important if it is intended to serve a closed user group over which you can stipulate that IOGEAR 802.11 client cards will be used.

If it was me, I would demand WiFi certification. But that's me. The reason is that WiFi certified kit is widely available, very affordable, and gives you more flexibility. Also, some of the WiFi kit (D-Link for sure, others probably) can give double throghput if the AP and client card are from the same vendor. But cards from other vendors are nonetheless supported.


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Guest chingy
Believe U me, I wouldn't shell out that kind of loot for DSL. My company is paying for it so I don't really care at this point

since you put it that way, by all mean max it out lol, i love it when company pay.


i still haven't have a chance to go buy the dsl modem yet, i'll try to get it this saturday or sunday, try use it late at night and download big file ands see how fast it is, it should be faster since no bottle neck.

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TT&T had a promotion last weekend in Chiang Mai at Airport Plaza. They worked in conjunction with Ji-net, Loxley and CAT. CAT offered unlimited 128/64 for 999 baht per month, all inclusive. The modem was free but I don't know about an installation fee or if there's a one year contract required. I chose Ji-net. Their package was 3500 per month, all inclusive, for unlimited 256/128 with 50 MB mailbox and included the modem. No service charge but had to sign a one year contract.

I've been using CSLoxley's ITV for over a year and have had really mixed service. I'll keep everyone posted on the differences I find between the two.

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PlanetMan wrote :
Some of the Linksys equipment has an ADSL modem built-in. For example, the wireless (802.11a/b/g) access points

which ones exactly (model numbers)?

Well, darn, maybe I'm wrong aboput Linksys. It appears from the Linksys web site that to have WiFi and a modem one must purchase 2 separate boxen. E. G., the BEFCMU10 (cable/DSL modem) and WRT54G (WiFi router/AP).

If a LAN is available rather than a cable or DSSL modem, then the WRT54G would suffice all by itself.

NetGear does have a combined box, though. The DG834G. "Combines modem, router, switch, 802.11g access point, and SPI True Firewall." Might have to order from US, HK or Singapore. NetGear has

I'll post others is I find them.


I picked up an SMC Barricade 7804WBRA at Pantip a couple of weeks ago, and so far I've had no problems.

802.11b/g, 4 port 10/100 Ethernet Switch and built in ADSL modem.

Only issue I had was that it didn't ship with any filters/splitters, so I had to pick up those separately.

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The TOT service was down earlier this week for more than 24 hours. Apparently they were experiencing problem with their fibre optic lines, so no internet access. There were some other short term outages as well, but as I said before, for 600 baht, you cannot go wrong.

Actually I have not received an invoice for the service yet and been connected for more than a month? Anybody else had to pay yet?

The Dlink 500G modem is also performing very well and best of all, it has the built in firewall.

Anybody with always on connections, a hardware firewall is highly recommended, in fact in my book it is a must.

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Guest chingy
The TOT service was down earlier this week for more than 24 hours. Apparently they were experiencing problem with their fibre optic lines, so no internet access. There were some other short term outages as well, but as I said before, for 600 baht, you cannot go wrong.

yea i got that too.

I think it come with the phone bill, for mine that is, i went down there and pay for the phone bill and pay for adsl also

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I'm up in Chiang Mai and I have been stopping in at both the TOT and TT&T offices at Airport Shopping Plaza where they both have a demo for their ADSL to check it out. I am not sure if the TOT is the 500 baht per month 256 kbps or the 600 baht per month 512 kbps hookup as the girls that work there don't know. The TT&T is the 999 baht per month 2MBPS divided by 50 if all 50 user are online.

Here are the download speeds that I got today at about 2 PM from the same US site. These aren't speed test sites but a download from one of the biggest sites in the US eBay.

TOT download speed was at about 24 kbps

TT&T download speed was at about 4 kbps, about the same as I get with my very slow but reliable 340 baht per month always on dial up.

Just surfing TOT seemed to be faster, but I don't think that TOT has hooked up to as many subscribers yet as TT&T has. I know that TOT is just getting the ADSL system set up in Chaing Mai at this time.

If anybody out there is using TOT in Chiang Mai I would like to know how it is working for you as I think that is the way I will go.

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I'm up in Chiang Mai and I have been stopping in at both the TOT and TT&T offices at Airport Shopping Plaza where they both have a demo for their ADSL to check it out.

Did they give you the complete demo at TT&T? Did they remember to include the part about having day time download speeds of 20Kbps? What about the part about not being able to get above 250Kbps even if no one else is online because the system doesn't work well on VCI 66? Or the bit about sending half a dozen guys to your house over the course of a month who all have no idea what to do? And did they inform you that 'Sir, you're better off with Chiang Mai Internet if you want a reliable connection', which cost 2000 baht more, but is no better than TSpeed?

I've given up on DSL in Chiang Mai. Toxin and his 'IT cities'....

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