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Ubon Hash House Harriers Run No 48 - Friday 6Th July - Bar Trail


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A change of mode for this month's hash 'run':

Bar runs are embedded in Hash house harrier culture (there are even some hashes who devote themselves to the art!). So this month we will:

Meet at Wrong Way bar/cafe (Phadaeng Road in Central Ubon) on Friday evening 6th July - NOTE THE CHANGE OF DAY FROM OUR NORMAL SATURDAY. Start time 7:30 pm. A trail will be laid taking in a number of drinking establishments - not just the falang ones. Hash shirts are required unless you are a virgin or visitor.

No running is involved for a bar 'run', unless you need the exercise. Since it is a marked trail you can catch it up at any time. I might even leave a map at the Wrong Way.

Everyone is welcome - no skills required as training will be given!


Flash Git (Hare)

Coming UP:

Run No 49 - Saturday 4 August - likely to be in SiSaket town - a normal 'run' but linked with an exploration of the local night life. Accomodation for out of towners will be recommended in due course. Sisaket-ites especially welcome - no experience necessary

Run No 50 - 50th anniversary run. Saturday 1 September. Location likely to be Ubon area. Aniversary hash shirt (free or subsidised) and food likely to be involved.


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Dates are noted in my calender SantiSuk.

Will definately be there on Friday to warm up for the Saturday's farm meet, and will most likely attend the 2 others as well! biggrin.png

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